Sacramental Preparation
Sessions have already begun. New
participants in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A) will be
accepted only in the next few weeks. Please call Mary Benincasa at the
parish office.
For all those children who attend Public School and have already
registered for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, please note that
classes start on Monday, October 26th at 4:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
The Archdiocese of Toronto has announced
that it will be channelling funds for the relief of the recent devastation
caused by the Tropical Storm Ketsana in the Philippines. As usual, this will
be done via Sharelife. Envelopes are available at the back. We ask you to
make your cheques payable to Sharelife – St. Clare’s Parish – Tropical
Storm Ketsana Relief - Philippines.
The Jerrett Funeral Home
is teaming with
for a Community
Event including a short presentation on Wills and
Estate Planning on Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. This
event including refreshments, door prizes and interesting
conversation should only be about 1 hour in the Lounge of the Jerrett
Funeral Home at 1141 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Ontario.
Christmas Sponsorship Drive
A couple of years ago, we initiated a sponsorship program whereby
parishioners could volunteer to make up Christmas Baskets for needy
families. As you know, there are many families right here in our own
neighbourhood who are in need, especially around Christmas time. If you
would like to help make someone’s Christmas a little brighter, we invite
you to leave your name and number with a member of the St. Vincent de
Paul Society on Sunday, November 1st or on the 8th, right after Mass. We
will have more information later.
All Souls Envelopes
You can win $1000 Cash!
Our Cash Draw is underway! The first prize is $1000; the second prize is
$500; and the third prize is $250. This draw takes place on November
7th at the Dinner Dance. Please take home a booklet of 10 tickets to sell
to family and friends. Tickets are one for $5 or three for $10. Booklets
are available after Mass or at the office. We ask that you please return
ticket stubs and money or unsold tickets to the church by next Sunday,
November 1st. You can return everything in a clearly marked and sealed
envelope that can be dropped off either at the office, in the offertory
basket or to a Committee member.
This weekend (October 24/25th), the SVDP truck will
be parked in the school yard. If you have any good
used items that you’d like to donate, please put them
in good strong bags and bring them to the truck.
Thanks for your ongoing support!
Envelopes for All Souls’ Day have been provided and
set up at the entrance. You may wish to pick up an
envelope and write down the names of your loved ones. If more space is
needed, you may add a sheet of paper in the envelope. If you wish, you
may also include a donation in memory of the deceased for the needs of
the parish. Please return the envelopes at any time, or place them in the
regular Sunday collection. They will then be placed on the altar and will
remain there throughout the month of November, in memory of our
brothers and sister who have gone before us, marked by the sign of
All Souls Day
Monday, November 2nd is All Souls Day. We have Masses at 9 a.m. and
at 7:30 p.m. Please join us for one of these Masses as we pray for all our
faithful departed.
Church & Sacristy Cleanup
An important meeting for all couples planning to celebrate their
marriage at St. Clare’s church next year, will be held on Wednesday,
October 28th, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in our parish hall. Couples who
are presently attending our parish marriage course, couple who have
already participated in the course, and couples who have registered
elsewhere, are asked to attend. This meeting will focus on the
understanding of “Marriage as a Sacrament” and planning the liturgy
of marriage for your ceremony. If both parties are unable to attend,
it is important that at least one be present.
On Thursday, October 29th, at 6:00 p.m. , we will
gather in the church hall to “carve pumpkins”. Pumpkins
SUFFICIENT MATERIAL. We will talk about the true meaning of “All
Hallow's Eve”. We will look at Christian Symbols and invite families to
draw thsese symbols and carve them onto the pumpkins. Snacks will be
provided. Lots of fun is guaranteed and there is no fee involved. Simply
let us know that you are coming and join us. On Hallowe’en, Saturday,
October 31st. Fr. Vito will greet children and their families at the rectory
door, 133 Westmount Ave. with lots of treats, as well as religious medals
of Saint,s for all the children who come.
Standard Time
Remember to turn back your clocks one hour next
Sunday morning, November 1st.
If you can, please come and give us a hand to clean up
our Church & Sacristy. We will be gathering at 9:30
a.m. on Saturday, November 7th, and lunch will be
provided! We appreciate your help!
Parish Dinner Dance is set for next Saturday,
November 7th, 2009. We still have tickets left – they are $45/person and
$15/child 12 yrs. of age or under, and this includes a nice dinner with soft
drinks and wine and dancing. We will also be having raffles with lots of
great prizes to be won! Get your tickets at the office during the week!
Advent/Christmas Tour to Frankenmuth
Do you love Christmas? Why not join us in a two
day excursion to Frankenmuth, in Michigan, a
Bavarian town where Christmas is celebrated all
year round. We will leave Saturday morning,
November 21st at 5:00 a.m. and return by 8 p.m.
on Sunday evening (November 22nd). Before the
hectic events that surround the Christmas Season
begin, we will have an opportunity to visit Bronners’, the world’s
largest Christmas store. Experience the joy, simplicity and heartwarming ambiance of a small picturesque town as Christmas
approaches. Celebrate Mass, dinner and TOMBOLA (a special Italian
Christmas Bingo), at our hotel, and much, much more. Tickets are
$255 per person (based on double occupancy) and that includes trip,
hotel, dinner and breakfast. Call the office and visit us as soon as
you can. Pick up a brochure with details, pictures and more
information. One bus is already full and we’re booking a second.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 24
5:00 – Living & deceased relatives, friends and
benefectors of Frank & Frances Pajk
Sunday, October 25
8:00 – Pasquale e Onofrio Profiti e Maria
Teresa Moscato
9:15 – Frank K. McGowan
10:30 – Luigi Scarfo, Enzo D’Arecca, Annunziato e Michelina De Rose,
Carmine Perri, per l’intenzioni di Padre Vito
nell’occasione del suo anniversario, Stefano Addeo, Luisa
Carlesimo, Anna, Carmela e Salvatore AAmenta,
Rosalbino Mastroianni e Giuseppe Villella, Gioconda
Amato De Ciccio, Nicola, Giovanni e Rosa Bianca Crispo,
Elisabetta Valelà e i defunti della famiglia, Emilia
Cristiano, Giuseppina e Gaspare Bruno, Ada Francella,
defunti delle famiglie Devuono e Francavilla, Marissa
Cantore, Domenico Russo, Gabriele Lopreiato, Raffala
Frasca, Onofrio e Giuseppe Greco, Rocco Cianfarani e
defunti della famiglia, Angelo Pasquale Spassiani e Maria
Vinci, Francesco Calabrese, Franco Signorile e Adele
Pellegrino Brunsek (2o anniv.)
