As time allows, once or twice per month, Fr.
Vito sets aside an afternoon and evening
opportunity to meet with parishioners who
wish to come, introduce themselves and
share some reflection, ideas or visions for the parish. The next
“Drop-in” day is MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH, from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. All are welcome.
Scriptural Reflection Group
Our Scriptural Reflection Group will resume their
meetings on every first and third Monday of the
month at 7:30 p.m. Come and join us for our first session starting
October 19th, when we will explore the “Beatitudes”!
Sacramental Preparation
Sessions have already begun.
New participants in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A)
will be accepted only in the next few weeks. Please call Mary
Benincasa at the parish office.
Please call the office if you have a school age child who has not been
baptized or an older child who has not yet made his or her First Holy
Communion or Reconciliation.
FINAL INFORMATION MEETING Parents who were not able to
attend the various information meetings set up during the last two
weeks for the preparation of First Communion and Confirmation, are
asked to attend a final meeting scheduled for SATURDAY,
OCTOBER 24, from 1 to 2 p.m. in the church. Please Note
that Registrations for First Confession/First Communion and
Confirmation cannot be accepted unless parents have
attended the Informaton Meeting.
parents of children who attend public school and are preparing for
First Reconciliation (Confession) / First Eucharist (Communion) and/or
Confirmation, will be held on MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, at 6:00
p.m. In the church. This meeting has the purpose of finalizing
dates for catechetical sessions for those preparing for the
Sacraments. There will be no catechism class for public school
children on October 26, instead please come to the 6 p.m. meeting.
October 24/25 at all Sunday Masses
Candidates will receive their cross
Next weekend’s 2nd collection will be taken up for the monthly
maintenance of our church. Thanks for your constant support!
You can win $1000 Cash!
Our Cash Draw is underway! The first prize is $1000; the second
prize is $500; and the third prize is $250. This draw takes place on
November 7th at the Dinner Dance. Please take home a booklet of
10 tickets to sell to family and friends. Tickets are one for $5 or
three for $10. Booklets are available after Mass or at the office. We
ask that you please return ticket stubs and money or unsold tickets
to the church by Sunday, November 1st. You can return everything
in a clearly marked and sealed envelope that can be dropped off
either at the office, in the offertory basket or to a Committee
Jesus “sent” his disciples to proclaim the Good News and to
accompany the proclamation with signs and wonders. The Church
continues to “send” men and women to proclaim the Good News and
to bring relief, help and assistance in spiritual and material needs.
TODAY we pray for our missions and our missionaries. We support
them with our love and our financial assistance. We remember that
we too are “sent” to proclaim and give witness.
On the weekend of October 24/25th, the SVDP
truck will be parked in the school yard. If you
have any good used items that you’d like to
donate, please bring them to the truck then.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
Parish Dinner Dance
Join us... Have fun... and help us raise funds for our parish. OUR
NOVEMBER 7th, in our parish hall. Cost is $45 per adult and
$15 for children 12 years and under. Please call the parish
office to reserve your table.
Parents and children are invited to join us
in the parish hall on Thursday, October
29th, at 6:00 p.m. for a session on
“carving pumpkins”. We will talk about
the true meaning of “All Hallow's Eve”,
learn about Christian Symbols and prepare your pumpkins with these
Symbols. Pumpkins will be provided for each family and children will
receive a little statue of a saint to take home with them in celebration
of All Saints' Eve. Please call the office to register if you’d like to
participate. There is no cost involved.
Keeping in mind that the original festivities for “All Hallow's
Eve”, “Hallowe’en”, was connected to the Feast of the Saints,
“All Saints' Eve”, why not encourage the children to choose
for their costume a depiction of a Saint or any biblical
Fr. Vito will be at the door of the Rectory at 133 Westmount
on Halowe’en, to hand out candies as well as religious
medals of saints to all “trick or treaters” from 6:15 p.m. until
8 p.m. on Saturday, October 31st.
Advent/Christmas Tour to Frankenmuth
Join us on the weekend of November 21st & 22nd
on this wonderful trip to the Bavarian town of
Frankenmuth in Michigan. The cost per person,
based on double occupancy, is $255. This will
include coach bus, hotel, Christmas dinner, treats
& breakfast. This is roughly a five hour trip and
we’ll also be visiting Bronner’s, the World’s largest
Christmas store. We will be leaving the church at 5 a.m. sharp, on
Sat., Nov. 21st, and we’ll be back in Toronto by 9 p.m.ish, Sunday
evening. This is an experience not to be missed – so please
call the office to book your spot!!!
The Jerrett Funeral Home
is teaming with
for a Community
Event including a short presentation on Wills and Estate Planning on
Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. This event including
refreshments, door prizes and interesting conversation should only be
about 1 hour in the Lounge of the Jerrett Funeral Home at 1141 St.
Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Ontario. For further details, please call (416)
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 17
5:00 – Petelin Family
Sunday, October 18
8:00 – Giuseppe, Francesco, Nicola e Michele Cichello
9:15 – Pro Populo
10:30 – Maria Fortura, Enzo D'Arecca, Nicola Pinochi,
Giovanni Marchi e famiglia, Salvatore, Rosaria e
Angelina Cristiano, Salvatore, Vittoria & Thomas
Trotto, Michele, Vincenza e Marta Carnovale,
Vito, Mariarosa e Vincenzo Pileggi, Vittoria
Mignella, Michele Carnovale, Antonio e Sabina
Caputo e tutte le anime del Purgatorio, Maria
Azzoli, Michele e Maria Ferraro, Carmela Lodato,
Salvatore Brutto e i defunti della famiglia,
Salvatore, Rosaria e Angelina Cristiano,
Giuseppe Cardinale, Saverio Scalzo, Nunzio,
Pasqualina e Laurina Grella, Giovina e Giovanni
Di Fazio, Anna Torosantucci, Elisabetta Giuffre,
Antonia Logozzo e Lorenzo e Rosa Bevilacqua
12:00 – John & Margaret Mesics
Monday, October 19
9:00 – Nicola Luongo
7:30 – Carmelo Borzellino († died in Italy)
Tuesday, October 20
9:00 – Francesco Grande
Wednesday, October 21
9:00 – Maria Macri
10:00 – Stella Maris School Mass
7:00 – Giuseppe Tangredi († 1 mo. Memorial)
Thursday, October 22
9:00 – Sandy & Rosaria Galante
10:00 – St. Clare School Mass
7:30 – Michele Acquaviva († 1 mo. Memorial)
Friday, October 23
9:00 – Silvio Jorge Medina
Saturday, October 24
9:00 – Assunta Iannetta
11:30 - WEDDING - Larry Johnston & Sandra Pessione
2:30 – Valerio Tantalo († 1 yr. Memorial)
5:00 – Living & deceased relatives, friends and benefectors
of Frank & Frances Pajk
Upcoming Weddings
The following couples will be married
in the near future:
Derek Faria & Francesca Pasceri
David Bianchi & Rosa Franco
Oggi, in tutto il mondo la Chiesa celebra la Giornata Mondiale
delle Missioni. Gesu' mando' i suoi discepoli ad annunciare la
Buona Novella, e ad accompagnare la proclamazione del Vangelo
con segni visibili dell'Amore di Dio. La Chiesa continua a mandare
uomini e donne a proclamare le meraviglie del Signore e ad
assistere chi e' nel bisogno materiale e spirituale. Anche noi,
membri del Corpo di Cristo, siamo “missionari”, “mandati” cioe', a
proclamare con la parola e con le opere la bonta' del Signore.
Oggi, vogliamo assistere i nostri missionari con la preghiera e con
l'aiuto materiale. Grazie per la vostra generosita' e per il vostro
amore per le missioni.
Venite a Trovarci
Vi aspetto in ufficio lunedi, 19 settembre, dall’una pomeridiana
fino alle sette di sera. Un incontro per conoscerci meglio,
P. Vito
condividere quale idea e qualche suggerimento.
La seconda colletta del prossimo weekend sarà per la
manutenzione della nostra chiesa. Grazie del vostro appoggio!
Nel prossimo weekend (24/25 ottobre) sarà parcheggiato nel
cortile della Scuola di St. Clare (su Westmount Ave.) il camion
della Società San Vincenzo de Paoli. Siamo invitati a portare
qualsiasi articolo: panni, mobili, pentole, quadri, ecc…, che sono
ancora in buona condizione ma che non ci sono più utili.
Potete Vincere $1000!
Per continuare con l’appoggio della nostra Campagna, il comitato
ha organizzato un sorteggio. Il primo premio sarà di $1,000, il
secondo di $500 e il terzo sarà di $250. Questo sorteggio avrà
luogo il 7 novembre alla nostra Cena con Ballo. I libricini con
biglietti sono gia' disponibili e possono essere ritirati dopo la
Messa all'uscita della chiesa. Vi invitiamo a prendere un libretto di
10 biglietti per venderli ai vostri amici e parenti. Il prezzo è $5
per un biglietto, oppure 3 per $10. Si prega di consegnare alla
chiesa, i taglianti dei beglietti venduti, i biglietti non venduti, e i
soldi ricevuti, entro domenica 1 novembre. Grazie.
Partecipate alla bellissima serata da ballo
organizzata dalla parrocchia, SABATO 7
NOVEMBRE. Telefonate l’ufficio per I vostri
biglietti. Il prezzo è $45 per adult e $15
per bambini 12 anni e in giù.
Gita Natalizia a Frankenmuth
Partecipate a questo bellissimo weekend del 21/22 novembre
quando faremo una gita al piccolo paesetto di Frankenmuth in
Michigan. Il costo è $255 a persona e si base su doppia
occupazione dell’hotel. Il prezzo include l’autobus, l'hotel, cena
Natalizia e colazione. Questa gita impiega circa cinque ore di
viaggio. Visiteremo “Bronner’s”, il negozio Natalizio più grande
nel mondo. Partenza sarà alle 5 a.m. di sabato mattina, con
ritorno a Toronto domenica sera verso le 9:00. Non mancate!

Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly