2nd EUROPEAN MEETING TURIN 14-15 SEPTEMBER 2007 Lingotto Congressi Conference Center Chaiman: Claudio De Angelis (Turin, Italy) Honorary President: Mario Rizzetto (Turin, Italy) Founding Members: AEGuse (AEG-EUS interest group) BGDES (Belgian Group of Digestive Endosonography) CFED (French Digestive Endosonography Club) IEC (Italian Endosonography Club) President: Claudio De Angelis (Turin, Italy) Secretary: Pietro Fusaroli (Castel S. Pietro Terme, I) EGEUS Board Marc Barthet (Marseille, F) Pierre Deprez (Brussels, B) Telemaco Federici (Rome, I) Vincent Gillard (Liège, B) Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, S) Enrique Vazquez-Sequeiros (Madrid, S) Local Scientific and Organizing Committee: Mauro Bruno (Turin, Italy) Patrizia Carucci (Turin, Italy) Fabio Corno (Legnano, Italy) Matteo Goss (Turin, Italy) Marcello Martini (Turin, Italy) Donatella Pacchioni (Turin, Italy) Rinaldo Pellicano (Turin, Italy) Sergio Peyre (Cuorgnè, Italy) International Scientific Committee: Marc Barthet (Marseille, France) Giacomo Bonanno (Catania, Italy) Gianni Bussolati (Turin, Italy) Christian Boustière (Marseille, France) Giancarlo Caletti (Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy) Felice Cosentino (Milan, Italy) Guido Costamagna (Rome, I) Pierre Deprez (Brussels, Belgium) Telemaco Federici (Rome, Italy) Pietro Fusaroli (Castel S. Pietro Terme, I) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 2 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 3 Vincent Gillard (Liège, Belgium) Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, Spain) Angelo Pera (Turin, Italy) Alessandro Repici (Milan, Italy) Mario Rizzetto (Turin, I) Massimo Raimondo (Jaksonville, USA) Rodolfo Rocca (Turin, Italy) Enrique Vazquez-Sequeiros (Madrid, Spain) Giorgio Verme (Turin, Italy) Michael B. Wallace (Jacksonville, USA) Faculty Lidia Arguello (Valencia, Spain) Marc Barthet (Marseille, France) Luis Barranco (Barcelona, Spain) Paolo Bocus (Padova, Italy) Giacomo Bonanno (Catania, Italy) M.R. Bonetti (Caserta, Italy) Ivan Borbath (Bruxelles, Belgium) Christian Boustière (Marseille, France) Patricia Burga (Padua, Italy) Pascal Burtin (Angers, France) Elisabetta Buscarini (Crema, Italy) Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) Giancarlo Caletti (Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy) Teresa Cammarota (Turin, Italy) Donata Campra (Turin, italy) Renato Cannizzaro (Aviano, Italy) Vincenzo Cennamo (Bologna, Italy) Facio Corno (Legnano, Italy) Cristiano Crosta (Milan, I) Sergio Crotta (Aosta, Italy) Pierre Deprez (Brussels, Belgium) Maurizio De Giuli (Turin, Italy) Leonardo De Luca (Naples, Italy) Luigi Dogliotti (Orbassano, Italy) Carlo Fabbri (Bologna, Italy) Telemaco Federici (Rome, Italy) Antonino Ferraro (Catania, Italy) Fabio Fornari (Piacenza, Italy) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 4 Gian Ruggero Fronda (Turin, I) Giovanni Gandini (Turin, I) Vincent Gillard (Liège, Belgium) Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, Spain) Paola Griffanti (Crema, Italy) Martin Hiele (Leuven, Belgium) Sylvia Lahey (Arnhem, The Netherlands) Alberto Larghi (Rome, I) Lucia Lodi (Busto Arsizio, Italy) Marcello Martini (Turin, Italy) Giorgio Minoli (Como, Italy) Mario Morino (Turin, I) Michael Bau Mortensen (Odense, Denmark) Luciano Mottola (Caserta, Italy) Antonio Mussa (Turin, I) Vincenzo Napolitano (Naples, I) Svein Oedegaard (Bergen, Norway) Donatella Pacchioni (Turin, I) Laurent Palazzo (Paris, F) Maria Pellisé (Barcelona, S) Angelo Pera (Turin, Italy) Jan Verner Poley (Rotterdam, The Netherland) Marcin Polkowsky (Warszawa, Poland) Vittorio Ponti (Turin, Italy) Andreas Püspök (Vienna, Austria) Maria Reale (Naples, ITaly) Alessandro Repici (Milan, Italy) Mario Rizzetto (Turin, Italy) Antonio Robecchi (Turin,Italy) Rodolfo Rocca (Turin, Italy) Mauro Salizzoni (Turin, Italy) Marica Salvetto (Turin, I) Giorgio Saracco (Turin, I) Fernando Schmitt (Porto, Portugal) Barbara Secondi (Busto Arsizio, Italy) Stefan Seewald (Hamburg, Germany) Cinzia Simeoli (Naples, Italy) Vitali Sviatoha (Stockholm, Sweden) Edneia Tani (Stockholm, Sweden) Jayne Tillett (Cardiff, GB) Italo Vantini (Verona, Italy) 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 5 Enrique Vazquez Sequeiros (Madrid, Spain) Peter Vilmann (Hellerup, Denmark) Andrea Veltri (Orbassano, Italy) Giorgio Verme (Turin, I) Michael B. Wallace (Jacksonville, USA) Alessandro Zambelli (Crema, Italy) Preliminary Program September 14th, 2007 08.30 Official Opening EGEUS 2007 Claudio De Angelis (EGEUS President) Mario Rizzetto (Honorary President) Felice Cosentino (SIED President) Guido Costamagna (ESGE President Elect) President: Antonio Robecchi (Turin, I) Moderators: Giancarlo Caletti (Castel San Pietro Terme, I) Martin Hiele (Leuven, B) 08.45 Lecture: Teaching and learning EUS Marc Barthet (Marseille, F) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 6 Preliminary Program Hall A Preliminary Program Scientific session I Mediastinal EUS, part I: Esophageal cancer 09.10 Biology, natural history, staging and therapeutic options Michael Bau Mortensen (Odense, D) 09.30 Radial EUS: the clinical impact of T stage Stefan Seewald (Hamrburg, G) 09.45 Linear EUS: the clinical impact of N staging Enriques Vazquez-Sequeiros (Madrid, S) 10.00 Panel discussion: thoracic surgeon abdominal surgeon gastroenterologist oncologist radiologist radiotherapist to be defined Maurizio De Giuli (Turin, I) Paolo Bocus (Padua, I) to be defined Teresa Cammarota (Turin, I) to be defined 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 7 10.20 Coffee break Scientific session II (Joint Meeting EGEUS/NEEG, North European EUS Group) Mediastinal EUS, Part II: Lung cancer President: Luigi Dogliotti (Orbassano, I) Moderators: Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, S) Telemaco Federici (Rome, I) Biology, natural history, staging and therapeutic options to be defined 14.50 On site evaluation and triage in EUS-FNA cytology Donatella Pacchioni, Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) 15.05 EUS-FNA of both infra an supradiafragmatic organs: Karolinska experiences. Edneia Tani, Vitali Sviatoa (Stockholm, Sweden) 15.20 Discussion Role of EUS in Lung cancer Michael B. Wallace (Jacksonville, USA) 15.30 3 Workshops A, B, C on 3 separate room (each one to be repeated two times) 11.35 The complete “medical” mediastinoscopy (EUS-FNA + EBUS) Peter Vilmann (Copenhagen, D) 16.30 Coffee break 17.00 Free papers and video-communications session President: Angelo Pera (Turin, I) Moderators: Lidia Arguello (Valencia, S) Vincenzo Napolitano (Naples, I) 18.00 EGEUS and IEC General Assembly 11.55 Panel discussion: thoracic surgeon, pneumologist, oncologist, radiologist, pathologist. 12.15 Lecture: The use of immunomolecular biology to enhance the accuracy of EUS Maria Pellisé (Barcelona, Spain) 12.35 Lunch time Cytopathologists and clinicians common session Moderators: Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) Ivan Borbath (Bruxelles, B) Opening Session 14.05 14.20 Endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for pancreatic lesions: effectiveness in clinical practice Rodolfo Rocca (Turin, I) Mutations in GIST diagnosed by EUS-FNA Fernando Schmitt (Porto, P) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 8 Endocrine tumor by EUS-FNA. Our experiences Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, S) 11.15 September 15th, 2007 Preliminary Program Hall A Preliminary Program Hall A 10.55 14.35 08.30 3 Workshops A, B, C on 3 separate room (each one to be repeated two times) Scientific session III: biliopancreatic EUS The management of patients with pancreatic cancer: a difficult challenge and multidisciplinary approach President: Antonio Mussa (Turin, I) Moderators: Christian Boustière (Marseille, F) Giorgio Saracco (Turin, I) 09.35 Biology, clinics, natural history and therapeutic options: the clinician