12:00 – Pro Populo
Monday, October 26
9:00 – Defunti della famiglia Palumbo
7:30 – Giulio Alonzi
Tuesday, October 27
9:00 – Frank Petramala
Wednesday, October 28
9:00 – Adelina Gagliardi
7:00 – Antonio Catucci († Memorial)
Thursday, October 29
9:00 – Domenico e Vincenzo Bertucci
Friday, October 30
9:00 – Maria Macri
7:00 – Luigi Bernardo († 1 yr. Memorial)
Saturday, October 31
9:00 – Antonio Pirritano
1:00 - WEDDING – Derek Faria & Francesca Pasceri
5:00 – Pro Populo
Upcoming Weddings
David Bianchi & Rosa Franco will be married
in the near future
Viaggio a Frankenmuth
Vi piace il Natale? Venite con noi a sperimentare un fine settimana a
FRANKENMUTH, in Michigan, una caratteristica cittadina dove il Natale è
celebrato tutto l’anno. Visiteremo Bronners (il negozio natalizio più
grande del mondo). Faremo il giro della cittadina. Di sera, nell’hotel,
celebreremo la Santa Messa. Ci fermeremo a cena, e poi si giocherà a
tombola. Ci saranno questi e tanti altri momenti dei divertimento. Non
mancate. Il costo ($255 a persona basato su due persone per camera)
copre il viaggio in autobus, l’hotel, la cena e la colazione. Venite in ufficio
presto a ritirare il biglietto, a prendere i depliant con foto e informazioni.
Abbiamo già completato il primo autobus. Stiamo ora riservando I biglietti
sul secondo.
Questo weekend (24/25 ottobre) è parcheggiato nel cortile della
Scuola di St. Clare (su Westmount Ave.) il camion della Società San
Vincenzo de Paoli. Siamo invitati a portare qualsiasi articolo: panni,
mobili, pentole, quadri, ecc…, che sono ancora in buona condizione
ma che non ci sono più utili. Grazie del vostro appoggio.
Potete Vincere $1000!
Per continuare con l’appoggio della nostra Campagna, il comitato ha
organizzato un sorteggio. Il primo premio sarà di $1,000, il secondo
di $500 e il terzo sarà di $250. Questo sorteggio avrà luogo il 7
novembre alla nostra Cena con Ballo. I libricini con biglietti sono
ancora disponibili e possono essere ritirati dopo la Messa all'uscita
della chiesa. Vi invitiamo a prendere un libretto di 10 biglietti per
venderli ai vostri amici e parenti. Il prezzo è $5 per un biglietto,
oppure 3 per $10. Si prega di consegnare alla chiesa, i taglianti dei
biglietti venduti, i biglietti non venduti, e i soldi ricevuti, entro
domenica prossima, 1 novembre. Grazie.
Sponsorizazione di una
famiglia per Natale
Un paio d’anni fa, la Società San Vincenzo de Paoli ha iniziamo un
programma qualmente invitano i parrocchiani di sponsorizare una
famiglia bisognosa a Natale. Si tratta di prepare e offrire un celestino
natalizio per una famiglia bisognosa. Come sappiamo, ci sono tante
famiglie anche qui nella nostra comunità e nella nostra parrocchia,
che hanno tanto bisogno, specialmente a Natale.
Chi fosse
interessato, può lasciare il nome e numero di telefono con un
membro della società, dopo la Messa domenica prossima oppure nella
seguente domenica.
Cambiamento D’Orario
Domenica mattina, 1 novembre, ricordiamo di mettere le
sveglie indietro un’ora.
Per il Mese di Novembre
Abbiamo provveduto delle buste sulle quali potrete
scrivere i nomi dei vostri cari defunti. Se le righe non
bastano, potrete inserire nella busta un altro foglio con
I moni. È desiderio di tanti presentare anche un’offerta in suffraggio dei
loro cari per le varie necessità della parrocchia.
Questo, solo se
desiderate farlo. Portate le buste in ufficio parrocchiale, oppure inseritele
nella colletta domenicale.
Queste buste saranno prese e deposte
sull’altare dove rimarrano per tutto il mese di Novembre a ricordo dei
nostril cari.
Lunedì, 2 novembre vi saranno le Messe alle 9 a.m. e alle 7:30
p.m. Preghiamo insieme per tutti i nostri cari defunti.
Pulizia Genera.le della Chiesa e Sagrestia
La prossima pulizia generale della chiesa e sagrestia avrà luogo sabato, 7
novembre. Venite a darci uno mano se potete. Ci riuniamo in chiesa per
le 9:30 a.m. e poi ci fermiamo per un pò di pizza. Grazie!
Partecipate alla bellissima serata da ballo organizzata
Telefonate l’ufficio per i vostri biglietti. Il prezzo
è $45 per adult e $15 per bambini 12 anni e in giù.

Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly