Informazioni per la stampa FONDAZIONE PER IL LIBRO. GASTALDO AND LAPUCCI MEMBERS OF THE BoD Piero Gastaldo and Massimo Lapucci will be the new members of the Board of Administrators of Fondazione per il Libro, la Musica e la Cultura representing the City of Turin and Regione Piemonte respectively. "The choice - said Chair Sergio Chiamparino and Mayor Piero Fassino – arises from the contribution that Mr. Gastaldo and Mr. Lapucci offer Turin’s cultural system even today, as well as from their managerial know how. Fondazione per il Libro can thus count on two high profile personalities to give way to a new season of the “International Book Fair". Turin, 18 September 2015 (16.45) Release 400/2015 Ufficio stampa e relazioni con i media Piazza Palazzo di Città, 1 - 10122 Torino tel. 011/442.3600 [email protected]