Parish Newsletter The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 13 September 2015 SUNDAY MASS TIMES RESPONSORIAL PSALM Our Lady’s Praise the Lord, my soul! St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday It is the Lord who keeps faith for ever, who is just to those who are oppressed. It is he who gives bread to the hungry, the Lord, who sets prisoners free. It is the Lord who gives sight to the blind, who raises up those who are bound down, the Lord who loves the just, the Lord, who protects the stranger. Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen The Lord upholds the widow and orphan, but thwarts the path of the wicked. The Lord will reign for ever, Zion’s God, from age to age. PASTORAL ASSOCIATES GOSPEL ACCLAMATION MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 PHONE 9380 1023 FAX 9388 8144 EMAIL [email protected] ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: Alleluia, alleluia! Jesus preached the Good News of the kingdom and healed all who were sick. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER 2 RECENTLY DECEASED Gaetana Alicata of Hutchinson Street, Felice Scardamaglia ANNIVERSARIES Elsie Saunders, Gennaro Pileggi, Carmela Mario Caramia, Antonina Conti, Alfred Sultana, Giuseppe Lobosco YOU ARE THE CHRIST Today’s scene marks a turning point in the Gospel of Mark. When Peter speaks up and identifies Jesus as ‘the Christ’, it is the first time that any person has correctly known who Jesus is. The Jews at this time were waiting for a saviour they called the Messiah, which in Greek is the Christ. Peter recognises that Jesus is this saviour but he is not aware yet how Jesus will be a saviour. Peter’s idea is probably for a political figure like King David who could free the people from the power of the Roman Empire. This is not Jesus’ vision of his role! Even by this stage in his ministry, Jesus has met significant opposition to his teaching and his behaviour towards the sick, Gentiles and sinners. His teaching challenges the authority of the religious leaders of his time and he must know that if he goes to Jerusalem, which is the centre of their power and religious authority, he will be in trouble. In this, I liken Jesus to people like Oscar Romero, Aung San Suu Kyi, or Martin Luther King. These people challenged authority and knew the danger and likely consequences. Before his death, Oscar Romero said: ‘I have often been threatened with death. I must tell you, as a Christian, I do not believe in a death without resurrection. If am killed, I shall arise again in the Salvadoran people... You may say, if they succeed in killing me, that I pardon and bless those who do it. Would, indeed, that they might be convinced that they will waste their time. A bishop will die, but God’s church, which is the people, will never perish.’ Sr Mary Coloe A SUCCESSFUL CAKE STALL! Last weekend’s cake stall raised $460. This was great result, and the funds will go toward the organisation of our Parish Market Day. A special thanks to all those who baked such delicious cakes and biscuits. We have some very talented cooks in our midst! DONATIONS OF PRIZES FOR MARKET DAY The organisers for the Parish Market Day have requested donations of items that would be suitable for spinning wheel prizes. They have requested new items only, such as homewares, appliances, toys, gifts, etc. From next weekend, there will be a box at the back of the church to accept any of these donations. Thank you for your ongoing generosity! A SPECIAL WEEKEND FOR JOEL This weekend Joel (who was a seminarian here in 2013) has been ordained to the priesthood and he will celebrate his first Mass as a priest at 2.00pm today, Sunday, at Gladstone Park. We remember Joel in our prayers at this significant time in his life. He will visit us over one weekend in the near future and will celebrate our Sunday Masses with us. This will give us an opportunity to congratulate him. THE TIME OF PILGRIMAGE NEARS For the 17 parishioners who will be going on the MacKillop pilgrimage from Portland to Penola, the time is drawing near! The pilgrimage begins on Monday morning 21 September and follows Mary MacKillop’s journey as she set out from Portland to begin a religious Order of sisters to teach the children of the poor in rural Australia, beginning in Penola. The group returns to Melbourne the following Monday 28 September. There will be a brief Commissioning Blessing for them at next Sunday’s 10.30am Mass. CRAFT GROUP The Craft Group has decided to meet every couple of weeks until the Parish Market Day. The next gathering will be this Friday 18 September from 11.00am ‘til 12.30pm. Bring along your craft ideas as we prepare items for the Market Day! BOOK GROUP The next gathering of the Book Group will be this Wednesday evening, 16 September, 7.30 – 8.30pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. We will look at chapters 7 to 9 of Journey of the Universe. The final two chapters we will leave to the meeting after that (date not yet established). Also at that final meeting we will discuss possibilities for the next book to read for the new year. FINAL WEEK OF SCHOOL TERM This is the final week of Term 3 in the school year. It has been a long winter term with a number of students falling ill with colds and flu, so a holiday will be very welcome. We hope for some sunny weather and a good rest for everyone in the school community! CONGRATULATIONS MR CACHIA! Mr Philip Cachia has been re-appointed as the Principal of Our Lady’s School for a further five years, following the conclusion of his present contract at the end of 2016. We congratulate him on his reappointment and look forward to working with him well into the future. CONGRATULATIONS TO SR THÉRÈSE Parishioner Sr Thérèse Power has been awarded the Sir James Darling Medallist Award. This honour is awarded to an eminent Victorian educator who has made an outstanding and sustained contribution to Victorian education. Thérèse was a teacher and principal for many years in Mercy Education and was also the first female director of a Catholic Education Office. This award is a