THEMATIC NETWORK FUNDED UNDER THE CIP-PSP-ICT PROGRAMME THEME CIP-PSP-2009.3.4 [USER CENTRICITY FOR eGOVERNANCE] GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 250522 Il progetto intende creare e gestire una rete di esperti ed organizzazioni che coprono l'intera catena di fornitura di S4U (Services for Users). The aim of this project is to create and manage a network of experts and organizations that cover the whole supply chain of the S4U (Services for Users).,, [email protected] Network of European Stakeholders for Enchancing User Centricity in eGoverment (NET-EUCEN), finanziato dal 7 Programma Quadro di Ricerca – CIP, intende creare e gestire una rete di esperti ed organizzazioni che coprono l'intera catena di fornitura di S4U (Services for Users) e che appartengono a 17 Paesi europei. Network of European Stakeholders for Enchancing User Centricity in eGovernment (NET-EUCEN) is a project funded by the Seventh Framework Programme – CIP. It aims at creating and managing a network of experts and organizations that cover the whole supply chain of the S4U (Services for Users) belonging to 17 European Countries. THEMATIC NETWORK FUNDED UNDER THE CIP-PSP-ICT PROGRAMME THEME CIP-PSP-2009.3.4 [USER CENTRICITY FOR eGOVERNANCE] GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 250522 The aim of the network is for each partner to share L'obiettivo della rete è condividere le esperienze e le conoIl progetto intende creare e gestire una rete di esperti ed organizzazioni coprono l'intera e-governance catena experiences andche knowledge concerning and scenze di ciascun partner su iniziative e servizi di governance services also acquired by participating in funded projects, in acquisita anchedidurante la partecipazione a progetti finandi fornitura S4U (Services for Users). programs such as IST and eTEN. The objective is mainly ziati, in programmi come IST ed eTEN ed orientato princitowards and testing services for users. palmente sviluppare e testare perand gli utenti. The aimaof this project is toi servizi create manage a network oriented of experts and developing organizations that cover the whole supply chain of the S4U (Services for Users). 23 i partner di progetto, tra cui DIDA, provenienti da 17 Paesi (Italia, Grecia, Germania, Portogallo, Gran Bretagna, Polonia, Repubblica di Lettonia, Lussemburgo, Francia, Malta, Belgio, Norvegia, Romania, Lituania, Ungheria, Danimarca, Olanda). La rete è in continuo allargamento. The project is composed of 23 partners, including DIDA, belonging to 17 Countries (Italy, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Great Britain, Poland, Republic of Latvia, Luxemburg, France, Malta, Belgium, Norway, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary, Denmark). The network is continuosly enlarging. Durata: 32 mesi (aprile 2010-marzo 2013) Duration: 32 months (April 2010-March 2013),, [email protected]