Urticaria and Angioedema Urticaria is characterized by the rapid appearance of wheals which may be accompanied by angioedema A wheal consists of three typical features: 1. A central swelling of variable size, almost invariably surrounded by a reflex erythema 2. Associated itching or sometimes burning 3. Fleeting nature, with a duration of usually 1-24 hours Angioedema is defined by • Sudden, pronounced swelling of the lower dermis and subcutis • Sometimes painful rather than itching • Frequent involvement of mucous membranes • Resolution is slower than for wheals and can take up to 72 hours Classification of Urticaria A) Spontaneous urticaria B) Physical Urticaria 1 Acute urticaria 2 Chronic urticaria 2a Chronic continuous urticaria 2b Chronic recurrent urticaria 1 Dermographic urticaria 2 Delayed pressure urticaria 3 Cold contact urticaria 4 Heat contact urticaria 5 Solar urticaria 6 Vibratory angioedema C) Special types of Urticaria 1 Cholinergic urticaria 2 Adrenergic urticaria 3 Contact urticaria 4 Aquagenic urticaria D) Different diseases related to Urticaria also for historical reasons 1 Urticaria pigmentosa 2 Familial cold urticaria 3 Urticarial Vasculitis Clinical classification of Urticaria -Ordinary (recurrent or episodic not in the categories below) -Physical •Aquagenic •Cholinergic •Cold •Delayed Pressure •Dermographism •Exercise •Heat •Solar •Vibratory angioedema -Contact -Urticarial Vasculitis -Angioedema (without wheals) Autoimmune Pseudoallergic Infection-related Idiopathic Physical Vasculitic Trasportabilità dell’allergia col siero 1921 Scoperta IgE (Ishizaka K, 1965) Fattori Immunologici Fattori non Immunologici ORTICARIA Granulociti Monociti Linfociti Fattori Immunologici Fattori non Immunologici piccoli vasi ORTICARIA Mediatori flogosi Fattori Immunologici Granulociti Monociti Linfociti Aggregazione FceRI Attivazione C Citochine Chemiochine Fattori non Immunologici Liberatori istamina Effetti colinergici Effetti fisici diretti Altri piccoli vasi Mediatori flogosi ORTICARIA/ANGIOEDEMA FceRI 1 2 Mast Cell Membrane ß 1 2 Allergene IL-4 IL-4R IgM gene C B ligando CD40 CD40 switch isotipico IgE Allergen IL-4 CD28 B7 peptide T TCR IL-4R gene C MHC II B switch ligand CD40 CD40 IgE IgM Rilascio di Mediatori preformati Sintesi di mediatori formati de novo Proteasi PGD2 LTC4, D4, PAF E4 Eparina Istamina Citochine IL-3,4,5,6,8,13 GM-CSF, TNFa ORTICARIA Classical Pathway A C B C4b C1q C1q C1q C1q C1r C1s C4b C1r C1s C1s C1r C4a C1s C1r E C4b C4b C3b C2b C2b C2b C2a D C5b,6,7 C9 C5b C3b C3a C5a C4d C9 C9 C5b,6,7 C3d C9 C9 C9 C5b,6,7,8 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 F Alternative pathway C4+C2 activation C1qrs C1qrs DAF MCP CR1 C4bp C1inh C4b2b C3 Activating surface C3b C3bBb D C3bB DAF CR1 MCP H C3(H2O)Bb P vasodilatation C5a permeability adhesion adhesion receptors diapedesis chemokinesis permeability vasodilatation chemotaxis histamine LTB4 NCF C3a CHRONIC IDIOPATHIC URTICARIA •Orticaria persistente con manifestazioni quasi quotidiane di durata media di circa 3-5 anni •Ad agente causale non identificabile •Associata ad angioedema nel 50% dei casi •Presente nello 0.1% della popolazione •Rara nell’infanzia, più frequente nelle donne di mezza età •Pomfi di durata maggiore che nell’orticaria fisica, spesso sintomi gastro-enterici, grande prurito CHRONIC IDIOPATHIC URTICARIA AUTOIMMUNE URTICARIA •1962: basofili s.p. < in CIU che in controlli •1974: < rilascio istamina in vitro mediante