48 SUNDAY MARRIAGE SUNDAY The Archdiocese of Toronto celebrates MARRIAGE SUNDAY today (February 9th). At 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, Cardinal Collins will be welcoming couples celebrating their 25, 40, 50 and 60+ anniversary of marriage this year, at St. Paul’s Basilica (83 Power Street, Toronto – please see poster in the foyer). This weekend, here at St. Clare’s, special prayers will be offered for couples married in our parish over this past century of parish life, and a special blessing will be given to every couple present at the celebrations. Another honeymoon is a perfect way for a couple to celebrate their marriage. Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre offers married couples the privacy, comfort, hospitality and inspiring program that encourage couples to continue exploring their lives together. The next weekend is February 21st - 23rd. For more information, please call: Father Tomy at 905-278-5229 ex. 225 or visit https://sites.google.com/site/queenofapostles.ca MAINTENANCE COLLECTION Next weekend’s 2nd collection will be taken up for the monthly maintenance of our church. Thank you. Liturgy Committee Meeting On Monday, February 10th, there is a meeting of the Liturgy Committee, at 7:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room. Meeting with Pilgrims going to Israel Pilgrims who are going to the Holy Land in March, are invited to a preparatory meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society There is a meeting of the SVDP Society on Tuesday, February 18th at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in finding out about the good works of the St. Vincent de Paul Society or to become a member is invited to this meeting. Assistance with the New Boiler As announced, after a good ten years our rectory boiler broke down completely before Christmas. As it could not be repaired, it was recommended that we install a new High Efficiency Boiler, which has been done at a total cost of just under $12,000. Thank you to those who have already contributed. So far, we have collected $4,400. If you haven’t yet had a chance to contribute, we ask that you do all that you can. Special envelopes are at the entrance of the church and your donation can be put into any Sunday collection basket. Every gift is greatly appreciated. Please note that for the past few months work is taking place to completely and hopefully adjust the boilers in the church. We can already begin to note the difference. Thank you for your generosity. SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES Next Sunday and the Sunday following (February 16th and 23rd) we will once again meet at 3:00 p.m. in the church hall to view the life and times of Pope Paul VI, a very inspiring film in the series of movies on the Popes presented in our parish. All are welcome. Altar Servers’ Meeting All Altar Servers and those interested in becoming an Altar Server, are asked to attend a meeting on Friday, February 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Workshop on the Sacrament of Communion Children who are preparing for the Sacrament of First Communion are asked to attend a Workshop with their parents, on Saturday, February 22nd in the Parish Hall. You may attend either the 10:00 am session or the 2:00 pm session. PRAYER WITH THE SONGS OF TAIZÉ Come join us on Monday, February 24th, at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Br. Emile will be here with us as we pray with the songs of Taizé. Invite friends and neighbours to this hour of meditative ecumenical prayer. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall right after. Come and be part of a truly uplifting spiritual experience. Leaders of Centenary Groups On Wednesday, February 26th, there will be a meeting of the leaders of the various Centenary Groups, at 7:30 p.m., in the Parish Meeting Room. 2014 Offering Envelopes We still have a number of Offering Envelope boxes that are waiting to be picked up. Please pick up your envelopes anytime during the week during office hours. Confirmation Candidates Just a reminder that you have your Oneight Program on Saturday, March 1st in the Parish Hall at either 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon or from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. “In Kind” Gifts to the Parish Thanks to our generous donors, we are happy to report that the following items have already been paid for! - the new statue of St. Clare - the new tabernacle and stand to soon be installed - safety Railing for the Choir Loft Envelopes are available at the back of the church for more work that needs to be done (the lift and the special barrier free bathrooms for the mobility impaired, etc…). Thank you for your support! 48 DATE LA NOSTRA DIOCESI, OGGI CELEBRA LA DOMENICA DEL MATRIMONIO Saturday, February 8 5:00 – Frank & Frances Pajk Sunday, February 9 9:00 – Carl & Nan Linderholm 10:30 – Gianni Ariganello, Francesco Azzoli, Angelo e Rosa Del Giudice, Antonio Savoia, Luigi Pitocco, Angelo, Ettore, Luigina e Maria Vozza e Salvatore Brutto (10o anniv.) 12:00 – Pro Populo Monday, February 10 9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant Tuesday, February 11 9:00 – Artur Inacio Santos 10:00 – Loretto College School Mass Wednesday, February 12 9:00 – Artur João Santos 7:00 – Salvatore Scopacasa († 1 yr. Memorial) Thursday, February 13 9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant Friday, February 14 9:00 – Jorge & Lucy Orbe Saturday, February 15 9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant 5:00 – Giuseppe Dalessandro Volete aiutarci con nuovi progetti necessari per la nostra chiesa, in onore del Centenario? Continuiamo a lavorare per il miglioramente e la sistemazioni di vari elementi nella nostra chiesa. Fra poco inizieranno i lavori per il bagno per disabili in sala, come anche il sistema per facilitare il loro accesso in sala. Abbiamo ancora da completare i pagamenti per i tavoli e le sedie in sala, e tanti altri lavori che ci siamo proposti per le varie necessità. Questo non è possibile senza il vostro aiuto. Vi invitiamo a ritirare una busta all’uscita della chiesa e ad offrire un vostro contributo, piccolo e grande che sia, secondo le vostre possibilita. Per questo vi ringraziamo di vero cuore. Il nostro cardinale celebrerà oggi alle 4 pomeridiane una Santa Messa nella Basilica Minore di St. Paul (83 Power Street) una Santa Messa invitando coppie che quest’anno celebrano il loro 25mo, 40 mo, 50 mo, 60 mo + anniversario. Nella nostra parrocchia, ogni messa è oggi dedicata alle coppie che hanno celebrato il loro matrimonio quì, a Santa Chiara, sin dalla fondazione della parrocchia, 100 anni fa. Ad ogni messa, verrà offerta una speciale benedizione alle coppie presenti. Incontro dei Pellegrini che andranno in Israele Giovedì, 13 febbraio alle 7:30 p.m., ci sarà un incontro nella Sala Parrocchiale, per Pellegrini che si recheranno in Terra Santa il 9 marzo. COLLETTA MANUTENZIONE La seconda colletta del prossimo weekend sarà per la manutenzione della nostra chiesa. Grazie del vostro appoggio! FILM IN SALA Le prossime due domeniche (16 e 23 febbraio) continueremo con la proiezione dei film sui Papi, alle 3 pomeridiane in sala. Il prossimo film, sulla vita del Papa PAULO VI. Non mancate. LA PREGHIERA CON I CANTI DI TAIZE e con la presenza di uno dei frati della comunità monastica ecumenicale di Taize, si terrà lunedì, 24 febbraio alle ore 7 di sera nella nostra chiesa. NON MANCATE a questa esperienza di fede e di lode che toccherà realmente i vostri cuori. Buste delle Offerte per quest’anno Ci sono ancora diverse scatole di buste per l’offertorio che non sono state ancora ritirate dall’ufficio. Vi chiediamo di farlo appena possibile e VI RINGRAZIAMO DI CUORE per la vostra generosità. Il vostro aiuto per il nuovo Riscaldamento in Canonica e in Chiesa Come abbiamo comunicato, poco prima di Natale, la fornace della canonica non ha più funzionato e abbiamo dovuto mettere una nuova fornace, al costo di $12,000. Purtroppo non siamo in grado di poter affrontare questa nuova spesa. Fin oggi abbiamo raccolto $4,400. Chi desidera, potrà usare la busta apposita e deporla nel cestino delle offerte questa domenica, oppure alla vostra convenienza. Ugualmente, comunichiamo che i lavori per migliorare il sistema di riscaldamento per la chiesta continuano. Siamo gia’ in grado di notare alcun miglioramento. 48 SUNDAY Grazie per la vostra collaborazione. LOONIE SUNDAY The Saint Vincent de Paul Society reminds you that today is “Loonie Sunday”. A loonie in the poor box as you leave Mass today will make a big difference to the life of a family in need.