Gloria Maria Gallery is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition of American artist Jerry Kamitaki, in Milan. In this “Drawing” installation only the simplest geometric forms are used. Kamitaki’s drawing does not describe the visual world DQGUDGLFDOO\VLPSOLÀHVWKHFRQWHQWVRWKDWKLVSRLQWRIYLHZGLVDSSHDUVDQGWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHYLHZHUDQGWKHGUDZLQJ becomes vital to realizing that something is a work of art. It is a type of art that challenges the viewer. Kamitaki’s work can be best understood when whatever information or whatever aesthetic value becomes responsability of the viewer. It is not so much the artist being responsible to inform the viewer. Kamitaki is just presenting a situation, a drawing as a linear description. This is the reason why the artist refers to his drawing as an incident. Each installation can change and HDFKFRQWH[WFDQEHGLIIHUHQW%XWWKHGUDZLQJVWKHHOHPHQWVWKHPVHOYHVDUHDOZD\VWKHVDPH7KHLQÁXHQFHRIWKHVXUURXQGLQJ situation becomes crucial as the viewer is approaching the work. Moreover personal emotional dispositions are not necessarly reconignized in the work that is produced. But this personal aspect can be discovered. Again, the responsability is with the viewer, who can achieve a sort of momentary connection with the artist and the work itself. )RU.DPLWDNLWKHDUWRIGUDZLQJLVVSRQWDQHRXVDQLPPHGLDWHNLQGRIHPRWLRQQHYHUÀQLVKHG7KHZRUNLVDOZD\VRSHQHQGHG ZLWKRXWDQ\VRUWRIFRQFOXVLRQ7KHFKRLFHDQGÀQDOUHVSRQVLELOLW\LVZLWKWKHYLHZHU7KHDUWLVW·VUROHLVMXVWWRSUHVHQWWKHZRUN but the viewers are reading the information by themselves and there is a lot of intuition as a visual result. Kamitaki’s drawings are of monochromatic measured and cut tempered masonite or ply veneer modules left untreated, clay coated; narrating a moment of grouped elements, visual geometry and contours of a single incident, with emphasis on content, not form, in a repetitive linear vertical pattern. Kamitaki is currently living and working in New York. -------------------------Gloria Maria Gallery è lieta di annunciare la seconda mostra personale dell’artista americano Jerry Kamitaki, a Milano. In questa installazione “Drawing” vengono utilizzate solo le più semplici forme geometriche. Nel lavoro esposto Kamitaki non GHVFULYHLOPRQGRDQ]LVHPSOLÀFDUDGLFDOPHQWHRJQLFRQWHQXWR,QTXHVWRPRGRLOVXRSXQWRGLYLVWDVFRPSDUHHGqLOUDSSRUWRWUD ORVSHWWDWRUHHGLOGLVHJQRDGLYHQWDUHGLYLWDOHLPSRUWDQ]D6LWUDWWDGLXQWLSRGLDUWHFKHVÀGDORVSHWWDWRUH JERRY KAMITAKI, DRAWING 3 SEPTEMBER - 25 OCTOBER 2012 Finissage: Thursday 25th October from 7:00PM to 9:00PM GLORIAMARIAgallery Via Watt 32 20143 Milan [email protected] Tel: +390287088548 Gallery hours: Mon - Fri from 2:00PM to 7:00PM or by appointment Il lavoro di Kamitaki può essere meglio compreso quando le informazioni proposte dall’artista ed i valori estetici che ne derivano GLYHQWDQRUHVSRQVDELOLWjGHOORVSHWWDWRUH1RQqWDQWRO·DUWLVWDUHVSRQVDELOHGHOULVXOWDWRÀQDOHGHOO·RSHUDTXDQWRORVSHWWDWRUH Kamitaki ci presentare solo una situazione, un disegno, una descrizione lineare ripetuta. Questo è il motivo per cui l’artista descrive il suo lavoro come un incidente. Ogni installazione può cambiare e ogni contesto può essere diverso. Ma i disegni, gli VWHVVLHOHPHQWLVRQRVHPSUHJOLVWHVVL/·LQÁXHQ]DGHOODVLWXD]LRQHFLUFRVWDQWHGLYHQWDFUXFLDOHFRVuFRPHORVSHWWDWRUHHGLOVXR avvicinarsi al lavoro. Inoltre le inclinazioni emotive dell’artista non sono necessariamente riconoscibile nel lavoro che viene prodotto. Ma questo aspetto SHUVRQDOHSXzHGHYHHVVHUHVFRSHUWR$QFKHLQTXHVWRFDVRODUHVSRQVDELOLWjÀQDOHqGHOORVSHWWDWRUHFKHSXzUDJJLXQJHUHXQD sorta di connessione momentanea con l’artista ed il suo lavoro, in un luogo mentale astratto in cui l’opera accade e si manifesta. 3HU.DPLWDNLGLVHJQDUHqXQ·DWWLYLWjVSRQWDQHDPDLÀQLWD,OODYRURULPDQHVHPSUHDSHUWRLQWHQVLRQHVROOHYDQGRXQGRPDQGDUH UDGLFDOH LUULVROWR /D VFHOWD H OD UHVSRQVDELOLWj ÀQDOH VRQR GHOOR VSHWWDWRUH ,O UXROR GHOO·DUWLVWD q VROR TXHOOR GL SUHVHQWDUH LO lavoro, ma gli spettatori e la loro circostanza creeranno di volta in volta un codice di lettura diverso, selezionando visivamente informazioni parziali o anche discordanti. I disegni di Kamitaki sono monocromatici, misurati e tagliati in moduli di masonite o tela non trattata, rivestiti di argilla bianca. Propongono un raggruppamento di elementi che formano una geometria visiva in un ripetitivo schema lineare verticale i cui contorni sono un incidente, diventando contenuto per lo spettatore. Kamitaki attualmente vive e lavora a New York.