One Parish, Two Communities Parish Newsletter Our Lady Help of Christians St Ambrose’s 49 Nicholson Street, East Brunswick Telephone: 9380 1844 Fax 9388 0170 Email: [email protected] Website: 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Telephone 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH TEAM PRIESTS OF THE PARISH: Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Mr Philip Cachia, SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s WEEKDAY MASSES: Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s RECONCILIATION: St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS: By appointment 6.00pm Saturday Vigil, 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English). 10.30am Sunday. Tuesday to Thursday at 9.15am, Friday at 9.00am Tuesday to Saturday at 10.00am 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday 3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT – YEAR B 14 DECEMBER 2014 RESPONSORIAL PSALM GOSPEL ACCLAMATION My soul rejoices in my God. Alleluia, alleluia! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he sent me to bring Good News to the poor. Alleluia! My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour. He looks on his servant in her nothingness; henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name! God’s mercy is from age to age, on those who fear him. He fills the starving with good things, sends the rich away empty. He protects Israel, his servant, remembering his mercy. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED: Marie Gallagher, Allan Booth ANNIVERSARIES: George Fyander, Mario Fabris, Josie D’Arino, Jim Power ‘REJOICING’ SUNDAY Today is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday. Over the first millennium of Christianity, Advent was like a late Lent. Both were five weeks long, both were marked by fasting and penance and both gave the faithful a day off half way through. In Lent Laudete Sunday is still, roughly, half way through the five-week season. Advent, however, was shortened to four weeks in the tenth century, and Pope St Gregory the Great eased the fasting and penitential aspects of this season in the twelfth century, but the not-so-half-way Gaudete Sunday has remained. It is, literally, the ‘rejoicing’ Sunday when we look more directly at Jesus’ coming at Christmas. To enable us to look at Jesus we start with the man who heralded his mission in the world, John the Baptist. In today’s Gospel John the Baptist is the model of humility, opening the way for the Kingdom of Jesus to break in upon the world. John recognises who Jesus is for the world and encourages his foes and friends alike to welcome in the Christ. John the Baptist simply saw Jesus and knew that Love had taken human form. Through his talent spotting and in his promotion of Jesus he enabled the first generation of Christians to see and believe that the promises made to their ancestors had been fulfilled. No wonder we have him as our focus on Gaudete Sunday. And so may we all rejoice today, not only because salvation is always close at hand in Christ, but because we are also called to spot his love in every act of goodness we see, encourage and promote it as best we can and then watch nature and grace do the rest. Richard Leonard SJ OUR ADVENT THEME On this ‘rejoicing’ Sunday, with the prophet Isaiah, we exult for joy in God who makes fresh things grow. With Mary, we rejoice in God who looks on his servant in her nothingness. And, with John the Baptist, we cry out with hope as we prepare a way for the Lord in our hearts and in the midst of our world. Our theme for the Advent/Christmas season this year is Called to embody Christ, the Word of God. Just as Mary bore the Divine Word of God in her being so, too, the Word of God dwells deeply within us. As we prayerfully contemplate the Word of God we learn to become Christ-bearers, as Mary was, and with her we proclaim: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my saviour!’ ADVENT REFLECTION GROUPS The final Scripture reflection groups for the Advent Gospels will be held in the parish this week. All are welcome: • • • On Tuesday (in Italian) with Sr Julita, at 10.30am in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House On Wednesday (in English) with Sr Diane, at 10.30 in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House. On Thursday (in Italian) with Sr Julita, at 9.45am in the Community Room at Our Lady’s. ADVENT VESPERS There will be the opportunity to reflectively pray the Evening Prayer of the Church (Vespers) together on Thursday evening, 18 December at 5.30pm in the Spirituality Room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre. Everyone welcome! CHILDREN’S LITURGY CHRISTMAS PARTY After the 10.30am Mass today there will be a Christmas party for children and parents and all Children’s Liturgy leaders. It will be in the front room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre. At this gathering, final preparations will be made for the Christmas Eve Family Mass. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Tickets are on sale for $1 each today at Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s for the Christmas hamper donated by Catholic Church Insurances. There will be three other hamper prizes as well. The raffle will be drawn next Sunday, 21 December after the 10.30am Mass. Our thanks go to Catholic Church Insurances for their kind donation. There are some brochures advertising the services of CCI on the church table. SPECIAL COLLECTION TODAY At our Masses this weekend there will be the annual collection to support the work of the Melbourne Overseas Mission. In recent months, they have supported former Coburg resident, Sr Ann Stevens, with funds to fight the spread of the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. Melbourne Overseas Mission continues to embrace opportunities to change the lives of those who struggle to survive harsh living conditions and extreme poverty. ADVENT RECONCILIATION The parish Advent Reconciliation service will be held at Our Lady’s Church at 7.00pm this Tuesday 16 December. Three priests will be available for confessions (Fr Edwin speaks Italian). Also, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is available on every Saturday at 10.30am at St Ambrose’s and 11.30am at Our Lady’s. CHRISTMAS STALL RESULT The recent Christmas stall raised $950.00. A very special thanks to Margaret Duggan who baked cakes and made jams and pickles. Thanks also to Angela Hodder for the cakes and craft she provided. A great result! CHRISTMAS CAKES FOR SALE There are a few $20 Christmas cakes left over from our Christmas stall. If you would like to purchase one for the Christmas season, or as a gift for someone, please ring Margaret Duggan on 0409 324 882. REPLY FROM ARCHBISHOP HART Recently a letter was sent to Archbishop Hart as a response to our ‘Facing the Truth’ meetings. This letter was signed by 65 parishioners. It expressed our feelings regarding criminal sexual abuse of children by some clergy and religious, and the mishandling of this issue by bishops. We offered the suggestion of establishing a Diocesan Pastoral Council to harness the wisdom of the faithful. Archbishop Hart replied to Fr Michael: Thank you very much for your kind letter of 2 December 2014. I do congratulate you on having the discussions concerning criminal sexual abuse in the Church in Australia. I would be grateful if you would pass on to the parishioners my gratitude for their letter of the same date in which they express the revulsion, which I also have, of these awful crimes. I do assure you that we are quite determined to continue addressing them so that these matters never happen again, and that the perpetrators face the full consequences of their actions. This is a large diocese and we are fortunate to have the benefit of serious and gifted lay advice and I certainly can assure you that this will continue through our various Boards and Committees, where the gifts and experience of lay people are immeasurable. With every good wish, Yours sincerely in Christ, ? Denis J Hart, Archbishop of Melbourne PARISH CHRISTMAS PARTY All parishioners are invited to our Parish Christmas party on next Saturday 20 December in Our Lady’s Hall at 12.30pm. As we come toward the end of another year, it is important that we also express thanks to the many generous people who have helped to ‘build’ and minister within Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s communities over the past year. At this lunch we will be able to say a warm ‘thank you!’ CHRISTMAS CHOIR If you would like to join the choir for the Family Mass, or the Carol Service and Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, there will be a Christmas Choir Practice at 7.00pm this Wednesday evening 17th December in St Ambrose’s church. All welcome! THE PARISH VOICE If you still haven’t picked up your copy of our parish magazine The Parish Voice you are welcome to take a copy today, or you may like to take a copy for a friend. It is published three times a year and features parish events and people’s stories. PARISH FOODBANK TO HAVE A HOLIDAY The Parish Foodbank is now closed for the holiday break. It will re-open on Thursday 5 February 2015 with tickets available at St Ambrose’s Community Centre from 9.30am and the food available from 11.00am. Our sincere thanks to all our volunteers who make this outreach support possible. SOUP KITCHEN The Heart to Hearts Thursday lunch at Our Lady’s will close this week on 18 December. The Heart to Hearts soup kitchen will close for the year on this Friday, 19 December. We would like to thank the parishioners who have assisted us during the year and wish you all a very happy Christmas. We will re-open on Friday 6 February 2015. In order to continue the operation of the kitchen to help those in need, we are asking for volunteers to assist with meal preparation on either Thursdays or Fridays and meal delivery on Friday evenings. If you can spare a couple of hours even once a month you would be most welcome! Any enquiries please contact Helen Warren on 0418 708 708. CHRISTMAS CAROLS AT STEWART LODGE We are invited to join the Brunswick Christian Churches in singing Christmas carols at Stewart Lodge, a large supported accommodation centre at 85 Stewart Street, Brunswick, from 6.30pm this Thursday 18 December. At the carol singing, gifts will be distributed to the residents. Part of the funds raised from our Christmas raffle to go toward the purchase of these gifts. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! The School year finishes this week. We wish all students and teachers a restful, peaceful and happy summer holiday! ‘OPEN TABLE’ MEAL Come share a free lunch at Temple Park, Gray Street Brunswick today, 14 December, from 12.00 noon. This ‘open table’ meal is provided by St Jude’s Church, Carlton. All are welcome! Open Table will continue to be held in Temple Park in 2015 on the second Sunday of each month. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR DECEMBER We pray for peace: peace in our hearts, within our families and throughout the world. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1444.62 Presbytery: $640.36 READINGS NEXT WEEK: 2 Samuel 7:1–5. 8–12.14.16; Romans 16:25–27; Luke 1:26–38 PAGINA IN ITALIANO TEMA DEL NOSTRO AVVENTO Questo Domenica di 'esultanza', con il profeta Isaia, esultiamo di gioia in Dio che fa crescere le cose nuove. Con Maria, ci rallegriamo in Dio che guarda la sua serva nel suo nulla. E, con Giovanni Battista, gridiamo con speranza mentre prepariamo la via per il Signore nei nostri cuori e nel nostro mondo. Il nostro tema per il periodo di Avvento/Natale quest'anno Chiamati a incarnare il Cristo, la parola di Dio. Proprio come Mary che ha portato la divina parola di Dio nel suo essere così, anche, la parola di Dio dimora profondamente dentro di noi. Contemplando devotamente la parola di Dio impariamo a diventare portatori di Cristo, come Maria è stata, e con lei noi proclamiamo: «Anima mia glorifica il Signore. Il mio spirito esulta in Dio mio salvatore!’ RISPOSTA DAL ARCIVESCOVO HART: Recentemente è stata inviata una lettera al Arcivescovo Hart come risposta ai nostri incontri 'Di fronte la verita'. Questa lettera è stata firmata da 65 parrocchiani. Ha espresso i nostri sentimenti riguardo il criminale abuso sessuale ai bambini di certi membri del clero e religiosi e la cattiva gestione di alcuni vescovi. Abbiamo offerto il suggerimento di istituire un Consiglio pastorale diocesano per usare la saggezza dei fedeli. Arcivescovo Hart ha risposto: Vi ringrazio molto per la vostra gentile lettera del 2 Dicembre 2014. Mi congratulo con voi avendo le discussioni riguardanti il criminale abuso sessuale nella Chiesa in Australia. Sarei grato se transmettete ai parrocchiani mia gratitudine per la loro lettera della stessa data in cui essi esprimono la repulsione, che ho anche io, di questi crimini orribili. GRUPPI DI RIFLESSIONE PER L’AVVENTO L’ultimi gruppi di riflessione sulla scrittura dei Vangeli di Avvento si terrà nella parrocchia questa settimana. Tutti sono Benvenuti: • Martedì (in Italiano) con Sr Julita, alle 10:30 nella stanza davanti alla casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio. • Mercoledì (in Inglese) con Sr Diane, alle ore 10.30 nella stanza davanti alla casa parrocchiale di