great honour for her. Well done Sr Thérèse! ST V DE P HELPERS NEEDED Following the article in the latest Parish Voice, are you interested in helping the work of the St V de P Society in our parish? We need helpers for approx 1 hour per week to visit those in need. You will be teamed with a current member and given orientation. We will be holding an information night at Our Lady's on Wednesday 7 October at 7.30 pm, or call Carmel: 0447 763 982. CALL FOR CHOIR MEMBERS Our parish choirs, at both the 6.00pm Mass and 10.30am Mass, are always in need of new members. A particular call is going out for male voices. As we enter into this latter part of the year and look toward our Advent and Christmas liturgies, we invite anyone interested in joining the choir to simply come along and introduce yourself to one of the choir members at either Mass. SOCIAL JUSTICE STATEMENT The Australian Catholic Bishops will officially launch their annual Social Justice Statement on Tuesday. The title of the Statement is ‘For those who’ve come across the seas – Justice for refugees and asylum seekers’. Copies of the Statement will be available in the parish in time for Social Justice Sunday on 27 September. WORK OF CARITAS IN SYRIA How does one describe the emotion of seeing footage and photos of desperate men, women and children fleeing in the hope of not a new life but life! For Caritas Australia the core focus remains their work in Syria and surrounding countries. Details of the Caritas response in Europe can be found on their website: PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION There is a petition in the gathering space from Grandmothers Against the Detention of Refugee Children. Please sign it today, if you haven’t already done so. This petition will be submitted in the Federal Senate calling for the release of all children from Australian detention centres. NEW PASTOR FOR CHRIST CHURCH The Right Reverend Lindsay Urwin will be inducted as the new pastor of the Anglican Parish of Christ Church Brunswick this Tuesday evening. Fr Michael will attend the induction. We hope to meet Bishop Urwin soon and to continue our close ecumenical relationship with the Christ Church community. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR SEPTEMBER We pray for all prisoners and their families. We especially call to mind all those who are imprisoned unjustly. ON THE NOTICEBOARD Updates form the Archdiocese Public Lecture at ACU on Dr Sr Mary Glowrey JMJ: A Legacy of Love, 27 October at 6.30pm. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church $1050.50 Presbytery $558.25 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Wisdom 2:12, 17-20; James 3:16 – 4:3; Mark 9:30-37 PAGINA IN ITALIANO SUCCESSO PER LA BANCARELLA DI TORTE! Lo scorso fine settimana la bancarella di torta ha generato $460. Questo è stato un grande risultato e i fondi andranno per l'organizzazione del nostro Market Day parrocchiale. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che hanno preparato queste deliziose torte e biscotti. Abbiamo alcuni cuochi di molto talento in mezzo a noi! ULTIMA SETTIMANA DEL TRIMESTRE SCOLASTICO Questa è la settimana finale del trimestre 3 dell'anno scolastico. È stato un inverno lungo con molti studenti ammalati, quindi una vacanza e’ molto gradita. Speriamo in un tempo soleggiato per un buon riposo per tutti coloro della comunità scolastica! DONAZIONI DI PREMI PER IL MARKET DAY Gli organizzatori del Market Day parrocchiale hanno chiesto donazioni di oggetti adatti per la lotteria a premi. Si accettano soltanto prodotti nuovi, come articoli per la casa, elettrodomestici, giocattoli, regali, ecc. A partire dal prossimo fine settimana ci sarà una scatola in fondo alla chiesa dove depositare queste donazioni. Grazie per la vostra incessante generosità! CONGRATULAZIONI MR CACHIA! Mr Philip Cachia è stato rinominato preside della scuola di Our Lady’s per altri cinque anni. Ci congratuliamo con lui per la sua nuova nomina e siamo ansiosi di lavorare ancora insieme. UN WEEKEND SPECIALE PER JOEL Lo scorso fine settimana Joel (che era un seminarista qui nel 2013) è stato ordinato sacerdote e celebrerà la sua prima messa come sacerdote alle 14:00 oggi, domenica, a Gladstone Park. Ricordiamo Joel nelle nostre preghiere in questo momento significativo della sua vita. Verra’ a trovarci presto e celebrerà con noi le messe domenicali. Questo ci darà l'occasione per congratularci con lui. SI AVVICINA IL PELLEGRINAGGIO Per i 17 parrocchiani che parteciperanno al pellegrinaggio MacKillop da Portland a Penola, la partenza si avvicina! Il pellegrinaggio inizia lunedì mattina 21 settembre e seguira’ le orme di Mary MacKillop che partì da Portland per avviare un ordine religioso per promuovere l’educazione dei bambini poveri dell’Australia rurale, iniziando a Penola. Il gruppo tornera’ a Melbourne lunedì 28 settembre. Ci sarà una benedizione per loro durante la messa delle 10.30 di domenica prossima. FESTA DI MARIA SS DI SERVIGLIANO MONTEMURRO Il comitato promotore invita cordialmente tutta la comunità Montemurrese, amici e simpatizzanti, alla celebrazione in onore della Madonna di Servigliano. Si tratta di un’occasione importante per tutta la comunità Montemurrese di sentirsi unita nel celebrare le tradizioni paesane. Il comitato organizzatore sarà ben lieto di vedere che questa festa e’ ancora molto sentita tra i paesani. La Santa Messa avrà luogo oggi alle ore 15.00 nella Chiesa di St Ambrose’s. La Messa sarà celebrate da P. Ivan Buridan. Per ulteriori informazioni e donazioni telefonate a Tony Parisi 9387 2119. FESTA DI SAN PIO DA PETRALCINA La Santa Messa avrà luogo Domenica 20 Settembre alle ore 15:00 nella Chiesa di St Ambrose’s. La Messa sarà celebrate da P. Pawel Pakula. Dopo la Messa sarà offerto un rinfresco nella sala della Chiesa. Si prega di portare un piatto do condividere. (Santo Rosario vicino alla statua di San Pio alle ore 14:30). PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER SETTEMBRE Preghiamo per tutti i carcerati e le loro famiglie. Preghiamo in particolare per tutti coloro che sono imprigionati ingiustamente.