anti-IgE da basofili CIU =rilascio da stimoli non immunologici come 48/80 •FATTORE CIRCOLANTE CAUSANTE LA DESENSIBILIZZAZIONE VIA IgE •1986: presenza di un fattore sierico che causa pomfo all’intradermoreazione autologa in alcuni pazienti con CIU CHRONIC IDIOPATHIC URTICARIA AUTOIMMUNE URTICARIA •1993: identificazione di questo fattore con IgG (1 e 3) verso catena a di FceRI •Fattore causale CIU nel 20% pazienti CIU •IgG anti IgE nel 5% pazienti CIU Urticaria and autoimmunity • Connective tissue disease • Vasculitides • Cryoglobulinemia • Thyroid autoimmunity Autoimmunità Tiroidea Pazienti affetti da Orticaria Cronica 20,68% Popolazione di controllo ATOPICI 4,27% Prevalenza autoimmunità tiroidea Orticaria Cronica Dopo esclusione di tutte le altre possibili cause di orticaria la percentuale di positività per autoimmunità tiroidea sale al 38,57% dei pazienti Maschi Femmine 16,6% 58,57% 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CU CIU CIU Auto-Ab+ UV HUV HUVS Chronic urticaria Urticaria Complement Urticarial vasculitis Vasculitides Urticarial Vasculitis Definition Urticaria vasculitis (UV) is a clinicopathological condition (entity) characterized by persistent urticarial wheals, which on histology show features of a VASCULITIS (venulitis) Nomenclature The variety of cutaneous, systemic and serological features has resulted in different nomenclature: • • • • • Hypocomplementemia with cutaneous vasculitis and arthritis Urticaria and arthralgia with necrotizing angiitis Hypocomplementemic vasculitic urticarial syndrome Unusual systemic lupus erythematous-like syndrome McDuffie Syndrome Causative factors and associations of Urticarial vasculitis Common Rare Idiopathic •Infections: HBV, HCV, EBV, Lyme disease LessCommon •Connective tissue disease •SLE •S.Sjogren •Complement deficiencies: C4, nephritic B factor C3 and • Immunoglobulin abnormalities: IgG macroglobulinemia, IgG gammopathy, IgA myeloma, cryoglobulinemia •Drugs: diltiazem, cimetidine, procarbazine, potassium iodide, fluoxetine Only 2% of normocomplementemic patients fulfill diagnostic criteria of SLE, but this percentage raises to 50% in hypocomplementemic patients. Hystopathology Capillaries and Postcapillary venules are typically involved: • Endothelial cell swelling and necrosis • Perivascular infiltrate of inflammatory cells (neutrophils) • Extravasation of red blood cells • Leukocytoclasis • Fibrinoid deposits in perivascular and interstitial locations Leukocytoclastic vasculitis Viral hepatitis Autoimmune (SLE, SS; RA) Streptococci, staphylococci, and other Cryoglobulins Urticarial vasculitis, ulcerative colitis (especially Henoch-Schonlein purpura) Lymphoproliferative disease (especially hairy cell leukemia) Idiopathic causes Thiazides, phenothiazides Iodide, Immune serum (blood transfusion, blood products) Sulfa-based drugs, penicillin, and other antibiotics Hystopathology The leukocytic infiltrates in urticarial vasculitis are often predominantly composed of Neutrophils, and this feature is more obvious in Hypocomplementemic urticaria vasculitis Immunopathology On direct immunofluorescence, immunoreactants are deposited around blood vessels and at the basement membrane in 79% of wheals: • Immunoglobulins • C3 • Fibrinogen Pathophysiology A type III hypersensivity reaction is involved, altough the antigen has not been identified (except in hepatitis B) Evidence supporting an Immune Complex Disease includes the presence of: Circulating immune