February 14 , 2016
1st Sunday of Lent – C –
Lent is a period of 40 days during which the whole
Church renews itself through prayer and fasting.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus retreats to the desert for
40 days to pray; while there He is tempted by the
devil. Jesus rejects him and chooses obedience
over pride. We are called to journey with the Lord
during this special season of prayer, repentance
and renewal. Let us ask the Lord for His Holy
Spirit that we may grow in faith, hope and love.
****First Communion Enrollment Ceremony****
The enrollment ceremony for First Communion will
be held at all the Sunday Masses this weekend. (It
should be understood that anyone who has not
registered at this point will be preparing for First
Confession and Communion next Year.)
February Legal Holiday
This Monday, February 15 is Ontario Family Day.
Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am and the office
and Church will be closed for the day.
Annual Coins for Life Campaign
Here’s a great thing to do for Lent!!! Collect coins
in support of Campaign Life Coalition so that we
can help protect the lives of the unborn. Please
pick up a collection box this weekend and bring in
the coins on the Sunday after Easter. Thank you.
Lenten Series: A Mission of Mercy
There will be a Lenten Program beginning
Wednesday, February 17 to March 16 . Join the
prayer group every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the
church hall for reflections on The Goodness and
Tenderness of God. Our speaker will be Deacon
Dominic Pullano. Make this Lenten Program part
of your own observance of Lent and preparation
for Easter.
Parish Council
The pastoral council of your parish will meet this
Thursday, February 18 at 8:15 pm. All the
members are kindly reminded to be present.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday
of Lent, usually at 7:30 pm, in the church and will
be celebrated bilingually (English and Italian).
Come join us for this beautiful devotion.
Income Tax Receipts
Please take note that we will be mailing out the
2015 tax receipts in the coming weeks.
Mark Your Calendars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You won’t want to miss this one...... St. David’s
Fourth Annual Dinner Dance in support of our twin
parish in Tarapur, India at the Terrace Banquet
Hall on Saturday, February 20 . The evening
begins with a full antipasto buffet and open bar at
6:30 pm, followed by a lavish dinner which will
include pasta, char broiled Chateaubriand with a
cognac sauce (vegetarian option available) with
vegetables and potatoes, salad, dessert and
coffee/tea. There will also be performances, music
and dancing, and raffle. Tickets are $90 for adults
and grown children ($50 for children 12 and
under). You may purchase your tickets after the
weekend Masses, at the office during the week, or
by calling Dominick at 416-717-7446. We
encourage you to arrange tables of 10 if possible.
Easter Food Drive
We are collecting non-perishable foods to help
people in our community who are in need. Please
drop off your donation in the bin located in the
hallway until March 16 . Thank you for helping
those in need.
Sale of Holy Land Olive Wood Products
The weekend of February 27 & 28 after all the
Masses, there will be a sale of religious articles
from the Holy Land made of beautiful olive wood
in support of our Christian brothers and sisters
who live in the land of Jesus.
Confirmation Sponsors’ Names Needed
Attention all Confirmation candidates!!! Please call
or email the church to submit the name of your
sponsor and the parish he/she attends. Be sure to
spell it out!!! Also, be sure to include your name
and school you attend. You can send it to
[email protected]. Thank you!!!
Good Shepherd Casserole Program
Please keep those casseroles coming!!! The
hungry and homeless of the city need and
appreciate your help. You can pick up more pans
at the parish office during the week. Thanks to
everyone for helping!!!
Pre-Authorized Giving
This new way of supporting the church is now
being offered in our parish and many of our
parishioners may find this method practical and
convenient. Please take a brochure home and see
if this way of giving is right for you.
Prima Domenica di Quaresima – C –
Il culto del denaro, di cui si sente dire facilmente che
<<non puzza>>; l’ipertrofia del potere politico, quando
viene esercitato nel disprezzo dei diritti dell’uomo; lo
sfruttamento della religione, quando la si riduce al
ruolo di semplice strumento dell’ambizione umana:
altrettante maschere sotto cui si nasconde un
tentatore che non è mai così maligno come quando fa
dubitare della propria esistenza.
Ontario Family Day
LàUfficcio parrocchiale sarà chiuso questo lunedì, 15
febbraio e l’unica Messa sarà celebrata alle 9:00 am.
