Dr. Edoardo Verna Dpt Cardiology Ospedale di Circolo & Fondazione Macchi - University of Insubria, Varese, Italy Stent Post-Dilatation of long Coronary artery Lesions with a “conic balloon” 56 years old male Prior inferior wall STEMI -> PCI of RCA (BMS) 2003 Recurrent chest pain “significant” Multivessel CAD progression Baseline Prox DES Distal DES After Stent After Stent Conic Vascular balloon After post-dilatation with CVB Conic Vascular balloon Stent before post-dilation MLA 5.3 mm2 distal MLA 5.0 mm2 After Conic Vascular Balloon post-dilation Proximal MLA 7.0 mm2 MLA 9.8 mm2 Baseline BA inflation Coronary “wedge” pressure After Stent “conic” post-dilation