IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 TWENTy FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—August 23 , 2015 RD Thank You—Grazie Tante! A big Thank You to all our sponsors, Feast Committee members and volunteers who made the Feast of the Assumption a great success. Without you, this celebration could not be possible! Mille grazie a tutti gli sponsors, ai membri del comitato e ai volontari che hanno reso la Festa dell’Assunta un grande successo. Senza di voi questa celebrazione non sarebbe stata possibile! Festa in onore di S. Gabriele dell’ Addolorata Domenica 23 Agosto presso la Chiesa Immacolata Concezione 300 Ansley Grove Rd.Woodbridge, S’inizia alle ore 2:00pm Processione con la statua alle ore 3:00pm Santa Messa concelebrata all’aperto dopo la processione. Preghiere, canti, confessioni in chiesa durane tutto il pomeriggio Please note: There is no mass at 7:00pm on Sunday August 23rd Catholic Mission in Canada MISSIONI CATTOLICHE IN CANADA This weekend, we are having a second collection for the Mission in Canada. This provides financial support to Catholic missionaries - priests, sisters, brothers and lay people - whose lives 3are dedicated to proclaiming the blessings of the Catholic faith throughout the poorest regions in Canada. Questo weekend, si farà una seconda colletta per le Missioni Cattoliche, al fine di provvedere un sostegno finanziario a sacerdoti, suore, religiosi e laici missionari che dedicano la loro vita per proclamare le benedizioni della fede Cattolica nelle zone più povere del Canada. Family of Faith Visit of Bishop Wayne Kirkpatrick Most Rev. Wayne Kirkpatrick, Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto for the Northern Region, will preside over the masses on the weekend of August 29 and 30, 2015, and will address the faithful on our campaign for Family of Faith. Il Rev. mo Mons.Wayne Kirkpatrick, vescovo ausiliare di Toronto per la zona Nord, presiederà la santa messa il 29 e 30 agosto 2015, e parlerà della nostra campagna parrocchiale “Comunità di Fede”. FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION WINNING TICKET NUMBERS Biglietti vincenti alla lotteria della festa dell’Assunta 1st 2nd Wheel Barrow of Food and Drink Ticket Numbers 0326 Décor - 2900 Storage Ottaman 0919 3rd 40” Samsung Smart TV 1176 4th Apple IPod 16G 2471 5th Michael Kors Mens Watch 0024 6th Gift Certificate 2002 Special “THANK YOU” to our Sponsors for the Great Prizes: Uptown Hardware Ltd., Fratelli Vescio Funeral Homes Ltd., Décor-Rest Furniture Ltd., DeMarco Funeral Homes, Ceasars Event Centre, and Sam & Anna Cocuzzi who generously donated, this was greatly appreciated!! Thanks Also those who decorated the statue of Mother Mary: Giuseppina Spalvieri, Assunta Antenucci, Mario Beltrame e Joe Carbone Family of Faith “Pasta Night” Thursday September 3rd, 2015 6:00pm—Mass in the Church 6:30pm – Pasta and Sausage Dinner in the Parish Hall Cost of food and beverages $10 “Pasta Night” per la Campagna “Comunità di fede” Giovedì 3 settembre, 2015 Ore 18 S. Messa nella Chiesa Ore 18:30 cena con pasta e salsiccia nel salone parrocchiale Costo di cibo e bevanda $10 Non ci sarà la S. Messa delle ore 19 Family of Faith Campaign We are very glad to inform you that so far we have raised $ 64,400 in pledges, which is 12% of our total parish goal. We invite all of our parishioners to be generous and be actively involved in the Campaign. We kindly invite all who have already been given a pledge card to return the filled-in card to the Parish office. We also invite to pick up a package from the Parish office those who received a phone call. Campagna per la Comunità di Fede Siamo lieti di informarvi che finora abbiamo ricevuto adesioni per $64,400 cioè il 12% dell’obiettivo totale della nostra Parrocchia. Invitiamo tutti i nostri parrocchiani a partecipare generosamente all’iniziativa. Preghiamo inoltre coloro che hanno ricevuto la tessera d’adesione di riportarla compilata nell’ufficio parrocchiale e quanti sono stati chiamati dall’ufficio parrocchiale di prelevare la cartella “Family of Faith” dallo stesso ufficio. UPCOMING MARRIAGES DANIELA RABBITO & FABIO SAVERINO FRANCES ASHLEY AYALA & FRANK ANTHONY VARVARO CHRISTINA COMMISSO & JOE RISERBATO TRACY CARTER & MICHAEL FILICE Children’s Indoor Soccer Program Offered by the Knights of Columbus council#13164 for children of Grades 2, 3 and 4 Learn Soccer skills, play games, have fun with experienced coaching Learn Respect, fair play, and community in friendly Christian environment Proceeds will be given to charity. The program will be Thursday nights 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the St. John Bosco gym from October 1st, 2015 to May 26, 2016. Cost will be $150 per child for 25 sessions or more plus a soccer ball. Registration available in the church office. For more information contact Domenico at 905-856-7498 or email at [email protected] Registration for 2016 First Communion and Confirmation Registrations are now open. Forms are available in the parish office or on the parish website. Good Shepherd Program “Let the little children come to me.” (Matt 19:14) This program offered at Immaculate Conception Parish in Woodbridge incorporates a Montessori approach to the religious formation of children. Children use hand-made materials to explore their faith and the liturgy. Classes run weekly from October to April. Send inquiries to [email protected] or call parish office - 905 –856-2205