Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 627 East 187th Street, Bronx, New York 10458 | T: (718) 295-3770/ 3771 | F: (718) 367-2240 | Parish E-mail: [email protected] Sunday, February 14th, 2016| First Sunday of Lent - Year C PARISH STAFF PASTOR Rev. Fr. Jonathan Morris PAROCHIAL VICAR Rev. Fr. Urbano Rodrigues PARISH CENTER 2380 Belmont Avenue Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00am to 8:00pm Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR Sister Edna Loquias, S.M.C. PARISH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mr. John T. Riley Schedule of Masses & Services Saturday: 8:30am | 12:00pm | 5:00pm (English) MARRIAGES: Sunday: 8:30am (English) | 9:30am (Spanish) 11:00am (Italian) | 12:15pm (English) 1:30pm (Spanish) We will be happy to help any couples who are preparing for marriage. Please make an appointment with a Priest at the Parish Center. Weekday: 8:30am / 12:00pm / 6:30pm (All English) If you or someone you know is in the hospital or homebound and would be served by a pastoral visit by a Priest, Religious Sister or a lay Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Center. Confessions: Satur days fr om 4:00pm to 5:00pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION/HOLY HOURS Every Thursday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm Every Saturday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm First Friday of every month from 12:30pm-6:30pm Novena Devotions: After each Mass Monday: Miraculous Medal Wednesday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Thursday: Saint Joseph Friday: Divine Mercy Chaplet BAPTISMS: 2nd Sunday of every month in Spanish at 2:30pm 3rd Sunday every other month in English at 2:30pm Please stop by the Parish Center to register or call for more information. PASTORAL VISITS TO THE SICK: PARISH MEMBERSHIP: We invite new parishioners to register at the Parish Center as soon as possible after moving into the parish. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM: For information and to register your child for Religious Education Classes, please call the Catechetical Office at (718) 295-3770. MOUNT CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: The parish school is located at 2465-67 Bathgate Ave. For information please call (718) 295-6080. February 14, 2016 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL ANNOUNCED MASSES Sunday,February14th|FirstSundayofLent 8:30am Pro Populo 9:30am Isaia Barone 11:00am Immacolata, Aniello, Maria Carmela, e Carmine Squillante 12:15pm Frank Pappas, Frances and Nicholas Longo, Christine Covino and Jennie Salce 1:30pm Jorge Cesar Santiago Monday,February15th|LentenWeekday 8:30am Linda Mariano 12:00pm Deceased of the Santospirito, Hamel, Loberto and Serocki Families 6:30pm Salvatore and Sarah Contento Tuesday,February16th|LentenWeekday 8:30am Fr. Nicholas F. Basile 12:00pm Francesco and Vincenza Bordenga 6:30pm Rosa Leo Wednesday,February17th|LentenWeekday 8:30am Michelino Salvo 12:00pm Tommaso Mannini 6:30pm Deceased Members of the Borgatti Family Thursday,February18th|LentenWeekday 8:30am Marie De Dominicis and Family 12:00pm Cosimo Madonna 6:30pm Alessandra Cardillo Friday,February19th|LentenWeekday 8:30am John De Sisto 12:00pm Domenica Cioffi 6:30pm Vincenzo Mulone Saturday,February20th|LentenWeekday 8:30am 12:00pm 5:00pm Pierina Cristiano Padre Pio Prayer Group Nancy Granchelli, Helen Sassano & Connie Lucia Sunday,February21th|SecondSundayofLent 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm Tina Di Palermo Pro Populo Gennaro, Mariantonia e Vincenzo Del Vecchio Alfonso Criscuolo and Gaetano Anastasio Vicky Elizabeth Bailon Cruz WEEKEND MASS COLLECTION - 2/7/2016 Collection ........................................................$4,876.68 Last year’s Collection …..................................$2,929.00 LAST WEEKEND’S ATTENDANCE - 2/7/2016 Adults: 712…...…. Children: 248..……. / Total……..960 2 “From the Desk of Father Jonathan” Someone asked me this Ash Wednesday if I am bothered by the fact that so many people come to church for "ashes" but don't come as frequently for the Eucharist. The answer I gave was "No, not bothered at all; I'm inspired by their persistent faith." That said, the fact that they aren't all coming to mass regularly, where the Lord is truly present in the Eucharist, is a reminder of how many people of faith are in need of our outreach to give them convincing reasons why to come to mass on Sundays. I see it as my fault--our fault--more than it is their fault. There are usually deeply personal issues why people stop coming to church, or never have come in the first place. Of course, sometimes it is simply laziness that keeps us away, but most of the times there is something more. And even if laziness is part of the reason, we need to reach out to all of our neighbors and offer strong enough spiritual and human motivation to them so that they might go beyond whatever obstacle keeps them from coming to the Lord's house. On this Ash Wednesday I walked the neighborhood with ashes and met so many wonderful people who were not planning on coming to mass. For those whose schedules permitted, I encouraged them to come to mass. For those who could not, I gave them ashes and prayed for them to take a step of courage and faith and come back home to our parish. Are you inviting people back? Are you asking the sick or homebound in your building if they would like someone from the church to bring them the Eucharist? There is still a lot of faith in our neighborhood. Let's water it and feed it with love and mercy. Father Jonathan REST IN PEACE Please pray for the deceased members of our parish Joseph Toscano, Stanley Miara & our fallen military. February 14, 2016 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 3 REFLECTING ON GOD’S WORD Sunday Gospel: Luke 4: 1-13 RIFLESSIONE SULLA PAROLA DI DIO Vangelo della Domenica: Luca 4: 1-13 up something for Lent? How about doing something extra to honor God during this season? • Be reconciled with a person you dislike or avoid, or someone you have hurt. • Perform acts of kindness for people for no reward. • Buy a meal for a homeless person. • Refrain from listening to gossip or passing it on. • Take a half-hour in the beautiful outdoors. • Read about the causes of poverty, so you can better serve the poor. • Save the cost of a daily meal; donate the cash to charity at Easter. • Study, meditate, and pray daily with Scripture. • Think about God while doing daily tasks. • Sick? Housebound? On the road? Pray for others. • In your office, the supermarket, school, think where Jesus might be and what you might do for him. • Use prayers or devotions from your heritage to grow spiritually. • Clean out closets and give gently-used items to charity. • Contribute groceries to a food pantry. • Go to weekday Mass, a parish mission, or Lenten prayer service. • Keep a crucifix near you. Remember Jesus’ death. La Quaresima si apre con il racconto delle tentazioni di Gesù. Poste alla soglia del suo ministero pubblico, esse sono in qualche modo l’anticipazione delle numerose contraddizioni che Gesù dovrà subire nel suo itinerario, fino all’ultima violenza della morte. In esse è rivelata l’autenticità dell’umanità di Cristo, che, in completa solidarietà con l’uomo, subisce tutte le tentazioni tramite le quali il Nemico cerca di distoglierlo dalla sua completa sottomissione al Padre. “Cristo tentato dal demonio! Ma in Cristo sei tu che sei tentato” (sant’Agostino). In esse viene anticipata la vittoria finale di Cristo nella risurrezione. Cristo inaugura un cammino - che è l’itinerario di ogni essere umano - dove nessuno potrà impedire che il disegno di Dio si manifesti per tutti gli uomini: la sua volontà di riscattarlo, cioè di recuperare per l’uomo la sovranità della sua vita in un libero riconoscimento della sua dipendenza da Dio. È nell’obbedienza a Dio che risiede la libertà dell’uomo. L’abbandono nelle mani del Padre - “Io vivo per il Padre” - è la fonte dell’unica e vera libertà, che consiste nel rifiutare di venire trattati in modo diverso da quello che siamo. Il potere di Dio la rende possibile. Living Stewardship Now Missione Parrochiale 2016 Some of these Lenten activities are best done solo; for others, rope in family, friends, neighbors, or fellow parishioners and make a joint commitment. + Missione della Misericordia + Giving + Mission of Mercy + Incoraggiamo a tutti i parrocchiani di pregare, considerando a diventare un ‘Discepolo’ della Missione Parrocchiale. Andremo incontro ai nostri fratelli e sorelle in Cristo, chiedendoli come meglio potremmo servirli. FORMATION OF DISCIPLES ~ Vi preghiamo di registratevi all’ufficio parrocchiale ~ 2016 Parish Mission We invite you to become a Disciple for the Parish Mission. If you want to be part of the Mission, Please call the Parish Center to REGISTER. HOLY FATHER’S INTENTIONS FOR FEBRUARY Universal: Care for Creation That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given– cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Evangelization: Asia That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. + Masses & Memorials + There are Masses & Memorials available for 2016. Please stop by or call the office. Possa la Madonna del Carmine guidarci mentre ci mettiamo in corso. Se non vi è possibile andare per le strade, vi chiediamo di pregare per il successo della missione. - VIA CRUCIS FRIDAYS + VENERDÌ + VIERNES 11:15am - English & Italian 7:00pm - English & Spanish WANTED: USHERS We are in need of Ushers for the 8:30am and 12:15pm Sunday Masses. Prayerfully consider serving your brothers and sisters in Christ through this important ministry. Please call the office & leave your name. REFLEXIONEMOS LA PALABRA DE DIOS Evangelio del Domingo: Lucas 4: 1-13 ¿Vas a renunciar a algo por Cuaresma? ¿Por qué no hacer algo extra durante este tiempo para honrar a Dios? • Reconcíliate con una persona que te disgusta o que evades, o con alguien a quien has herido. • Practica acciones bondadosas para con los demás sin esperar recompensa. • Cómprale una comida a una persona indigente. • Abstente de escuchar o hacerte eco de chismes. • Pasea por media hora y disfruta de la belleza al aire libre. • Lee acerca de las causas de pobreza a fin de que puedas servir mejor a los pobres. • Ahorra el costo de una comida diaria; dona el equivalente en efectivo a una obra caritativa durante la Pascua. • Estudia, medita y ora diariamente con las Escrituras. • Piensa en Dios mientras haces tus quehaceres diarios. • ¿Enfermo? ¿Confinado al hogar? ¿En la calle? Reza por los demás. • Cuando estés en tu oficina, en el supermercado o en la escuela, piensa dónde pudiera estar Jesús y lo que podrías hacer por él. • Usa oraciones o devociones de tu herencia para crecer espiritualmente. • Limpia tus armarios o roperos y dona lo que esté en buenas condiciones a una obra caritativa. • Contribuye con víveres a alguna despensa pública. • Ve a Misa entre semana, a una misión parroquial o a una oración comunitaria de Cuaresma. Viviendo la Palabra de Dios Algunas de estas actividades cuaresmales se hacen mejor individualmente, para otros, como involucrar en un proyecto a la familia, amigos, vecinos o feligreses de la parroquia y hacer un compromiso. ENCUENTRO DE PAREJAS “La pareja que ora unida siempre se mantendrá unida” Domingo, 21 de Febrero 2:30pm a 5:00pm Salón de FATIMA HALL Invitación: Parejas casadas, no casadas, parejas de novios y solteros ¡¡LOS ESPERAMOS!! VIA CRUCIS 2016 - CONVOCATORIA Aquellas personas que deseen ser parte de la escenificación del Vía Cruxis que se realizara el Viernes Santo, por favor comuníquese con Pedro Flores o Sebastian Amaro al finalizar la Santa Misa. Contamos con tu apoyo. Lectors for February 20th & 21st 5:00pm 8:30am 9:30am 11:00am 12:15pm 1:30pm V. Marcone & M. Gerbasi M. Mongiovi C. Modesto & M. Mendez N. Trombetta & F. D’Orsogna C. Zombek C. Diaz & A. Trujillo MISION PARROQUIAL 2016 + Misión de la Misericordia + FORMACION DE DISCIPULOS Si desea ser parte de la Misión Parroquial y siendo un Discípulo, por favor regístrese en Centro Parroquial o bien puede llamar al 718-295-3770. NOCHE DE ALABANZA Y ORACION “Alaba y Glorifica al Señor todos los días de tu vida” ¿Quieres orar y alabar a Dios de una manera diferente? Te esperamos en esta noche, será un encuentro entre tu y el Señor. Viernes, 26 de Febrero, 2016 7:30pm a 11:00pm Fatima Hall Predicador Dario Contreras Música Juan Grullon y Sebastian Amaro “Per combattere e per riuscire vittoriosi nella lotta, con l'aiuto di Dio, dobbiamo spogliarci dei nostri abiti pesanti, laceri, sporchi e, come dice l'apostolo Paolo, dobbiamo rivestirci dell'armatura di Dio. Nella lotta quotidiana dobbiamo fare sempre riferimento alla volontà di Dio. Così, infatti, rispose Gesù a Satana. Dobbiamo essere decisi nell'impegno a “servire soltanto a Dio" in parole ed in opere.” (brano tratto dal libretto Quaresima - Il cammino di conformità a Cristo Gesù - di N.Giordano) INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Bulletin number: 697400 Date of publication: 087/16/09 Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 2 full & 2 half text pages +this page Special instructions: Please call Sebastian @ 718-295-3770 or cell phone: 917-334-0361