complexes in 30-75% of patients with urticarial vasculitis Activation and deposition of complement and immunoreactants in blood vessel walls Mast cell degranulation Infiltration by acute inflammatory cells Fibrin deposition Blood vessel damage Hypocomplementemic UV (HUV) Biological Overview Characterized by a Complement activation with antiC1q Ab and a decrease in C1q levels ANA are always absent Rheumathoid serology is usually negative Hypocomplementemic UV (HUV) are characterized by a more frequent systemic involvement (HUVS) and then they need of a particular attention and classification Pathophysiology In hypocomplementemic urticaria vasculitis there is a marked and selective reduction of serum C1q In the sera of these patients there are autoantibodies to the collagen-like region of C1q, which bind to C1q, activating complement pathway Possible cross-reactivity with collectins (MBL, BK, lung surfactant protein A) C1q C1 INH C1r C1s C1r Fc PA MBL C1s (C1r-C1 INH-C1s)2 C4 C4b C2 C4b2 C2a C4b2b C1q AutoAb Anti-C1q autoantibodies are a major criterium for the diagnosis of HUV. In SLE, anti C1q Ab are found in up to 50% of patients. More than 95% of the patients with lupus nephritis have such autoantibodies AntiC1q Ab bind with high affinity to the collagenous region of C1q, most likely with their Fab fragments. The titer of C1q Ab correlates inversely with the concentrations of C1q and C4 antigens Clinical Features • The majority of patients are middle-aged women Classic description includes: • Wheals tend to persist for 24 hours, and often 3-7 days •Purpura • Wheals vary in size and some extend gradually over several days into large plaques •Residual hyperpigmentation • Most lesions are itchy and may be associated with burning sensation, pain, tenderness •Ecchymoses but recent studies demonstrated that these symptoms are uncommon (35%) Clinical Features Wheals may occur anywhere, and in contrast to palpable purpura they do not show any predilection to lower legs Rarer cutaneous include: Associated Angioedema occurs in up to 42% of patients and infrequently may leave a residual bruised appearance manifestations •Livedo reticularis •Erythema multiforme-like lesions •Raynaud’s phenomenon •Bullous lesions Systemic Involvement in UV Common involvement Muskoloskeletal: • Arthralgia, Arthritis Systemic Involvement in UV - HUVS Less common involvement Respiratory Gastrointestinal Renal disease Diagnosis of UV Diagnosis is first established on HISTOLOGICAL EXAMINATION A positive direct immunofluorescence with C3, Ig or fibrinogen is present in up to 79% of patients Minimum criterion for Urticarial Vasculitis is LEUKOCYTOCLASIS with or without fibrinoid deposits around blood vessels Investigations on UV Confirmation of clinical diagnosis Biopsy of early lesions Serum Complement: • • • • C3 C4 CH50 C1q HUVS Diagnostic criteria Chronic Hypocomplementemic Urticaria with at least two of the following symptoms/signs: • • • • • • Dermic venulitis (biopsy) Arthralgia or Arthritis Glomerulonephritis Uveitis or Episcleritis Recidivant Abdominal Pain Presence of Anti C1q Autoantibodies Exclusion criteria: • • • • • • Cryoglobulinemia ANA Anti ds-DNA HBV C1inh deficit Complement deficit TERAPIA RIMOZIONE CAUSE IDENTIFICABILI TERAPIA NON-FARMACOLOGICA TERAPIA FARMACOLOGICA TERAPIA NON-FARMACOLOGICA •Informazione del paziente •Evitare fattori aggravanti (Aspirina,FANS, oppiacei, ACE inib.) •Evitare stress, riscaldamento ambientale