Stefano RUZZA, Ph.D. Università degli Studi di Torino ([email protected]) Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai) ([email protected]) Current position: Assistant Professor and lecturer in Conflict, Security and Statebuilding, Dept. of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin (IT), since 2012. Head of Research, Torino World Affairs Institute (T.wai), since 2009. Previous positions: Lecturer, “Cornell in Turin” Summer School, Cornell University, Turin, Italy, 2012-2014. Research Fellow, Dept. of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin (IT), 2008-2012 Lecturer in Strategic Studies, University of Turin and Army Institute of Military Studies (IT), 2008-2012. Lecturer in Democratization Processes, University of Turin (IT), 2011-2013 Visiting Scholar, Mario Einaudi Center for Interational Studies, Cornell University, Fall 2010. Affiliations: Member, European International Studies Association (EISA), since 2013. Member, Italian Political Science Association (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica – SISP), since 2010. Member, Italian Military History Association (Società Italiana di Storia Militare – SISM), since 2012. Education: PhD in Strategic Studies, University of Turin and Army School of Military Studies (IT), 2007. MoA in International Relations, University of Turin (IT), 2003 – cum laude. Research interests: Conflict transformation Non-state armed actors in international relations Private military and security companies Selected publications: Forthcoming - “There are two sides to every COIN: Of economic and military means in Myanmar's comprehensive approach to illiberal peacebuilding”, European Journal of East Asian Studies. Forthcoming - Non-State Challenges in a Re-Ordered World: The Jackals of Westphalia, (edited volume, with A. Jakobi and C. Geisler), Routledge, London and New York. 2015, “Contractors as a Second Best Option: The Italian Hybrid Approach to Maritime Security” (with E. Cusumano), Ocean Development & International Law, 46:2, 111-122, DOI: 10.1080/00908320.2015.1024063 2014, "Commercializzazione della sicurezza" ("Commercialization of Security"), in P. Foradori e G Giacomello (a cura di), Sicurezza Globale: Le nuove minacce, Il Mulino, Bologna. 2013, “Keeping or selling stocks? The Italian way of commercializing security”, in A. Leander (ed.), The Commercialization of Security in Europe: Consequences for Peace and Reconciliation, PRIO New Security Studies, Routledge, Abingdon and New York. 2012, “Gli attori armati non-stato negli scenari di sicurezza contemporanei” (“Armed non-state actors in current security scenarios”), in C. Monteleone (a cura di), Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale, Franco 2011, Guerre conto terzi. Aziende di sicurezza e privatizzazione della funzione militare (“Fighting others’ war: Private security firms and military privatization”), Il Mulino, Bologna. 2010; Il rompicapo del dragone: Ripensare la sicurezza guardando alla Cina (“The Dragon’s riddle: Rethinking security by looking at China”), “Biblioteca della Libertà”, maggio-agosto 2010, n. 198, anno XLV 2010, Combattere. I dilemmi delle democrazie (“Fight! The democracies’ dilemmas”), Bonanno Editore, Roma-Acireale. 2008, “Warfare Inc.: gli Stati Uniti e la privatizzazione della guerra” (“Warfare Inc.: US war privatization”), Nuvole (, n. 35, December 2008, available online: 2008, “Private Security firms e democrazia. Un programma di analisi” (“Private security firms and democracy: A research program”), in: V. Coralluzzo (ed.), Democrazie fra terrorismo e guerra, Guerini, Milano 2008, “Nisour square, Baghdad: la privatizzazione del conflitto iracheno e il caso Blackwater” (“Nisour square, Baghdad: the privatization of the Iraqi conflict and the Blackwater case”). Biblioteca della Libertà, January-March 2008, n. 190, year XLIII, pp. 17-28. 2007, “Asimmetria e trasformazione della guerra. Spazio, tempo ed energia nel nuovo contesto bellico” (“Asymmetry and war transformation. Space, time and energy in the new war context”), with R. Cucchini, Informazioni della Difesa, n. 5/2007, pp. 32-37. Available online: 2007; “Chi combatterà le guerre del futuro? L’avvento delle private military firms” (“Who will fight future wars? The advent of private military firms”), Biblioteca della Libertà, July-September 2007, n. 188, year XLII, pp. 19-44. Current scientific activities: Cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and editing of the Italian translation of the SIPRI Yearbook summary, since 2011. Participation since 2014 in the "Myanmar's Renaissance" research project, Australian National University (ANU) and T.wai, and in "States of Peace in Asia workshop", convened by the University of Yangon, London School of Economics, T.wai, York University and the Australian National University. Research project conducted for the Italian Military Center of Strategic Studies (Centro Militare di Studi Strategici - CeMiSS) aimed at evaluating different options (commercial and non-commercial) to guard merchant vessels from piracy threats. Involvement in advanced education programs: Scientific direction and coordination of the “Engaging Conflict: Prevention, Management, Resolution” Summer School, T.wai and University of Turin, Turin, Italy, since 2012. Since 2006, involvement in several higher education and training programs run by the Italian Army: Staff Courses; OMLT (Operational Mentor and Liason Team), MAT (Military Advisor Team) and PAT (Police Advisor Team) Courses, Post-Conflict Rebuilding Courses (at both Junior and Senior levels), SSR and DDR Courses. Grants and scholarships: German Marshall Fund grant ($25.000) awarded for starting up a research network focused on the study of non-state armed actors (the Emerging Patterns of Insecurity Dialogue – EPID) (2010). Progetto Alfieri grant awarded for conducting a research on private military/security companies (2007). Italian MoD scholarship granted through the complete duration of Ph.D studies (2003-2007). Full public scholarship granted for the complete duration of college studies (1998-2003).