La diagnostica di laboratorio e l’imaging della Fibromialgia Dott.ssa Fabiola Atzeni Unità di Reumatologia Ospedale L. Sacco, Milano Pietra Ligure 4 Dicembre 2009 Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) FM: Classification American College of Rheumatology: 1990 History ( > 3 months) of widespread pain Left and right sided Above and below waist Axial skeletal pain must be present Pain (not tenderness) on digital (4 kg) palpation in 11 of 18 tender points Both criteria must be satisfied Wolfe et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1990;33:160-172. Core Clinical Features of Fibromyalgia Sleep Disturbances Widespread Pain • Chronic, widespread pain is the defining feature of FM • Patient descriptors of pain include: aching, exhausting, nagging, and hurting • Presence of tender points Wolfe F et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1995;38:19-28. Leavitt F et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1986;29:775-781. Wolfe F et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1990;33:160-172. Roizenblatt S et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44:222230. Harding SM. Am J Med Sci. 1998;315:367-376. Henriksson KG. J Rehabil Med. 2003;(suppl 41):8994. • Characterized by nonrestorative sleep and increased awakenings • Abnormalities in the continuity of sleep and sleep architecture • Reduced slowslow-wave sleep • Abnormal alpha wave intrusion in nonnon-REM sleep Fatigue/Stiffness • Morning stiffness and fatigue are common characteristics of FM 3 SINTOMI E SINDROMI ASSOCIATE ALLA FM • Tension/migraine headache • Affective disorders • TMD • Memory and cognitive difficulties • Ear/nose/throat complaints (sicca symptoms, vasomotor rhinitis, accommodation problems) • Vestibular complaints • Constitutional symptoms and syndromes: -Fatigue and CFS -Sleep disturbances -Idiopathic low back pain -Irritable bowel syndrome -Nondermatomal paresthesias • Multiple chemical sensitivities, “allergic” symptoms • Esophageal dysmotility • Neurally mediated hypotension, mitral valve prolapse • Noncardiac chest pain, dyspnea due to respiratory muscle movement dysfunction TMD=temporomandibular joint disorder. CFS=chronic fatigue syndrome. Aaron LA et al. Arch Int Med. 2000;160:221-227. Interstitial cystitis, female urethral syndrome, vulvar vestibulitis, vulvodynia Why fibromyalgia symptoms? Patients seem to have a generalized abnormality in pain perception, with a decline in pain threshold and tolerance to an assortment of stimuli, such as pressure, cold, and heat. the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia involves aberrations in central nervous system function that result in abnormal pain perception Esami di laboratorio Esami di laboratorio Non forniscono generalmente alcun elemento probante (anzi d’obbligo la negatività degli indici di flogosi, degli enzimi muscolari) Possono essere utili soprattutto per escludere affezioni morbose che possono presentarsi con un quadro clinico simile. Esami di laboratorio Circa il 10-15% dei pazienti affetti da SF può presentare una positività a basso titolo degli anticorpi antinucleo (ANA) o del fattore reumatoide (diagnosticare erroneamente un quadro clinico di connettivite) 79 FM patients and 75 controls: Sixteen of the 79 FM patients (20.3%) and 12/78 controls (15.4%) were positive for APAs (P ¼ 0.536). Focusing on FM patients, we observed a correlation between APA titre and pain ( t: 20.221; P = 0.020) and fatigue ( t: 20.205; P = 0.032). Conclusions: APA test exhibited a low sensitivity in FM patients and it did not distinguish this group of patients from the controls enrolled in this study. Interestingly, positive APA test prevalence increased with less severe pain or fatigue. Rispetto alla letteratura abbiamo trovato una percentuale nettamente più bassa di sieropositività. I livelli serici di APA correlano inversamente con l’età dei pazienti. Il sottogruppo di pazienti con APA >30 U presentano sintomi più severi di malattia come la fatica, e correlazione con FIQ, IL-1 TIROIDE E SF Sono state ritrovate percentuali elevate di anticorpi anti-tiroide nei pazienti affetti da FM (41%). La tiroidite autoimmune è stata descritta in numerose malattie a carattere infiammatorio. I pazienti con autoanticorpi mostravano una maggiore incidenza di sintomi caratteristici della Fibromialgia, quali sonno non ristoratore, diarrea, xeroftalmia, crampi, cefalea e reflusso gastro esofageo. Ma solo la stranguria, l’allodinia, la faringodinia, la visione offuscata e la xeroftalmia sono statisticamente significative. L’ipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a maggior dolore diffuso Esami di