eccessivo, alcol •Esclusione di alimenti, coloranti, conservanti dopo opportuna diagnostica •Dieta a basso contenuto di pseudoallergeni in caso di non risposta ai farmaci TERAPIA FARMACOLOGICA •H1 antistaminici •Eventualmente aggiungere altro antistaminico •Eventualmente aggiungere H2 antagonisti ________________________________________________ •Corticosteroidi per brevi periodi (per ordinaria severa o da pressione) •Adrenalina (per edema glottide o anafilassi) •Altri farmaci ________________________________________________ •Terapia immunomodulante-immunosoppressiva ANTISTAMINICI •Mainstay della terapia dell’orticaria •Risposta in circa il 50% dei pazienti, miglioramento nel 15% •Non eccedere la dose terapeutica •Non effetti avversi importanti dopo il ritiro di Astemizolo e Terfenadina •Uso in gravidanza possibile (Clorfenamina) •In casi gravi aggiunta di antistaminici sedativi come Clorfenamina, Idrossizina 1937 (Bovet e Staub) ASSOCIAZIONE ANTI-H1 ANTI-H2 CORTICOSTEROIDI ANTILEUCOTRIENI TERAPIE ALTERNATIVE NELLE FORME RESISTENTI IVIg CICLOSPORINA PLASMAFERESI TIROXINA DANAZOL ANTIMALARICI CICLOFOSFAMIDE SULFASALAZINA Il mapping della catena alfa del recettore per le IgE porterà allo sviluppo di peptidi basati sulla struttura che potranno essere impiegati per una specifica e selettiva immunoterapia nell’orticaria autoimmune Un altro sviluppo promettente la vaccinazione con DNA plasmidi per indurre tolleranza per la catena alfa Da considerare i trials con anti IgE, anti TNF alfa, anti IL-5 URTICARIA (non FceRI dependent) • Complement dependent congenital: C1INH, I acquired: C activation by IC anti-C1 INH, -C1q,-C4 • Role of Cytokines and Chemokynes HAE QUINCKE H: On acute localized edema of the skin Monatshefte Prakt.Dermatol. 1:129, 1882 FALCONE T: Edema acuto angioneurotico ereditario Gazzetta degli Ospitali 7:16, 1886 OSLER W.: Hereditary angioneurotic edema Am.J.Med.Sci. 95:362,1888 LANDERMAN N.S. et al.: Hereditary angioneurotic edema: II. Deficiency of inhibitor for serum globulin permeability factor and/or plasma kallicrein J.Allergy 33:330, 1962 DONALDSON V.H., EVANS R.R.: A biochemical abnormality in hereditary angioneurotic edema: absence of serum inhibitor of C1-esterase Am.J.Med. 35:37, 1963 •HEREDITARY •TYPE 1 (Heterozygous for deficiency of C1 INH) C1 INHIBITOR DEFICIENCY •TYPE 2 (Heterozigous for dysfunctional C1 INH) •1/10,000-1/50,000 people worldwide ACQUIRED •TYPE 1 (Lymphoproliferative disorders) •TYPE 2 (Autoantibodies to C1 INH) • Hereditary angioedema is caused by mutation in the C1 inhibitor gene (C1INH; OMIM 606860) The C1NH gene is located on the chromosome 11, 11q11-q13.1. • It is comprised of 8 exons and 7 introns, and is 17,159 kb long. The first exon contains only the 5’ non-coding region, while exon 8 codes for the reactive center of C1 INH. C1 INH SITES OF SYNTHESIS •liver •amniotic epithelial cells •endothelial cells •fibroblasts •macrophages •megakaryocytes •microglial cells •monocytes •placenta •platelets •pyramidal neurons C1 INH HORMONES •Androgens •DHEA C1 INH CYTOKINES •IFN-g •CSF-1 •IFN-b •IL-6 •TNF-a HF HFa COAGULATION FIBRINOLYSIS KININOGEN SYSTEM COMPLEMENT SYSTEM COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION C1 C1 PLASMIN PG KK KININS PK KG TRAUMA (KG) C1 INH HFa PTAa HF PTA THROMBIN COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION C1q C1 INH C1r C1s C1r Fc PA MBL C1s (C1r-C1 INH-C1s)2 C4 C4b C2 C4b2 C2a C4b2b ANGIOEDEMA HAE -Recurrent circumscribed non