26th Sunday in ordinary Time 26 ° Domenica del Tempo Ordinario Reflessione della Parola L’itinerario di Gesù verso Gerusalemme è un susseguirsi di insegnamenti e una specie di manuale catechetico per la fede, ancora solo incipiente, dei discepoli. L’interrogativo posto da uno di loro: “Abbiamo visto uno che scacciava i demoni... ma non era dei nostri” descrive bene il rigido schematismo dentro cui, loro come noi, vorremmo imprigionare la libertà dello Spirito, che soffia sempre dove e come vuole. Noi cristiani non siamo i padroni della salvezza, donataci da Cristo. Noi cristiani abbiamo solo il compito di far incontrare, tra di noi e agli altri, con la nostra testimonianza, la nostra parola e le nostre opere, la persona di Cristo. La consapevolezza della gratuità del dono di Cristo ci obbliga a valorizzare tutto ciò che, nel mondo, fa presagire e manifesta la sua presenza redentrice. Cristo, e’ unico ad avere una risposta esauriente all’inquietudine presente nel cuore dell’uomo. Egli può inviare lo Spirito Santo a illuminare il cuore di ogni persona. September 27, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection of the Word Today’s gospel reading from Mark has a lesson as telling today as it was when Jesus was instructing his disciples. The seriousness that characteries groups upholding a religious tradition often becomes exclusive and intolerant. The apostle John reports disapprovingly that they had seen a man ‘casting out devils’ in the name of Jesus. How precious in the memory of Christian faith is the Lord’s response. Authentic faith and discipleship must reflect the inclusive ways of God, proclaimed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount: ‘Love your enemies … you must set no bounds to your love, just as your heavenly Father set none to his’ (Mt 5:48). ‘Anyone who is not against us if for us’ – words filled with wisdom and generosity. The Lord is at work in every human heart, and who are we to make judgments that may obstruct the mysterious purposes of God? 26th Sunday in ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Sept. 29 –Feast Day St. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael Archangels SUNDAY SEPT. 27 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM Francesco, Anna, Maria Mondelli Eufracia Sacchatti, Antonio Santo, Biagio Falcetta12:00 NOON PRO-POPULO, Michele Chiappetta 1Yr DA 1:30 PM BAPTISM 3:00 PM 50TH Wedding Ann. Francisca & Bernardo 5:00 PM Mariampillei, Singarajah MONDAY SEPT. 28 – ST. WENCESLAUS 8:00 AM Mariampillei, Singarajah 7:00 PM Thanksgiving for the BDay of Cecilia Fagbemi TUES. SEPT. 29-ST. MICHAEL, GABRIEL & RAPHAEL, ARCHANGELS 8:00 AM In onore di S.Michele e gli Archangeli 7:00 PM Thanksgiving for Marin Frances WEDNESDAY SEPT 30-ST. JEROME 8:00 AM St. Michael 7:00 AM Adelaine Pioquinto THUR. OCT 1-ST THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS 8:00 AM Thanksgiving for B-Day of Victor Ivan 7:00 PM Thanksgiving for the Bday of Nadia James 7:30 PM Novena FRIDAY OCT. 2-THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS 8:00 AM Sacro Cuore 7:00 PM Sacred Heart SATURDAY OCT. 3 8:00 AM Cuore Immacolata Di Maria 9:00 AM Pasquale Giuseppe Scala(Memorial) Music 12:00 NOON Wedding of Geoffrey & Romina 5:00 PM Virginia Biagio Chiovitti, Anna e Giuseppe Re`` Nostre profonde condoglianze alle famiglie Our heartfelt sympathy to the Family of: Giuseppe Antonini Gli Angeli di Dio sono dunque al servizio del Figlio dell'uomo, cioè di Gesù di Nazaret; la nostra adorazione non è rivolta agli Angeli, ma a Dio e al Figlio di Dio. Gli Angeli sono servitori di Dio che egli, nella sua immensa bontà, mette al nostro servizio e che ci aiutano ad avere un senso più profondo della sua santità e maestà e contemporaneamente un senso di grande fiducia, perché questi esseri terribili sono al nostro servizio, sono nostril amici. Domandiamo al Signore che ci faccia comprendere davvero la sua santità e maestà infinite, perché ci prostriamo con sempre maggiore reverenza alla sua presenza, davanti ai suoi Angeli. The liturgy celebrates the feast of these three archangels who are venerated in the tradition of the Church. Michael (Who is like God?) was the archangel who fought against Satan and all his evil angels, defending all the friends of God. He is the protector of all humanity from the snares of the devil. Gabriel (Strength of God) announced to Zachariah the forthcoming birth of John the Baptist, and to Mary, the birth of Jesus. His greeting to the Virgin, "Hail, full of grace," is one of the most familiar and frequent prayers of the Christian people. Raphael (Medicine of God) is the archangel who took care of Tobias on his journey. October 1 Feast Day St. Theresa of the Child Jesus O piccola Teresa di Gesù Bambino, Si prega di scegliere una rosa per me Dai giardini celesti E inviarlo a me come un messaggio d'amore. O piccolo fiore di Gesù, chiede a Dio oggi di concedere i favori che ora posto con fiducia Nelle tue mani. (Menzione vostre specifiche richieste) Santa Teresa, aiutami a credere sempre, come hai fatto, con grande amore di Dio per me, così che io possa imitare il tuo "piccola via" ogni giorno. Amen O Little Therese of the Child Jesus, Please pick a rose for me From the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love. O little flower of Jesus, ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence In your hands. (Mention your specific requests) St. Therese, help me to always believe, As you did, in God's great love for me, so that I might imitate your"Little Way" each day. Amen 26th Sunday in ordinary Time September 27, 2015 Thank you very much for your generous donation./Grazia della vostra generosita Collection: Sunday Sept. 20 : $6,748 Last year was: $6,866 Sunday October 4th @ 12 noon mass Congratulations to the newly wed: Mr. & Mrs. Domenico & Daniella Perruccio Father Paolos F. Beraki Light refreshment after the mass It’s Potluck!!!! SENIORS CORNER... Sept. 30 –First Trip of the Year/ Primo viaggio dell’anno SECOND COLLECTION TODAY PILGRIMAGE TRIP Sunday, October 18 Come and see Sister Carmelina and have a Spirit filled day in Teopoli, Gravenhurst. Leaving at St. Wilfrid’s Church @ 7:00 am Cost : $35.00 Cont Contact: Minda – 647-262-1041, Lourdes – 416-650-9532 On the Thanksgiving Weekend of Oct. 10/11 we will be collecting non-perishable food for our food bank. If you are away on that weekend please drop-off your donations at the parish office during the week. Pope Francis Corner Starts today....bring your kids to the church always On the lighter side…. Youth Corner.... St. Wilfrid CFC-Youth “Young People Being and Bringing Christ Wherever They Are” Games! Music! Fellowship! Food!!! Come join us on October 3rd, 2015 from 1PM to 3PM in the Mother Teresa Hall (ask office for directions)! All youth (12-21) and friends are welcome for an exciting afternoon! For more info, please feel free to e-mail: [email protected] A little boy was listening to a long and excessively boring sermon in church. Suddenly the red sanctuary lamp caught his eye. Tugging his father's sleeve, he said, "Daddy, when the light turns green can we go?" Congratulations to the children baptized today 26th Sunday in ordinary Time September 27, 2015