PAGINA IN ITALIANO GRAZIE AGLI ORGANIZZATORI DEL MARKET DAY Un ringraziamento speciale al Social Committee parrocchiale che ha organizzato il Market Day questo fine settimana e ha lavorato così duramente per renderlo possibile. Inoltre ringraziamo di cuore tutti quei parrocchiani che si sono resi disponibili per allestire e gestire le varie bancarelle. La vostra generosità contribuisce notevolmente ai nostri sforzi per raccogliere fondi. GRAZIE AD OUR LADY’S SCHOOL Gli studenti della Our Lady’s school hanno donato un gran numero di oggetti per i cesti e i premi del nostro Market Day. Siamo profondamente grati a loro e a Philip Cachia e al personale della scuola per aver partecipato a questo impegno di raccolta fondi così volentieri. Grazie mille! GRUPPI DI RIFLESSIONE PER L’AVVENTO Il tempo di avvento inizia domenica prossima. I seguenti gruppi di riflessione si terranno in parrocchia durante le prossime quattro settimane. Siete tutti benvenuti: 1. 2. 3. Il martedì (in italiano) con Sr Julita, a partire da questa settimana 24 novembre alle ore 10:30 nella sala d'ingresso della casa parrocchiale di St Ambrose’s. Il mercoledì (in inglese) con Sr Diane, a partire da questa settimana 25 novembre alle ore 10.30 nella sala d'ingresso della casa parrocchiale di St Ambrose’s. Il giovedì (in italiano) con Sr Julita, da questa settimana 26 novembre alle ore 09:45 nella sala comunitaria di Our Lady’s. CONFESSIONI PER L’AVVENTO Questo venerdì, 28 novembre, dopo la messa delle 10.00 a St Ambrose’s, Fr Edwin che parla italiano, maltese e inglese, sarà disponibile per il sacramento della riconciliazione. LOTTERIA I biglietti della lotteria parrocchiale saranno venduti fino a domenica 13 dicembre, quando verranno estratti i numeri dopo la messa delle 10.30. I premi includono un iPad mini, due voucher da $770 dagli avvocati e procuratori legali Russo (avete fatto testamento?!) e un cesto di Natale. I biglietti costano $2,00 l’uno. BUONE NOTIZIE PER OUR LADY’S SCHOOL! A seguito delle trattative con il proprietario di 1 Barkly Street (che è stata venduta all'asta per $3,4 milioni), la parrocchia e la scuola hanno un accordo per l'acquisto di 28,5 metri della proprietà adiacente alla nostra scuola per $1,68 milioni. La scuola è in grado di prendere un prestito di $1,5 milioni da essere ripagati in 20 anni. I rimanenti $180.000 del prezzo di vendita saranno forniti dalla parrocchia. Per il momento, il terreno sarà adibito a spazio giochi per i bambini, ma a lungo termine consentira’ alla scuola di rispondere all'aumento di iscrizioni in previsione. UNZIONE DEGLI INFERMI L'unzione degli infermi si svolgerà durante la messa delle 11.00 di venerdì, 4 dicembre presso la chiesa di St Ambrose’s. Questa sarà seguita da un pranzo nel centro comunitario di St Ambrose’s. Se qualcuno ha bisogno di aiuto per il trasporto, si prega di contattare la casa parrocchiale di Our Lady’s o di St Ambrose’s. CONGRATULAZIONI PATRIZIA! Lunedì 16 novembre durante il St Aloysius’ College Celebration, la giovane Patrizia Costantini ha ricevuto il premio St Aloysius School Spirit Award. Patrizia ha trascorso molto tempo in ospedale quest'anno e abbiamo pregato per lei. Brava Patrizia! Parish Newsletter The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East Feast of Christ the King, Year B SUNDAY MASS TIMES RESPONSORIAL PSALM Our Lady’s Cantor: The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty! All: The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty! St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed; The Lord has robed himself with might, He has girded himself with power. The world you made firm not to be moved; Your throne has stood firm from of old. From all eternity O Lord, you are. Truly your decrees are to be trusted. Holiness is fitting to your house, O Lord, until the end of time. All: The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty! PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss OFFERTE PER I FIORI DI NATALE La prossima settimana, dopo la messa delle 10.30 ci sarà una raccolta di offerte per I fiori di Natale presso la Chiesa di St Ambrose’s. FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN CHIUSURA DI SYDNEY ROAD Il prossimo fine settimana Sydney Road sarà chiusa per lavori tra Moreland Road e Brunswick Road, dalla mezzanotte del sabato fino alle 4 di lunedì. Sarete in grado di attraversare Sydney Road all'incrocio Glenlyon Rd/Dawson St e, naturalmente si può camminare su e giù su entrambi i lati della strada! Se verrete a messa a St Ambrose’s, vi converra’ pianificare in anticipo il tragitto! PARISH OFFICE PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER NOVEMBRE Preghiamo per tutti i giovani, affinche’ sperimentino nella loro vita sentimenti di appartenenza, pienezza e pace. 22 November 2015 Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is he who inherits the kingdom of David our Father; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Alleluia! 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 PHONE 9380 1023 FAX 9388 8144 EMAIL [email protected] EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH ANNIVERSARIES Anna Spiteri, Luigi Pasturi, Robert Hardstaff, Angela Mosca, Marino Maini, Rosamaria Altini, Katherine Banon 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: RECENTLY DECEASED TRUE KINGSHIP This week marks the end of the liturgical year. Next week, with the first week of Advent, we begin the new liturgical cycle. It is fitting that the Church concludes the liturgical year with the celebration of Christ the King. The conversation between Jesus and Pilate displays a lot of word play on the part of Jesus and quite a lot of confusion on the part of Pilate. The confusion stems from different perceptions of what it means to be a king. For Pilate, part of the most powerful political and military rule in the ancient world, the idea of a king was a threat. Claiming kingship was claiming authority and power that would inevitably lead to challenging the authority and power of Rome and, more directly, its representative in Palestine – Pilate. Jesus, of course, had a completely different idea about ushering in a kingdom. He does indeed declare that he is a king and that is what leads us to today’s feast of Christ the King. However, his intention is not to claim a position of power and authority. When we think back to Jesus’ teachings about the kingdom of God, we recall that he declares the people of highest status – the first – in the kingdom to be the lowliest of this world. It is the poor, the sick, the outcast, the children and the widows who will hold the highest places in the kingdom of God. In a kingdom like that, what does it mean to declare oneself king? The confusion about what it means to be a king that is captured in this interaction between Jesus and Pilate is the same confusion that we saw among the disciples as they came to terms with exactly what it means to be the Messiah. Greg Sunter THANK YOU TO OUR MARKET DAY HELPERS A very special thanks to the parish Social Committee who organised our parish Market Day for this weekend, and who worked so hard to make it happen. Also we give a heartfelt thanks to all those parishioners who volunteered their time to set up and work on the various stalls. Your generosity contributes greatly to our parish fund-raising efforts. THANKS TO OUR LADY’S SCHOOL The students at Our Lady’s School donated a large number of items for our Market Day hampers and prizes. We are deeply grateful to them and to Philip Cachia and the school staff who have supported this fundraising effort so willingly. A million thanks! ADVENT REFLECTION GROUPS The Season of Advent begins next Sunday. The following reflection groups will be held in the parish over the next four weeks. All are welcome: 1. On Tuesdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, starting this week 24 November at 10.30am in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House 2. On Wednesdays (in English) with Sr Diane, starting this week 25 November at 10.30 in the front room at St Ambrose’s Parish House. 3. On Thursdays (in Italian) with Sr Julita, starting this week 26 November at 9.45am in the Community Room at Our Lady’s. ADVENT RECONCILIATION On this Friday, 28 November, following the 10.00am Mass at St Ambrose’s, Fr Edwin who speaks Italian, Maltese and English, will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. ADVENT RETREAT The parish is offering a retreat afternoon on Saturday week, 5 December from 2.00pm – 5.00pm in St Ambrose’s Community Centre for all of us who you need some ‘time out’ for quiet reflection during the busy weeks before Christmas! There will be separate activities for children so that parents can enjoy a meditative and prayerful time. This will be a wonderful opportunity to spiritually prepare for Christmas. All are welcome! There is a sign-up sheet in the