pitting, evanescent, subepithelial edema -No erythema nor pruritus; sometime pain caused by distension of the skin and of subcutaneous tissue -Cutaneous angioedema may develop over several hours at any given site and may be preceded by a faint macular or serpiginous erythema -May occur in the mucosa of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts -Patients are frequently aware of a peculiar tingling or twitching sensation in the affected area -Within hours the skin will swell progressively, returning to normal in 24 to 48 hours CAUSES OF MORTALITY BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY PATIENTS AND REGARDING THEIR RELATIVES AFFECTED WITH HAE laryngeal edema 23% mainly women 5 mothers and 2 daughter died during spontaneous parturition SURGICAL TREATMENT IN PATIENTS appendicectomy N=10 hysterectomy N=5 annexectomy N=5 CLINICAL FEATURES OF PATIENTS PRECIPITANTING FACTORS Trauma Emotional stress % 60 40 CLINICAL FEATURES OF PATIENTS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS Recurrent abdominal pain Extremities angioedema Nausea &/or vomiting Face angioedema Larynx angioedema Neurologic disorders Diarrhoea Cutaneous rash % 98 90 70 60 40 30 20 20 C1 INH DEFICIENCY Associated diseases •Systemic sclerosis •Pituitary adenoma •Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (Type III) •SLE •Sjogren Syndrome AGENTS USED TO TREAT HAE agent dose ATTENUATED ANDROGENS 1-4 mg/die •Stanozolol 50-400 mg/die •Danazol ANTIFIBRINOLYTICS •EACA •Tranexanic acid ANTI-SEROTONIN •Cinnarizine C1 INH CONCENTRATE 7-10 g/die 1-2 g/die 50-150 mg/die 500-1000 U TREATMENT OF HAE • LONG TERM THERAPY attenuated androgens antifibrinolytics antiserotonin • SHORT TERM PROPHYLACTIC THERAPY attenuated androgens C1-INH concentrate • TREATMENT OF ACUTE ATTACKS maintain airway maintain intravascular volume C1-INH concentrate LOOKING AT TOMORROW •Heparin •Designed molecules with C1-INH activity •Recombinant C1-INH •Hormones Heparin •Efficacy of nebulized heparin therapy in HAE (Levine et al., Immunol All Pract, 1992) •Commercial heparin (either subcutaneously injected or inhaled) is ineffective in preventing exacerbations of HAE (Weiler et al., JACI, 2002) •Intravenous heparin did not prevent exacerbations of HAE in a patient on maintenance hemodialysis (Perricone et al., JACI) Designed molecules with C1-INH activity Dyax DX-88 •A highly specific and potent inhibitor of kallikrein, •DX-88 may have fewer side effects and greater effectiveness than recombinant or plasma derived C1-INH. •Currently, there is no marketed therapy for HAE in the United States. Plasma derived C1-INH is the current standard-of-care in Europe but is unavailable in the United States. Designed molecules with C1-INH activity DX-88 Clinical Status Normal Volunteers A Phase I trial of DX-88 in normal healthy subjects has been completed and DX-88 was shown to be well tolerated. The trial showed that DX-88 is active in the plasma of dosed subjects. •Hereditary Angioedema A multi-center Phase II dose-escalation study of DX-88 in hereditary angioedema patients was initiated by Dyax and its collaborator Genzyme in 2001 at several European sites. A second multi-center Phase II dose-escalation study of DX-88 in hereditary angioedema has began enrolling patients in the U.S. and Europe in September 2002. Recombinant human C1 inhibitor Pharming's recombinant human C1 inhibitor in the milk of transgenic rabbits. CLINICAL FEATURES OF PATIENTS PRECIPITANTING