PARISH NEWSLETTER The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, YEAR B SUNDAY MASS TIMES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES 2 AUGUST 2015 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Taste and see the goodness of the Lord; taste and see the goodness of the Lord. The things we have heard and understood, the things our ancestors have told us, we will tell to the next generation: the glories of the Lord and his might. God commanded the clouds above and opened the gates of heaven. God rained down manna for their food, and gave them bread from heaven. Mere humans ate the bread of angels. God sent them abundance of food. God brought them to his holy land, to the mountain which his right hand had won. Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 9380 1023 PHONE 9388 8144 FAX [email protected] EMAIL ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! No one lives on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER VARIOUS NEEDS 1V RECENTLY DECEASED Michele Langone ANNIVERSARIES Aldo Luzietti, Elise and Marino Luzietti, Angelo Montano, Caterina Cirillo, Giovanni Cannizzaro, Santo La Rosa, Salvatore Calleri, Damiano Tralli, Emiglio Ferante, Olibia Morgante, Carlo Taglieri NOURISHED BY GOD’S WISDOM/WORD The multiplication of the loaves miracle of last Sunday now leads into a very long discourse where we learn the deeper meaning of this miracle. The account of Jesus’ feeding the crowd is a re-enactment of Moses’ feeding the Israelites on their journey out of Egypt, when they were fed by the manna each morning (the word manna is Hebrew for ‘What is it?’). When the crowd arrives, Jesus begins by challenging their motives – you come looking for me because you found all the bread you wanted. He then uses physical food as a metaphor for a deeper type of nourishment, what he calls, ‘food that endures to eternal life’. A Jewish crowd could be expected to understand Jesus’ metaphorical way of speaking, for in the Old Testament God’s gifts of wisdom and the Law were likened to food. So, eating the nourishing manna/bread was likened to being nourished by the Wisdom that came from God’s word. Mary Coloe PVBM FIRST SUNDAY CUPPA After the 10.30am Mass this weekend everyone is invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits and cake. This is a regular event on the first Sunday of the month, and gives people an opportunity to meet and talk with one another. Come along to St Ambrose’s Community Centre after Mass. All welcome! CLERGY CONFERENCE Fr Michael and Fr Vinh will both be attending the Archdiocesan Clergy Conference this week, from Monday to Thursday. TIME FOR A BREAK Sr Diane will be away from the parish for the next 10 days as she is taking some time to visit her family in Queensland. We wish her a restful break and some warmer weather! COMMUNION SERVICES THIS WEEK From Tuesday to Thursday this week there will be Communion Services at 9.15 at Our Lady’s and 10.00am at St Ambrose’s. Weekday Mass will resume on Friday. NATIONAL VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEK This week is National Vocations Awareness Week. It is an opportunity for each of us to give thanks for whatever vocation we have chosen in life and also to pray for religious vocations. Pope Francis has chosen – ‘Wake up the World’ as a theme – a reminder to us that we are bearers of the Good News for our world at this time. BOOK GROUP THIS WEEK On Wednesday evening 5 August at 7.30pm the parish Book Group will meet in St Ambrose’s Community Centre to discuss chapters 4 – 6 of Journey of the Universe by Brian Swimme and Mary Tucker. CRAFT GROUP ON FRIDAY The parish Craft Group, will gather this Friday 7 August. If you would like to help with making things for the Parish Market Day, please come along to St Ambrose’s Community Centre from 11.00am – 12.30pm. BUTTER AND EGGS NEEDED The time has come for the Parish Market Day team to start baking Christmas cakes. They have asked if parishioners might be able to donate butter and eggs to help bring down the cost of ingredients. If you can assist by donating butter or eggs, there will be a donation box at the back of the church next Sunday and for the two Sundays after that. SVDP SAY THANK YOU. The parish conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society wishes to thank all those who contributed to the recent Winter Appeal. We received $1540 on the day, as well as some very handy perishable food and some blankets. Parishioners will have noticed the steep rise in utility prices, especially gas, which is having an impact especially on pensioners and the unemployed who, not always but often, have children to care for. Our clients, 95% of the time are extremely grateful for the assistance you, through us, extend to them. The other 5% may not express much gratitude but we still fill a gap in their lives. PS The task requires more helpers, as always. Ring Brian on 0413 416 766 if interested. Brian Dethridge, Conference President. WHO WOULD LIKE TO GO? Parishioners are invited to attend Dr Donna Orsuto’s talk on ‘Good News and Contemplative Living in a World of Chaos’, at Newman College, 887 Swanston St, Parkville, on Thursday 13 August, 5.00pm to 6.30pm. If you are interested in attending the lecture, please let Tricia Murray or Fr Michael know today (we need to RSVP). The lecture is free. And you may wish to join us for a meal in Lygon Street afterwards to discuss the lecture! MARY MACKILLOP’S FEASTDAY Next Saturday 8 August is the feast day of Australia’s