PAGINA IN ITALIANO LA NOSTRA ICONA PER QUESTA STAGIONE Durante il periodo di Avvento/Natale siamo memori della maternità di Maria. L'icona della 'Madonna della tenerezza' sull'altare raffigura la grande tenerezza tra madre e bambino. Essa ci ricorda anche il ruolo di Maria nell'incarnazione. Lei porta in grembo il bambino che è il Verbo fatto carne, la gloria di Dio in mezzo a noi. NATALE PER UN’ ALTRA SETTIMANA A seguito la Festa di oggi dell'Epifania, la nostro tempo di Natale continua fino a Domenica prossima, quando si celebra la Festa del Battesimo del Signore. Il piriodo Avvento/Natale finisce con questa festa, in cui Gesù inizia il suo ministero pubblico. DI NUOVO ‘GRAZIE!’ Voglio ancora esprimere il mio sincero ringraziamento a tutti coloro che, in vari modi, hanno offerto auguri a me per questo Natale 2015. Vi ringrazio sinceramente. –Fr Michael TEMPO PER VACANZE Questa settimana Fr Michael comincia le sue vacanze annuale e tornerà il Venerdì 29 Gennaio. Auguri di buone vacanze e buon riposo. FR VINH Per i tre week-end che Fr.Michael è assente per vacanze, Fr Vinh celebrerà tutte le Messe Domenicali. MESSE PER I GIORNI FERIALE DI GENNAIO Per tutto il mese di Gennaio ci saranno le Messe del mattino Martedì e Mercoledì alle 09:15 a Santa Maria. Ci sarà la Messa alle ore 10.00 dal Giovedì al Sabato a Sant'Ambrogio. SERVIZI DI COMUNIONE GIORNI FERIALE Il Martedì e il Mercoledì di Gennaio Servizio di Comunione alle ore 10.00 a Sant'Ambrogio. A Santa Maria ci sarà il Servizio di Comunione di Giovedì alle 09:15 e Venerdì alle 09.00. MINISTRI PER LA LITURGIA IN GENNAIO Molti parrocchiani saranno via per le vacanze in questo periodo dell'anno. Quindi, chiediamo a quei lettori e ministri di comunione che saranno qui per verificare all'inizio della Messa se è necessario l’aiuto con eventuali ministeri. Molte grazie! Parish Newsletter TEMPO TRANQUILLO NELLA VITA DELLA PARROCCHIA: Il mese di Gennaio è di solito un tempo tranquillo dell'anno. Le scuole sono in vacanza e non ci sono riunioni parrocchiali. Non ci sarà il Newsletter della Domenica per il resto del mese di Gennaio. Godiamoci questo momento tranquillo dell'anno prima di iniziare l’azione parrocchiale nuovamente in Febbraio FR VINH ANDRA’ NELLA PARROCCHIA DI SUNSHINE Fr Vinh è stato nominato coadiutore presso la Parrocchia di Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception a Sunshine. Ci lascerà il 3 febbraio. Fr Vinh è stato coadiutore nella nostra parrocchia per 18 mesi. Preghiamo per Fr Vinh mentre si prepara per questo prossimo capitolo della sua vocazione sacerdotale. SR JULITA SI TRASFERISCE IN GERMANIA Dopo dieci anni di lavoro nella parrocchia, Sr Julita Buss, una suora missionaria di Saint Anthony Mary Claret (Clarettiani), verra’ trasferita in Germania! Siamo molto tristi nel vederla andare, dal momento che lei è stata una forte presenza nella comunità parrocchiale, specialmente con i parrocchiani di lingua italiana. Per i suoi primi 5 anni con noi, Sr Julita lavorava part-time in St Ambrose’s. I 5 anni successivi ha lavorato a tempo pieno nelle comunità di St Ambrose’s e Our Lady’s. Sr Julita continuera’ a lavorare nella parrocchia fino all'inizio di febbraio. UN PARTY DI SALUTO E RINGRAZIAMENTO Avremo un party per salutare e ringraziare Fr Vinh e Sr Julita domenica 31 gennaio nella sala di Our Lady’s alle 12.00. Tutti sono invitati a questo importante evento per ringraziare Fr Vinh e Sr Julita per il loro ministero tra noi e augurare loro ogni bene per il futuro! UNA NUOVA COLLABORATRICE PASTORALE Un'altra sorella clarettiana assumerà il ruolo di Collaboratrice pastorale nella parrocchia. Il suo nome è Sr Marjetka Zlahtic. Alcuni parrocchiani forse ricordano Sr Marjetka, che fu collaboratrice pastorale presso St Ambrose’s per un breve periodo nel 2002 prima di essere mandata a Roma per lavorare nella Direzione dell’Ordine. Dopo molti anni a Roma, Sr Marjetka ha fatto ritorno in Australia e visitera’ la parrocchia con Sr Julita per tutto gennaio, prima di iniziare ufficialmente