Inhabitants Today Italy counts 61million inhabitants, 2.9 millions more than ten years ago. The population has increased thanks to the flow of incoming foreigners. They are 5 millions + allegedly 2 million illegal immigrants. Italian population without foreigners Where are they from? 15% 3% 25% 2% 10% 18% 10% 17% Romania Albania Morocco Ukraine China The Philippines Moldavia Others Distribution of foreign residents by region 86% of foreign residents live in the North and Centre, only 14% in the South Emilia Romagna Lazio Campania Sardinia Basilicata Calabria Apulia Abruzzo Molise Trentino Alto Adige Aosta Valley Umbria Marche Toscana Friuli Venezia Giulia Lombardy Veneto Liguria 0 5 10 15 Foreign population by age and sex DATE OF BIRTH AGE Males Females Babies In Italy 18% of newborn babies are foreigners. Since 2002 births of foreign babies have increased of 209%. We can notice this increase in births of foreign children also from their presence in Italian schools. Foreign nationalities at I.T.E. Tosi 25% Albania Pakistan Morocco 20% Ecuador Sri Lanka Arabia 15% Angola China Romania Moldavia 10% Japan Macedonia Philippines 5% Ukraine Perù Senegal Bangladesh 0% Cuba Kossovo Sport At the 2012 London Olympic Games 27 Italian athletes out of 276 had foreign origins. Never before so many Italian athletes of foreign origins had competed in the Olympic Games. They are the symbol of an increasingly multiethnic In Italian football 2013-2014 A division you can find 48 Argentine players, 47 Brasilian players, 17 Uruguayan players, 13 French players and 13 Colombian players. Problems linked to multicultural Italy • • • • Illegal immigrants Lampedusa Illegal employment Racism Crimes