Page 1, Sunday, February 16, 2014 SACRED HEARTS & ST. STEPHEN R.C.CHURCH Rectory: 108 Carroll Street Brooklyn, N.Y 11231 718-596-7750 tel 718-260-9233 fax REV. MSGR. GUY A. MASSIE Pastor REV. CLETUS FORSON Parochial Vicar SR. ROSALIND PICCIANO, CSJ 718-596-0880 Director of Religious Education JOHN HEYER, II Pastoral Associate JAMES LAKE Parish Organist EVELYN TROESTER Choir Director ROSE MARIE FOGLIA Administrator ANDREW DI MANSO Sacristan MICHAEL J. ENG DONALD J. GLOCKNER, JR. Parish Trustees and Advisors St. Stephen’s – Founded 1866 Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Founded 1882 MASSES ON SUNDAYS: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM & 11:45 AM 5:30 PM on Saturday MASSES ON WEEKDAYS: Monday 12:00 Noon Tuesday thru Saturday 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4:45 P.M. as well as By Appointment. For Holiday and Special Mass Schedules, please call the Rectory and press extension number 4 for specific details. BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday at 1:30 PM. Please call a month before to make arrangements. SICK CALLS: Please call and arrange for the sacrament of anointing whenever anyone is seriously ill. MARRIAGES: Please call the rectory at least 6 months ahead for an appointment with a Priest. WELCOME: Adults who are interested in learning more about or joining the Catholic Faith please call the rectory. Adults who have not completed the sacraments of initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation) please call the rectory. ON LINE & CREDIT CARD GIVING: WWW.DONATIONPATH.COM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Office closed on Saturday & Sunday No evening hours at the present time. IF YOU WISH TO SEE A PRIEST, PLEASE TELEPHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE REMEMBER SACRED HEART & ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL. Page 2, Sunday, February 16, 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER THIS WEEK Monday MON. 12:00 FEBRUARY 17, 2014 Marie Ismail BY: Her Friend, Anna Hamilton TUE. 8:30 FEBRUARY 18, 2014 William Joseph Foley BY: M/M M. Muino WED. 8:30 FEBRUARY 19, 2014 Pauline Maresca BY: Carolyn & John Zodda THURS. FEBRUARY 20, 2014 8:30 Jimmy Gonzalez BY: The Michael Family FRI. 8:30 BY: FEBRUARY 21, 2014 Terry “Nanny” Ambrosio Edwin & Sondra Rivera SAT. FEBRUARY 22, 2014 8:30 Roy & Carmela Cushing 5:30 PM Louis Valentino, Jr. BY: Loving Family SUN. 8:00 10:00 11:45 FEBRUARY 23, 2014 For the People of the Parish Mimi & Josie Romano BY: Jo Ann Martino & Judy Calkin Connie, Ernie & Joseph BY: Loving Family February 17th Mass at Noon February 17th Rectory Office Closed in Observance of President’s Day Tuesday February 18th Mass at 8:30 AM February 18th Staff Meeting @4:00 PM Parish House February 18th K of C Officers @ 8:00 PM Cabrini Hall Wednesday February 19th Mass at 8:30 AM February 19th Choir Practice Children @ 5:30 PM Church February 19th Choir Practice Adults @ 6:45 PM Church Thursday February 20th Mass at 8:30 AM February 20th Finance Committee & Special Parish Council Meeting @ 7:00 PM in Parish House Friday February 21st Mass at 8:30 AM Saturday February 22nd Mass at 8:30 AM February 22nd Confessions @ 4:45 PM Church February 22nd Mass @ 5:30 PM Sunday February 23rd Mass at 8:00 AM February 23rd Mass at 10:00 AM February 23rd Mass at 11:45 AM\ February 23rd Diocesan Event @ 3:00 PM Cabrini Hall Page 3, Sunday, February 16, 2014 Please remember in your prayers the members of our parish and community who are ill, hospitalized or in nursing home care, most especially: Jonelle Bernardo, Vicky Puglise, Kevin Sheehan, Raj Sandu, Michelle Laquercia. Antionette DiBuglione, Dolly Vergona, Philip Saraceno Angelo Vergona Maria Abdo Filomena Peruffo Anna Ruggiero Frances Forte Altar Bread and Wine for the week of 2/16/14 has been donated In Memory of ANITA LUBRANO BY: MILLIE AGOSTA TAX STATEMENTS FOR 2013 Tax statements for the Contribution Year 2013 are now available. These statements are not automatically mailed to each parishioner. Should you require a statement of contributions, kindly call the Rectory and speak with Rose Marie Foglia. Please have your envelope number available. The statement will be mailed to you immediately. Thank you for your generous support of our Parish. ASH WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday is March 5th. coming. More details to follow. Lent is THE FEAST OF ST. JOSEPH The Table of Saint Joseph, La Tavola Di San Giuseppe will be held on March 19th in Cabrini Hall right after the 7:00 PM Mass. More details to follow. POTLUCK catholicism Please be advised that our Pot Luck Catholicism sessions are beginning once again. Please join us for lively discussions on contemporary Catholic issues on the following Thursday evenings @ 7:00 PM in the Parish House. If something’s getting in the way between you and Jesus, find your support here. Let’s talk! The Challenges of Family Life 2/27 Divorced & Separated Catholics 3/13 Catholic, Gay & Conflicted 3/27 JANUARY FINANCIALS Sat/Sun Collections: $12,291.00 Expenses $53,583.00* $41,292.00 Deficit: Included in these expenses is $14,220.00 representing the 2nd Installment of The Elizabeth Seton Trust to the Diocese. This fund supports Catholic Education in our Diocese. On Line contributions for the month of January totaled $999.46 and represent various collections such as: fuel, maintenance, diocesan and Sunday. TRIP TO SEE MOSES AT SIGHT & SOUND THEATRE IN LANCASTER, PA. We are very excited to announce our Parish will be going to see the brand new show Moses at the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, PA on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. This all new production is truly an experience in both spectacle and story. Witness the golden splendor of ancient Egypt and the oppression of the Hebrew slaves. Meet the humble, broken man whom God raises to become their deliverer. Travel with Moses on his quest for personal identity that changes the course of history. Experience God’s awe-inspiring power in the center of the Red Sea. Feel the celebration of the Israelites as they brush past you on their path to freedom. Ticket prices for adults are $130.00 and for children $105.00. We have the same seats we had for the Miracle of Christmas. Our first stop on this trip will be Bird in Hand Farmers Market, then to the show which begins at 2:45 PM. Our day ends with supper at the Good & Plenty Restaurant we have all become so fond of. Seats are selling out quickly. There are less than 15 seats left. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to make your reservations now! As usual, tickets are non-refundable! Accommodations for seating will try to be honored, but cannot be promised! Dear Parish Family: The Gospel message today is the Sermon on the Mount. The Gospel today, while seeming long, is quite direct and instructive in the way of discipleship. While reading this text or listening to this text, keep the following points in mind: Jesus calls his disciples to a higher standard of morality which begins with our internal attitudes. Jesus therefore expands the Law of Moses beyond immoral acts to the thoughts and attitudes which ultimately lead to immoral acts. Jesus bases his statements on the Law of Love. Love meaning: the effective willing of the Good for others. This love is not emotional, not sentimental but rather a product of will based on God’s Law. In this text, Jesus takes the Law of Moses and intends it for everyone. Jesus makes universal the Law of Moses. If we are determined to follow in discipleship than avoidance of immoral situations becomes the way to lead a life of discipleship. Reconciliation is put forth as a necessity and not an option for the life of a disciple. Finally, in the text Jesus uses typical Semitic exaggerations. Remember Jesus is Jewish. Jesus teaches and speaks and thinks as a Semitic person of his era. He is not a western gentlemen. He is not a European or an American. The text we are reading is Semitic. This means that what is presented as absolute term is really meant to be a relative term. Thus, the statement about not swearing an oath means one should be honest. Yet Paul in 2 Cor 1:23, swears an oath, Jesus, in the Passion Narrative of John does not turn the other cheek without a question. (Jn 19f). Jesus calls his disciples to a higher standard of morality which begins with our internal attitudes. Compare the directive of the Ten Commandments which states: “you shall not murder.” Jesus expands this to say you should avoid all things that lead to murder such as anger which festers and violence against another person which can lead to such an act. Notice the level of violence in our society. Notice the level of anger in our society. Notice the domestic violence in our society. Notice the violent language we use when communicating with each other. It is internal anger, festering resentments which lead to such criminal acts. To avoid these dire situations, Jesus calls us to reconcile. He calls us to face the issues which lead us to these situations and solve them by recognizing the mutual dignity of each person. Jesus speaks to our inner intentions not only to our acts. At the beginning of Mass, we pray for forgiveness for our thoughts, words and deeds, in what we have done and the good we failed to do. Jesus expands the immorality on the topic of adultery. Adultery begins in the mind. Sexual misbehavior is founded first in the mind and attitude of the one who wishes to misbehave. How do we hear Jesus speakng in our day when internet sex and television introduces this behavior into our own homes? How do we speak to our children about the issues? If we do not steer our young people than someone else will steer them in ways we may not like. In society, which has regulated all behavior to private sector, there seems to be no accountability. It is not that we the Christians want to make life difficult, but we need to address these issues because so many are hurt and so many have lost their dignity. Many young people have lost the art of relationships because their primary activity is of a sexual nature. As Jesus has clearly noted, sexual misbehavior starts in the mind. The Gospel, as does the first reading, places choices before us. We are invited to choose. We can choose a life that follows the discipleship of Christ and be free. We can choose to go in the opposite direction and be enslaved to our appetites. To make this decision, we must ask ourselves do we want discipleship, faith and relationship with Christ or not? Do we see Christ as The Way, The Truth and The Life or do we seek compromise? In the end, discipleship leads to freedom, to solid relationships with others and a deep relationship with Jesus. Msgr. Guy A. Massie Page 