4th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— February 1st, 2015
Miracles prove God loves us
February 2nd –February 8th 2015
Monday: February 2nd
8:00am7:00pm- All Souls in Purgatory & for the
Protection of Magzina Coreia Family
Tuesday: February 3rd
8:00am7:00pm- +Giuseppe Ventura
Wednesday: February 4th
8:00am7:00pm- +Mary Manuelpillai
Thursday: February 5th
8:00am7:00pm- +Rosa Cirillo
Friday: February 6th
8:00am7:00pm- +Rachele Giorgio
Saturday: February 7th
8:30am5:00pm- +Paul & Mildred Antony +Roy
Thuraisingham +Eddie Liyanage
Sunday: February 8th
9:00am- - For the Community of OLA
10:30am - +Giovanni +Teresa Brizzi &
Palma D’Ambrosio
12:00pm – Maria Fernandes Marques
“There is considerable debate about whether the people whom Jesus
healed were really possessed by the devil or were mentally disturbed.
The debate is utterly beside the point. These individuals were deeply
troubled and Jesus healed them. Jesus came to heal both body and
soul. Most scripture scholars now agree that miracles were an important part of Jesus' ministry and of the memory of that ministry in the
early Church. We simply cannot abandon them to please those who
say miracles are impossible. The precise explanation of how these
healings were accomplished is another matter and perhaps one that is
also beside the point. Jesus did not work miracles to prove anything.
Rather they were signs that God's healing love is at work in the
Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick
‘Over the centuries the Anointing of the sick was conferred
more and more exclusively on those at the point of death.
However, this sacrament is not only for those who are at the
point of death. It is also appropriate to receive the Sacrament
of Anointing of the Sick prior to a serious operation. Those who have a chronic
condition, or are becoming frail with old age, may receive Anointing of the Sick
on more than one occasion.’
The Holy Eucharist and the Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on
the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 at
7:00pm. Everyone is welcome!
New Beginnings is a ministry developed to meet the needs of those who are
separated, divorced, widowed or who are enduring significant loss. Through
various programs, participants are given the opportunity to move through
PLEASE PARK YOUR stages of healing, leading to the beginning of a more fulfilling life. New Beginnings participants are able to share their story in a supportive, caring enviCAR AT THE
DESIGNATED PARK- ronment, address their issues and achieve some type of resolution, move
through the stages of grief, renew their spiritual life and find strength in their
faith. The program also provides education and training for volunteers, and
support to parish priests in their ministry to those experiencing loss. For info:
Please call Mary Benincasa, 416) 921-1163 / ext. 2235
If you have a Laptop that you are not using
and would like to donate it to the church
for our use during our liturgy. Please contact Fr. Lorenzo.
for those who are sick
members of our parish
and those who love and minister to them:
Sunday Collection $ 5,495.00
Maintenance $ 824..00
Many thanks for your generosity!
Our Lady of the Airways Church
Valentine Dinner and Dance
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre
Rich Menu - Red and White Wine, Open Bar, Music for
all , Door Prizes – Raffle and more…
Adults $65.00 per person /Children under 12-$45.00
(Proceeds will go to the reduction of the debt for the Roof and other repairs of Our Church)
For more information or to reserve your tickets, please call one of the
following organizers/Marcello Paternostro: 905-671-4436, Franco
Cavalcanti: 416-602-1701, Michelle Frizza:416-828-8071, Parish Office:905-677-4615, Carlos Abug:905-457-3019, Douglas Ronney:416744-7771, Patsy Umeh:905-671-0518, Silvana Morra:416-579-4798
“Super Pennas Ventorum” “Upon the Wings of the Wind”
Pray to know how God wants to use your talents and
abilities. Could it be He is calling you to consider
priesthood, religious life or deaconate? If God is
calling you to a Church vocation, call Fr. Chris
Lemieux, Vocation Director, Archdiocese of
Toronto 416-968-0997
[email protected]
Under the Spiritual Leadership of Fr. Lorenzo
Salandanan, (Tel. 905-677-4615)
Tour Coordinator: Therese Baduria (Tel. 416887-6703)
September 21st- October 2nd, 201 (12
days /Tour Cost $ 2,895.00)
May 30th to June 13th, 2015
TOUR COST $ 3,395.00
Tour Co-ordinators: Ernie and Sofie Buenaventura * Tel: Home 416-752-8692 * Ernie cell
TEL: (905) 949-5533
Flyers are available at the foyer
Cardinal Collins Invites Feedback in
Preparation for 2015 Synod of Bishops
Cardinal Collins is inviting Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto to offer insights
and feedback on issues that will be considered
as part of the 2015 Synod of Bishops on “The
Vocation and the Mission of the Family in the
Church and in the Contemporary World.” Full
details including background documents can be
found at: www.archtoronto.org/synod - deadline for feedback is February 16, 2015.
