PARISH NEWSLETTER The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East 11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY MASS TIMES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen 14 JUNE 2015 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. It is good to give thanks to the Lord to make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your truth in the watches of the night. The just will flourish like the palm-tree and grow like a Lebanon cedar. Planted in the house of the Lord they will flourish in the courts of our God, still bearing fruit when they are old, still full of sap, still green, to proclaim that the Lord is just. In him, my rock, there is no wrong. PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr Philip Cachia GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live for ever. Alleluia! PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 9380 1023 PHONE 9388 8144 FAX [email protected] EMAIL ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: EUCHARISTIC PRAYER VARIOUS NEEDS 1 RECENTLY DECEASED Marisa Perna-Hayes ANNIVERSARIES Maria and Salvatore Todaro, Lorenza Sipione JESUS’ PARABLES The great seasons of Lent and Eastertide are completed and now we return to the cycle of ‘Ordinary Time’ and the sequential reading of Mark’s Gospel. In Mark Chapter 4, the setting is by the Sea of Galilee and Jesus teaches the crowd that gathers, using a number of parables. Our imagination can be helpful here. The crowd that gathers are probably ordinary peasant farmers and so Jesus uses images that they would be familiar with. ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Parable of a man sowing his crop Parable of the lamp Parable of the seed growing by itself Parable of the mustard seed Parables were often used in the Old Testament as a way of teaching and their value lay in not explaining them, but rather letting the listener be puzzled by them and search for their meaning. Jesus finishes his parables with the words, ‘Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.’ (4:9, 23) You might imagine some in the crowd going away scratching their heads, and talking to each other – ‘What do you think he is talking about?’ Newspapers use a similar technique in some cartoons, which are not just for amusement, but also offer a social or political commentary. Many of Michael Leunig’s reflections are the same – inviting you to think. – Mary Coloe BACK TO GREEN! You will notice the sanctuary and liturgical vesture is, once again, green! We are now in the midst of Ordinary Time – the time of quiet growth! The word ‘ordinary’ comes from the word ordinal which means ‘counted’. Each week is known by a number, e.g. the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The use of the term Ordinary Time in our liturgical calendar distinguishes it from the other seasons—Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter— which focus on particular aspects of Christ’s life: his birth, suffering, death and resurrection. Ordinary Time celebrates Jesus’ teaching and ministry. It gives us time to reflect on how we live as Christians. We have thirty-three weeks to examine and ‘order’ our lives while we focus on a particular Gospel, in a three-year cycle, and to enter it deeply. This year it is the Gospel of Mark. S V DE P WINTER APPEAL TODAY The Brunswick Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is holding its Winter Appeal this weekend at all Masses. On this occasion they are asking for money or non-perishable food (a box is at the back of the church), or clean blankets. The seven members of the parish conference are grateful to parishioners for their generosity which gives the local conference of SVdeP the material means to help the needy. If you can give practical assistance by visiting, please phone Brian on 0413 416 766. SR JULITA HAS RETURNED After a good holiday with family members in Brazil, Sr Julita has returned to the parish. We warmly welcome her back into our midst this weekend. BAPTISM MEAL On Wednesday evening 17 June, there will be a meal and information session at 6.30pm, in the front room of St Ambrose’s Community Centre, for parents whose young children will be baptised in the parish over the next few weeks. MEETING REMINDER Liturgy Preparation Team 2 meets