EFASCE di Philadelphia
cordially invites you to join us for an evening of food, fun, music and dancing
October 13, 2012 at 6:00 PM
at the
Venetian Club
Antipasto (Appetizer)
Bruschetta, Peperoni rostiti e Formaggio (Bruschetta, Roasted peppers and Cheese)
Insalata Mista (Spring mixed salad)
Combination of spring lettuces dressed with fresh tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and
olive oil
Primo Piatto (First Course)
Penne in a rosa sauce and ravioli in a cheese sauce served at your table.
Secondo Piatto (Second Course) Buffet
Pollo Piccata (Pan sautéed chicken in white wine finished with lemon butter sauce)
Pesce alla griglia con peperoni e cipola (Tilapia grilled with peppers and onions)
Medaglioni di Vitello rosolato con cipole in una salsa di erbette e vino (Veal
Medallions sautéed with onions in a herb wine sauce)
Contorni (Side Dishes)
Fagiolini (Green Beans), Polenta (with and without Gorgonzola), Riso Pilaf (Rice
Dolci e Caffè (Coffee and Dessert)
Mini paste e cannoli (Mini Pastries and Cannoli)
Price for Adults is $36.00 per person
Price for Children under 12 yrs. is $15.00
Children under 5 Free
As a thank you EFASCE di Philadelphia will supply two
bottles of wine at each table. Remaining purchases of
drinks at the bar for cost.
For tickets contact:
Madalena Lorenzon

Price for Adults is $36 - EFASCE di Philadelphia