EcoDry: Ultra-efficient dry-type transformers with upgraded temperature class insulating materials (hi-T plus) and HiDry72 – dry transformers for subtransmission stations. Abstract ABB is committed to developing all its products to meet ever-more-demanding environmental and efficiency requirements. The ultra-efficient dry-type transformers have been greatly improved in terms of efficiency, specifically tailored to the particular application identified, for customers with a commitment to environmental protection and cost-awareness. A production line is the EcoDry with losses even highly lower than those indicated in the CEI EN 50541-1 standard. The transformers are manufactured using class H (hi-T plus) insulating materials. They assure transformer life duration, at the same ambient temperature, much longer than that of transformers manufactured with class F insulating materials. As alternative the transformer may carry a permanent overload of 15%. These transformers are already in line with the European Regulation under preparation, referring to the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC. The first Tier of the Regulation is expected to be in force in the 2015. The same commitment in favor of the environment pushed ABB to develop a dry type transformer line with a highest system voltage of 72,5 kV and max rated power of 63 kVA with on load tap changer. The transformers have no safety risk due to fire; do not need fire protection, have a better and more attractive use of inner-city areas. The substations can be installed underground or in buildings. It make possible to enter with higher voltage into mega-cities and buildings. They are especially suitable for water protection and fire risk areas. Francesco Colla Nato a Montebello Vicentino (VI) nel 1940. Si è laureato presso l’Università di Padova in Ingegneria Industriale Elettronica nel 1966. Ora è consulente di ABB S.p.A. E’ Presidente della Commissione Tecnica Trasformatori di ANIE, membro del CT 14 Trasformatori del CEI e del WG IEC 60076-20 Energy Efficiency for Transformers. Ha lavorato presso CGE, Ducati Energia, Ansaldo ed ABB dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore Tecnico dei Trasformatori di distribuzione. E’ stato Presidente del CEI CT33 e Segretario del IEC TC 15. E’ autore di una cinquantina di articoli presentati a congressi internazionali.