PAGINA IN ITALIANO LA PROMESSA DI GIUSTIZIA Il tema scelto dalla nostra parrocchia per l'Avvento si concentra sulla giustizia. Nella prima lettura oggi (Geremia 33, 14-16) ascoltiamo una meravigliosa promessa del profeta Isaia che annuncia l’arrivo di un tempo di giustizia. Con la nascita e la vita di Gesù Cristo questa promessa diventa realtà. In Gesù scopriamo il vero volto della giustizia. Attraverso di lui abbiamo ricevuto il messaggio di verità e giustizia. La nostra missione come suoi discepoli è quella di vivere la nostra vita piena dell’amore, della verità e della giustizia da Lui introdotte nel mondo. LA NOSTRA ICONA PER L'AVVENTO E PER NATALE Sopra l'altare in entrambe le nostre chiese e’ appesa un'icona della Madonna della tenerezza. (Si tratta di riproduzioni di un'icona dipinta da una nostra parrocchiana, Tricia Murray). Nel tempo di Avvento e Natale facciamo memoria della maternità di Maria. Questa icona raffigura la tenerezza tra madre e bambino e ci ricorda anche il ruolo di Maria nell'incarnazione. Un antico inno dice di Maria: Gioisci, perché porti in grembo colui che porta l'universo. Gioisci, tu che ineffabilmente desti alla luce la Luce. E noi ci rallegriamo con Maria mentre celebriamo la grande gioia e il mistero di questo tempo liturgico. LA CORONA DELL’AVVENTO L'accensione delle candele sulla corona dell'Avvento rappresenta la luce di Cristo che si fa piu’ intense man mano che ci si avvicina alla sua nascita. L'accensione delle candele fara’ parte del rito introduttivo della messa ogni domenica di Avvento. GRUPPI DI RIFLESSIONE PER L’AVVENTO 1. Il martedì (in italiano) con Sr Julita, alle ore 10:30 nella sala d'ingresso della casa parrocchiale di St Ambrose’s. 2. Il mercoledì (in inglese) con Sr Diane, alle ore 10.30 nella sala d'ingresso della casa parrocchiale di St Ambrose’s. 3. Il giovedì (in italiano) con Sr Julita, alle ore 09:45 nella sala comunitaria di Our Lady’s. DICEMBRE IN PARROCCHIA L'inserto nella newsletter di questo fine settimana è un calendario di eventi parrocchiali per il mese di dicembre. Potreste metterlo sul frigorifero a casa come promemoria. CONFESSIONI PER L’AVVENTO Per aiutarci nella preparazione spirituale per Natale, ci saranno piu’ occasioni per il sacramento della riconciliazione (confessione). Guardate gli orari sul calendario di dicembre. UNZIONE DEGLI INFERMI L'unzione degli infermi si svolgerà durante la messa delle 11.00 di venerdì, 4 dicembre presso la chiesa di St Ambrose’s. Questa sarà seguita da un pranzo nel centro comunitario di St Ambrose’s. Se qualcuno ha bisogno di aiuto per il trasporto, si prega di contattare la casa parrocchiale di Our Lady’s o di St Ambrose’s. MINI-MARKET AD OUR LADY’S Dopo le messe delle 18.00 e delle 09.00 a Our Lady’s questo fine settimana ci sarà un mini-market con tanti deliziosi prodotti in vendita – marmellate, chutney, cesti regalo, ecc. Tutti i proventi di questo mini-market andranno alla parrocchia. TEMPO DI RINGRAZIAMENTI! Nell’avvicinarci alla fine di un altro anno, è importante che esprimiamo i nostri ringraziamenti ai tanti che prestano servizio all'interno della nostra parrocchia. Tutti coloro che hanno contribuito in qualche modo alla vita e alla missione della nostra parrocchia sono calorosamente invitati ad un pranzo organizzato per sabato 12 dicembre alle 12:30 nel centro comunitario di St Ambrose’s. E’ la nostra occasione per rivolgervi un sincero grazie! FR VINH ASSENTE Questo venerdì Fr Vinh andra’ in Nuova Zelanda per un’ordinazione e tornerà venerdì 11 dicembre. CALENDARI COLOMBANI IN VENDITA I calendari Colombani per il 2016 sono ora in vendita all’ingresso della chiesa a $9,00 l’uno. Non solo questo calendario raccoglie opere d’arte incantevoli per mettere in evidenza le stagioni e le feste liturgiche della Chiesa, ma inoltre i proventi della vendita sosterranno il lavoro dei missionari Colombani. Parish Newsletter The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East First Sunday of Advent, Year C 29 November 2015 SUNDAY MASS TIMES RESPONSORIAL PSALM Our Lady’s To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday Lord, make me know your ways. Lord, teach me your paths. Make me walk in your truth, and teach me: for you are God my saviour. The Lord is good and upright. He shows the path to those who stray, he guides the humble in the right path; he teaches his way to the poor. Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen His ways are faithfulness and love for those who keep his covenant and law. The Lord’s friendship is for those who revere him; to them he reveals his covenant. PASTORAL ASSOCIATES To you, O Lord, I lift my soul. MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss BIGLIETTI DI NATALE IN VENDITA Trovate difficile comprare biglietti di Natale con tema religioso? Il problema è risolto! La società St Vincent de Paul venderà biglietti di Natale dopo le messe questo fine settimana. Costano solo $6,00 per un pacchetto di 10 biglietti. MESSA PER LA GIORNATA DI LOURDES Dopo la messa presso la Cattedrale di St Patrick delle ore 10.30 sabato 5 dicembre, ci sarà una benedizione degli infermi. Accesso disponibile per sedie a rotelle. LOTTERIA I biglietti della lotteria parrocchiale saranno venduti fino a domenica 13 dicembre, quando verranno estratti i numeri dopo la messa delle 10.30. I premi includono un iPad mini, due voucher da $770 dagli avvocati e procuratori legali Russo (avete fatto testamento?!) e un cesto di Natale. I biglietti costano $2,00 l’uno. OFFERTE PER I FIORI DI NATALE Dopo la messa delle 10.30 ci sarà una raccolta di offerte per I fiori di Natale presso la Chiesa di St Ambrose’s. FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 PHONE 9380 1023 FAX 9388 8144 EMAIL [email protected] ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED Chris Haymes ANNIVERSARIES Innocenza Sirianni, Vincenzo Sirianni, Tina Ruberto, Emilio Ferrante A NEW YEAR! Today we begin a new year in the great Christian drama of Salvation. The purple colours of the liturgy announce a mood of waiting and anticipation. Over the next four weeks, we will draw closer to the central mystery of our faith focussed on a small hillside village of Bethlehem. Once again, we will celebrate that God has come to us and joined with us in the common human experiences of birth, anxiety, travel and powerlessness. Mary Coloe PVBM THE PROMISE OF INTEGRITY Our parish theme for Advent focuses on integrity. In the First Reading today we hear a wonderful promise from the prophet Isaiah that the time of integrity is coming. Through the birth and life of Jesus Christ this promise becomes a reality. In Jesus we see the true face of integrity. Through him we hear the message of truth and integrity. Our mission as his disciples is to live our lives filled with the love, truth and integrity that he brought into our world. OUR ICON FOR ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS Over the altar in both our churches hangs an icon of Our Lady of Tenderness. (This is a print of an icon painted by parishioner, Tricia Murray.) During this Advent/Christmas Season we are mindful of Mary’s motherhood. This icon depicts the tenderness between mother and child. It also reminds us of Mary’s role in the Incarnation. An ancient hymn says of Mary: Rejoice, for you bear Him, who bears the universe. Rejoice, you who ineffably gave birth to the Light. And we rejoice with Mary as we celebrate the great joy and mystery of this Season. THE ADVENT WREATH The lighting of candles on the Advent wreath represents the growing light of Christ as the time of his birth draws near. The lighting of candles will form part of the Introductory Rite of the Mass each Sunday of Advent. ADVENT REFLECTION GROUPS The following Advent reflection groups are now being held in the parish. All are welcome: 1. On Tuesdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, at 10.30am in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House 2. On Wednesdays (in English) with Sr Diane, at 10.30 in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House. 3. On Thursdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, at 9.45am in Our Lady’s Community Room. REFLECTION BOOKLETS AVAILABLE On the church table are copies of ‘Beloved’, daily Advent and Christmas reflections, for those who wish to take a copy home. ADVENT RETREAT The parish is offering a retreat afternoon next Saturday 5 December from 2.00pm – 5.00pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre for all of us who need some ‘time out’ for quiet reflection during the busy weeks before Christmas! There will be separate activities for children so that parents can enjoy a meditative and prayerful time. This will be a wonderful opportunity to spiritually prepare for Christmas. All are welcome! There is a sign-up sheet in the gathering space if you wish to attend the retreat. Please sign up today! DECEMBER IN THE PARISH The insert in this weekend’s newsletter is a calendar of parish events for the month of December. You might put this up on your fridge at home as a reminder of all that is happening. ADVENT RECONCILIATION To help us in our spiritual preparation for Christmas, there will be extra times for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). Check the December Calendar insert for the times when the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick will take place during Mass at 11.00am this Friday, 4 December at St Ambrose’s Church. This will be followed by lunch in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. If anyone needs help with transport to the Mass and lunch, please contact Our Lady’s or St Ambrose’s Parish house. PARISH RAFFLE Tickets in the parish raffle will be sold until Sunday 13 December when it will be drawn after the 10.30am Mass. The prizes include an iPad mini, two $770 gift certificates from Russo and Russo barristers and solicitors (have you made your Will?!) and a Christmas hamper. The tickets are $2.00 each. MINI-MARKET AT OUR LADY’S After the 6.00pm and 9.00am Masses at Our Lady’s this weekend there will be a mini-market with many delicious items for sale – jams, gift hampers, chutneys, etc. All proceeds from this mini-market will go toward the parish. FINAL RCIA FOR THE YEAR This Thursday evening 3 December will be the final gathering of RCIA catechumens and sponsors, 6.30pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. TIME TO SAY THANK YOU! As we come towards the end of another year, it is important that we express our thanks to the many who help to minister within our Parish. So, all of you who have helped in any way in the life and mission of our Parish are warmly invited to Lunch on Saturday 12 December at 12.30pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. Through this lunch we wish to sincerely say Thank You! GOOD NEWS FOR OUR LADY’S SCHOOL! Following negotiations with the developer and owner of 1 Barkly Street (which was sold at auction for $3.4 million), the Parish and School have an in-principal agreement to purchase 28.5 metres of the property abutting our school for $1.68 million. Our Lady Help of Christians School is able to take out a loan of $1.5 million to be paid back over 20 years. The remaining $180,000 of the sale price will be provided by the Parish. For the medium term, the land will be used as additional playground space for the children, establishing a mini-oval for them to use each day. On the noticeboard is an aerial photo of the land in question. FR VINH AWAY This Friday, Fr Vinh will travel to New Zealand for an ordination (and have a look around while he is there). He will return on Friday 11 December. COLUMBAN CALENDARS FOR SALE The Columban Calendars for 2016 are now on sale in the Gathering Space. They are $9 each. Not only does this calendar have some lovely artwork, it also highlights the Church’s seasons and feastdays. Proceeds from the sale of the calendars support the work of the Columban missionaries. CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SALE Do you find it hard to buy Christmas cards with a religious theme? Your problem is solved! Members of the St Vincent de Paul Society will be selling Christmas cards after the Masses this weekend. They are only $6.00 for a pack of 10 cards. LOURDES DAY MASS There will be a blessing of the sick after the 10.30am Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 5 December. Wheelchair access is available. PILGRIMAGE TO THE CATHEDRAL All those who wish to walk the pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday 13 December are invited to meet at St Ambrose’s at 1.00pm or at the corner of Canning and Park Streets at 1.15pm. We will walk to the Cathedral via Canning Street. At 2.30pm the holy Door of Mercy will be opened by Archbishop Hart to mark the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. You are invited to carry a photo or memento of someone who has been merciful to you. There will be food stalls, music, and activities hosted by Archdiocesan agencies. COLLECTION FOR FLOWERS After the 10.30am Mass today, there will be a leaving collection for Christmas flowers at St Ambrose’s church. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR NOVEMBER We pray for all youth. May they experience belonging, fulfilment and peace in their lives. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1027.55 Presbytery: $582.25 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Baruch 5:1–9; Philippians 1:3–6. 8–11; Luke 3:1–6