Spiccioli per la Vita
Ogni anno, come progetto quaresimale, raccogliamo
soldi per il movimento pro-vita per difendere il diritto
alla vita dei bambini nel grembo materno. Prendete
una scatolina dopo la Messa e riportatela (piena) alla
chiesa la domenica dopo Pasqua. Grazie!!!
Via Crucis
Ogni venerdi della Quaresima alle 7:30 pm, ci sarà la
Via Crucis (bilingue) nella chiesa. Venite tutti!!!
Riservate Questa Data!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Non mancate.........la Cena con Ballo di St. David’s,
sabato, 20 febbraio, all Terrace Banquet Hall,
iniziando alle 6:30 pm con buffet di antipasto e bar
La cena consiste di pasta/risotto,
Chateaubriand con contorni, insalata mista, dolci e
caffè. Sarà una bellissima serata con musica e
danza. I biglietti sono di $90 per adulti e $50 per
bambini (meno di 12 anni). Cercate di oraganizzarvi
con tavoli di 10 personne. I biglietti saranno in vendita
dopo le Messe domenicali, e all’ufficio durante la
setttimana, oppure chiamate Domenick al 416-7177446. Venite tutti!!!
Pellegrinaggio al Divine Mercy Shrine
In osservanza della Festa della Divina Misericordia,
organizziamo un pellegrinaggio a Stockbridge, Mass.
con partenza venerdì, 1 aprile e ritorno domenica 3
aprile. Chiamate Nella Cecchetto al (905)832-2035
per prenotare il vostro posto. Il costo per il viaggio è
$265 a persona (2 persone per camera), incluso
l’autobus. Grazie.
Saturday – Sabato Feb. 13
5:30 p.m. †Vincenzo Iaizzo
Sunday – Domenica Feb. 14
7:30 a.m. †Nicola Mattacchione
9:00 a.m. Pro Populo
10:30 a.m. †Carmela Peccia †Gino Dalimonte (5 Yrs)
†Giovanni Testani (10 Yrs) †Paul, Sam e Alberto
Bianchi †Pasquale e Oriana Paoletti e Famiglia
†Pasqualina Guida †Maria e Francesco Di Blasio
†Vincenzo Cerchiara (1 Mo) †Anna Spizzirri
†Giovanni Di Domenico †Severino Del Gobbo
†Gaetano e Manuel Fracassi e Famiglia †Maria
Teresa Marcello
Celebration for Adeline Fraser
12:00 p.m. †Tony Boragina
†Maria & Francesco Tucci
5:30 p.m. †Pierino Moscone
Monday – Lunedì Feb. 15
***Family Day***
Office Closed
9:00 a.m. †Teotonio Borges
Office Closed
No Evening Mass
Tuesday – Martedì Feb. 16
7:30 a.m. †Carmine Tarantino
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Maria Ines Marra (1 Yr)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Onofrio Raffele Papasodoro
(1 Yr)
Wednesday – Mercoledì Feb. 17
7:30 a.m. †Giovanni e Flavio Facchini
8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
7:30 p.m. †Agazio Giancotti
Thursday – Giovedì Feb. 18
7:30 a.m. †Emanuel Di Pucchio
6:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Geraldine Calabrese (1 Mo)
7:30 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Antonio e Angelina Lombardi
(1 Yr)
Friday – Venerdì Feb. 19
7:30 a.m. †Dusan Skocanic †Marko Mrakovcic
6:30 p.m. Mem Mass: †Antonietta Lopriore
(Died in Italy)
7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross
8:15 p.m. Mem. Mass: †Domenica Odoardi (1 Yr)
Saturday – Sabato Feb. 20
7:30 a.m. †Amelia Medeiros
9:00 a.m. Mem.Mass: †Olivo Fedrigoni (1 Mo)
1:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Rosaria Sciara (1 Mo)
2:00 p.m. Mem.Mass: †Vittoria Teti (Died in Italy)
5:30 p.m. †Domenic Boni (10 Yrs)
Ricevute per le Tasse
Quest’anno le vostre ricevute saranno inviate per
posta. Le riceverete fra poco.

a copy of our Sunday Bulletin