PARISH NEWSLETTER The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR B SUNDAY MASS TIMES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 9380 1023 PHONE 9388 8144 FAX [email protected] EMAIL ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: 5 JULY 2015 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy. To you have I lifted up my eyes, you who dwell in the heavens: my eyes, like the eyes of slaves on the hand of their lords. Like the eyes of a servant on the hand of her mistress, so our eyes are on the Lord our God till he show us his mercy. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy. We are filled with contempt. Indeed all too full is our soul with the scorn of the rich, with the proud man’s disdain. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he sent me to bring Good News to the poor. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER VARIOUS NEEDS 1I RECENTLY DECEASED Leonardo Catoggio of Garton Street, Frank Kovacs, Jean Warren ANNIVERSARIES Vincenzo Pisani, Margaret Bennett, Laura Maria Mosca, Vincenzo Sipione, Silvio Galea BREAKING FROM EXPECTATIONS I recommend viewing the film ‘Billy Elliott’ in which a youngster found that his body ‘went electric’ when he danced. To give expression to this, he had to break from the expectations of his family in a decaying mining town in the north of England. ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUNDAY On this Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday we pray for the First Australians, for whom this land is so sacred. The theme, ‘We all Stand on Sacred Ground’ encourages us to learn, respect and celebrate the rich culture of the indigenous peoples of this land. Jesus had a similar experience. His home town of Nazareth wanted to keep him in the box they could deal with: ‘the carpenter’s son’. But he was aware of a divine dynamism which welled up from the depths of who he was and it had to find expression in ‘mighty works’. So he left Nazareth, never to return. AWAY FOR A WEEK Fr Michael will be taking a mid-year break and will be away from the parish for a week, including next weekend. We wish him a restful holiday. During his absence, Fr Vinh will be celebrating all the parish Masses. Each person has a unique identity and role conceived by God. Of course, we must be careful not to stifle it in others. But, first, we must try to discern what it is for ourselves. Why was I loved into existence just now, and not in the third or the twenty-third century? The cosmos as desired by God will be incomplete if I let others dictate who I am. God’s plan of salvation history will be disrupted if I don’t fulfil the role he wants me to play. We could take a moment to pray for certain gifts of the Holy Spirit; understanding and wisdom to be enlightened as to one’s unique identity and role, and then courage to persevere against the odds, perhaps confounding the expectations of others, so as to go on and perform his ‘mighty works’. Fr Michael Tate PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH APPEAL This weekend is the annual Propagation of the Faith Appeal, supporting the work of Catholic missionaries around the world. This year’s theme is: ‘I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.’ (Mt 25: 35) By supporting the appeal today, you are helping provide clean water to the children of Madagascar. WEEKDAY MASS TIMES FOR THIS WEEK Tuesday – Wednesday: 9.15am at Our Lady’s Thursday—Saturday: 10.00am at St Ambrose’s Communion Services will be celebrated at the church where there is no weekday Mass. THANKSGIVING ENVELOPES For those who forgot to pick up their envelopes last weekend, for those who were away last weekend and for those who have newly subscribed to the envelope system, please collect your new envelopes from the church table after Mass. PARISH MARKET DAY In last Sunday’s newsletter there was an insert that gave us information about how we can help prepare for the Parish Market Day (fete) on 21 November. Thank you to those who have already offered their support. There are more forms on the church table for those who would still like to offer to help. Just fill in a form and place it in the box on the church table. FIRST SUNDAY CUPPA After the 10.30am Mass this weekend everyone is invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits and cake. This is a regular event on the first Sunday of the month, and gives people an opportunity to meet and talk with one another. Come along to St Ambrose’s Community Centre after Mass. All welcome! PRE-LOVED GOODS NEEDED Every Thursday, the parish Foodbank holds a market stall to raise funds for the running of the Foodbank. If you have any bric-a-brac or clothing you no longer need, please bring it along to the parish and it will help support this worthy cause. PROJECT COMPASSION TAX RECEIPTS There are still some tax receipts to be collected from the sacristy. If you requested a tax receipt for your donation to Project Compassion this year, your receipt is ready to be collected. CRAFT GROUP ON FRIDAY The parish Craft Group, will gather this Friday 10 July. If you would like to help with making things for the Parish Market Day, please come along to St Ambrose’s Community Centre from 11.00am – 12.30pm. LAUDATO SI’ Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Laudato Si’: On the Care of our Common Home, is an impassioned plea to focus on the common good. Pope Francis calls us to integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, ‘so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.’ He sees the environmental problem as part of a much larger, more serious problem: Our failure to consistently recognise the truth that everyone and everything is interconnected. The parish has ordered 50 copies of the encyclical. If you would like to purchase a copy (about $13), please sign your name on the list in the gathering space. We will spend some prayerful time with the encyclical during our regular August Winter Series on prayer and spirituality. RUN MELBOURNE Parishioner, Chris Morris will be running in the 5km ‘Run Melbourne 2015: Say Yes to refugees!’ on Sunday 26 July. All donations go to support refugees as part of Catholic Care’s Refugee Support Program. This program equips newly arrived refugee and humanitarian entrants with the social and life skills necessary for successful integration and settlement in Australia. If you would like to sponsor Chris in this very worthy cause, please go to the donations page: au/chris-18. Thank you! MONDAY MOVIE AT OUR LADY’S ‘Bakita’, an Italian Movie, will be shown this Monday, 6 July at 1.30pm at Our Lady’s Parish House . All Italian-speaking parishioners are welcome! FREE PUBLIC LECTURE Eric Palazzo, Professor of Medieval Art History at the University of Poitiers will speak on Art, liturgy and the five senses in the Middle Ages. He is a specialist in the history of the liturgy in the Middle Ages and its relationship with art history. Thursday 9 July, 5.00–6.00pm at The Oratory, Newman College, University of Melbourne, 887 Swanston Street, Parkville. Bookings http:// Free entry. ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY MASS The Annual Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 26th July at 11.00am in St Patrick's Cathedral. It is held in thanksgiving for the witness to married life, of couples celebrating significant wedding anniversaries (25th, 40th, 50th and 60th through to 70th!). Couples who register will receive commemorative certificates and packs. To register (by 10 July) visit: lifemarriagefamily or contact the Life, Marriage and Family Office on: 9287 5579. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR JULY We pray for Pope Francis. May we listen and respond to his call to care for the earth, our common home. ON THE NOTICEBOARD ♦ Catholic Earthcare Breakfast Briefing: ‘Pope Francis and the Care of our Common Home’, Friday 31 July, Cardinal Knox Centre ♦ NAIDOC Mass, Sunday 12 July ♦ Thank you letter from Grandmothers Against the Detention of Refugee Children PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1585.25; Presbytery: $685.95 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Amos 7:12–15; Ephesians 1:3–14; Mark 6:7–13 PAGINA IN ITALIANO APPELLO PER LA DIFFUSIONE DELLA FEDE Questo fine settimana c’e’ l’appello per la diffusione della fede, che sostiene il lavoro dei missionari cattolici nel mondo. Il tema di quest'anno è: "Avevo sete e mi avete dato qualcosa da bere." (Mt 25:35) domenica del mese e dà alle persone l'opportunità di incontrare e parlare con altri parrocchiani. Vi aspettiamo nel centro comunitario di St Ambrose dopo la messa. Tutti benvenuti! DOMENICA DEDICATA AGLI ABORIGENI I AGLI TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER Questa domenica preghiamo per gli Aborigeni e i Torres Strait Islander, i primi australiani, per i quali questa terra è così sacra. Il tema “Siamo tutti su un suolo sacro” ci incoraggia a conoscere, rispettare e celebrare la ricca cultura dei popoli indigeni di questa terra. FILM LUNEDÌ A OUR LADY’S ‘Bakita’, un film Italiano, verrà mostrato questo Lunedì, 6 Luglio alle ore 1:30pm presso la casa parrocchiale di Our Lady’s. Tutti i parrocchiani di lingua Italiana sono Benvenuti! ASSENTE PER UNA SETTIMANA Fr Michael si prendera’ una pausa di metà anno e sarà via dalla parrocchia per una settimana, incluso il prossimo fine settimana. Gli auguriamo una vacanza riposante. Durante la sua assenza, Fr Vinh celebrera’ tutte le messe in parrocchia. ORARI DELLA MESSA PER QUESTA SETTIMANA Martedi – Mercoledi: 9.15am a Our Lady’s Giovedi—Sabato: 10.00am a St Ambrose’s Sara’ possibile ricevere l’Eucaristia presso la chiesa dove non non c'è la messa feriale. BUSTE DI RINGRAZIAMENTO Per coloro che hanno dimenticato di ritirare loro buste lo scorso weekend, per coloro che erano assenti lo scorso fine settimana e per coloro che si sono iscritti recentemente al sistema delle buste, siete pregati di ritirare le nuove buste dal tavolo in chiesa dopo messa. RICEVUTE FISCALI PER IL PROGETTO DI COMPASSIONE Ci sono ancora alcune ricevute fiscali che devono essere ritirate dalla sacrestia. Se avete richiesto una ricevuta fiscale per la vostra donazione al progetto di compassione quest'anno, la ricevuta è pronta per essere ritirata. CRAFT GROUP QUESTO VENE Il Craft Group parrocchiale si riunira’ questo venerdì 10 luglio. Se si desidera aiutare a preparare beni per il Market Day, venite presso il St. Ambrose’s Community Centre dalle 11:00 alle 12:30. RICHIESTA DI BENI DI SECONDA MANO Ogni giovedì La Banca del Cibo parrocchiale tiene una bancarella per raccogliere fondi per sostenerne l’operato. Se avete cianfrusaglie o capi di abbigliamento che non vi servono piu’, si prega di portarle in parrocchia, aiutando a sostenere questa nobile causa. MARKET DAY PARROCCHIALE Nella newsletter di domenica scorsa c'era un inserto che ci ha dato informazioni su come possiamo aiutare a preparare il Market Day parrocchiale (fete) il 21 novembre. Grazie a coloro che hanno già offerto il loro sostegno. Ci sono ancora moduli sul tavolo della chiesa per coloro che ancora volessero aiutare. Basta compilare il modulo e inserirlo nella cassetta sul tavolo della chiesa. ANNUALE MESSA PER GLI ANNIVERSARI L'annuale messa per gli anniversari sarà celebrata domenica 26 luglio alle 11:00 nella Cattedrale di St. Patrick. La si celebra in rendimento di grazie per la testimonianza di vita coniugale, di coppie che celebrano anniversari di matrimonio significativi (25°, 40°, 50° e 60°, fino al 70°!). Le coppie che si registrano riceveranno certificati commemorative e pacchetti. Per registrarsi (entro il 10 luglio) si prega di visitare o contattare l’Ufficio Life, Marriage and Family al 9287 5579. “CUPPA” DELLA PRIMA DOMENICA DEL MESE Dopo la messa delle 10:30 oggi siete tutti invitati a gustare una tazza di tè o caffè con biscotti e torte. Questo è un evento regolare ricorrente la prima PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER GIUGNO Preghiamo per i senzatetto, soprattutto durante la stagione invernale. Preghiamo con gratitudine per coloro che se ne prendono cura.