gathering space today if you wish to attend the retreat. Please sign it today or next weekend. PARISH RAFFLE Tickets in the parish raffle will be sold until Sunday 13 December when it will be drawn after the 10.30am Mass. The prizes include an iPad mini, two $770 gift certificates from Russo and Russo barristers and solicitors (have you made your Will?!) and a Christmas hamper. The tickets are $2.00 each. GOOD NEWS FOR OUR LADY’S SCHOOL! Following negotiations with the developer and owner of 1 Barkly Street (which was sold at auction for $3.4 million), the Parish and School have an in-principal agreement to purchase 28.5 metres of the property abutting our school for $1.68 million. Our Lady Help of Christians School is able to take out a loan of $1.5 million to be paid back over 20 years. The remaining $180,000 of the sale price will be provided by the Parish. For the medium term, the land will be used as additional playground space for the children, establishing a mini-oval for them to use each day. In the long term it allows the school to cater for the expected increase in school enrolments. MEETINGS THIS WEEK As it is now too late to prepare and publish The Parish Voice by mid-December, there will be a meeting at 4.00pm this Wednesday 25 November at St Ambrose’s Parish House to plan items for the next edition which will now be available in early February! All are welcome to the meeting. ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick will take place during Mass at 11.00am on Friday week, 4 December at St Ambrose’s Church. This will be followed by lunch in St Ambrose’s Community Centre. If anyone needs help with transport to the Mass and lunch, please contact Our Lady’s or St Ambrose’s Parish house. CONGRATULATIONS PATRIZIA! On Monday 16 November at the St Aloysius’ College Celebration evening, young Patrizia Costantini received the St Aloysius School Spirit Award. Patrizia has spent a lot of time in hospital this year and we have prayed for her. Well done, Patrizia! CAN YOU HELP? Can any parishioner help Majid, an asylum seeker in his thirties, obtain a job, any legal job? His English is poor, but he is willing to learn. His wife is not well. They have no children, and are finding their isolation very stressful. He worked as a painter in Iran. He and his wife live in East Brunswick. They have been in Australia for nearly two years but only recently received work rights. Majid has recently obtained his driver’s licence. If you are an employer, or know an employer, please ring Brian, of the Brunswick/East Brunswick Parish Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society on 0413 416 766. Or phone the parish office and ask them to pass on the message. MARIST CHRISTMAS GATHERING Parishioners are invited to a Christmas gathering organised by Australian Marist Solidarity next Sunday 29 November at the Marist Centre, 1 Dawson Street Brunswick from 5.30 – 7.30pm. RSVP to Tracey 9389 3100. OPENING THE DOOR OF MERCY Have you thought about making the pilgrimage to St Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday 13 December? On that day the holy Door of Mercy will be opened by Archbishop Denis Hart to mark the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. If you would like to walk with us, mark the date on your calendar. More details next week. You are invited to carry a photo or memento of someone who has been merciful to you. The Door of Mercy will be opened by Archbishop Denis Hart at 2.30pm. There will be food stalls, music, and activities hosted by Archdiocesan agencies. COLLECTION FOR FLOWERS Next week, after the 10.30am Mass, there will be a leaving collection for Christmas flowers at St Ambrose’s church. SYDNEY ROAD CLOSURE Next weekend, Sydney Road will be closed for tram improvement works, between Moreland Road and Brunswick Road, from midnight Saturday until 4.00am Monday. You will be able to cross Sydney Road at the Glenlyon Rd/ Dawson St intersection and, of course you can walk up and down on either side of the street! If you are coming to church at St Ambrose’s, you may need to plan ahead! PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR NOVEMBER We pray for all youth. May they experience belonging, fulfilment and peace in their lives. PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1179.60 Presbytery: $595.55 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Jeremiah 33:14–16; 1 Thes 3:12 – 4:2; Luke 21:25–28. 34–36