3. Implications of the Challenge of Evangelization in our Apostolic and Spiritual
a) Evangelize by the witness of life
b) Evangelization of culture
c) Practical Implications for the Congregation of the Sisters of the Catholic
 Interpretazione del carisma secondo i segni dei tempi
 Piùsviluppo della dimensione contemplativa dell’UAC
 La comunione come il nucleo della visione ecclesiale sottostante l'UAC
 "Pedagogia del Cenacolo“
a)Interpreting the charism according to the signs of the times
b) Developing more of the contemplative dimension of the UAC
c) Communion as the core of the ecclesial vision underlying the UAC
d)“Pedagogy of the Cenacle”
The following are some of the elements of this model:
 The Holy Spirit, the creative, transforming Spirit, as the principal agent of formation
 Mary, Queen of Apostles as the spiritual guide and example
 The Upper Room, symbolizes a community of believers gathered together
 Listening to the Word of God and breaking the Bread in a spirit of sharing and fraternity
 Inner transformation of persons into apostles of Jesus as the transforming experience
 Going forth from the Cenacle as apostles and missionaries to bear witness to the Good News
 The spirituality and charism of St. Vincent Pallotti as the inspiration as well as the spiritual and
apostolic foundation.
e) Dinamismo Missionario
Ecco alcuni elementi di questo modello:
 Lo Spirito Santo,forza creatrice etrasformante,principale agente della formazione;
 Maria, Regina degli Apostoli,esempio eguida spirituale;
 Il Cenacolo, simbolo di una comunità di credenti riuniti;L'ascolto della Parola di Dio e
lo spezzare il Pane in uno spirito di condivisione e di fraternità;
 La trasformazione interna di persone in apostoli di Gesù come esperienza
 Dal Cenacolo come apostoli e missionari per testimoniare la Buona Novella;
 La spiritualità e il carisma di san Vincenzo Pallotti come l'ispirazione e il fondamento
spirituale e apostolico.
a) Discover St. Vincent Pallotti more profoundly– “the undiscovered
b) It is not possible to understand UAC without knowing Pallotti:
c) Do notreduce the UAC to a mere intellectual or juridical constructs:
d) Evolving UAC formation models:
e) Need for further study and research on the Pallottinecharism:
f) Publication of Pallottine literature:
g) Pallotti Institutes as centers of study and research on PallottineCharism:
h) Pallottine Academic Institutes as centers of formation in the spirit of
our Charism:
i) Courses of Pallottine formation in Rome:
j) Greater collaboration between the core communities of the Union:

Slide 1 - Union of Catholic Apostolate