26th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— September 30th, 2012 SOMETHING TO PONDER………… First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29 Second Reading: James 5:1-6 Gospel Reading: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 The disciples were scandalized by an outsider curing in Jesus' name. To the Jew of Jesus' time, a name revealed the power and purpose of the person; to invoke the name of Jesus meant to tap into his healing power. But use of the name had a price; to use a name meant the one invoking it had a relationship to the person, the power, and the movement the name represented. On these grounds, John objects to the outsider healing in Jesus' name. John's question seems to say: ‘How dare he! This outsider should be one of us!’ MASS INTENTIONS October 1, 2012 – October 7, 2012 Monday: 8:00am - +Douglas D’Silva 7:00pm - +Sunil Somatissa Tuesday: 8:00am -+Antonio Vella 7:00pm –+Rosa Tadesco Wednesday: 8:00am – Alice & Benedict Fernando 7:00pm - +Antonio Moretti Thursday: 8:00am – In honour of St. St. Francis 7:00pm - + Rosa Cirillo Friday: 8:00am – +Sita Sousa 7:00pm – +John Murphy Saturday: 8:30am - +Antonietta Cassella 5:00pm - +William & Anne Goulden +Dorina Zappa & Souls in Purgatory Sunday: 9:00am - For the community of OLA 10:30am -+Giacomo Quatrocchiochi 12:00pm - +Maria Fernandes Marques Jesus turned the objection to the question of discipleship. No matter how small the kind act, no one who did good in the name of Jesus should be stopped. In fact, anyone who did not oppose Jesus and his movement were considered potential friends and benefactors. (This outward world view allowed Christianity to grow rapidly. Anyone was a potential Christian.) Friendship began with a simple kindness. A benefactor relationship began with a single act of charity. The good others did for Christ and his fol- Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada lowers did matter! Each year, Catholics are invited to collaborate with their Bishops through the annual Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada. This collection is PARISH PICTURES DIRECTORY: being held today in parishes across the country. To book an appointment to have your portrait taken. The dates are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday October 1st to October 5th from 2:30 to 8:30 pm, Saturday, October 6th from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and Tuesday, October 9th from 2:30 to 8:30 pm. Committee members will be available to assist you after all weekend masses. NO OBLIGATION TO PAY TO HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN! AND RECEIVE A FREE BOOKLET! PLEASE BOOK AHEAD “YEAR OF FAITH” Marian Pilgrimage: LISBON – SANTAREM – NAZARE – FATIMA – COIMBRA – PORTO – SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA - COVADONGA – LOURDES – LISIEUX – PARIS September 20th-October 4th, 2013. BOOK AHEAD -TIME AND SPACE ARE LIMITED If you are interested, please see, Fr. Lorenzo or Silvana Morra at 4165794798, Book ahead seats are limited. Flyers are available at the lobby. Throughout 2012, many important events are taking place in the Church: the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, the canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, the 50th anniversary celebrations of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, as well as the launching of the Year of Faith by Pope Benedict XVI. The Bishops of Canada are closely connected to all of these events, which are occasions to gather in unity and communion. Your contribution to the Collection for the Needs of the Church in Canada will support the Bishops in their ministry to teach, sanctify and govern. The effectiveness of the Church's existing services to fulfil its mission in this world and provide spiritual leadership is involved. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION Please pick-up the registration forms at the back of the church after Sunday Masses or in the parish office. 26th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— September 30th, 2012 PAULINE BOOK & MEDIA FAIR. LIFE CHAIN: You are invited—to LIFE CHAIN on Sun- Our Lady of the Airways Parish will be having a Pauline Book & Media Fair brought to us by the Daughters of St. Paul. They will be here before and after the weekend Masses on October 6th and 7th. Everyone is invited to browse and purchase from an excellent selection of Catholic books, music CD’s, and DVD movies from the Pauline Book & Media Centre in Toronto. This will be great opportunity to get something inspirational to listen, watch, or read to help you on your spiritual journey. day, September 30th from 2:30—3:30 pm. This is an hour of prayerful, peaceful, silent witness that challenges our society with the truth that: : ABORTION KILLS CHILDREN” and that “JESUS FORGIVES AND HEALS”. XXVI DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO Chi non è contro di noi è per noi. Se la tua mano ti è motivo di scandalo, tagliala. The Saturday 5.00 pm Children's choir is open to all boys and girls, grade 2 an up. Parents, if your child is interested in joining the choir, please call Monica Perera at 905-794-7772. L’itinerario di Gesù verso Gerusalemme è un susseguirsi di insegnamenti e raccomandazioni; una specie di manuale catechetico, che serve da continuo confronto per la fede, ancora solo incipiente, dei discepoli. L’interrogativo posto da uno di loro: “Abbiamo visto uno che scacciava i demoni... ma non era dei nostri” descrive bene il rigido schematismo dentro cui, loro come noi, vorremmo imprigionare la libertà dello Spirito, che soffia sempre dove e come vuole. Non siamo noi cristiani i padroni della salvezza, donataci da Cristo. Sia pure avendo responsabilità e modalità diverse in seno alla Chiesa, noi cristiani abbiamo solo il compito di far incontrare, tra di noi e agli altri, con la nostra testimonianza, la nostra parola e le nostre opere, la persona di Cristo. La consapevolezza della gratuità del dono di Cristo ci obbliga a valorizzare tutto ciò che, nel mondo, fa presagire e manifesta la sua presenza redentrice, perché Cristo, unico ad avere una risposta esauriente all’inquietudine presente nel cuore dell’uomo, può inviare lo Spirito Santo a illuminare il cuore di ogni persona. Il nostro desiderio più profondo dovrebbe essere quello di Mosè, quando ha esclamato: “Fossero tutti profeti nel popolo di Dio e volesse il Signore dare loro il suo spirito!”. DINNER AND DANCE Non Dimenticate ALL SINGERS & MUSICIANS ARE INVITED! The Sunday 12 O'clock choir is looking for singers, all voices, no experience necessary to join our choir. We are also in need of musicians (especially piano and guitar). If you are interested or your older child is interested or can play an instrument, call Francis Fernandes : 905 792 8061 | email : [email protected]. Choir Members Needed: "All God's Children Can Sing" Saturday, October 20, 2012!. All parishioners and friends are invited to The Autumn Dinner Dance in our Parish Hall, You will enjoy good food, music for all, and good company! Cost per person: Adults $45.00, children up to 12 years old $20.00 All proceeds will go into our church maintenance fund. The Poor Box: There is a St. Vincent de Paul poor box near every entrance/exit door of our parish. With the money that you place into the box, our members are able provide food and vouchers to the poor in the Malton area, mostly single moms with children. A portion of this money also supports our annual “back-to school” program which is so greatly appreciated by the families we serve. Please remember the poor when you come to Sunday Mass, and thank you for your generosity. VOCATION: Today's readings speak of the gifts of prophesy and of casting out demons. nIf you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Hansoo [email protected]. 416-968-0997. email: voca- di fare un’appuntamento per il vostro ritratto. Le date disponibili sono: Lunedi, Martedi, Mercoledi, Giovedi e Venerdi, 1 - 5 Ottobre, dalle 2:30 alle 8:30 pm, Sabato, 6 Ottobre dalle 9:30 am fino alle 2:30 pm, e Martedi, 9 Ottobre dalle 2:30 alle 8:30 pm. Membri del comitato saranno a vostra disposizione per darvi ulteriore informazioni, dopo le messe della fine settimana. Sabato, 20 Ottobre 2012, per la Festa D’Autunno nella nostra parrocchia. Ricca cena, buona musica e buona compagnia. Tutti i parrocchiani ed amici sono invitati a partecipare. Costo: Adulti $45.00, bambini al di sotto di 12 anni $20.00. Il ricavato sará devoluto al mantenimento della nostra chiesa. Please pray for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: How are we doing ? Sunday Collection $ 5, 692 Thank you so much for your continued support!