Il Dipartimento di Economia Organizza il Seminario TWO SHADES OF (WARM) GLOW: MULTIDIMENSIONAL INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING (joint work with Susanna Mancinelli and Mariangela Zoli) ALESSIO D’AMATO Università di Roma Tor Vergata and SEEDS Abstract: Behavioural determinants of waste recycling and reduction activities of households have received a growing research attention in several disciplines and from different perspectives, ranging from economics, environmental psychology, sociology and engineering. We put ourselves in this stream of literature by analyzing both theoretically and empirically the interrelations among personal motivations, knowledge of environmental problems and policy in determining waste related behaviours. Under a theoretical point of view, we explicitly model the role played by personal values and knowledge in affecting waste recycling and reduction decisions. We explicitly consider the multidimensional nature of intrinsic motivations, allowing for complementarity or substitutability among efforts towards recycling and waste reduction in the utility function. As a result, we show that knowledge, policies and green attitudes affect recycling (waste reducing) behaviours directly, but also indirectly, through their effect on waste reduction (recycling). Theoretical predictions are then tested in a structural equation model, by using data from the Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours toward the Environment (Defra, 2010), which is representative of the population in England in 2009. As in the theoretical part, our empirical investigation of the predictors for waste management behaviours distinguishes between recycling and minimization activities, but it goes further by specifying the role played by situational variables, personal beliefs, social norms and free-riding incentives in determining individual waste-related intentions and actions. We also show that environmental knowledge Mercoledì 21 maggio 2014 ore 14.30 – Aula 22 Dipartimento di Economia Università degli Studi Roma Tre Via Silvio D’Amico 77, 00145 Roma La partecipazione è aperta a tutti gli interessati Via Silvio D’Amico, 77 – 00145 Roma – Italia - tel. +39 06 5733.5655 /.5612 fax +39 06 57335771 [email protected]