Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - JANUARY 19TH, 2014
‘What brings faith alive’
‘John the Baptist was a man
whose life sent a powerful, unambiguous message to those who
came across him. If one of us were
to stand in the wilderness dressed
in animal skins, we might wonder what kind of message we
might send. Yet we can see that the way that John lived his
life was perfectly suited for being a herald of Jesus Christ.
Any attention that John drew was immediately deflected
away from himself to the one that he had come to point out.
He was an effective signpost to Jesus because he pointed
towards him with his whole life, which illuminated the truth
that he spoke when he said “Behold the Lamb of God, who
takes away the sin of the World.”
‘The faith that we have, handed down to us from the Apostles, is the most important thing that we have to offer to our
world. But if we're not careful, the beliefs that we hold can
seem to others as simply a set of words with little or no relevance. What brings our faith alive, and makes it attractive to
others, is when those words are lived out in every aspect of
our lives. It's then that people can see the great richness that
life with Christ holds for all those who seek him.’
Excerpt from a homily by Fr Robert Gay OP
Valentine Dinner and Dance
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Dinner starts at 7:00pm
Buffet Style Menu includes: Antipasto, eats,
Pasta, Fish, Salad,Vegetables, Fruit, Dessert, Two Bottles of Wine per Table, Soft
Drinks, Espresso and Regular Coffee. Music for all with DJ David Basile in a friendly
atmosphere. Door Prizes and more….
Cost: Adults $45.00 children under 12,
$20.00. All proceeds will go to the “Roof Project” of our
church. To reserve your tickets call Silvana
Morra 416-579-4798 or Antonio Carnevale 905678-1816
Jan. 20th– 26th, 2014
Monday:Jan. 20th
8:00am–No Mass
7:00pm – +Arcole Mattei
Tuesday: Jan. 21th
8:00am- No Mass
7:00pm – Giuseppe & Ancona Papasodaro
Wednesday: Jan. 22nd
8:00am – No Mass
7:00 pm - +Arcole Mattei
Thursday: Jan. 23rd
8:00am –No Mass
7:00pm- +Luigi & Jose Venditi
Friday: Jan. 24th
8:00am – No Mass
7:00pm –+Frank Coraci
Saturday: Jan. 25th
8:30am -No Mass
5:00pm –+Damien Drake
Sunday: Jan. 26th
9:00am –+Pacita & Ricardo Abug
10:30am– +Giovanni & Teresa Brizzi, Palma D’Ambrozio
12:00pm – +Maria Fernades Marques
Pilgrimage- Holy Land and Italy:
September 7th— 21st, 2014.
In the Holy Land walking on the footsteps of Jesus we will
visit most of the places where he lived his adult early life, including: Nazareth, Cana, Mount Tabor, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Magdala, Tabgha, Akka, Haifa,
Mount Carmel, Caesarea, Tel-Aviv, Jaffa, Ein Karem, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany, Jerico, River Jordan, & the Dead
Sea- the lowest Sea level in the world. In Italy, we will visit
Rome and it’s most famous historical places and participate
in a General Audience with Pope Francis. Assisi the city of
the St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Italy, Loreto, the
beautiful Marian Shrine of Loreto with the Holy House of Nazareth. San Giovanni Rotondo and the magnificent Church of
ARE LIMITED. For more information you are invited to contact Fr. Jimmy: 905-677-4615 – Silvana Morra:416-579-4798
Or Henry at Gideon Travel Agency:905-949-5533.
Fr. Lorenzo will be away on his vacation to the Philippines from February 3rd-26th, 2014.
Though I will be thousands miles away, rest assure that
I will still be regularly monitoring the progress of the
renovation in the church. Please pray for me during my
absence. God Bless!
Sacrament of Confirmation
Monday, February 3rd, 2014
Class begins at 7:30 p.m. and ends at 9:00 p.m.
How are we doing?
Last Sunday Offertory $ 6,274.00
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Please pray for those who are sick
members of our parish
and those who love and minister to them:
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - JANUARY 19TH, 2014
Reflecting on our Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan
How do we achieve the mission of the Pastoral Plan? Celebrate our cultural diversity.
The Archdiocese of Toronto is one of the most culturally diverse dioceses in the world, with Mass celebrated in more
than 30 languages each week. This diversity is one of our
greatest gifts and will be nurtured lovingly and responsibly.
Parishes with a cultural history serve as a spiritual home and
a gathering of family members who share a common culture,
language and tradition. We must draw on the richness of this
diversity while challenging one another to consider how we
can best connect with the body of Christ beyond our parish
boundaries. We will work to maintain a deep connection to
the local church, while encouraging our culturally diverse
parishes to share their successful models of collaboration,
worship and outreach with friends across the Archdiocese.
