The Po Delta Park Raffaella Tommasi Comacchio - ITALY Geographical Setting Adriatic Sea PO DELTA PARK AREA The Po Delta Park offers a significative variety of natural environments and cultural attractions. For example it’s possible to see: Remains of the primitive mediterranean wood hygrophilus woods lagoons Brackish and fresh water marshes Saltpans and riparial areas of rivers and canals Rests of present and ancient dunal system There are also important architectural sites Mesola Castle Pomposa Abbey Cervia Salt Warehause The Park has been included in the list during the session of the World Heritage Committee held on December 2nd, 1999 in Marrakech, Morocco; the new site has been called "Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta", since it is an extension of the Este town site already present in the List since 1995. In its justification for the inclusion, the Committee praises the extraordinary natural ecosystem which was closely linked by man to the town between the 14th and the 16th century. Main human activities in the Park: Agriculture (22.000 ha) Aquaculture (19.000 ha) Hunting Tourism (650.000-700.000pax/year) Master Plan The Master Plan of the Coast of the Regional Po Delta Park is a document elaborated by the Park with the contributions of the Provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna, of the Emilia–Romagna Regional Authority and the European Union. It is a tool for the local management of a protected area, and is driven by innovation and research. What is included in MP cannot be imposed like a law, but on the other hand is available to every Institution in order to realize a pratical approach to sustainable development. The missions of the project are: knowledge, regulation and strategy. Emilia-Romagna Region Po Delta Park Area Goro Lagoon Comacchio Lagoon Public and private propriety of “water” Touristic paths by boats, foot, bycicles and bird watching Touristic paths in Valleys houses sitors Centers Palazzone di S. Alberto – S. Alberto (Ra) Centro Visita Saline di Cervia Visitors Centers Centro di Educazione Ambientale di Mesola Manifattura dei Marinati Casa Monti Visitors Centers Museo del carico della Nave Romana di Comacchio Centro documentale della Bonifica Presso l’antico impianto Idrovoro di Marozzo Museo del Territorio Visitors Centers Museo delle Valli di Argenta Museo della Bonifica Idrovora Saiarino Cà Vecchia Visitors Centers Ecomuseo della civiltà palustre – Etnoparco Villanova delle Capanne Musa – Museo del sale, Magazzini del Sale “Torre” The end of Presentation