La comunità Europea
Agenzie e uffici
di interesse
per il futuro veterinario
Bruxelles 4/5/15
Giacomo Brovia
La commissione Europea
La commissione rappresenta e
tutela gli interessi dell'UE nel
suo insieme.
Sovrintende ed esegue le
politiche dell’UE
1 propone atti legislativi al Parlamento e al Consiglio
2 gestisce il bilancio dell'UE e attribuisce i finanziamenti
3 vigila sull'applicazione del diritto dell’UE (congiuntamente alla Corte di giustizia)
4 rappresenta l'Unione europea a livello internazionale, per esempio nei negoziati con paesi terzi per
la conclusione di accordi.
Agenzie e uffici
Agenzie e uffici usati e creati dalla commissione europea per aumentare le
interazioni tra gli stati membri e la comunità europea.
Tra le più importanti e dove sono coinvolti i veterinari ricordiamo:
-EPO (European Patent organisation) -EMEA (european medicine agency)
-FVO (food and vet office)
-EFSA (european food safety authority)
-EPSO (european personnel selection office)
-EAPHP (executive agency for the public health programme)
-ECDC (european centre for disease prevention and control)
I settori di nostra competenza
La Commissione è suddivisa in "direzioni generali" (DG) e servizi.
Ogni DG è classificata in base alle politiche di sua competenza.
I servizi si occupano di questioni amministrative più generali o hanno un mandato specifico,
come la lotta anti frode o l'elaborazione di statistiche.
DG SANTE (sanità e sicurezza alimentare)
To make Europe a healthier, safer place, where citizens can be confident that their
interests are protected.
A zero-risk society may not be possible but we are doing as much as we can to reduce
and manage risks for our citizens.
proteggere e migliorare la salute pubblica
garantire che in Europa il cibo sia sicuro e sano
proteggere la salute e il benessere degli animali da allevamento
proteggere la salute delle colture e foreste
DG SANTE (sanità e sicurezza alimentare)
We will achieve our goals by watching, listening to people's concerns and
• Monitoring - once the EU has passed laws on food and product safety,
consumer rights or public health, it is up to national, regional and local
governments to apply those laws - to ensure everybody stick to the
rules. • Listening - to be effective, our policies must take account of related EU
policies on trade, competitiveness and the environment for example, and
the concerns of our stakeholders. Through broad consultation , we want
to hear from all interested parties.
• Acting - where EU action is needed, we make proposals using a mixture
of laws, support for projects and other measures. We also support
national or regional authorities where they are better placed to act.
DG SANTE (sanità e sicurezza alimentare)
DG SANTE (sanità e sicurezza alimentare)
Gli uffici che fanno capo
al direttorato per il
controllo della catena
Il mantra
DG SANTE (sanità e sicurezza alimentare)
Le aree tematiche
Aree tematiche
The EU Health Strategy has 3 main objectives:
• fostering good health in an ageing Europe
The EU Health Strategy sets out actions to prevent diseases and tackle lifestyle factors determining health, like
living and working conditions, nutrition, and physical activity. • protecting citizens from health threats
New emerging health threats require a fast and coordinated response. The EU has therefore established an
EU‑wide network to respond rapidly.
Prevention measures in areas such as antimicrobial resistance and healthcare associated infections must also be
constantly adapted.
• supporting dynamic health system and new technologies
New technologies can contribute to the efficiency and sustainability of health systems, while improving access to
safe, high‑quality healthcare for Europeans.
Aree tematiche
Third health programme (2014-2020)
The programme has 4 overarching objectives. It seeks to:
1. Promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking
into account the 'health in all policies' principle
2. Protect Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats
3. Contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems
4. Facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens.
Aree tematiche
Aree tematiche
Food and Veterinary Office (FVO)
The FVO carries out audits, inspections and related non-audit activities to ensure that EU legislation on food safety, animal health, animal welfare, plant health and in the area of medical
devices is properly implemented and enforced. This means EU citizens enjoy a high level of
safety, and that goods are traded under safe conditions.
How does the FVO achieve this?
With a team of some 180 professionals from most EU Member States the FVO’s primary role is to
conduct audits or inspections to ensure the national authorities are fulfilling their legal obligations.
This can be done during on-the-spot audits, or by desk based exercises or collation of Member
States data. The audit is on the system not individual premises and it culminates in a written report.
Aree tematiche
Who decides which countries to visit?
On the basis of a multi-annual programme, each year the FVO publishes a work programme. This is produced
in consultation with other Commission services and with Member States. It considers risk and trade factors, plus
the status of legislation, to prioritise visits. The programme provides a balance between EU Member States and
non-EU countries.
What happens during an FVO Audit?
The audit team is typically composed by 2 FVO staff, often with the presence of a national expert from a
Member State authority. The team arranges an Audit programme that will typically visit the control authority, a
number of regional and local authorities, laboratories and a number of accompanied site visits (e.g. to farms,
processors, feed units, slaughterhouses and retailers). The information is gathered to provide a series of
findings which are presented at a closing meeting.
Aree tematiche
What if the audit identifies deficiences?
FVO reports may make recommendations to assist the Competent Authorities in taking corrective measures.
The actions made are followed up either admininstratively, in general follow-up audits in Member States, or by
on the spot audits.
If non-compliances are sufficiently serious, stronger actions may be taken by the European Commission in
agreement with Member States, these include legal action, restrictions or even bans on the movement of
goods or animals.
What else does the FVO do?
As well as the individual Audit reports the FVO produces Overview reports which are discussed with
stakeholders to help with implementation, or may help in the production of new legislation. TRACES!gH83GQ
keep it safe
Aree tematiche
Aree tematiche
Our objective is to protect and raise the health status and condition of animals in the Community, in particular foodproducing animals, whilst permitting intra-Community trade and imports of animals and animal products in accordance
with the appropriate health standards and international obligations.
Preventive health measures on intra-community trade and imports of:
live animals
semen, ova and embryos
products of animal origin
Community legislation on animal diseases:
new Animal Health Strategy to improve the prevention and control of animal disease in the EU
control measures, to be taken as soon as the the presence of a disease is suspected
eradication and monitoring programmes, for the diseases that are already within the Community
EU financial contribution
Other activities:
Community Veterinary Emergency Team
Identification measures, to guarantee the traceability of the animals
Expert group on Animal Health
Aree tematiche
The European Commission's activities in this area start with the recognition that animals are sentient beings. The
general aim is to ensure that animals need not endure avoidable pain or suffering and obliges the owner/keeper of
animals to respect minimum welfare requirements.
EU legislation on the protection of animals
• on the farm and in particular laying hens, calves and pigs
• during transport
• at time of slaughter or killing
Aree tematiche
Satisfactory results in animal production depend to a large extent on the use of domestic animals
of high genetic quality. The Community's zootechnical legislation aims at the promotion of free
trade in breeding animals and their genetic material considering the sustainability of breeding
programs and preservation of genetic resources.
Zootechnics issues
• Breeding programmes of approved organisations on the basis of harmonised rules
• Zootechnical legislation
Aree tematiche
Associazioni connesse alla Comunità Europea
al Parlamento
Rappresentanza in Parlamento
Building a Europe that cares for animals
Our Vision
We are passionate about creating a society where animal welfare is fully considered and where;
• Every animal lives in an environment where they can perform their natural behaviour • Cruelty to animals is not tolerated • The welfare of all animals is protected by European legislation Achievements
Through our work Eurogroup for Animals has
achieved many things including:
• The legal obligation under the EU Treaty to consider animals as sentient beings when
drafting legislation
• Calves can not be kept in small veal crates in the EU since end of 2006
• Barren battery cages for egg laying hens are illegal since 1 January 2012
• Pregnant sows need to be kept in groups with enough space to move around from 1 January
• Using accepted alternative of non-animal test methods in research and safety testing is
now an obligation
• The sales of cosmetic products tested on animals has been phased out • It is forbidden to import birds caught in the wild for the pet trade
• Zoos have a duty to keep animals in good conditions and need to contribute to conservation
Associazioni che collaborano con
Commissione e Parlamento
The European Veterinary profession, embodied by FVE, strives to promote animal health, animal welfare
and public health across Europe.
Together with its members, FVE aims to support veterinarians in delivering their professional
responsibilities at the best possible level, recognised and valued by society.
We are important!
veterinarians contribute - in a unique way - to the prevention
and control of health and welfare issues in animals, including
wildlife and related human health problems.
Associazioni che collaborano con
Commissione e Parlamento
FVE) was founded in 1975.
Today, we represent 46 national veterinary organizations
across 38 European countries and 4 vibrant Sections, each of which represents
key groups within our profession:
Practitioners (UEVP),
Hygienists (UEVH),
Veterinary State Officers (EASVO)
Veterinarians in Education
Research and Industry (EVERI).
Our aim remains to create the right conditions so we can carry out the tasks society has
conferred on us: to care for animal health and welfare and veterinary public health.
Attività della FVE
Curently FVE has the following Working Groups & Working Parties:
• Animal Welfare Model Curriculum
• Food safety & quality
• Medicines
• Transport
: Transporting live animals over long distance is already for decades a great concern for animal welfare
and still stays today. The working group on transport greatly contributed to the Regulation No 1/2005
on the protection of animals during transport.
L'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare (EFSA)
è un'agenzia europea indipendente, finanziata
dal bilancio dell'UE e operante in modo autonomo
dalla Commissione europea, dal Parlamento europeo
e dagli Stati membri dell’UE.
consiglio di
amministrazione composto da 15 membri
I gruppi di esperti e i
dipartimenti scientifici
approva il programma
di lavoro annuale
Forniscono consulenza scientifica agli
organi decisionali europei nei settori della
-sicurezza degli alimenti e dei mangimi,
Il Direttore esecutivo
è il legale rappresentante dell'Autorità
-della salute e del benessere degli animali
-della protezione delle piante e della
salute dei vegetali.
responsabile della redazione del programma
di lavoro annuale in consultazione con
la Commissione europea,
il Parlamento europeo e gli
Stati membri
Il foro consultivo dell'EFSA rappresenta
il punto di incontro tra l'EFSA e le
autorità nazionali per la sicurezza
alimentare presenti in tutti i 28 Stati
membri dell'UE, nonché in Islanda e
Norvegia, con osservatori dalla
Svizzera e dalla Commissione europea.
How does it work…
Tutte le attività dell’EFSA si ispirano a una serie di valori fondamentali, vale a dire l’eccellenza
scientifica, l’indipendenza, l’apertura e la trasparenza, la capacità di reazione.
Opportunità di lavoro:
Come candidarsi per un posto vacante all’EFSA
Solo le candidature pervenute all’EFSA in risposta a uno specifico
avviso di posto vacante pubblicato sul suo sito Internet sono
ammesse a partecipare alle procedure di selezione.
Database per cercare un lavoro tramite la comunità europea
Altri siti utili

Aree tematiche - Scuola di Agraria e Medicina Veterinaria