first saint, Mary MacKillop. As a way of celebrating her feast, there will be an Open Day at the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, 362 Albert Street, East Melbourne from 10.00am – 4.00pm. Visitors are invited to pray in the chapel. Take a tour of the Museum, visit the gift shop and enjoy afternoon tea. It is also 125 years since Mary established the Sisters of St Joseph here in Victoria. All those interested in attending the Open Day, particularly those going on the MacKillop pilgrimage in September, might like to meet at the Heritage Centre around 1.00pm. Or, if you are interested in car-pooling and travelling together, please see Fr Michael after Mass and we can arrange to go together. THANKS FROM CHRIS AND EVIE! Thank you to all those who sponsored us for the RUN Melbourne event last weekend. Evie and I (Chris Morris) both ran the event for the CatholicCare refugee program. Over $16,000 was raised, which is magnificent! We are already thinking about next year – perhaps our parish could participate with its own team for CatholicCare! Many thanks, Chris and Evie SPECIAL COLLECTION NEXT SUNDAY CatholicCare will be holding its annual appeal next weekend. CatholicCare is the social welfare arm of the Archdiocese and has been serving and caring for the families of the Melbourne Archdiocese for 80 years. THE HOLY FACE An Italian Mass in honour of the Holy Face of Jesus will be celebrated at St Ambrose’s Church next Sunday 9 August at 2.30pm. After Mass there will be refreshments. All welcome! CHAPLAINCY APPEAL The Catholic Development Office has sent us a letter of thanks for our Parish’s contribution of $650.30 toward the recent Chaplaincy Sunday Appeal. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR AUGUST We pray for all leaders. May their decisions be just and for the good of all they serve. ON THE NOTICEBOARD ♦ Updates from the Archdiocese ♦ CONCERT: Progetto Corelli: Inverno Follia ‘Wintertide Madness’ with works by Corelli, Lully, Boismortier, Fasch, Wuantz, Handel. Sunday 9 August at 3.00pm in St John’s Clifton Hill. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church $989.57 Presbytery $480.51 READINGS NEXT WEEK: 1 Kings 19:4–8; Ephesians 4:30 –5:2; John 6:41–51 PAGINA IN ITALIANO “CUPPA” DELLA PRIMA DOMENICA DEL MESE Dopo la messa delle 10:30 di oggi siete tutti invitati a gustare una tazza di tè o caffè con biscotti e torte. Questo è un evento regolare ricorrente la prima domenica del mese e dà alle persone l'opportunità di incontrare e parlare con altri parrocchiani. Vi aspettiamo nel centro comunitario di St Ambrose dopo la messa. Tutti benvenuti! CONFERENZA DEL CLERO Fr Michael e Fr Vinh parteciperanno entrambi alla conferenza del clero dell’arcidiocesi questa settimana, da lunedì a giovedì. TEMPO PER UNA PAUSA Sr Diane sarà via dalla parrocchia per i prossimi 10 giorni dal momento che sarà in visita alla sua famiglia nel Queensland. Le auguriamo una vacanza riposante e un clima più caldo! SERVIZI DI COMUNIONE QUESTA SETTIMANA Da Martedì a Giovedì di questa settimana ci saranno servizi di comunione alle 9.15 presso Our Lady’s e alle 10.00 a St Ambrose's. La messa feriale riprenderà venerdì. CRAFT GROUP QUESTO VENERDI Il Craft Group parrocchiale si riunira’ questo Venerdì 7 Agosto. Se si desidera aiutare a preparare qualcosa per il Market Day, venite presso il St. Ambrose’s Community Centre dalle 11:00 alle 12:30. C'E' BISOGNO DI UOVA E BURRO E' giunto il momento per il team organizzativo del Parish Market Day di iniziare la preparazione dei dolci natalizi. Hanno chiesto se i parrocchiani sono in grado di donare burro e uova per abbassare il costo degli ingredienti. Se potete aiutare con un'offerta, ci sarà una scatola in fondo alla chiesa domenica prossima e per le due domeniche successive. GRAZIE DA LLA SOCIETA' SAN VINCENZO DE PAOLI La conferenza parocchiale della Societa' di San Vincenzo de Paoli desidera ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno contribuito al recente appello d'inverno. Abbiamo ricevuto $1540 più cibo e coperte. RACCOLTA DI OFFERTE SPECIALE DOMENICA PROSSIMA CatholicCare presentera' il suo appello annuale il prossimo fine settimana. CatholicCare si occupa di assistenza sociale all'interno dell'Arcidiocesi e si prende cura delle famiglie dell'arcidiocesi di Melbourne da 80 anni. IL VOLTO SANTO DI GESU’ Una Messa in italiano in onore del Volto Santo di Gesù verra’ celebrate domenica 9 agosto alle 14:30 presso la chiesa di St Ambrose’s. Il celebrante sarà Fr Vito Pegolo. Per informazioni si prega di contattare Assunta 9404 2568. Dopo la messa ci sara’ un rinfresco. Tutti benvenuti. FESTA DI SANTA MARY MACKILLOP Sabato 8 Agosto è la festa della prima Santa Australiana, Mary MacKillop. Per celebrare la sua festa, ci sarà un Open Day presso il Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, 362 Albert Street, East Melbourne dalle 10.00 alle 16:00. I visitatori sono invitati a pregare nella cappella. Fai un tour del Museo, visita il negozio di souvenir e gusta un te’ nel pomeriggio. Tutti coloro che sono interessati a partecipare, in particolare quelli del pellegrinaggio di settembre, potrebbero incontrarsi presso l'Heritage Centre intorno alle 13.00. Oppure se siete interessati in car-pooling e a viaggiare insieme, parlate con Fr Michael dopo messa e possiamo organizzare per andare insieme. PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER AGOSTO Preghiamo per tutti i capi. Essi possono decidere con giustizia, per il bene del popolo che servono.