21 April 2015, 17.30 - 20.00
European Parliament - Room PHS7C050
Interpretation EN/FR/IT
"Illegal waste management:
environmental crime,
economic crime
and crime against health"
From Italy to Europe, paths and prospects
for the environment and sustainable development
"La gestion illégale des déchets:
crime écologique,
crime économique
et crime contre la santé"
De l'Italie à l'Europe, chemins et perspectives
pour l'environnement et le développement durable
"Gestione illecita dei rifiuti:
eco-reato, crimine economico
e delitto per la salute"
Dall'Italia all'Europa, percorsi e prospettive
per l'ambiente e lo sviluppo sostenibile
MEP Nicola Caputo,
Member of the Committee on the Environment,
Public Health and Food Safety
Enrico Bobbio,
Chairman of "PolieCo", Italian consortium for the
recycling of polyethylene-based waste
Armand Rauch,
Secretary General of "Cultura contro camorra",
European support for the fight against camorrate
Claudia Salvestrini,
Director of "PolieCo", Italian consortium for the
recycling of polyethylene-based waste
"Cross-border waste trafficking: the "Land of fires" is
not confined by borders"
"Trafic transfrontalière des déchets: la "Terre des
feux" n'a pas de frontières"
"Traffico transfrontaliero dei rifiuti: la "Terra dei
fuochi" non ha confini"
Anabela Gago,
European Commission, DG HOME, Head of Unit,
"Organized Crime" Unit.
"The role of organized crime in the illegal waste trafficking"
"Le rôle du crime organisé dans le trafic illégal de déchets"
"Il ruolo della criminalità organizzata nel traffico
illecito di rifiuti"
"L’incidenza delle malattie connesse all’inquinamento ambientale e allo smaltimento dei rifiuti industriali in Campania"
Roberto Rossi,
Parish Priest from Caivano
Magistrato Sostituto Procuratore presso la Procura
della Repubblica di Bari and advisor to the Commissione Parlamentare di inchiesta sulle attività illecite
connesse al ciclo dei rifiuti.
"The traceability of waste and trickeries used in the
disappearance of plastic waste"
"La traçabilité des déchets et les supercheries
utilisées dans la disparition des déchets plastiques"
"Tracciabilità dei rifiuti e magie e contro magie
nella sparizione dei rifiuti di plastica"
Antonio Marfella,
Representative of the International Society of
Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) and Oncologist
at the Pascale hospital of Naples
"The effect of illnesses related to the environmental pollution and to the disposal of industrial waste in Campania"
"L'incidence des maladies liées à la pollution
environnementale et à l'élimination des déchets
industriels en Campanie"
Don Maurizio Patriciello,
"The drama of the "Land of fires" and the Christian
hope of integral human development"
"Le drame de la "Terre des feux" et l'espérance
chrétienne du développement humain intégral"
"Il dramma della "Terra dei fuochi" e la speranza
cristiana dello sviluppo umano integrale"
Helmut Maurer,
European Commission, DG ENVI, Policy Officer,
"Waste Management and recycling" Unit
"Waste and resources. The role of Europe in promoting sustainable growth"
"Déchets et ressources. Le rôle de l'Europe en faveur
d'une croissance durable"
"Rifiuti e risorse. Il ruolo dell’Europa per una crescita sostenibile"

Manifesto - Cultura Contro camorra