Sant'Ambrogio. • Giovedì (in Italiano) con Sr Julita, alle 9:45 nella Sala Comunitaria a Santa Maria. Questa è una grande diocesi e siamo fortunati ad avere il beneficio del Consiglio laico serio e dotato e certamente posso assicurarvi che questo continuerà attraverso le nostre varie consigli e commissioni, dove i doni e l'esperienza dei laici sono incommensurabili. Con ogni buon desiderio, Distinti saluti in Cristo, ? Denis J Hart, Arcivescovo di Melbourne LOTTERIA DI NATALE: I biglietti sono in vendita per $1, oggi a Santa Maria e a Sant’Ambrogio per il cesto di Natale donato dalla Assicurazioni della Chiesa Cattolica. Ci saranno tre altri premi. La lotteria sarà sorteggiato Domenica prossima, 21 Dicembre dopo la Messa delle 10.30. I nostri ringraziamenti vanno alla Assicurazioni della Chiesa Cattolica per la loro gentile donazione. Ci sono alcuni opuscoli di servizi pubblicitari del CCI sul tavolo della Chiesa. OGGI COLLETTA SPECIALE: Nelle nostre Messe questo fine settimana ci sarà la raccolta annuale per sostenere il lavoro della Melbourne Overseas Mission. Negli ultimi mesi, hanno aiutato l’ex residente di Coburg, Sr Ann Stevens, con fondi per combattere la diffusione del virus Ebola in Sierra Leone. Missione d'oltremare di Melbourne continua ad abbracciare l'opportunità di cambiare la vita di coloro che lottano per sopravvivere in condizioni di vita durissime e povertà estrema. RICONCILIAZIONE NEL AVVENTO: Servizio di riconciliazione per l’avvento della parrocchia si terrà presso la Chiesa di Santa Maria questo Martedì 16 Dicembre alle ore 7.00pm.Tre sacerdoti saranno disponibili per le confessioni. Inoltre, ci sarà il sacramento della riconciliazione ogni Sabato alle 10:30 a Sant’Ambrogio alle ore 11:30 a Santa Maria. RISULTATI DELLA BANCARELLA DI NATALE: La recente bancarella di Natale ha fatto il profitto di $950,00. Un speciale grazie a Margaret Duggan che ha fatto torte e marmellate e sottaceti. Grazie anche a Angela Hodder per le torte e l’artigianato che essa ha provveduto. Un bel risultato! DOLCI DI NATALE IN VENDITA: Ci sono alcune torte natalizi per $20, avanzate dalla bancarella di Natale. Se si desidera acquistare una per il tempo di Natale, o come regalo per qualcuno, si prega di telefonare a Margaret Duggan su 0409 324 882. Vi assicuro che siamo abbastanza decisi di continuare a rivolgerci in modo che tali questioni non ripetano mai più, e che i colpevoli affrontano tutte le conseguenze delle loro azioni. FESTA DI NATALE DELLA PARROCCHIA: Tutti i parrocchiani sono invitati alla nostra festa di Natale della parrocchia il prossimo Sabato 20 Dicembre nella sala di Santa Maria alle 12.30 pm. Come si arriva verso la fine di un altro anno, è importante che esprimiamo anche grazie a tante persone generose che hanno contribuito a 'costruire' e ministrare all'interno delle Comunità di Santa Maria e di Sant’Ambrogio durante l’anno. A questo pranzo saremo in grado di dire un caloroso ' grazie!’ VACANZE PER FOODBANK: La Foodbank della parrocchia è ora chiuso per la pausa di vacanza. Riaprirà il Giovedì 5 Febbraio 2015 con biglietti disponibili al Centro Comunitario di Sant'Ambrogio dale ore 9:30 e il cibo disponibile dalle ore 11.00 am. Il nostro sincero grazie a tutti i nostri volontari che rendono possibili questo sostegno. MENSA DEI POVERI: Il pranzo cuore a cuori di Giovedì a Santa Maria si chiuderà questa settimana il 18 Dicembre. La mensa cuore a cuori chiude per quest’anno Venerdì, 19 Dicembre. Vorremmo ringraziare i parrocchiani che ci hanno assistito durante l'anno e augurare a tutti voi un Natale molto felice. Si ri-aprirà Venerdì 6 Febbraio 2015. Com la finalità di continuare l'operazione della cucina per aiutare i bisognosi, stiamo chiedendo volontari per assistere con preparazione dei pasti di Giovedì o Venerdì e consegnare i pasti il Venerdì sera. Se si può risparmiare un paio d'ore ancora una volta al mese sarete Benvenuti! Eventuali richieste di informazioni si prega di contattare Helen Warren 0418 708 708. PRANZO ‘OPEN TABLE’: Venite a condividere un pranzo gratis al Temple Park, Gray St. Brunswick oggi, 14 Dicembre, dalle 12.00 Questo pasto 'Tavolo Aperto' è fornito dalla Chiesa di St. Jude, Carlton. Tutti sono Benvenuti! Open Table continuerà ad essere tenuto nel Temple Park nel 2015 la seconda Domenica di ogni mese. PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER DICEMBRE: Preghiamo per la pace: pace nei nostri cuori, nelle nostre famiglie e nel mondo.