FACTORS Trauma Emotional stress % 60 40 ACTH 100 fmol/ml 75 50 25 0 HAE Controls 160 HAE Controls 140 fmol/ml 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 bE bL ME bE bL ME CLINICAL FEATURES OF PATIENTS SIGN AND SYMPTOMS Recurrent abdominal pain Extremities angioedema Nausea &/or vomiting Face angioedema Larynx angioedema Neurologic disorders Diarrhoea Cutaneous rash % 98 90 70 60 40 30 20 20 SURGICAL TREATMENT IN PATIENTS appendicectomy N=10 hysterectomy N=5 annexectomy N=5 Policystic ovary syndrome •Polycystic ovaries with associated increase in size and functional activity of stromal tissue •Abnormal gonadotropin secretion •LH exaggerated surge •LH/FSH ratio >2 •High beta-endorphin concentrations with normal ACTH •Increased testosterone Multifollicular ovaries •Presence of multiple cysts with no increase in stromal tissue Plasma BE concentrations and PBMC BE in HAE patients Patient 1 2 3 4* 5 6 7 2 Means±S.E.M. Normal values Controls Plasma BE (fmol/ml) PBMC BE (pg/106 uncultured cells) 300 282 228 0 0 44 88 500 155 50 110 120 60 90 50 160 180.25±62.86 0-30 13.33±3.67 99.37±15.71 p<0.02 18±4.93 Perricone et al.: Immunopharmacology 22:21,1991 *hypophysectomized Clinical characteristics, ovaries and menstrual pattern in HAE women Patient Age Ovaries Associated Oligomenorrhoea pathology G.C. C.P. C.E.* T.M. B.B. V.M. M.C. C.A. C.A.M. M.D. P.R.* A.L. A.N. 20 24 32 18 38 18 20 30 35 16 30 27 38 PCO PCO PCO PCO PCO MFO MFO MFO MFO MFO MFO MFO Normal FBD** FBD** FBD** - Perricone et al.:Clin. Exp. Immunol., 90:401, 1992 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Hirsutism Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - *Type 2 hereditary angioedema ** Fibrocystic breast disease Patient Ovaries PCO G.C. PCO C.P. PCO C.E. PCO T.M. PCO B.B. MFO V.M. MFO M.C. MFO C.A. C.A.M. MFO MFO M.D. MFO P.R. MFO A.L. Normal A.N. LH FSH LH/FSH Testosterone (mlU/ml) (mlU/ml) ratio (ng/ml) 19.2 8 10.5 12.7 13 10.7 12.2 26.2 11 3.4 10 15.2 25.4 13.4 6.1 7.7 10.5 8.1 10.5 7.6 5.2 8.5 5.4 7.1 7.1 15.7 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.6 1 1.6 5 1.3 0.6 1.4 2.1 1.6 HAE, n=13 means±s.d. 13.6±6.5 8.7±3.1 1.6±1.1 Controls, n=20 means±s.d. 13.4±4.4 25.8±18.3 0.6±0.4 P ns <0.001 <0.001 Perricone et al.:Clin. Exp. Immunol., 90:401, 1992 BE (pg/ml) 1.09 0.94 0.30 0.58 0.58 1.10 0.55 0.52 0.58 0.21 0.35 0.75 0.50 81 144 52 65 80 87 66 25 28 50 60 20 13 0.62±0.28 59.3±35.2 0.55±0.4 ns 3.6±2.8 <0.001 HAE •Presence of polycystic ovaries in about 40%, multifollicular ovaries in about 50% of the HAE patients of reproductive age (n=18) •not under oral contraceptives •not under danazol treatment •Low FSH •Normal LH, testosterone and ACTH concentrations •High beta-endorphin concentrations •High LH/FSH ratio •Rare cystic ovaries (1/9) in HAE patients of reproductive age under danazol treatment •Normalization of the ultrasound pattern in HAE patients previously affected with cystic ovaries who underwent danazol treatment (5/5) GONADOTROPINS PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR PLASMINOGEN PLASMIN LATENT COLLAGENASE COLLAGENASE POLYMORPHONUCLEAR LEUKOCYTES COLLAGEN TELOPEPTIDEFREE COLLAGEN FOLLICLE RUPTURE •Presence of functionally active complement in human ovarian follicular fluid •THC, CPA, APA, factors C1-9, B, C1INH, H, I are present with values within the normal serum range •Presence of complement cleavage fragments •Presence of anaphylatoxins •Activation of FF complement after the addition of