laboratorio neuroendocrinoimmunologia Alterazione dell’asse neuroendocrino ormone adrenocorticotropo (ACTH) aumentato cortisolo plasmatico, diminuito sia nel ritmo circadiano di secrezione che sotto stress Prolattinemia, aumentata e TSH con ridotta increzione dopo test di stimolazione con TRH ; calcemia totale e libera ridotte rispetto a soggetti normali Secrezione pulsatile di GH alterata qualitativamente e/o quantitativamente ; The Conundrum: Neuroendocrine, Neuroimmune, and Sympathetic Dysregulation in FM Increased inflammatory cytokines are associated with insufficient corticosteroid signaling1 Aberrant HPA regulation may perpetuate elevated sympathetic tone2 Elevated sympathetic tone, inflammatory cytokines and neuroendocrine dysregulation may increase the risk of metabolic syndrome2 Proinflammatory cytokines, excessive catecholamines and glutamate may interact to facilitate pain2-5 1. Torpy DJ et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2000;43:872-880. 2. Loevinger BL et al. Metabolism. 2007;56:87-93. 3. Martinez-Lavin M et al. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2002;3:2. 4. Moalem G, Tracey DJ. Brain Res Rev. 2006;51:240-264. 5. Watkins LR et al. Brain Res Rev. 2007;56:148-169. dosaggio 25-hydrossilate vit D Deficit in 13.3% Livelli insufficienti nel 56% Livelli normali nel 30.7% Probabili implicazioni con la presenza dei sintomi tipici della Fibromialgia Amminoacidi e FM Russell IJ, Michalek JE, Vipraio GA, Fletcher EM, Wall K. Serum amino acids in fibrositis/fibromyalgia syndrome. J Rheumatol Suppl. 1989 Nov;19:158-63. E’ stata riscontrata una correlazione inversa tra i livelli plasmatici di triptofano e la severità del dolore muscoloscheletrico in pazienti FM. ↓triptofano sierico totale ↓ alanina, ↓ istidina, ↓ lisina, ↓ prolina, ↓ serina, ↓ treonina. Laboratory tests recommended at first observation Symptoms onset < 12 months Symptoms onset > 12 months ESR ESR CRP Blood tests Blood tests TSH ANA (if indicated) CPK TSH Liver and renal functions Main Differential Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia 1. Inflammatory Rheumatic diseases •SLE / SS / CTD •RA /polyarthritis •Polymyalgia Rheumatica •Inflammatory Idiopatic Myopathies 2. Degenerative Rheumatic diseases •Localized myofascial pain •Osteoartritis 3. Non-Rheumatic diseases •Tendonitis •Thyroid dysfunction •Chronic fatigue syndrome •HCV Infection •Lyme disease •Osteomalacia •Malignances •Others Modified by : Bliddal H .Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2007 Martinez- Lavin M.Curr Pain Headache 2001 Diagnostica per immagine e SF Tomografia computerizzata a singola emissione di fotoni (SPECT) - Tomografia ad emissione di positroni (PET) - -Risonanza magnetica funzionale (RMNf) le aree cerebrali, corticali e sottocorticali, che vengono attivate da stimoli esterocettivi nocivi e non nocivi. However, could neuroimaging have individual clinical impact in FM patient? We showed that somatosensory hyperperfusion and anterior temporal hypoperfusion were correlated with the clinical severity of the disease, evaluated by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) total score Could this imaging be used for diagnosis or therapeutic evaluation? -Brain abnormalities are probably not specific of FM, since similar patterns of fMRI activations were found in either FM or idiopathic chronic low back pain -Neuroimaging could open interesting perspectives for therapeutic evaluation. - As current pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies act differently on the two components of pain (sensory and affectiveattentional dimensions), neuroimaging could be a valuable and readily available tool to guide individual therapeutic strategy and perform an objective follow-up of pain processing recovery under treatment Algorithm for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia-like symptoms > 3 months Evaluated for others disorders Complete physical examination: •Check ESR, CRP, chemistry panel, TSH •Avoid ANA, RF unless indicated Normal work-up Abnormal workup Manage accordingly Diagnose or “label” fibromyalgia (may have co-morbid fibromyalgia) Modified from: Claw D. Fibromyalgia: defining the disorder and its diagnostic and treatment approach., 2007 Valutazione clinica precoce per il Medico di Famiglia (FM Moldofsky Questionnaire) Mai Qualche volta Spesso Sempre Dolore o rigidità in più parti del corpo 0 1 2 3 Il mio corpo è sensibile a ogni stimolo o pressione 0 1 2 3 Sono pieno di forze 3 2 1 0 Il mio sonno è ristoratore 3 2 1 0 Sono triste o nervoso 0 1 2 3 Sono felice della mia vita 3 2 1 0 Non lo so Possibile FM se il punteggio totale >12 Moldofsky H. 2007 25