point of view Italo Vantini (Verona, I) 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 9 09.55 Non invasive competition for EUS (US, CE-US, CT, MRI and PET/CT): the radiologist point of view Giovanni Gandini (Turin, I) 10.15 Placing EUS in a shareable diagnostic and staging algorithm: the endoscopist point of view Laurent Palazzo (Paris, F) 10.35 Panel discussion: gastroenterologist oncologist abdominal surgeon pathologist radiologist radiotherapist Vittorio Ponti (Turin, I) to be defined Donata Campra (Turin, I) to be defined Andrea Veltri (Orbassano, I) to be defined 14.30 Free papers and video-communications session 15.30 Lecture: Searching a role for EUS in Barrett’s Esophagus and other acid-related or GI motility disorders Svein Oedegaard (Bergen, Norway) 15.50 Lecture: Endoscopic Ultrasound and FNA in inflammatory and cystic pancreatic pathology to be defined 16.10 Coffee break 16.40 Scientific session V Therapeutic endoscopy: more and more EUS-guided President: Mauro Salizzoni (Turin, I) Moderators: Pierre Deprez (Brussels, B) Alessandro Zambelli (Crema, I) Coffee break 11.45 State of the Art Reviews, 2005-2006 President: Giorgio Verme (Turin, I) Moderators: Mario Morino (Tuin, I) Vincent Gillard (Liège, B) 16.40 EMR-ESD: do we really need EUS assistance? Alessandro Repici (Milan, I) 17.00 Biliary therapy: are we ready for EUS-guidance? Andreas Püspök (Vienna, Austria) 11.50 Esophago-gastric disease Jan-Werner Poley (Rotterdam, The Netherland) 17.20 12.10 Biliopancreatic disease Elisabetta Buscarini (Crema, I) New frontiers for therapeutic EUS: dreams, style exercises or actual possibilities? Michael B. Wallace (Jacksonville, USA) 17.40 Panel discussion: endoscopist Vincenzo Cennamo (Bologna, I) abdominal surgeon to be defined clinician to be defined pathologist to be defined inrterventional radiologist Dorigo Righi (Turin, I) 18.00 EGEUS 2007 Closing remarks and thanks Claudio De Angelis and Mario Rizzetto (Turin, I) 12.30 Anorectal and pelvic pathology Pascal Burtin (Angers, F) 12.50 Lunch time Scientific Session IV President: Giorgio Minoli (Como, I) Moderators: Giacomo Bonanno (Catania, I) Cristiano Crosta (Milan, I) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 10 Lecture: Clinical impact of EUS Giancarlo Caletti (Castel San Pietro Terme, I) 11.15 Preliminary Program Hall A Preliminary Program Hall A 10.55 The surgeon point of view Gian Ruggero Fronda (Turin, I) 14.10 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 11 Workshop A: EUS in GEP neuroendocrine tumors and GISTs (new technologies for novel targeted therapies) Renato Cannizzaro (Aviano, I) Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, S) EUS European Cyto-Pathologist Group Second Meeting Workshop B: EUS-FNA and tru-cut biopsies Alberto Larghi (Rome, I) Marcin Polkowsky (Warszawa, Poland) September 14th, 2007 Preliminary Program Hall A Speaker’s corner sessions: free interaction on difficult or unusual cases (photos or short videos) between attendants and Faculty Coordinators: Giacomo Bonanno (Catania, I) Vincenzo Napolitano (Naples, I) 1st Session from h 13.00 to h 14.00 Friday 14th 2nd Session Saturday 15th from h 13.10 to h 14.10 Learning center: (PC positions with videos, CDs-rom, DVDs, EUS simulator). Coordinators: Paolo Bocus (Pauda, I) Sergio Peyre (Cuorgnè , I) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 12 EUS European Cyto-Pathologist Group Second Meeting Hall B Workshop C: Focus on Pseudocysts EUS-guided drainage Luis Barranco (Barcelona, S) Pierre Deprez (Brussels, B) 08.30 Official Opening Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) - Pietro Fusaroli (Bologna, I) 09.00 Scientific sessions I - Biliopancreatic Moderator: Fernando Schmitt (Porto, P) 09.00 EUSFNA of Pancreatic exocrine tumors: comparison of experiences with pathological diagnosis Vincenzo Canzonieri (Aviano, I) 09.20 Histological sectioning of brush bristles allow improved diagnosis of biliary tract lesions Sofia Asioli, Grazia Accinelli (Turin, I) 09.40 Bile duct cytology: an approach on primary and secondary malignant tumor Marleen Praet (Ghent, B) 10.00 Discussion 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 Scientific sessions II - Miscellaneous Moderator: to be defined 11.00 EUS-FNA of both infra an supradiafragmatic organs: Karolinska experiences. Edneia Tani - Vitali Sviatoha (Stockholm, Sweden) 11.20 Pleural cytology and the major importance immunohistochemistry Marleen Praet (Ghent, B) 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 13 11.40 17.00 GIST diagnosis by EUS-FNA and EUS guided needle biopsy: a complementary approach” Manel Solé (Barcelona, S) 12.00 Discussion 12.45 Lunch time Free papers and video-communications session President: Angelo Pera (Turin, I) Moderators: Lidia Arguello (Valencia, S) Vincenzo Napolitano (Naples, I) 18.00 EGEUS and IEC General Assembly Joint Meeting Cyto-Pathology Group and EGEUS Opening Session 14.05 Endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) for pancreatic lesions: effectiveness in clinical practice Rodolfo Rocca (Turin, I) 14.20 Mutations in GIST diagnosed by EUS-FNA Fernando Schmitt (Porto, P) 14.35 Endocrine tumor by EUS-FNA. Our experiences Maria Angels Ginès (Barcelona, S) 14.50 On site evaluation and triage in EUS-FNA cytology Donatella Pacchioni, Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) 15.05 EUS-FNA of both infra an supradiafragmatic organs: Karolinska experiences. Edneia Tani, Vitali Sviatoa (Stockholm, Sweden) 15.20 Discussion 15.30 3 Workshops A, B, C on 3 separate room (each one to be repeated two times) 16.30 Coffee break 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 14 EUS European Cyto-Pathologist Group Second Meeting Hall B EUS European Cyto-Pathologist Group Second Meeting Hall B 14.00 Hall A: Cytopathologists and clinicians common session Moderators: Gianni Bussolati (Turin, I) Ivan Borbath (Bruxelles, B) 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 15 EGEUS 2007, Nurses Program 1st European Joint Meeting EGEUS, ESGENA and ANOTE (radiale e minisonde) Claudio De Angelis/Marcello Martini (Turin, I) September 15th, 2007 08.00 Participants registration - Registrazione partecipanti 08.30 Opening Remarks: Claudio De Angelis (Turin, I) EGEUS President Sylvia Lahey (The Netherland) ESGENA Secretary Patricia Burga (Padua, I) ANOTE President Scientific Session I Endoscopic Ultrasound: History, Instruments and Techniques Ecoendoscopia: Storia, Strumenti e Tecniche President: Sergio Crotta (Aosta, I) Moderators: Fabio Corno (Legnano, I) Sylvia Lahey (Arnhem, The Netherlands) 08.50 What are we talking about? (History and what is the EUS technique?) Di che cosa stiamo parlando? (Storia e cos’è la metodica) Carlo Fabbri (Bologna, I) 09.10 Nurses role in Endosonography Ruolo dell’Infermiere nell’Ecoendoscopia Marica Salvetti (Turin, I) 09.30 Instruments and accessories for diagnostic EUS (radial scanning and miniprobes) Strumenti ed accessori per EUS diagnostica 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 16 EGEUS 2007, Nurses Program 1st European Joint Meeting EGEUS, ESGENA and ANOTE Hall B EGEUS 2007, Nurses Program 1st European Joint Meeting EGEUS, ESGENA and ANOTE Hall B I° Convergno Europeo congiunto EGEUS, ESGENA e ANOTE EUS THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL COURSE Corso Teorico-Pratico di Ecoendoscopia ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND: A NEW ENDOSCOPIC TECHNIQUE IN PROGRESS. NURSES IMPLICATIONS L’ecoendoscopia: una nuova tecnica endoscopica in evoluzione. Implicazioni infermieristiche 09.55 Instruments and accessories for interventional EUS (sector scanner, needles, stents etc.) Strumenti e accessori per EUS operativa (strumenti settoriali, aghi, protesi, etc.) Lucia Lodi/Barbara Secondi (Busto Arsizio, I) 10.20 Management and preparation: endoscopic suite, patient, relatives. Instruments reprocessing Gestione e preparazione: sala, paziente e familiari. Il reprocessing degli strumenti Luciano Mottola (Caserta, I) 10.40 Panel discussion - Discussione 11.00 Coffee break Scientific Session II EUS in mediastinal, gastric and colorectal diseases Ecoendoscopia nella patologia del mediastino, stomaco e colon President: Patricia Burga (Padua, I) Moderators: Cinzia Simeoli (Napoli,I) Vincenzo Cennamo (Bologna, I) 11.30 Mediastinal and gastric EUS: indications and technique of examination Indicazioni all’Ecoendoscopia del mediastino, dello stomaco e tecnica dell’esame Leonardo De Luca (Naples, I) Maria Reale (Naples, I) 11.55 EUS and portal hypertension Ecoendoscopia e ipertensione portale Paolo Bocus (Padua, I) 12.15 EUS in submucosal lesions and extrinsic compressions of the GI tract L’Ecoendoscopia nelle lesioni sottomucose e compressioni estrinseche del tratto GI Lidia Arguello (Barcelona, S) 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 17 EUS in lower GI pathology: indications, technique and nurses implications Ecoendoscopia nella patologia dell’apparato GI inferiore: indicazioni, tecnica e implicazioni infermieristiche Giacomo Bonanno/Antonino Ferraro (Catania, I) 13.10 Panel Discussion - Discussione 13.30 Lunch Scientific Session III Interventional and bilio-pancreatic EUS Ecoendoscopia bilio-pancreatica ed interventistica President: Fabio Fornari (Piacenza, I) Moderators: M.R. Bonetti (Caserta, I) to be defined 14.30 Nurses role and training in Interventional EUS Ruolo e formazione dell’Infermiere in Ecoendoscopia interventistica Jayne Tillett (Cardiff, Wales GB) 14.50 Bilio-pancreatic EUS: techique and indications Ecoendoscopia biliare e pancreatica: tecnica ed indicazioni Elisabetta Buscarini, Paola Griffanti (Crema, I) 15.10 Therapeutic EUS: today and tomorrow Ecoendoscopia terapeutica: oggi e domani to be defined 15.30 Risk management. Relationship with the patient’s relatives: who does what? Gestione dei Rischi. Rapporto con i familiari: chi fa che Cosa? to be defined 16.00 16.20 Panel discussion - Discussione Closing remarks, thanks and thoughts for the future Patricia Burga (Padua, I) Sylvia Lahey (Arnhem, The Netherlands) Claudio De Angelis (Turin, I) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 18 EGEUS 2007, Nurses Program 1st European Joint Meeting EGEUS, ESGENA and ANOTE Hall B EGEUS 2007, Nurses Program 1st European Joint Meeting EGEUS, ESGENA and ANOTE Hall B 12.45 Practical Session / Sessione Pratica Experimental laboratory with practice on live tissue (pig stomach, Erlanger type) and simulators will be carried out in small groups, with Faculty’s Tutors. La sessione pratica si svolgerà con Tutors in piccoli gruppi utilizzando simulatori, e manichini biologici (stomaci di maiale - tipo Erlanger) Coordinators: Jayne Tillett (Cardiff, Wales GB) Marcello Martini (Turin, I) Tutors: Antonino Ferraro (Catania, I) Marica Salvetti (Turin, I) to be defined to be defined Proficiency test (multiple choice and short answer question) Questionario di valutazione dell’apprendimento 18.30 End of works - Chiusura lavori 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 19 REGISTRATION FEES electronic registration and hotel accommodation are available on the website With a Patronage of: Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia www.egeus2007.it IEC and EGEUS Member No IEC and EGEUS Member Under 35 ANOTE/ESGENA Member No ANOTE/ESGENA Member • 300,00 VAT included • 350,00 VAT included • 200,00 VAT included • 50,00 VAT included • 75,00 VAT included Associazione Italiana Gastroenterologi ed Encoscopisti Ospedalieri Comune di Torino Organizing Secretariat M.A.F. Servizi Srl - Congress division Corso Svizzera 185 - Turin (Italy) www.mafservizi.it Person in Charge project leader: Daniela Toscano ([email protected]) for abstract submission: Luca Pagni ([email protected]) 2nd European Meeting EGEUS European Group for Endoscopic Ultrasonography 20 14th-15th september, 2007 - Torino, Lingotto Congress Center 21