with Fr Michael on Wednesday 17 June at 6.30pm in the Parish House at St Ambrose’s. PARISH VOICE PLANNING MEETING Three times a year The Parish Voice magazine is produced. It features stories of parishioners and parish events. If you are interested in being part of the planning of the August edition, there will be a meeting in the parish house at St Ambrose’s on Friday 26 June at 11.30am. All welcome! ST ANTHONY’S FESTA TODAY St Ambrose’s Italian community is hosting the St Anthony Festa this afternoon. It will begin with rosary 2.30pm at the St Pio statue, and Mass will begin at 3.00pm. All are welcome. THANK YOU FROM CARITAS Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s have received letters of thanks from Caritas Australia for our generous donations to this year’s Project Compassion appeal. The total amount raised was $3631.20. The letter from Caritas said ‘Your generous gift is a display of compassion in action and makes a lifechanging difference. From all at Caritas Australia, thank you for embracing Project Compassion and helping those who are the most vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice.’ A RENEWABLE ENERGY LEADER St Ambrose’s and Our Lady’s have been recognised by Moreland Council as leaders in tackling climate change by adopting measures to reduce energy and water use in our parish properties. In the Moreland Energy Foundation flier, Fr Michael is quoted as saying, ‘If we each tackle the edge of this problem that’s nearest to us, we can bring about real change.’ ONE YEAR TO GO This time next year, World Youth Day will be taking place in Krakow, Poland. As part of the preparation for this event, there will be a festival for youth on 5 July 2015 at the Catholic Leadership Centre in East Melbourne from 2.00pm. For further information, please see Fr Vinh. NO, IT’S NOT LEPROSY! If you think Fr Michael’s face is looking a bit leprous, there’s no need to worry. He has been having some Efudix treatment for sun damaged skin. This treatment destroys potential skin cancers. His (usually pleasant) face should be back to normal next week! AN EVENING FORUM FOR PARISHES On Thursday 18 June, 6.00–8.30pm there will be a forum for parishes on issues pertaining to Asylum Seekers. Cathedral Room, Cardinal Knox Centre. Cost $15 includes refreshments and resources. Further details on the noticeboard. CONCERT FOR COMPASSION Parishioners are invited to a chamber music concert and art exhibition tomorrow evening, 15 June (doors open at 7.00pm) in aid of Refugee Week 2015. Brunswick Uniting Church. Entry by donation. All proceeds go towards the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre. For further details contact 9388 2459 FESTIVAL OF HOPE On World Refugee Day, Saturday 20 June, there will be a Festival of Hope in Brunswick Town Hall. This is a free event and will include music, dance classes, henna art and face painting, workshops and visual art including a community mandala. From 12.00 – 5.00pm. The event is sponsored by Moreland City Council and Amnesty International. MEDIA RELEASE FROM AUSTRALIAN BISHOPS The Australian Catholic Bishops have released a Pastoral Letter on Marriage. Some copies are still on the church table or you can download it from There are also copies of the media release on the table. ACCOMMODATION FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS Accommodation is urgently needed for a large number of exchange students arriving in Melbourne in August for Melbourne Universities for a period of 4 weeks to 9 months. Average Payment is $1080.00 per 4 weeks per student. All Homestay income is tax free. For an application form please click the link host_application.htm, or email [email protected]. PARISH PRAYER FOCUS FOR JUNE We pray for the homeless, especially during this Winter season. We pray with gratitude for those who minister to them. ON THE NOTICEBOARD ♦ Updates from the Archdiocese ♦ Program for the Festival of Hope ♦ Book Launch: ‘Feasts of Glory in East and West’ by Dr Birute Arendarcikas RSM, Tuesday 16 June at 12.30pm PARISH COLLECTIONS Church: $1204.78 Presbytery: $538.24 READINGS NEXT WEEK: Job 38:1. 