III SESSIONE - CARDIO-TC NELLA MALATTIA CORONARICA TAVOLA ROTONDA. COME ORIENTARE LA PRATICA CLINICA Gian Paolo Bezante UOC Clinica di Malattie Cardiovascolari IRCCS AOU San Martino - Genova CT angiogram • A computerized tomography (CT) coronary angiogram is an imaging test that looks at the arteries that supply your heart with blood. Unlike traditional coronary angiograms, CT angiograms don't use a catheter threaded through your blood vessels to your heart. • Instead, a CT coronary angiogram relies on a powerful X-ray machine to produce images of your heart and its blood vessels. CT angiograms are noninvasive and don't require any recovery time. Coronary CT angiograms are increasingly an option for people with a variety of heart conditions. • Both CT and traditional coronary angiograms expose you to radiation. If you have known coronary artery disease, a traditional coronary angiogram may be a better option, since you can also receive treatment for your coronary artery disease during that procedure. COSA E’ NECESSARIO PER SVILUPPO E DIFFUSIONE • • • • MAGGIORE INTERAZIONE CARDIOLOGO RADIOLOGO MAGGIORE DISPONIBILITA’ DI ACCESSI ALLA TECNOLOGIA INTEGRARE I PROTOCOLLI DIAGNOSTICI ESISTENTI RIDURRE INAPROPRIATEZZA • URGENZA/EMERGENZA: rule-out non CAD • ELEZIONE: nel CAD noto associato a studio di funzione e perfusione