Today, we begin Holy Week, the Most
Solemn time of the year when we focus
on the greatest mysteries of our faith,
the suffering death and resurrection of
Christ. Let us pray in a special way
for all our Catechumens and Candidates
as they prepare for the Easter Sacraments.
Good Friday Pontifical
Collection for the Holy Land
This year, the Papal Collection for the Holy Places will be
held on Good Friday, April 3rd. We realize as a Church,
that Jesus is the Bread of Life: ”Whoever eats this bread
will live forever.” (John 6.51). By sharing in the upkeep of
the Holy Land and the mission of the Custody, we give
witness to commit our life to help others; the lives of our
brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. By giving to the
Holy Land, we strengthen our bond of friendship with our
fellow Christians who live in the land of Jesus. We support
Christians who live there, eat there and who are struggling
and live in hope. This word of the Gospel is an affirmation
of the One who loved to the end. Our donation is a step
forward towards the awareness of others and an invitation
to change our relationship with the Living. With gratitude,
Commissary of the Holy Land in Canada.
Chrism Mass at St. Michael’s Cathedral
On Tuesday, March 31st at 11:00 a.m., the priests of the
Archdiocese renew their vows and recommit themselves to the
role of priest/servant of the community. The sacramental Holy
Oils of the catechumens, the sick and Sacred Chrism will be
blessed and distributed to each church.
Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:30 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight
Service in English – 1:00 p.m.
Service in Italian – 3:00 p.m.
Bilingual Easter Vigil – 8:00 p.m.
Welcome Reception in the Hall to follow
Masses in English – 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 Noon
Mass in Italian – 10:30 a.m.
Mass – 9 a.m.; Office Closed
New Office Hours
In an effort to control our parish expenditures, we have
had to initiate new office hours. Effective April 1st, 2015,
our new office hours will be Monday, Wednesday & Friday
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon, & 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. Office
will be closed Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday.
Liturgy Committee Meeting
On Thursday, April 9th, at 7:30 p.m. we will have a meeting
of the Liturgy Committee, in the parish meeting room. If
you are being called to this ministry, you are most welcome
to attend!
Order your 100th
Anniversary book now!
St. Clare's Church: Celebrating 100 Years of Faith and
Service is a 170+ page coffee table book that tells the
history of our parish; it contains both black and white
archival photos and stunning full-colour pictures. Price is
$70 (cash or cheque) or $75 for online orders. Books will
be available for pickup in late spring. There are a limited
number of copies—don't miss out on this unique keepsake.
Makes an excellent gift! Come see us in the parish hall
after masses this Sunday.
55+ Group
The 55+ group will be getting together for a meeting and
refreshments on Thursday, April 9th at 9:30 a.m. in the
Parish Hall. All the young at heart are invited!
Working wonders for children with special needs…
We have always tried to expose our deaf children to both
communities. As their parents, we have talked to them and
tried to answer their questions when they saw someone
using sign language and they had basic sign language
books. Then one day our oldest son, Ethan, said he would
like to learn sign language. We discovered Silent Voice’s
Sign Language Summer camp and enrolled him in the
program. The following year Gavin joined his older brother
and they both want to go again. We also put our name in
for the Family Communication program because we wanted
to support our children. These opportunities increased the
boys’ awareness of the deaf community and also helped
them gain respect for different ways of communication.
They enjoyed both experiences as did we. We all hope to
take part in the Family program again. Last year more than
600 deaf children received support through Silent Voice’s
Sign Language Summer Camps.
Thank you for your contributions to date. So far,
we’ve collected $12,030.00
2nd ShareLife Collection will be held on April 12th
Please give generously. You can work wonders!
Confirmation Candidates – A reminder to attend
your Confirmation Rehearsal with your sponsor, on
Saturday, April 11th at 2:30 p.m. in the church
Domenica delle Palme
Saturday, March 28
5:00 – Kevin Pimental, Maria Raffaela Accardi & Darcie Francki
Sunday, March 29
9:00 – Amado, Mary Joy & Damian Malaban &
Rosario & Ester Opo
10:30 – Gianni, Immacolata e Angelo Ariganello, Raffaele Antonio
Maiolo, Pasquale Sarracini, Stefano Addeo e Romolo
12:00 – Irene Ferguson & Olga Walwich
Monday, March 30
9:00 – Maria e Antonio Macri & José Santos
Tuesday, March 31
9:00 – Angelo e Dilita Ernesto Volpicelli
7:00 – Valeria Mariano (†1 yr. memorial)
& Domenico Mariano († 49th anniv.)
8:00 – Maria Maimone († 1 yr. memorial)
Wednesday, April 1
9:00 – Maria Settino
HOLY Thursday, April 2
HOLY Saturday, April 4
There is a promise of Marriage between:
Viral Borkhataria & Susy Santos
Antonio Didiano & Patricia Grillo
Luciano Logozzo & Shelly Medeiros
Adamo Sorbara & Loredana Ferraro
Ė Pronto il Libro commemorativo dei
nostri 100 anni!
Il volume celebrativo del nostro Centenario – “St. Clare’s Church:
Celebrating 100 Years of Faith and Service “ - è da oggi in
vendita. Noi stessi siamo rimasti sorpresi dai tanti racconti dei
nostri parrocchiani e dalle fotografie che hanno messo a
disposizione per la sua pubblicazione. Siamo certi che anche voi
sarete piacevolmenti sorpresi dalle oltre 170 pagine contenenti,
tra l’altro, moltissime foto a colori.
Il volume può essere acquistato dai parrocchiani ad un prezzo in
offerta speciale di $70 (pagamento solo in assegno o contanti) o
di $75 via internet, e potrà essere prenotato oggi dopo la Messa.
Gli acquirenti potranno ritirarlo a Primavera inoltrata, una volta
uscito dalle stampe. Dato che il numero di copie è limitato, vi
preghiamo di affrettarvi a prenotare questo volume che
rappresenta un ricordo eccezionale della vita celebrativa della
nostra parrocchia. Ordinatelo il più presto possibile per non
restare senza.
Oggi iniziamo la Settimana Santa, il tempo più solenne
dell’anno quando riflettiamo su i più grandi misteri della
nostra fede, la morte, passione e risurrezione di Cristo.
Preghiamo, in particular modo, per tutti i nostri catecumeni
e candidate che adesso si preparano a ricevere i
sacramenti Pasquali.
Colletta del Venerdì Santo per la Terra Santa
Ogni anno, il Venerdi Santo, la Chiesa Universale offre
segni di solidarietà verso la Chiesa in Terra Santa. La Terra
del Signore presenta serie difficoltà verso i nostri fratelli e
le nostre sorelle cristiane. Sosteniamoli con preghiere e
l’aiuto finanziario. Recandoci spesso in Terra Santa,
osserviamo di persona e tocchiamo con le nostre mani le
situazioni spesso tragiche dei nostri fratelli. Siamo generosi
nella raccolta del Venerdi Santo.
Settimana Santa
Messa Crismale alla Cattedrale S. Michele - Martedì,
31 marzo alle ore 11:00 a.m., i sacerdoti dell’Archidiocese
rinnovano i loro voti e si ridedicano al loro ruolo di prete e
servo della comunità. Gli olii sacramentali dei catecumeni,
degli ammalati e il Sacro Chrisma saranno benedetti e
distribuiti ad ogni chiesa. Sieti tutti invitati.
Giovedì Santo, 2 aprile – Messa Bilingue – 7:30 p.m.
- Esposizione del Santissimo Sacramento fino a
Venerdì Santo, 3 aprile – Servizio in Inglese – 1:00 p.m.
- Servizio in Italiano – 3:00 p.m.
Sabato Santo, 4 aprile
– Veglia Pasquale – Bilingue – 8:00 p.m.
- Rinfresco nella Sala subito dopo
PASQUA, 5 aprile
Messe in Inglese – 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 Mezzogiorno
Massa in Italiano – 10:30 a.m.
Grazie per i vostri contribute. A tutt’oggi abbiamo
raccolto $12,030. Seconda colletta, domenica 12 Aprile
Nuovi Orari di Ufficio
Nel tentativo di ridurre le spese della parrocchia, abbiamo
dovuto modificare gli orari di apertura dell'ufficio. A partire
del 1 aprile 2015, i nuovi orari saranno i seguenti: Lunedì,
Mercoledì e Venerdì dalle 9 del mattino a mezzogiorno e
dalle 12:30 alle 4:00 p.m. L’ufficio resterà chiuso nei giorni
di martedì, giovedi, sabato e domenica.
Riunione del Comitato Liturgico
Giovedì, 9 aprile alle ore 7:30 p.m., nella nostra saletta ci
sarà una riunione del Comitato Liturgico. Nuovi membri

Christ the King rules from the cross, a seemingly merciless place