General Information
Venue Location
Ministry of Health
Via G. Ribotta, 5 - 00144 Roma
Official Language
English - Italian (simultaneous translation provided)
IInd International Breast Surgery Workshop
“Problems, Complications and Safety”
Master on Breast Reconstruction 2010
Endorsed by Ministry of Health, EURAPS, SICPRE, ACPIC, SIM
Inscription Fees
Includes workshop, coffee break, lunch and congress bag
On site booking
€ 150,00
Two days
€ 200,00
Gala dinner € 100,00
Trainee € 100,00
Trainee € 140,00
Gala dinner with ‘Antologia Napoletana’
Tenore (F. Pittari), Soprano (L. Benevento), Voce recitante (A. Speranza),
Pianoforte (D. Somma)
Circolo Ufficiali delle Forze Armate d’Italia
Via XX Settembre, 2 - Roma
Dark Suit is required
The request for ECM accreditation has been sent to the Ministry of Health.
Registration must be paid to:
Formazione ed Eventi S.r.l.
Uncredit Banca di Roma - IBAN IT86C0200805201000401320851
Scientific Secretary
G. Paolini, L. Renzi, FR. Grippaudo, B. Longo
Organizing Secretary
President: F. Santanelli
Honorary President: N. Scuderi
Formazione ed Eventi Srl
Via del Babuino, 70 - 00187 Roma
Tel. e Fax 06.64495253 - 06.89535781
[email protected]
14-15 Gennaio 2011 - Ministry of Health
Via G. Ribotta, 5 - 00144 Roma
Friday 14 January 2011
08.00 Registration
08.25 Opening ceremony
08.30 The Minister of Health
08.40 Dean of the Faculty
08.50 Hospital General Manager
09.00 - 09.30 Keynote lecture
‘Foreign body reaction to prosthesis: our enemy’
N. Scuderi, F. Santanelli
F. Fazio
V. Ziparo
V. de Salazar
Hotel Valadier
Via della Fontanella, 15 - 00187 Rome
Tel. +39.06.3611998
[email protected]
N. Scuderi
Breast reconstruction with tissue expander and prosthesis
Hotel Diplomatic
President: C. D’Aniello Chairman: C. Alfano - C. Magliocca
09.30 Complication with expander/prosthesis
G. De Santis
09.50 Problems with prosthesis malpositioning
C. Alfano
10.10 Problems of breast prosthesis in irradiated
P. Persichetti
10.30 Problems with Baker device in breast
G. Molea
10.50 Factors influencing suction drainage permanence C. Rubino
11.10 Minimizing complications in breast reconstructive
surgery with the use of new collagen matrix
M. Newman
Via Vittoria Colonna, 28 - 00193 Rome
Tel. +39.06.6861734 Fax +39.06.6832685
Hotel Caprice
Via Liguria, 38 - 00187 Rome
Tel. +39.06.4882188 Fax +39.06.484812
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break
Breast reconstruction with pedicled flaps
President: P. Palombo Chairman: S. Suominen - Z. Arnez
12.00 Breast reconstruction and radiotherapy,
decision making
C. Rubino
12.20 Risk factors in breast reconstruction
L. Grimaldi
12.40 TDAP flap, tips and pitfalls
M. Hamdi
13.00 Problems in Immediate Latissimus Dorsii flap
G. Paolini
13.20 The problem of breast resection to
superior quadrants
F. Santanelli
13.40 - 14.40 Lunch
C. Alfano (Perugia)
C. Magliocca (Roma)
Z. Arnez (Trieste)
M. Mazzocchi (Roma)
P. Berrino (Genova)
G. Molea (Napoli)
A. Bonifacino (Roma)
F. Moschella (Palermo)
A. G. Botti (Salò)
E. Muti (Milano)
G.V. Campus (Sassari)
M. Newman (Cleveland)
R. Cipriani (Bologna)
G. Nicoletti (Napoli)
A. Cordova (Palermo)
P. Palombo (Roma)
F. D’Andrea (Napoli)
G. Paolini (Roma)
C. D’Aniello (Siena)
M. Pelle Ceravolo (Roma)
H. De Bruijn (Hengelo)
P. Persichetti (Roma)
V. De Salazar ( Roma)
A. Portincasa (Foggia)
G. De Santis (Modena)
C. Potenza (Roma)
K. Exner (Heidelberg)
C. Rubino (Sassari)
F. Fazio (Milano)
F. Santanelli (Roma)
A. Felici (Roma)
P.L. Santi (Genova)
L. Grimaldi (Siena)
S. Suominen (Helsinki)
M. Hamdi (Gent)
M. Schiavon (Udine)
P. Heden (Stockholm)
N. Scuderi (Roma)
H. Holmström (Goteborg)
F. Stagno d’Alcontres (Messina)
M. Klinger (Milano)
M. Valeriani (Roma)
R. Khouri (Miami)
V. Ziparo (Roma)
14.40 - 15.10 Keynote lecture
‘Breast reconstruction: from prosthesis to autologus
tissue transfer’
H. Holmström
Breast reconstruction with autologus tissues
President: F. Moschella Chairman: M. Hamdi - C. Amanti
15.10 Role of preoperative imaging in autologus
tissue transfer
M. Schiavon
15.30 Is there real need for preoperative imaging in
autologus tissue transfer?
R. Cipriani
15.50 Problems and morbidity using axillary
recipient vessels
F. Santanelli
16.10 Problems and morbidity using internal
mammary recipient vessels
A. Cordova
16.30 Partial necrosis in DIEP flap
Z. Arnez
16.50 - 17.20 Coffee break
President: G. Molea Chairman: A. Bonifacino - C. Potenza
17.20 IGFC flap
C. Exner
17.40 Risk and benefits of autologus fat transplantation
in breast reconstruction
R. Khouri
18.00 Indication and problems in breast reconstruction
with TMG flap
S. Suominen
18.20 The loss of nipple projection
M. Schiavon
20.00 Welcome cocktail and Gala dinner
Saturday 15 January 2011
Board certification master 2008 & 2009
Committee: F. Santanelli, G. Paolini, C. Amanti, A. Bonifacino
08.20 Candidates 2008/09: P. Capasso, L. Miranda, I.F. Rapisarda,
F. Schonauer, M. Sorotos
Candidates 2009/10: E. Grella, B. Longo, D. Palimento,
M. Pagnoni, A. Strano
Breast reduction
President: G.V. Campus Chairman: F. D’Andrea - A. Felici
08.30 Breast reduction: complications and outcome
M. Hamdi
08.50 Problems with superior pedicle in large
reduction mammaplasty
A. Cordova
09.10 Problems with Strömbek reduction mammaplasty P. Heden
09.30 Central pedicle for a safe vascular supply
to the NAC
A. Portincasa
09.50 Results optimization with Lejure reduction
C. Exner
10.10 Problem with NAC transfer during breast
H. Holmström
10.30 Learning curve on Breast reduction in a teaching
S. Suominen
10.50 - 11.20 Coffee break
Breast lift
President: N. Scuderi Chairman: H. Holmström - G. Nicoletti
11.20 Problems to optimize results in ex-obese patients F. Moschella
11.40 Autoprosthesis with breast gland rotation
C. D’Aniello
12.00 Prevention of recurrent ptosis with mesh
reinforced mastopexy
H. De Bruijn
12.20 Ptosis and hypotrophy: related problems
12.40 Experience caveas and hint dealing with
periareolar mastopexy
M. Pelle Ceravolo
13.00 - 13.30 Keynote lecture
‘Autologus augmentation: how to safely proceed’
R. Khouri
G. Botti
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
Breast augmentation I
President: P.L. Santi Chairman: R. Khouri - F. Stagno D’Alcontres
14.30 Common and rare errors in B.A.M.:
how to solve them
E. Muti
14.50 Problems with Polyurethane device
G. De Santis
15.10 Correction by secondary breast augmentation
M. Klinger
15.30 Breast implants: inert and stable devices?
P. Berrino
15.50 Problems with amorous squeezing
A. Portincasa
16.10 - 16.40 Coffee break
16.40 - 17.10 Keynote lecture
‘Prevention of unfavourable result in Breast
P. Heden
Breast augmentation II
President: G. De Santis Chairman: P. Heden - M. Valeriani
17.30 New approach to capsule contracture
G. Molea
17.50 Pharmacologic treatment of capsular contracture M. Mazzocchi
18.10 Indication for subglandular vs. submuscolar
C. Alfano
18.30 Avoidance and treatment of submuscolar
dynamic distortion
M. Pelle Ceravolo
18.50 Adjournment

breast surgery workshop libretto 2011