8–11; 2 Corinthians 5:14–17; Mark 4:35–41 PAGINA IN ITALIANO TORNIAMO AL VERDE! Avrete notato che il colore dell’Altare e della veste liturgica è tornato verde! Ora siamo nel bel mezzo del tempo ordinario – il tempo di crescita silenziosa! Ogni settimana si riconosce da un numero, ad esempio l’XI domenica del tempo ordinario. L'uso del termine “tempo ordinario” nel nostro calendario liturgico distingue questo tempo da altre stagioni liturgiche — Avvento, Natale, Quaresima e Pasqua — che si concentrano su aspetti particolari della vita di Cristo: nascita, sofferenza, morte e risurrezione. Il tempo ordinario celebra l’insegnamento e il Ministero di Gesù. Ci permette di riflettere su come vivere da cristiani. Abbiamo trentatre settimane per esaminare e mettere ordine nelle nostre vite, concentrandoci su un particolare Vangelo, che ritorna ciclicamente ogni tre anni. Quest'anno cade il Vangelo di Marco. S V DE P INVERNO APPELLO OGGI La conferenza di Brunswick della società San Vincenzo de' Paoli fara’ un appello d’inverno questo fine settimana a tutte le messe. In questa occasione chiederemo denaro, prodotti alimentari non deperibili (c’e’ una cassetta in fondo alla Chiesa), o coperte pulite. I sette membri della commissione parrocchiale sono grati ai parrocchiani per la loro generosità, che dà alla società locale San Vincenzo de' Paoli i mezzi materiali per aiutare i bisognosi. Se potete offrire assistenza pratica facendo visite, siete pregati di contattare Brian allo 0413 416 766. FESTA DI SANT’ANTONIO OGGI Oggi, Santa Messa in onore di Sant’Antonio nella Chiesa di Sant’Ambrogio, si celebrera’ il Santo Rosario alle ore 2.30pm davanti alla statua di San Pio. La Santa Messa alle ore 3.00pm sarà celebrata da Padre Pawel Pakula CSsR. Ci sarà anche la benedizione dei panini. Per informazioni o donazioni, telefonate al Procuratore Antonio Parisi 9387 2119. Tutti sono benvenuti. SR JULITA E’ TORNATA Dopo una bella vacanza con i membri della sua famiglia in Brasile, Sr Julita e’ tornata in parrocchia. La accogliamo calorosamente di nuovo in mezzo a noi questo fine settimana. GRAZIE DALLA CARITAS Le parrocchie di Nostra Signora e Sant'Ambrogio hanno ricevuto lettere di ringraziamento dalla Caritas Australia per le nostre generose donazioni per il progetto di compassione di quest'anno. L'importo totale raccolto e’ stato di $3631.20. La lettera della Caritas riporta “il vostro gesto generoso è un segno di compassione trasformata in opera di bene e davvero fa una grande differenza che puo’ cambiare delle vite. Da tutti i membri della Caritas Australia, grazie per aver abbracciato il progetto di compassione e per aver aiutato coloro che sono vulnerabili alla miseria e all'ingiustizia. NO, NON SI TRATTA DI LEBBRA! Se pensate che la faccia di Fr Michael sia affetta da lebbra, non c'è nessun bisogno di preoccuparsi. Si e’ sottoposto a qualche trattamento Efudix per la pelle danneggiata dal sole. Questo trattamento previene potenziali tumori della pelle. Il suo volto (solitamente piacevole) dovrebbe tornare alla normalità la prossima settimana! CONCERTO PER COMPASSIONE I parrocchiani sono invitati ad un concerto di musica da camera e ad una mostra d’arte domani sera, 15 giugno (le porte aprono alle 7.00 pm) a favore della settimana dei rifugiati 2015. Brunswick Uniting Church. Ingresso su donazione. Tutti i proventi vanno verso l’Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre. Per ulteriori dettagli contattare il 9388 2459. FESTA DELLA SPERANZA Nella giornata mondiale del rifugiato, sabato 20 giugno, ci sarà un Festival di speranza presso il Brunswick Town Hall. Questo è un evento gratuito e comprenderà musica, danza, arte dell’henna e pittura del viso, laboratori e arte visiva, tra cui un mandala di comunità. Dalle ore 12.00 alle 5.00 pm. L'evento è sponsorizzato da Moreland City Council e Amnesty International. ALLOGGI PER STUDENTI DI SCAMBIO Alloggi sono richiesti con urgenza per un gran numero di studenti di scambio che arrivano a Melbourne nel mese di agosto all’Università di Melbourne per un periodo che va dalle 4 settimane ai 9 mesi. La ricompensa media è di $1080,00 per 4 settimane per ogni studente. Il reddito Homestay è esentasse. Per un modulo di richiesta per favore cliccare il link, o via e-mail [email protected]. PREGHIERA PARROCCHIALE PER GIUGNO Preghiamo per i senzatetto, soprattutto durante la stagione invernale. Preghiamo con gratitudine per coloro che se ne prendono cura.