To learn more about the Pastoral Plan, visit
Ministers of Care Training
Ministers of Care Training and Formation Program is designed to prepare parishioners to become involved in various
caring (outreach) ministries in the parish such as; Ministry
with the Sick, feeding the poor, social justice committee, bereavement, etc. Parishioners who are not able to serve in the
parish will also benefit from this program. This program will
help parishioners bring the Catholic Social Teaching to life
by responding to the needs of those in their family, workplace and parish in a way that is affirming. All parishioners
are welcome. This training will be held at St. Anthony’s Parish, Brampton beginning on Saturdays, January 25 to March
1, 2014 from 9:30am-3:00pm. There is no cost to attend,
however registration is required. For further information
please visit or contact Sally Amaral at (416) 721-3741.
Pellegrinaggio Terra Santa e Italia: 7 Settembre
- 21 Settembre 2014.
In Terra Santa, cammineremo sulle orme di Gesú nei posti
piú significativi dove ha trascorso la sua vita terrena:
Nazareth, Cana, Monte Tabor, Tiberia, Mare di Gallilea,
Monte delle Beatitudini, Magdala, Tagba, Akka, Haifa,
Monte Carmelo, Cesarea, Tel-Aviv, Jaffa, Ein Karem,
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Betania, Jerico, Fiume Giordano, Mar
Morto, il posto con il livello piú basso del mondo. In Italia
visiteremo Roma e suoi posti storici piú rinomati,
parteciperemo all’Udienza Generale con Papa Francesco,
Assisi la cittá del Santo Patrono D’Italia San Franceso,
Loreto con la sua bellissima e famosa chiesa che contiene la
santa casa di Nazareth, e San Giovanni Rotondo visitando il
nostro grande San Padre Pio. RISERVATE PRESTO,
POSTI SONO LIMITATI. Per ulteriore informazioni siete
invitati a mettervi in contatto con Padre Jimmy: 905-6774615- Silvana Morra: 416-579-4798 – Henry,Gideon Travel
Agency: 905-949-5533 - Troverete i foglietti con tutte le
informazioni all’ingresso principale della chiesa.
Dio che viene ad incontrarci nella Bibbia non regna, indifferente alla sofferenza umana, in una lontananza beata. E'
un Dio che, al contrario, si prende a
cuore tutta questa sofferenza. Lui la
conosce (Es 3,7). La notizia di Dio che
si fa uomo in Gesù non ci lascia di
sasso: Dio viene nel cuore della nostra
vita, si lascia toccare dalla nostra sofferenza umana, si pone con noi le
nostre domande, si compenetra della nostra disperazione:
“Mio Dio, perché mi hai abbandonato?” (Mc 15,34). Giovanni Battista dice di Gesù: “Ecco l’Agnello di Dio, che toglie il peccato del mondo”. Ecco questo Dio che si lascia ferire
dalla cattiveria dell’uomo, che si lascia commuovere dalla
sofferenza di questa terra. Egli ha voluto avvicinarsi il più
possibile a noi, è nel seno della nostra vita, con i suoi dolori e
le sue contraddizioni, le sue falle e i suoi abissi. È in questo
che la nostra fede cristiana si distingue da qualsiasi altra religione. Gesù sulla croce - Dio nel mezzo della sofferenza
umana: questa notizia è per noi un’incredibile consolazione.
È vicino al mio dolore, egli mi capisce, sa come mi sento.
Questa notizia implica allo stesso tempo un’esistenza scomoda: impegnati per coloro che, nel nostro mondo, stanno
affondando, che naufragano nell’anonimato, che sono torturati, che vengono assassinati, che muoiono di fame o deperiscono... Sono tutti tuoi fratelli e tue sorelle!
Cena e Ballo di San Valentino:
Sabato, 8 Febbraio, 2014
La cena Buffet Style incomincia alle ore 7:00pm
Il menu include: Antipasto, Due Primi, Due
Carni, Pesce, Contorni, Insalata, Frutta,
Dolci, Bibite, Acqua, Due Bottiglie di Vino
per Tavolo e Caffé Espresso e Regolare.
Premi abbinati al Biglietto d’Ammissione.
Musica per tutti con DJ Davide Basile in
un’ambiente allegro in buona compagnia. Adulti$45.00 bambini al di sotto di 12 anni $20.00. Il
ricavato sará devoluto al progetto “Tetto”
della nostra chiesa. Per biglietti telefonate:
Antonio Carnevale 905-678-1816 o Silvana Morra-416-579-4798
Gruppo di preghiera San Padre Pio
La santa messa in onore di San Padre Pio
sará celebrata Martedi 21 Gennaio,alle ore
7:00pm. Il Santo Rosario incomincerá alle
ore 6:30. Non mancate e invitate altre

What brings faith alive - Our Lady of the Airways