5, Sunday, February 16, 2014 MINISTERS OF CONSOLATION I am looking for people who would be interested in a great parish ministry. Consolation is a ministry which helps our brother and sister parishioners when they are mourning and preparing funerals for their loved ones. What does a minister of consolation do? The minister of consolation will visit the wake, give the condolences from our Parish Family of SHSS. You will go to the mourners, introduce yourself as a representative of our parish. You will either call Fr. Massie or meet him at the wake and help him to plan his homily for the funeral by giving some of your insights thus adding to help console the family through the homily. Funeral Mass attendance: If possible, the Minister of Consolation will attend the Funeral Mass. Just being in church, receiving communion helps the family. You need not plan the funeral. You need not make any public presentation. You are dealing not with the one who has died, but with the living. In short, you are being asked to be a good neighbor in an official way representing our parish to others. If you are interested in this and have questions or would like to learn more, please contact me at the Parish House 718 596-7750. Msgr. Guy A. Massie Cari Parrocchiani, Il Vangelo di oggi e` il famoso discorso della montagna, anche se puo` sembrare lungo e` molto diretto e preciso nelle sue istruzioni verso i discepoli. Nel leggere o ascoltare il testo dobbiamo tenere presente che Gesu` chiede a tutti i suoi discepoli profondi valori morali che debbono cominciare con il nostro profondo e personale atteggiamento. Gesu` estende la legge mosaica riguardo gli atteggiamenti morali e` basa il suo insegnamento sulla legge dell'amore. Amore non e` altro che operare il bene di Dio per gli altri, quest'amore non e` emozione o sentimentale ma basato sul desiderio di Dio. Gesu` nel suo discorso usa il testo della legge di Mose ed esorta tutti a seguirla in modo da evitare situazioni scabrose e divenire veramente discepoli nel proprio comportamento di vita,inoltre riconciliazione diventa necessaria no un'opzione nella vita del discepolo. In questo discorso il linguaggio da lui usato e` un po` forte, perche` usa un linguaggio Semitico. Dobbiamo tener presente che Gesu` era Giudeo e come tale usa un linguaggio usato del popolo di quel tempo. Il suo linguaggio e` differente di quello che possiamo usare noi europei o americani.Quando parla di non fare falsi giuramenti significa che ogn'uno di noi deve essere onesto nel suo dire. Anche se Paolo nella seconda lettera ai Corinzi 1:23 giura, Gesu`, nella passione secondo Giovanni Gesu` non porge la sua guancia senza chiedere di cosa Lo si accusa. Gesu` richede un profondo valore morale ai suoi dicepoli che deve principalmente cominciare con i loro sentimenti. Quando cita il comandamento non uccidere, non intende semplicemente l'atto materiale, ma intande il sentimento ed attitudine che si conclude in esso. Guardando la televisione o parlando con il vicini, udiamo di atti di violenza commessi contro il prossimo o la famiglia, e` questa rabbia interna che porta a queste situazioni ed atti criminali. Gesu` richiamo ognuno di noi alla riconciliazione appunto per evitare questo stato di cosa, riconoscedo e rispettando la dignita` di ogni persona. Gesu` si riferisce anche ai nostri pensieri non solamente agli atti, infatti all'inizio della messa chiediamo perdono per i nostri peccati di pensieri, opere e azioni, che abbiamo commesso. Gesu` si riferisce inoltre al peccato di adulterio, non semplicemento all'azione ma al pensiero che abbiamo prima ancora di commetterlo. Oggi e` molto difficile evitare questo soggetto con i giovani in quando televisione, computer face book lo presentano di continuo. Ci chiediamo spesso qual'e` la maniera giusta di discuterne con i nostri giovani? Se non siamo noi che ne parliamo con essi chi sara` a discuterne? Possibilmente non ci piace la maniera con cui lo presentano ai giovani. La societa` di oggi, che accetta qualsiasi comportamento, sicuramente non si sente responsabbile . Noi come Cristiani non che vogliamo far diffice la loro vita, dobbiamo trovare la maniera di inculare in essi il sentimento di dignita`, rispetto e oneste relazioni che molti giovani di oggi hanno perduto. Gesu` chiaramente dice che il primo sentimento di cattivo comportamento comincia nella nostra mente. Il Vangelo e la prima lettura ci danno la scelta. Siamo esortati a fare una scelta di vita , una che ci rende liberi e ci fa discepoli di Cristo, l'altra che ci fa schiavi dei nostri vizzi e ci allontana dalla verita`. Nel fare questa scelta di vita dobbiamo chiederci vogliamo essere discepoli e seguire Cristo o ignorare i suoi insegnamenti. Riconosciamo Cristo come Verita`, Via e Vita o vogliamo dei compromessi. Alla fine dobbiamo riconoscere che la nostra scelta di essere discepoli ci conduce alla liberta`di relazione con gli altri e Gesu`. Page 6, Sunday, February 16, 2014 INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen #875400 PHONE 718-596-7750 CONTACT PERSON Rose Marie Foglia SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2002 Adobe Acrobat 8.0® Windows XP Home® SP3 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1320 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 16, 2014 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 1 PM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS