11 unit Computer Technology (1)
1. Inserisci can oppure could in modo appropriato.
1.Where is my umbrella? I …………… (not) find it.
2.…………… I speak to you,please?
3.Why …………… (not) Jane come to you?
4.We …………… see the TV very well.
5.My little sister …………… use a computer.
6.…………… I borrow your pen, John?
7.…………… I go out?
8.…………… I borrow your book?
2. Completa le seguenti frasi con may oppure may not.
1.Paul …………… come tonight. He isn’t well.
2.Don’t forget the umbrella. It …………… rain
3.There …………… be fog on the roads. Pay attention!
4.He hasn’t studied much. He …………… fail the exam.
5.Tom has hurt his head. He …………… be able to play tennis.
6.Are you ready? Our parents …………… arrive.
7.How old is she?- She …………… be ten.
8.We …………… go out if it is…………… cold.
3. Inserisci may oppure can.
1.My little sister …………… play guitar very well.
2.…………… I use your phone?
3.…………… I leave the office earlier?
4.…………… you make a cup of tea?
5.Robert …………… be watching TV in this room.
6.…………… I borrow your bike?
7.Mary …………… be at home.
8.It …………… rain again today.
4. Inserisci may, might, can, oppure could. A volte è possibile più di una soluzione
1.He …………… be hungry when he comes home. (abbastanza probabile)
2.He said he …………… be late.
3.I …………… not be at home at 7.
4.This is Mr Smith …………… I leave a message for Rob?
5.I think he …………… be the teacher we‘re looking for.(abbastanza probabile)
6.…………… you be happy!
7.…………… you help me, John?- Yes, sure.
8.Tom …………… not arrive. He said he had not the car.
5. Trasforma le frasi come da esempio, per esprimere proibizioni.
Don’t open the door. You mustn’t open the door.
1.Don’t eat here
2.Don’t get up late
3.Don’t talk in the classroom .................................................................
4.Don’t walk on the grass
6. Usa must per esprimere deduzione affermativa e can’t per deduzione negativa
in modo adeguato al contesto.
1.You …………… be thirsty! You’ve just drunk two bottles of water.
2.There is nobody at home. They …………… be at the cinema.
3.Bob hasn’t eaten anything all day. He …………… be very hungry.
4.She ate and drank a lot last night. She …………… be on a diet.
5.They …………… be sleeping. The phone is ringing but nobody is answering.
6.They …………… be at home. All the light are off.
7.Mr. And Mrs Jones have got a new car. They …………… be very rich.
8.It …………… be raining again!
7. Completa adeguatamente con must oppure to have nel tempo e nella forma
1.Sorry, I can’t come out tonight. I …………… study.
2.Sorry, I …………… go home. I …………… feed the cat and the dog.
3.We …………… to get up early if we want to leave.
4.You (not) …………… smoke
5.My family …………… to move out of our flat
6.They (not) …………… to get up early.
7.Jane …………… be younger than me.
8.You (not) …………… invite them.
8. Completa le frasi con should oppure shouldn’t per dare consigli/suggerimenti.
1.We …………… hurry. We’re a bit late.
2.She …………… visit her parents.
3.You …………… tease the dog.
4.I think you …………… drive so fast.
5.I have got a bad cold. He …………… go out.
6.It’s cold.- You …………… wear a coat.
7.The doctor said you …………… smoke so many cigarettes.
8.You are too thin. You …………… eat more.
9. Utilizza should oppure shouldn’t per esprimere supposizioni.
1.She said she’d be here by six o’clock. She …………… be late again.
2.Look! That’s Tim …………… he be on holiday?
3.He …………… play tennis well by now.
4.I don’t think Bob is at home. He …………… be at work at the moment.
10. Completa le frasi con will / won’t / would / wouldn’t in modo adeguato.
1.The car was so old that the engine …………… start.
2.…………… you buy me some cheese?
3.Who …………… you like to invite?
4.…………… you give me that price-list?
5.…………… you like something else?
6.Where …………… you like to go tonight?
7.…………… you stop talking!
8.…………… you mind closing the window?