urokinase and seminal plasma GONADOTROPINS PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR PLASMINOGEN PLASMIN LATENT COLLAGENASE C COLLAGENASE C POLYMORPHONUCLEAR LEUKOCYTES COLLAGEN TELOPEPTIDEFREE COLLAGEN FOLLICLE RUPTURE Study of follicular fluid complement In HAE HAE patient FF or Serum (S) C3 (mg/dl) C1INH (mg/dl) C4 (mg/dl) C4/TP ratio* B (%)** C3 A FF1 60 n.d. 12 1.93 100 - A FF2 62 n.d. 10 1.61 90 - A S 100 8 10 1.54 100 - B FF1 78 n.d. 8 1.34 80 + B FF2 70 n.d. 9 1.55 80 + B S 90 7 12 1.76 110 - a FF1,2 90 25 18 3 120 + a S 110 20 28 4.17 100 - b FF1,2 132 28 23 3.44 103 + b S 150 28 30 3.66 110 - c FF1-3 125 22 21 3.4 108 + c S 145 28 27 3.56 115 - d FF1 92 32 24 4.66 98 + d S 130 32 35 4.79 110 - e FF1-3 107 28 20 3.21 87 + e S 128 30 28 3.96 90 - FF(n=9) 97+26 28+4 22+6 3.77+1 111+8 + S(n=20) 120+30 29+7 27+7 3.88+1.09 105+10 - cleavage fragments +/- Controls Previously studied women [2] (Mean + s.d.) HAE patient THC (U/ml) THC/TP ratio* CPA (U/ml) hC4 (%)** APA (U/ml) 2sAPA (U/ml) HB (%)** A FF or Serum (S) FF1 25 0.40 n.d. n.d. 20 25 100 A FF2 30 0.48 n.d. n.d. 22 22 90 A S 40 0.61 50 30 20 22 90 B FF1 30 0.52 40 35 18 23 80 B FF2 25 0.43 38 40 20 24 90 B S 40 0.60 48 45 25 25 95 a FF1,2 142 2.35 200 90 22 24 90 a S 130 1.93 255 120 30 32 110 b FF1,2 151 2.26 220 85 25 30 120 b S 160 1.95 230 130 33 28 90 c FF1-3 133 2.15 180 90 25 28 110 c S 150 1.98 220 90 25 32 130 d FF1 120 2.33 210 110 30 30 100 d S 155 2.12 240 100 35 36 120 e FF1-3 135 2.17 210 110 20 20 90 e S 140 1.98 250 110 28 26 100 Previously studied women [2] FF(n=9) 133+10 2.25+0.17 200+14 99+10 25+0.5 25+1 113+7 (Mean + s.d.) S(n=20) 140+18 1.97+0.29 240+28 105+40 29+6.2 28+6 100+20 Controls AN IMPAIRED COMPLEMENT ACTIVITY IN HAE PATIENTS’ FF MAY RESULT •IN A MORE DIFFICULT RUPTURE OF THE FOLLICLE •IN AN ALTERED INTRAOVARIC REGULATION BY ATRETIC FOLLICLES •IN PCO OR IN MFO •IN ABDOMINAL PAIN Danazol Synthetic isoxazol derivative of ethisterone •Inhibits gonadotropin secretion •Prevents mestrual bleeding •Mildy androgenic •Androgenic effects •Acne vulgaris •Flushes •Sweats •Edema •Libido changes •Blood clotting disorders •Liver disease •Tumor caused by too much male hormones •Tumor on the genitals or •Unusual bleeding from the vagina Indicated in the treatment of •pain and/or infertility due to endometriosis •fibrocystic breast disease •HAE •not indicated in the treatment of cystic ovaries Danazol is capable of improving these abnormal ovarian conditions IU/ml EFFECTS OF LH-RH ON LH 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HAE Controls 0 50 100 time (min) 200 300 400 U/ml EFFECTS OF LH-RH ON THC 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HAE Controls 0 50 100 time (min) 200 300 400 Patients treated 20 Hormones LH-RH modulating treatment of HAE DANAZOL: 10 LEUPROLIDE ACETATE 10 200mg daily for 6 months 3.75mg/month for 6 months Prel.res. At Perricone et al.: Molecular Immunology 30:43, 1993. HAE and PREGNANCY • KALLIKREIN-KININOGEN-KININ SYSTEM IS BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE DURING ESTABLISHMENT OF PREGNANCY • Factor XII and H-kininogen gene expression are similar across the days of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy HAE and PREGNANCY Since attacks often occur during delivery we studied a 30 years old woman, with a previous diagnosis of HAE, along all pregnancy and during the caesarian section. Mother Pre-delivery Mother postdelivery and post C1INH infusion Newborn 6.4 20.6 7.2 27.8 37.7 33.5 75.8 163.0 119.0 C3 (mg/dl) 122.0 117.0 67.0 C4 (mg/dl) 6.0 6.0 9.0 C1INH (mg/dl) C1INH f (%) CH50 (%) •We found low levels of C1INH and of C4 in the baby with values suggesting the diagnosis of HAE. •During and soon after delivery a HAE attack became evident. We treated the patient soon after parturition with 1000 U.I. of C1INH e.v. •Mother’s CH50 values were increased, as well as C1INH values. •The increase in CH50 values after delivery can be explained as a possible result of the phenomenon called “Reactive Lysis”. •In this patient this phenomenon is very evident possibly because of the sparing effects on C5b-a of C1INH deficiency. •HEREDITARY •TYPE 1 (Heterozygous for deficiency of C1 INH) C1 INHIBITOR DEFICIENCY •TYPE 2 (Heterozigous for dysfunctional C1 INH) •1/10,000-1/50,000 people worldwide ACQUIRED •TYPE 1 (Lymphoproliferative disorders) •TYPE 2 (Autoantibodies to C1 INH) • Hereditary angioedema is caused by mutation in the C1 inhibitor gene (C1INH; OMIM 606860) The C1NH gene is located on the chromosome 11, 11q11-q13.1. • It is comprised of 8 exons and 7 introns, and is 17,159 kb long. The first exon contains only the 5’ non-coding region, while exon 8 codes for the reactive center of C1 INH. DHPLC •DHPLC (Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is a rapid and accurate method to reveal the presence or absence of mutations. •After genomic DNA amplification by PCR (polymerase chain reaction), no additional procedure is required except loading the sample onto the DHPLC system. •The DHPLC run time is less than 10 min. • DHPLC is a novel, nongel-based method that is very sensitive for detection of DNA sequence variations. • Detection is based on differences in the retention of heteroduplexes containing one mismatched basepair respect to homoduplex. • In the preliminary study we have enrolled 11 families affected with HAE Table of mutation detect exon mutation Cange Type n° patients 3 c.365 C>A S115X NONSENSE 3 3 C376 G>T N126Y MISSENSE 3 IVI3 g.5528G>A Ins. Ala 162 5 c.656G>C R219P 8 c.1214T>C L405P 8 c.1372C>A V458M MISSENSE 1 8 c.1376T>C L459P MISSENSE 1 8 c.1330G>A R444H MISSENSE 1 8 c.1330C>T R444C MISSENSE 3 8 delG1412 G471fs stop at 545 FRAMESHIFT 3 MISSENSE MISSENSE MISSENSE 7 1 1 GERMINAL MOSAICISM AND HAE •We have studied two little brothers of 5 and 2 years affected with recurrent non pitting attacks of oedema of extremities and one of them also with laryngeal oedema. •There was no family history of HAE, none of the parents have had bouts of oedema, nor grandparents, nor other relatives. •DNA paternity was performed and resulted in a confirmation of legal parents. COMPLEMENT ANALYSIS Baby1 Baby2 mother father C1INH <0.048 <0.048 0.24 0.24 C4 3 7 24 24 CH50 31.8 114.7 80 85 C1INH f 17.04 30.19 85.3 94.74 •We performed DNA molecular studies in the two babies and in the parents. •We did enhance in the babies the same nonsense mutation 531C>G (STOP codon Y177X protein without 302 aa). •This same mutation wasn’t found in the two parents, so we hypothesized the presence of a germinal mosaicism in one of the parents. •We performed linkage analysis and we found the same aplotype in both babies. •We found by this test the maternal germinal origin of the mutation, that was confirmed by the consequent molecular studies of other maternal tessues (urin, sputum, skin) where mutation is obviously absent. •This is the first case of germinal mosaicism in HAE. Thank You