Catholic Parish of Warringah
(D i oc es e o f B r ok en B a y, N .S .W .)
St Ke vi n’s Churc h
S t J o h n t h e Ap o s t l e C h u r c h
50 Oaks Ave, Dee Why,
2099 , N.S.W.
57 Waratah Pde, Narraweena,
2099, N.S.W.
Office: 50 Oaks Avenue (P.O. Box 467) Dee Why, 2099, N.S.W.
Tel. 9982 6536 - Fax 9972 2863 - E-mail: [email protected]
25th May 2014
Scalabrinian Fathers
Parish Priest:
Fr. Lauro Rufo, c.s.
0418 353 009
[email protected]
St Kevin’s Church
Weekday Masses:
6th Sunday of Easter : Year A
Assistant Priest:
Fr. Tiziano Torresan
0437 316 877
[email protected]
Fr. Norberto Ochoa
0437 324 227
[email protected]
Parish Primary Schools
● St. John’s Catholic Primary
School; Principal: Mr Mark Bateman; Ph: 9971 9297
● St. Kevin’s Catholic Primary
School; Principal: Mrs Lorraine
Vincent; Ph: 9971 1644
Mon-Sat:8:30am (Holy Rosary 8am); Fri 12 Noon
Week-end Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 6pm
Sunday: 8am; 9.15am ,10.30am (in Italian);
6pm Youth Mass
Filipino Mass: Third Sunday of the Month
11.30am - Mass in Tagalog
Every 4th Sunday:
Chaplaincy Youth Mass at 6.00 pm
Reconciliation: Saturday: 4pm - 5pm
Mass/Anointing of the Sick
First Fridays of the month at the 12 noon Mass
Cenacle of Prayer:
Wednesday after the 8.30am Mass
Devotion to Sacred Heart of Jesus
First Fridays of the month: 7pm Mass
Eucharistic Adoration:
Fridays after 8.30am Mass till 11.45am
Legion of Mary: Every Wednesday at 2pm
St John the Apostle Church
Weekday Masses:
Mon-Sat: 9.15am (Holy Rosary 8.55am)
Week-end Mass Times
Saturday Vigil: 5pm with Children’s Liturgy
Sunday: 8am; 10am; 6pm Youth Mass
Reconciliation: Sat: 9.45am-10.45am
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his disciples. After completing his mission
he has to leave this world. But Jesus’ love for his people is so intense that
he will not leave them orphaned. He will infuse them with his own Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will continue to live in them, teaching , guiding, healing,
strengthening and comforting. This was very evident in the early Church.
The apostles laid hands on the people and they were filled with the Holy
Spirit. Being strengthened by the Holy Spirit they endured persecutions
and trials with joy and courage. They healed the sick and raised the dead in
the power of the Holy Spirit . We receive the Holy Spirit, particularly during the reception of Sacraments of the Church. He continues to live and
work amidst us today. Every human being is endowed with the Holy Spirit.
It’s when we become aware of his presence and open to his guidance that
our lives become meaningful and joyful.
Cenacle of Prayer: 9am Wednesday
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 7pm –11pm
Anointing of the Sick: 4th Sunday of
the month after the 8 am & 10 am Masses
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
1st Friday of the month at 9.45am and Anointing of
the Sick
Indian Mass: 4th Saturday of the month: Mass for
the Syro Malabar Catholic Rite at 7.00 pm.
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
1st Saturday of each month after 9.15am Mass.
Rosary, Litany & Consecration to Mary.
Am I aware of the working of the Holy Spirit at the Holy
Eucharist today? Am I open to the Spirit’s promptings and
guidance in my life?
Mass Intentions for the Week
St. John’s, Narraweena
Saturday 7.30pm
Sunday 8.00am
Monday 9.15am
Tuesday 9.15am
Wednesday 9.15am 28
Thursday 9.15am
Friday 9.15am
Saturday 9.15am
St. Kevin’s, Dee Why
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 8.00am
Wednesday 8.30am
Thursday 8.30am
Friday 8.30am
Fri 12 Noon
Saturday 8.30am
Dec Clarrie Golledge
Special intentions
Dec Francesca Reale, Giovannina Paola
(12th anni). Special intentions Everendo
Medina ( Birthday),
Dec Rocco Simonetta, Giovanna Simonetta,
Giovannina Paola (12th anni)
Special intentions
Special intentions
Special intentions of the Wallace family
Special intentions of the Wallace family.
Tuesday 8.30am
Dec Giovannina Paola (12th anni)
Dec Nicodemo Tassone, Anna Rosa Tassone, Bruno Agostino, Anna Agostino,
Biana Lofaro, Mick Ferraro, Giovannina
Paola (12th anni)
Dec Giovannina Paola (12th anni)
Dec Clarrie Golledge, Mill McAuley, Marie
Reen,Giovannina Paola (12th anni)
Dec Clarrie Golledge
Dec Giuseppe Maruca, Bruno Raso,
Giuseppe & Pietro Mastroianni ( Ann) ,
Vincenzo Formica, Attilio Summa ( 1st
Ann) Antonio Albace, Carmelo Agresta,
Frank Calabria, Peter Romeo, Giovannina
Paola (12th anni)
Recently deceased Joso Raic, Giovannina
Paola (12th anni)
Dec Antonio Romeo, Giovannina Paola
(12th anni)
Special intentions
Monday 8.30am
Pro Populo
L’uomo vive d’amore dal suo primo respiro fino all’ultimo.
Amato, si sente protetto ed accettato. Amando, sente di appartenere e trova un senso ad offrirsi. Poiché l’amore non può
restare chiuso nel suo cuore; esso pervade il quotidiano.
L’amore che si porta all’uomo spinge ad impegnarsi. L’amore
che si porta a Dio si manifesta nella considerazione che si ha
dei suoi comandamenti. Si manifesta anche nella giustizia, nel
rispetto della vita, nell’azione per la riconciliazione dei popoli
e per la pace. Le conseguenze dell’amore che si porta a Dio
possono prendere l’aspetto di un lavoro, perfino di una lotta.
Lavoro e lotta sembrano spesso esigere troppo dall’uomo e
superare le sue forze. Egli vede le sue debolezze ed ha voglia
di rinunciare, ma quando lavoro e lotta sono le conseguenze
dell’amore, conferiscono all’esistenza un respiro profondo,
mettono la vita in un contesto più vasto e la rendono importante tanto sulla terra quanto in cielo.
Cose apparentemente infime acquistano un significato quando
sono il risultato dell’amore per Dio. Ogni buona azione, anche
quella che facciamo senza pensare a Dio, è in relazione
all’amore che gli portiamo.
Ogni atto di amore, anche quando sembra minimo - come
quando si porge un bicchiere d’acqua a qualcuno che ha sete assume un significato per l’eternità.
Noi ci chiediamo spesso: che cosa rimarrà del nostro mondo?
È vero che crediamo di poter vivere e risuscitare grazie
all’amore di Dio, con tutto ciò che è esistito grazie a questo
amore che non si è accontentato di restare sentimento: contatti, relazioni, avvenimenti, cose. Quando risusciteremo, tutto
un mondo risusciterà con noi, un mondo fatto di amore responsabile. Sarà magnifico: una “terra nuova”, che abbiamo
il diritto di chiamare anche un “cielo nuovo”.
Annual Mass Count
Over the weekends during the month of May, we will be
holding the Annual Mass Count for the Diocese and we
will be counting the numbers attending each weekend
Confirmation 2014
Baptism Workshops.
Baptism workshops will take place on
Tuesday, June 17th and 24th in St
Kevin’s School Lower hall. Please make
your bookings through the Parish Office.
Thank you.
New Parish Council.
Nominated candidates will be contacted shortly as the next
step in the formation of the new Warringah Parish Council
Today we welcome Fr Vince Casey and all our Confirmation candidates and their families to the parish for the
Sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations to you all.
Planned Giving Envelopes for 2014/2015 Lat year half
of our planned giving envelopes were not uplifted and as
a result church funds were wasted. For 2014/2015 only a
small order has been delivered. Please advise the office if
you wish to receive a box for next year.
St John’s Meeting room Please leave the meeting room
in a clean and tidy state following any function or meeting. Thank you for your cooperation.
Confessions: St. Kevin’s: Saturday 4:00– 5:00pm
St. John’s: Saturday 9:45 to 10:45 am
Charitable Works Fund
Next weekend we will be holding our next Charitable works fund
appeal. We have $48,000 to pay to the Diocese for the current
tax year and only $7,380 has been received so far. We are desperately short of our allocation for this year.
Instead of Sunday homilies next weekend we will play the power
point from the Diocese . Please give as generously as you can to
help. Envelopes will be available at all Masses All donations are
100% tax deductable. Thank you.
Un Dinner dance si terrà nella nostra sala, SABATO 31 maggio
per raccogliere fondi a sostegno del NSW Cancer Council.
I biglietti sono già in vendita e posti sono limitati.
Si prega di contattare Angela su 94014374 o membri del
comitato per prenotare il vostro posto.
Il costo è di $35:00pp per un pasto di 4 portate. BYO alcolici.
A Dinner Dance will be held in our hall, Saturday, May 31 to raise funds in support of the
NSW Cancer Council. Tickets are on sale now
and places are limited. Please contact Angela on 94014374 or committee members to reserve your seat. The cost is $ 35:00pp for a 4 course
meal. BYO alcohol.
Morning Tea for Cancer
Abbiamo bisogno di biscotti casalinghi per vendere a prima e
dopo le messe di Sabato 24 e Domenica 25 Maggio. Per ulteriori
informazioni, Si prega di contattare Angela su 9401 4374.
Tutto il ricavato verra` aggiunto ai fondi del dinner dance il 31
Maggio, e saranno inviati al NSW Cancer Council
Chaplaincy Youth Ministry
Benefit Concert
CYM Youth Ministry are holding
a Renov8 Altar-ation concert in
the Upper Hall at St Kevin’s on
Saturday 12th July 2014 at
7.30pm. Tickets cost $20.00
cluded. Performances by the
This year’s Ecumenical Service of Worship to renew the Covenant
2012 CYM Youth Ministry and
signed in 2008 by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, the Anglican
Diocese of Newcastle and the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle
special invited Guests.
is to be hosted by the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle and will take place 100% of the proceeds raised will go to the renovation of the
Altar and repainting of St Kevin’s Church. Visit the St. Kevin’s
Thursday 29th May at 7:45pm in St Peter’s Anglican Church, 47
donation drive website on
William St, East Maitland for more information
The celebration will be jointly led by our Diocesan Administrator, Fr
on how to donate.
Vince Casey, Bishop Greg Thompson and Bishop Bill Wright.
The Catholic Women’s League is having a morning tea for Cancer today
Sunday lst June at St. John’s church after the 8.00am and
10.00am Masses. We invite you to join us for a cup of tea and make a
donation to the cancer council. We appreciate your support.
near southern cnr of Highfield Rd and Pacific Hwy Lindfield
(outside Holy family Church) 5:00pm
Depart 23 Yardley Ave Waitara (outside Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral): 5:30pm
Depart 76 York St East Gosford (outside St Patrick’s Church) 5:45pm
Depart from outside St Cecilia’s Church, James St Wyong: 6:15pm
The buses will commence the return journey at 9:15pm.
Please bring your dinner to eat on the bus (and perhaps a snack for the
return journey). Please be part of this important ecumenical gathering.
Hornsby Parish 30 Plus Social Group
Bridging the gap between youth and seniors groups. All
welcome for outings around Hornsby, surrounding suburbs and
Please contact Christine at [email protected] or 0450
482 002 for further information.
Return Thanks
Many thanks to the Madonna
Della Quercia Association for
their kind and generous donation to the Church. Also to Our
Lady of Fatima Association for
their kind donation of $5000.
Both donations are much appreciated. Many Thanks
Guringai Aboriginal Festival Dinner
Frenchs Forest Catholic Parish is hosting a dinner as part
of the Guringai Aboriginal Festival. The theme is wellness,
art and spirituality.
This year’s Guest Speaker, Richard Campbell is a nationally acclaimed Aboriginal Artist. His paintings were included in the Canonisation ceremony in Rome of St Mary of
the Cross MacKillop.
A scrumptious dinner will be provided in a friendly inclusive atmosphere.
6.30 pm, for 7pm - 9pm, Friday 30 May
at Saint Anthony
in the Fields Church, 46 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills. Cost
is $30 BYO Drinks. Bookings by May 26. Anne Lanyon:
0408 279 871 or [email protected], Imogen
Kelly : 0425 226 380
Inter-religious Relations in Today’s World
You are warmly invited to this “conversation series” presentation on 30 May, 7.30-9pm (Coffee/tea from 7pm) @ St Agatha’s
School Hall, Pennant Hills. Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald is the
former president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue who will be discussing his experiences of inter-religious
relations with Geraldine Doogue who is a popular Australian
journalist and broadcaster well known for her work on the
“Compass” and “Saturday Extra.” RSVP by 23 May 2014.
Book via
Rosters Next week —The Ascension of the Lord. St
Kevin’s Cleaning Team D. St John’s Counting Team 10.
Sunday Readings Jerusalem Bible
Say to God: 'How tremendous your
deeds! R.
Entrance Antiphon
Proclaim a joyful sound and let it be
heard; proclaim to the ends of the earth :
The Lord has freed his people, alleluia
'Before you all the earth shall bow;
shall sing to you, sing to your name!'
Come and see the works of God,
tremendous his deeds among men. R.
First Reading: Acts 8:5-8. 14-17
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles
Philip went to a Samaritan town and proclaimed the Christ to them. The people
united in welcoming the message Philip
preached, either because they had
heard of the miracles he worked or because they saw them for themselves.
There were, for example, unclean spirits
that came shrieking out of many who
were possessed, and several paralytics
and cripples were cured. As a result
there was great rejoicing in that town.
He turned the sea into dry land,
they passed through the river dry-shod.
Let our joy then be in him;
he rules for ever by his might. R.
When the apostles in Jerusalem heard
that Samaria had accepted the word of
God, they sent Peter and John to them,
and they went down there, and prayed
for the Samaritans to receive the Holy
Spirit, for as yet he had not come down
on any of them: they had only been baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Then they laid hands on them, and they
received the Holy Spirit.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 65:1-7. 16. 20
R. Let all the earth cry out to God with
R. Alleluia.
Cry out with joy to God all the earth,
O sing to the glory of his name.
O render him glorious praise.
and my Father will love them and we will
come to them.
Gospel : John 14:15-21
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John
Jesus said to his disciples:
'If you love me you will keep my commandments.
I shall ask the Father,
Come and hear, all who fear God.
and he will give you another Advocate
I will tell what he did for my soul:
to be with you for ever,
Blessed be God who did not reject my
that Spirit of truth
whom the world can never receive
nor withhold his love from me. R.
since it neither sees nor knows him;
but you know him,
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:15-18
because he is with you, he is in you.
A reading from the first letter of St Peter I will not leave your orphans;
Reverence the Lord Christ in your
I will come back to you.
hearts, and always have your answer
In a short time the world will no longer
ready for people who ask you the reason see me; but you will see me,
for the hope that you all have. But give it because I live and you will live.
with courtesy and respect and with a
On that day you will understand that I am
clear conscience, so that those who
in my Father and you in me and I in you.
slander you when you are living a good
Anybody who receives my commandlife in Christ may be proved wrong in the ments and keeps them will be one who
accusations that they bring. And if it is
loves me;
the will of God that you should suffer, it
and anybody who loves me will be loved
is better to suffer for doing right than for by my Father, and I shall love him and
doing wrong.
show myself to him.'
Why, Christ himself, innocent though he The Gospel of the Lord.
was, had died once for sins, died for the Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
guilty, to lead us to God. In the body he
was put to death, in the spirit he was
raised to life.
Communion Antiphon
The word of the Lord.
If you love me, keep my commandments, says the Lord, and I will ask the
Thanks be to God.
Father and he will send you another
Paraclete, to abide with you for ever,
Gospel Acclamation: John 14:23
Alleluia, alleluia!
All who love me will keep my words,
Available to advertise.
Chapel and Office:
Cnr Barrenjoey Rd &
Darley St, Mona Vale
844 Pittwater Rd,
Dee Why
9979 5978
9971 4224
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Catholic Books & Gifts
Opening Hours:
Tues-Friday 10am-3pm
Ph: 9984 8988
World Apostolate of Fatima
(Public Association of the Faithful)
Handyman and Carpenter
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Mobile:0405 187 070
5% of job value is
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M: 0411 390 714

new.bulletin.25th.May.2014 - Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay