JORNADAS DEL DÍA MUNDIAL DEL TURISMO 2007 El Turismo abre puertas a las Mujeres e… Sviluppo sostenibile del Turismo Jerez de la Frontera 26,27 – 09 -2007 [email protected] Consumi turistici giornalieri (fonte Munster’s University) Local transport 3% Other services 14% accomodation 39% shopping 13% accomodation ristorazione leisure shopping Local transport Other services leisure 7% ristorazione 24% Consumi turistici giornalieri (fonte Assoturismo) consumi domestici 11% servizi balneari 4% ricettività 22% trasporti 6% affitti 9% serv commerciali 15% intrattenimento 9% ristorazione 24% Per sviluppo sostenibile si intende “far sì che esso soddisfi i bisogni dell'attuale generazione senza compromettere la capacità di quelle future di rispondere ai loro”. Rapporto Brundtland, 1987 “Lo sviluppo del turismo deve essere basato sul criterio della sostenibilità, ciò significa che deve essere ecologicamente sostenibile nel lungo periodo, economicamente conveniente, eticamente e socialmente equo nei riguardi delle comunità locali”. Articolo 1 della Carta di Lanzarote, 1995 November 2002 EFFAT and ETLC Position The social dimension of sustainable development The main objectives for a tourism in Europe that is socially sustainable are: - acceptable working conditions, not inferior to those of other sectors - fair pay, reflecting the quality of the service provided - the possibility of professional and career training - equal opportunities - quality work - freedom of association, recognition of trade union organisations and collective bargaining February 2007 ACTION for MORE SUSTAINABLE EUROPEAN TOURISM Report of the Tourism Sustainability Group Key challenges for the sustainability of European tourism 1: Reducing the seasonality of demand 2: Addressing the impact of tourism transport 3: Improving the quality of tourism jobs 4: Maintaining and enhancing community prosperity and quality of life, in the face of change 5: Minimising resource use and production of waste 6: Conserving and giving value to natural and cultural heritage 7: Making holidays available to all 8: Using tourism as a tool in global sustainable development ANNEX 2 12 Aims for sustainable tourism (UNWTO/UNEP) 1) ECONOMIC VIABILITY 2) LOCAL PROSPERITY To maximize the contribution of tourism to the prosperity of the host destination, including the proportion of visitor spending that is retained locally. 3) EMPLOYMENT QUALITY To strengthen the number and quality of local jobs created and supported by tourism, including the level of pay, conditions of service and availability to all without discrimination by gender, race, disability or in other ways. 4) SOCIAL EQUITY To seek a widespread distribution of economic and social benefits from tourism throughout the recipient community, including improving opportunities, income and services available to the poor. 5) VISITOR FULFILMENT 6) LOCAL CONTROL 7) COMMUNITY WELLBEING 8) CULTURAL RICHNESS 9) PHYSICAL INTEGRITY 10) BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 11) RESOURCE EFFICIENCY 12) ENVIRONMENTAL PURITY Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro 27 luglio 2007 PARI OPPORTUNITA’ ITALIA 2006: OCCUPATI NEL TURISMO Fonte: elaborazioni Federalberghi-FIPE su dati INPS ITALIA 2006 MINIMO MASSIMO 661.106 MEDIA 914.840 772.007 STAGIONALI 253.734 27,74 MEDIA MASCHI FEMMINE ACCOGLIENZA 45,00 55,00 RISTORAZIONE 42,10 57,90 AGENZIE DI VIAGGIO 23,30 76,60 TERME 42,10 57,90 REGIONE VdA MASCHI FEMMINE TOTALE % 1.695 2.395 4.090 58,56 PIEMONTE 16.798 33.262 50.060 66,44 LOMBARDIA 59.579 95.595 155.174 61,61 TAA 13.784 22.666 36.450 62,18 VENETO 31.805 48.347 80.152 60,32 4.581 10.516 15.097 69,66 LIGURIA 11.111 14.982 26.093 57,42 EMILIA ROMAGNA 23.878 52.477 76.355 68,73 TOSCANA 24.139 36.984 61.123 60,51 MARCHE 7.272 13.325 20.597 64,69 UMBRIA 3.555 7.445 11.000 67,68 ABRUZZO 5.863 9.688 15.551 62,30 816 1.282 2.098 61,11 SARDEGNA 10.140 11.932 22.072 54,06 LAZIO 39.182 37.527 76.709 48,92 CAMPANIA 25.219 18.627 43.846 42,48 2.157 2.178 4.335 50,24 17.998 14.490 32.488 44,60 8.394 7.639 16.033 47,65 SICILIA 22.763 14.284 37.047 38,56 ITALIA 330.729 455.641 786.370 57,94 FVG MOLISE BASILICATA PUGLIA CALABRIA Fonte: elaborazioni Federalberghi-FIPE su dati INPS 2006: OCCUPAZIONE FEMMINILE NEL TURISMO PER REGIONI 75 70 65 60 55 50 VdA 45 40 35 30 PIE LOM TAA VEN FVG LIG ER TOS M AR UM B ABR M OL SAR LAZ CAM BAS PUG CAL SIC Economic Impulses of Accessibile Tourism for All Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology – Berlin – March 2004 – Documentation Nr. 526 JORNADAS DEL DÍA MUNDIAL DEL TURISMO 2007 El Turismo abre puertas a las Mujeres Grazie per l’attenzione [email protected]