il suo ministero tra noi nel mese di febbraio. The Catholic Parish of Brunswick and Brunswick East Feast of the Epiphany, Year C 3 January 2016 SUNDAY MASS TIMES RESPONSORIAL PSALM Our Lady’s Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. St Ambrose’s 6.00pm Saturday Vigil 9.00am Sunday (Italian/English) 10.30am Sunday WEEKDAY MASSES Our Lady’s St Ambrose’s Tues to Thurs at 9.15am Friday at 9.00am Tues to Saturday at 10.00am RECONCILIATION St Ambrose’s Our Lady’s 10.30am Saturday 11.30am Saturday MARRIAGES AND BAPTISMS by appointment PRIESTS OF THE PARISH Fr Michael Casey and Fr Vinh Nguyen PASTORAL ASSOCIATES O God, give your judgement to the king, to a king’s son your justice, that he may judge your people in justice and your poor in right judgement. In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails. He shall rule from sea to sea, from the Great River to earth’s bounds. The kings of Tarshish and the sea coasts shall pay him tribute. The kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring him gifts. Before him all kings shall fall prostrate, all nations shall serve him. Sr Diane Cleveland and Sr Julita Buss FAITH DEVELOPMENT AND ADMIN Tricia Murray SCHOOL PRINCIPAL For he shall save the poor when they cry and the needy who are helpless. He will have pity on the weak and save the lives of the poor. Mr Philip Cachia PARISH OFFICE 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC 3056 PHONE 9380 1023 FAX 9388 8144 EMAIL [email protected] ST AMBROSE’S CHURCH 287 Sydney Road, Brunswick Phone: 9380 1023 Fax: 9388 8144 Website: OUR LADY’S CHURCH 49 Nicholson Street, Brunswick East Phone: 9380 1844 Fax: 9388 0170 Website: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! We have seen his star in the East; and have come to adore the Lord. Alleluia! EUCHARISTIC PRAYER II RECENTLY DECEASED Leo Doyle, Danny McNamara ANNIVERSARIES Laurie Davies CHRIST REVEALED TO THE GENTILES In the eastern churches this Feast is celebrated as Christmas, for in today’s feast Christ is revealed to the Gentiles, the non-Jews. By having foreigners come to the nativity and honour the child, Matthew looks ahead to the later Christian church which by the 80s, when Matthew is writing, has expanded beyond Judaism into the gentile lands. This is our festival, for as nonJews, we have been brought into the blessing promised to Abraham and extended through the people of Israel to us. This is the message we find in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. God’s gracious love has come to the gentiles (the pagans). Paul calls this a mystery – something that reveals the power of God at work – God has come to all people. Mary Coloe PBVM OUR ICON FOR THIS SEASON During the Advent/Christmas Season we are mindful of Mary’s motherhood. The icon of ‘Our Lady of Tenderness’ on the altar depicts the great tenderness between mother and child. It also reminds us of Mary’s role in the Incarnation. She holds her child close, the child who is the Word made flesh – the glory of God in our midst. CHRISTMAS FOR ANOTHER WEEK Following today’s Feast of the Epiphany, our Christmas season continues until next Sunday, when we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Our Advent/Christmas season finishes with this feast, by which Jesus begins his public ministry. TIME FOR A HOLIDAY This week Fr Michael begins his annual holidays, and will return on Friday 29 January. May it be a restful holiday for him. FR VINH For the three weekends that Fr Michael is away on holidays, Fr Vinh will celebrate all the Sunday Masses (also the weekday Masses). WEEKDAY MASSES DURING JANUARY Throughout January there will be morning Masses on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.15am at Our Lady’s. There will be a 10.00am morning Mass from Thursday to Saturday at St Ambrose’s. WEEKDAY COMMUNION SERVICES On the Tuesdays and Wednesdays of January there will be Communion Services at 10.00am at St Ambrose’s. At Our Lady’s there will be Communion Services on Thursdays at 9.15am and Fridays at 9.00am. FIRST SUNDAY CUPPA Today, the first Sunday of the month (and of the year!) there will be a ‘cuppa’ after the 10.30am Mass to welcome our new year together. All are very welcome to come over to St Ambrose’s Community Centre for tea, coffee and cake! LITURGICAL MINISTRIES IN JANUARY Many parishioners go away for holidays at this time of the year. So, we ask those lectors and Communion ministers who will be here to check at the beginning of Mass whether help is needed with any ministries. Many thanks! AGAIN ‘THANK YOU!’ Again may I express my sincere thanks to all who, in various ways, have offered Christmas wishes to me for this Christmas 2015. Thank you sincerely. –Fr Michael A QUIET TIME IN PARISH LIFE The month of January is usually a quiet time of the year. The schools are on holidays and there are no parish meetings. There will be no Parish newsletters until the final Sunday of January. Let’s enjoy this quiet time of the year before we begin parish action again in February!! FR VINH IS GOING TO SUNSHINE PARISH Fr Vinh has been appointed as Assistant Priest at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Sunshine. He will be leaving us at the beginning of February. Fr Vinh has been the Assistant Priest in our parish for 18 months. We pray for him as he prepares for this next chapter in his priestly vocation. SR JULITA TRANSFERRED TO GERMANY After ten years of working in the parish, Sr Julita Buss, a Missionary Sister of Saint Anthony Mary Claret (Claretian), is being transferred to Germany! We will be very sad to see her go, as she has been a strong presence in the parish community, particularly with the Italian-speaking parishioners. For her first 5 years with us, Sr Julita worked part-time at St Ambrose’s. The next 5 years she worked full-time in both Our Lady’s and St Ambrose’s communities. Julita will continue working in the parish until the beginning of February. A FAREWELL AND ‘THANK YOU’ PARTY We will have a formal ‘thank you’ and farewell for both Fr Vinh and Sr Julita on Sunday 31 January in Our Lady’s Hall at 12.00 noon. All are invited to attend this important event as we thank Sr Julita and Fr Vinh for their ministry amongst us, and wish them well for the future! A NEW PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Another Claretian Sister will be taking up the role of Pastoral Associate in the parish. Her name is Sr Marjetka Zlahtic. Some parishioners may remember Sr Marjetka who was a Pastoral Associate at St Ambrose’s for a short time in 2002 before being sent to Rome to work in the order’s leadership team. After many years in Rome, Sr Marjetka has now returned to Australia. She will accompany Sr Julita on her visitation in the parish throughout January, and will officially begin her ministry amongst us in February. MERCY CONNECT Mercy Works is currently recruiting volunteers to support refugee students and asylum seekers in the Melbourne Archdiocese. The volunteer commitment is approximately half a day per week for four school terms. Interview process will be in Dec/Jan followed by a Training Day at the end of January. Please contact Sr. Mary Lewis RSM for an application form and further information. Email: [email protected] (preferred for contact) Website: Hymn for the Epiphany WE THREE KINGS We three kings of orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star. O star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light. Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, Gold I bring to crown him again King for ever, ceasing never Over us all to reign. Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh Prayer and praising, all are raising, Worshipping God most high. Myrrh is mine: Its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom. Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone cold tomb. Glorious now behold him arise, King and God and Sacrifice! Alleluia, alleluia, Heaven to earth replies. READINGS NEXT WEEK: Isaiah 42:1–4. 6–7; Acts 10:34–38; Luke 3:15–16. 21–22