300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4
T: 905 856-2205
F: 905 850-5589
[email protected]
October 11, 2015
Thanksgiving is a time to remind ourselves of God’s
Blessings, a time we can choose to find God
speaking to us through what he has given us. It is a
time when having looked and found, we decide to
truly thank God for what he has given us, and to
truly trust God for what he will do.
OCTOBER 18, 2015
Evangelization of the Nations
La giornata del Ringraziamento serve a ricordarci dei
doni del Signore, del messaggio che Egli ci invia
tramite gli stessi doni. In questa giornata, dopo aver
ben riflettuto, ringraziamo risolutamente il Signore
per quanto ci ha dato e ci affidiamo alla sua
Provvidenza per quanto vorrà ancora elargirci.
Family of Faith Campaign
Cordial thanks!
We are very pleased to report to you that our Family of
Faith Campaign was a great success and your
generosity was truly incredible. So far we have raised $
374,565 in pledges, which is 73% of our total parish
goal. Very sincere thanks to you all. May God bless
your generosity.
Campagna per la
Comunità di Fede - Grazie Mille!
Siamo lieti di informarvi che la Campagna “Family of
Faith” e’ stato un gran successo e la vostra
generosita’ e’ veramente incredibile. Finora abbiamo
ricevuto adesioni per $ 374,565 cioè il 73%
dell’obiettivo totale della nostra Parrocchia..
Vogliamo ringraziare tutti voi di cuore. Dio vi
benedica abbondantemente!
Every parish across the world will celebrate World
Mission Sunday next week. It is a global sign of the
Universal Church and mission. Your prayers and
donations will help support churches, hospitals, schools
and vocations in countries where the Church is beginning,
where it is new. World Mission Sunday is our chance to
assist Catholic Communities throughout the world
become self-sufficient and flourish. By sharing the gift of
faith we can bring hope and love to those who need it
18 OTTOBRE 2015 Evangelizzazione delle Nazioni
La prossima domenica, 18 ottobre, in ogni parrocchia si
celebrerà la Giornata Missionaria Mondiale. Tale segno
manifesta l’universalità e la missione della Chiesa. Le
vostre preghiere e le donazioni contribuiranno a
sostenere chiese, ospedali, scuole e vocazioni nelle
zone in cui la Chiesa è nuova o ai suoi inizi. La
Giornata Missionaria Mondiale offre la possibilità di
rendere le comunità cattoliche disperse per il mondo
fiorenti e autosufficienti. Condividendo il dono della
fede possiamo far crescere la speranza e l’amore in
coloro che ne hanno più bisogno.
The R.C.I.A. Program
Registration for the R.C.I.A. program is now open.
Any adults desiring to prepare for the Sacraments of
Baptism or Confirmation can pick up a registration
form from the parish office or the website. Please
contact the parish office for further information.
The orientation meeting for RCIA 2015 candidates
will be held on TBA at 7 p.m. in the board room.
Please consider joining one of our
Parish Ministries!!
Alter Server! New candidates are invited to join
the group of Alter servers. This invitation is
especially extended to those who have received
First Communion and Confirmation this year, as
well as to those preparing for Confirmation.
Kindly contact Angelo Colaricci @ 905-856-0467.
New Lectors, Ushers and Eucharistic Ministers:
Those who wish to join these ministries are
requested to kindly fill in the Parish Volunteer
Form and bring in to the parish office.
New Catechists for Confirmation,
First Communion and Children’s Liturgy:
Kindly contact the parish office @ 905-856-2205
Parents of Confirmation Candidates
Parent Confirmation meetings will be held on:
Wednesday October 14th, 2015 in the Parish
Hall at 8:00 pm OR Monday October 19th
in the Parish hall at 8:00 pm. All parents of
confirmation candidates who have
registered are requested to attend one of the two
meetings. Very important information will be given
out at these meetings. This meeting is only for the
Parent Information Meeting
For First Communion Candidates
There will be a mandatory meeting for parents of
First Communion Candidates who have
Please attend one of the meetings on:
Monday, October 26th, 2015 at 8:00 pm
in the Parish Hall OR Thursday
October 29th at 8:00pm. Please note: This
meeting is only for the Parents
Upcoming Marriages
Solenne Messa e Processione nella Chiesa
Immacolata Concezione - Woodbridge
Domenica 18 Ottobre 2015 alle ore 2.30pm
Cena e Ballo alle ore 7.00 pm, Sabato 14
novembre 2015 a Montecassino 140 Jevlian Dr,
Woodbridge. Adults $ 80; Ages 13-18: $55;
5-12 $30: Call Maria Grazia for
more Information: 416-742-2180
Parish Headcount
Once again this year, we will be conducting a
parish headcount on two weekends in
churches across the archdiocese. The
headcount will be taking place on the
weekends of October 17/18 and October 24/25.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
After each Mass – downstairs in church hall
The CWL invites you to our annual fall
bazaar. Come and see all the great things
we have and enjoy shopping with a variety
of vendors, bake sale and more.
Raffle tickets available with great prizes!
The Rosary Apostolate
We are looking for volunteers who love Mother Mary
and are willing to go into our local parish community
Catholic elementary schools and pray the Rosary with
students on a monthly basis from Oct 2015 to May
2016. The mission of the Rosary Apostolate is
specifically spiritual, one of service to God by
evangelization through prayer. Training will be
provided. Please contact Rose @ 905-856-6035 for
further details or to join this dynamic group.
Christina Piron & Danny Almeida
Jessica Ciossich & Michele Peronti
Maria Lascala & Massimo DiRe
The Fall session of Conference named “Catholicism 101”
has started. The forthcoming dates are:
October 13, 27, November 3, 10 & 24 @ 7:30 pm in Room
No.1. The Classes are open to all. You are cordially invited
to attend this great opportunity of faith formation.

October 11 2015