Gesù inizia il suo ministero annunciando il vangelo del
regno di Dio (Mc 1,15). Si ha un regno quando c’è un
popolo governato da un’autorità sovrana che esercita il
suo potere per mezzo della legge. Dio è Santo ed esercita
il suo dominio per mezzo della potenza dello Spirito
Santo; la sua unica legge è l’amore. Vive nel regno di Dio
chi, nella libertà dell’amore, si sottomette all’azione potente del suo Spirito che “è Signore e dà la vita”. Adamo
ed Eva con il peccato si sono ribellati a Dio sottraendosi
alla sua sovranità, ed a causa loro tutti gli uomini sono
stati costituiti peccatori (Rm 5,12) per cui “giacciono
sotto il potere del Maligno” (1Gv 5,15), il quale regna
sull’uomo con la forza della menzogna e con la legge del peccato. Gesù Cristo,
nuovo Adamo, sottomesso al Padre con una obbedienza spinta fino alla morte di
croce (Fil 2,8), ripieno di Spirito Santo e rivestito di potenza dall’alto al battesimo
del Giordano, inizia la sua missione instaurando il regno di Dio con autorità. I
demoni si sottomettono a lui, manifestando così che il loro potere sull’uomo ormai volge al termine e che il regno di Dio è entrato nel mondo. La parola di Gesù,
al contrario di quella degli altri maestri del tempo, non tende a diffondere delle
opinioni dottrinali, chiama invece gli uomini all’obbedienza a lui (1Pt 1,2) per
mezzo della fede(cf. Rm 1,5; 6,16-17), la pratica dei suoi comandamenti(Gv
14,21) e la guida del suo Santo Spirito. Oggi è compito della Chiesa, cioè di ogni
cristiano, far arrivare il regno di Dio ad ogni uomo su questa terra.
Mercoledi, 11 Febbraio 2015 - Giornata Mondiale del
Mercoledi, 11 Febbraio, in occasione della XXIII
Giornata Mondiale del Malato, che quest'anno ha come
tema Fede e carità, e della festa di Nostra Signora di
Lourdes, ci sará una benedizione speciale con sacra
unzione dopo la Santa Messa delle ore 7:00 pm. Se
conoscete delle persone malate, bisognose di una
benedizione speciale con Sacra Unzione siete pregati di
portarli a messa con voi.
Our Lady of the Airways Church
Cena e Ballo di San Valentino
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Panemonte Banquet and Convention Centre
Ricca Cena -Vino Rosso & Bianco, Open Bar,Musica
per tutti i gusti…Premi abbinati al biglietto d’ammissione - sorteggio per la lotteria e altro…
Adulti $65.00 a persona
Bambini al di sotto di 12anni -$45.00
Per ulteriore informazioni e per riservare i vostri biglietti, per favore telefonate a uno dei seguenti organizzatori.
Marcello Paternostro: 905-671-4436
Franco Cavalcanti: 416602-1701, Michelle Frizza:416-828-8071, Parish Office:905-6774615, Carlos Abug:905-457-3019, Douglas, Ronney:416-7447771, Patsy Umeh:905-671-0518, Silvana Morra:416-579-4798

Miracles prove God loves us Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick