2000 Douglas Hanahan , Robert A. Weinberg Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation Cell Volume 144, Issue 5 2011 646 - 674 2011 Douglas Hanahan , Robert A. Weinberg Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation Cell Volume 144, Issue 5 2011 646 - 674 La cellula tumorale acquisisce queste caratteristiche mediante • mutazioni • alterazioni epigenetiche in un processo mutagenico multi-step Mutazioni Mutazioni puntiformi Brevi inserzioni/delezioni CNA (copy number abnormalities): gain, loss, amplificazioni Aberrazioni cromosomiche bilanciate: traslocazioni, inversioni Mutazioni di oncogeni: gain-of-function, amplificazione, e/o iperespressione Mutazioni di oncosoppressori: loss-of-function, delezione, e/o silenziamento epigenetico Teoria della selezione clonale Eterogeneità clonale Più cloni (derivati da una unica cellula di origine del tumore, ma caratterizzati da eterogeneità genetica) possono coesistere contemporaneamente nella massa tumorale Colorectal Cancer TUMOR MUCOSA Intratumor heterogeneity by double-sampling data Mean of correlation coefficient in 18 double sampling pairs 0.8 Within pairs 0.75 Between pairs 0.19 Computational Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project was started in 2006 with the goal of collecting and profiling over 10,000 tumor samples from at least 20 tumor types. Half of these studies have been completed so far. The globally coordinated International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), of which TCGA is a member, will add thousands more samples and additional tumor types The cancer genome hyperbola The distribution of SFEs in tumors indicates that the number of copy number alterations in a sample (x axis) is approximately anticorrelated with the number of somatic mutations in a sample (y axis). We separated cases (84%) with a mutation rate of < 8.24 per 106 and those with mutation rates of >12 per 106 (median number of total mutations 728), which we designated as hypermutated Mutazioni “driver” che portano a variazioni funzionali importanti per il fenotipo tumorale Mutazioni “passenger” : neutrali, dovute all’instabilità del genoma delle cellule tumorali Overall, we identified 32 somatic recurrently mutated genes in the hypermutated and nonhypermutated cancers. After removal of nonexpressed genes, there were 15 and 17 in the hypermutated and non-hypermutated cancers, respectively Leucemia Mieloide Cronica (LMC) Il cromosoma Philadelphia: l’anomalia citogenetica responsabile della malattia 1 6 2 7 13 14 19 20 3 8 4 9 15 21 10 16 22 Dimostrabile nel 95%dei pazienti affetti da LMC 5 11 12 17 18 x Y Janet Davison Rowley (born April 5, 1925) the first scientist to identify a chromosomal translocation as the cause of leukemia and other cancers. Formazione del cromosoma Philadelphia(Ph) La traslocazione t (9;22) Cromosoma Cromosoma 9 9+ Cromosoma Cromosoma 22 Ph bcr Bcr-Abl abl Proteina di fusione con attività tirosina-chinasica leucemogenica The constitutive TK activity of BCR-ABL is the primary factor causing the expansion of the Ph-positive clone Autophosphorylation by dimerization BCR ABL BCR Phosphorylation of substrates ABL P Tyr Tyr General overview RAS JAK-STAT BCR/ABL MYC 1. Activation of proliferation F-actin Paxillin PIK3 -AKT 2. Changes in adhesion to stromal layer 3- Inhibition of apoptosis NUCLEUS Cell Cycle LEUCEMIA PROMIELOCITICA ACUTA Role of transcription factors involved in promyelocytic acute leukemia Apoptosis (via p53 and/or Rb) Terminal myeloid differentiation Oncogenesis