M. Cammareri - N. Crowe
Esercizi integrativi
di lingua inglese
Trevisini Editore
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Unit 1
Pagina 6
1. Matching.
1. November 24th. 2. a cell phone. 3. very much.
4. Summer. 5. birthday? 6. the date, please? 7. today?
2. Questions.
1. on the third of October.
2. a book, a novel.
3. Roger.
4. on the first of July.
5. on the twenty-sixth of February.
6. Diana.
3. Translate into English.
1. what date is it today?
2. it is the twenty-third of November.
3. tomorrow is Tom’s birthday.
4. are you going to give him a present?
5. yes, I want to give him a present.
6. what are you going to give him?
7. a book; a novel.
8. that’s good idea.
4. Fill in the blanks. Completa inserendo correttamente le seguenti parole.
Tomorrow is Roger’s birthday. He was born on the
third of October. Patty wants to give him a novel for
his birthday. Diana is going to give him a CD because
Roger likes music.
Patty was born in summer. She was born on the first of
July. Diana was born in Winter. She was born on the
26th of February.
Pagina 7
1. Questions.
1. Because he was in London.
2. At the cinema.
3. Bill was at home.
4. John was probably at Susan’s party.
2. Translate into English.
1. Yesterday you were not at school? Why?
2. Yesterday I was in London with my father.
3. Friday night I was at the cinema.
4. I was at the cinema with my cousin.
5. Bill and John were not with me.
6. Bill was at home. John was at a party.
3. True/False.
1. Yesterday Henry was in Paris.
2. Friday night he was at a party.
3. Bill and John were not at the cinema.
4. Bill and John were at home.
Pagina 8
1. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio e con le
indicazioni date.
1. You were not in Italy last week.
2. Tom was not at home last night.
3. They were not here in the afternoon.
4. I was not with Laura at 4 o’clock.
2. Questions.
1. Henry. 2. in London. 3. His cousin.
4. No, they were not.
3. Matching.
1. he was in Paris.
2. at the cinema.
3. his cousin.
4. Susan’s party.
3. True/False.
1. Yesterday Henry was at home.
2. Friday night he was at the cinema.
3. Bill and John were with Henry.
4. John was probably at Susy’s party.
Pagina 9
2. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio.
1. Tuesday is the second day of the week.
2. Wednesday is the third day of the week.
3. Thursday is the fourth day of the week.
4. Friday is the fifth day of the week.
5. Saturday is the sixth day of the week.
6. Sunday is the seventh day of the week.
3. Scrivi come Jane Brown impiega il tempo libero
durante la settimana.
1. Jane goes to the seaside on Tuesday.
2. Jane meets Tony and Kate on Wednesday.
3. Jane plays tennis with Chris on Thursday.
4. Jane goes shopping with her mother on Friday.
5. Jane goes to a disco on Saturday.
6. Jane goes to church and visits the grandparents on
Pagina 10
Pagina 11
1. Identifica le persone delle tesserine – boy, girl,
man, woman e svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio
1. Scegli la frase esatta e scrivila sotto la relativa
This is a man.
His name is Harold Smith.
He lives in Croydon.
His address is 19 Church Road.
He was born on the 26th of July.
This is a girl.
Her name is Helen White.
She lives in Cardiff.
Her address is 18 Victoria Street.
She was born on the 15th of March.
This is a woman.
Her name is Lauren Crowe.
She lives in Chicago.
Her address is 42 Foster Avenue.
She was born on the 10th of October.
This is a boy.
His name is Peter Nelson.
He lives in Bath.
His address is 60 Market Square.
He was born on the 23rd of November.
1. This boy is fourteen years old.
His birthday is on January 4th.
2. Carlotta and Lauren are twins.
They were born in South Africa.
3. This woman is forty-one years old.
Her birthday is on September 3rd.
4. This girl is fifteen years old.
Her birthday is on October 2nd.
5. This man is forty-five years old.
His birthday is on December 1st.
6. This police woman is my cousin.
She was born on Christmas Day.
Unit 2
3. Matching.
1. on the sixth of April.
2. the garden of her grandparents.
3. at Diana’s birthday party.
4. and had a great time yesterday.
Pagina 14
1. Questions.
1. In Brighton.
2. 24 Spring Road.
3. April 7th.
4. On the 6th of April.
5. Yesterday.
6. It was her birthday.
7. Her classmates.
8. 20.
9. Delicious.
10. Diana and her guests.
Pagina 15
2. Completa con a lot of oppure very.
1. Naples is a very beautiful city.
2. I have got a lot of friends in Rome.
3. My cousin Peter drinks a lot of tea.
4. Mr Mike Moss has got a lot of money.
5. Linda’s new house was very nice.
6. Robert’s sister was very pretty.
2. True/False.
1. Diana lives at 24 Brighton Road.
2. She had a party on the sixth of April.
3. There were a lot of people at her party.
4. There were Diana’s all schoolfriends.
5. Diana had her party in a garden.
6. The music was not very good.
3. Completa inserendo much oppure many.
1. There are not many books on the desk.
2. Are there many pupils in that school?
3. There is not much water in the glass.
4. Peter Johnson has not got much money.
5. My father does not drink much coffee.
6. Meg usually does not eat many sweets.
Pagina 16
1. Completa queste frasi con le parole mancanti.
1. My friends were in the garden.
2. They watched TV in the evening.
3. He studied in a British School.
4. There was a good film on TV.
5. The boys had lunch at school.
1. Fred is going to England next month.
2. He is going to England when school is over.
3. Fred goes to England to improve his English.
4. Last year he studied in a language school.
2. Matching.
1. when school is over?
2. I never speak Italian.
3. at a language school.
4. in the morning.
5. I never stayed at home.
3. Volgi queste frasi alla forma negativa sostituendo le parole in corsivo con quelle indicate
in parentesi.
1. We did not visit Mr Brown.
2. Tom did not receive a letter.
Pagina 17
1. Completa le frasi inserendo il verbo tra parentesi al tempo passato.
1. You played tennis on Tuesday.
2. She arrived here last month
3. It rained hard this morning
4. We stayed at home last night
5. They phoned me a week ago.
Unit 3
1. To London.
2. At seven.
3. At seven thirty.
4. At Puddington.
5. By bus.
5. Translate into English.
3. Ask questions. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo
1. did the aeroplane stop?
2. did Mat see?
3. did Mat travel?
4. did Mat get up?
1. I arrived at school on time yesterday.
2. I waited for Tom at the bus stop this morning.
3. Tom played tennis with Jimmy last week.
4. They had a nice house in the mountain.
1. I got up early; at seven.
2. The train left at half past seven.
3. The train arrived at Victoria Station.
4. At ten I took a bus to Buckingham Palace.
1. Questions.
1. William got up late yesterday.
2. William went to London by bus.
3. His train arrived at Victoria.
4. He went to Buckingham Palace.
5. William saw the Queen yesterday.
4. Modifica queste frasi secondo l’esempio ed
eliminando le parole in corsivo.
4. Translate into English.
Pagina 20
2. True/False.
2. Volgi le seguenti frasi al passato usando
was/were, had o il past simple degli altri verbi.
1. How did you travel?
2. Did you travel by train?
3. What time did you get up?
4. What time did you arrive?
Pagina 21
1. Scrivi le domande secondo l’esempio. Write
questions as follows.
1.What did you play?
2. What did you see on TV?
3. What did you read?
4. What did you eat?
5. What did you drink?
6. Who did you phone?
7. When did you have?
8. Where did you go then?
Pagina 22
1. Accoppia le frasi con le relative illustrazioni.
Match the sentences with the pictures.
1. He couldn’t ride a bike
2. He could read a newspaper
3. He couldn’t drive a car
4. He could phone his friends
5. He could listen to the radio
6. He couldn’t play tennis
7. He couldn’t go for walks
8. He could watch television
2. Scrivi l’infinito di questi verbi irregolari.
do – meet – sleep – pay – write – buy – sell – read – take
– give.
3. Completa l’esercizio con il passato dei verbi
sopra riportati.
Pagina 23
1. Volgi le seguenti frasi al passato. Consulta la
tabella sotto riportata.
1. Ted did his homework with me.
2. I met my friends at 4 o’clock.
3. We slept in my brother’s room.
4. Betty paid 90 pence for lunch.
5. She wrote a letter every day.
6. They bought food in a supermarket.
1. Descrivi il tempo della scorsa settimana,
giorno per giorno, secondo le indicazioni
delle illustrazioni.
Pagina 25
1. Questions.
1. To run.
2. Changeable.
3. To watch TV.
4. No, she does not like watching TV for hours.
5. Cindy.
1. Cindy wants to go to the park today.
2. The weather is very warm today.
3. Cindy likes to watch TV very much.
4. The weather is changeable in spring.
Pagina 26
1. Scrivi sotto ciascun disegno la frase esatta che
sceglierai fra le seguenti.
1. It is windy.
2. It is foggy.
3. It is raining.
4. It is snowing.
5. It is cloudy.
6. It is sunny.
1. Meg wrote me a letter from New York.
2. Benny paid one pound for his lunch.
3. That man slept in a very nice hotel.
4. Pamela met Robert at Susan’s party.
5. I did my homework in the afternoon.
6. I gave her a book for her birthday.
7. Mrs Lee bought high quality clothes.
8. We took the bus every day.
9. Mr Smith sold that car in Germany.
10. Richard often read American books.
Pagina 27
Unit 4
2. True/False.
7. Dad sold fruit and vegetables.
8. He read the newspaper at home.
9. I took a bus to go to London.
10. They gave us one pound a day.
1. It was raining on Tuesday.
2. It was foggy on Wednesday.
3. It was changeable on Thursday.
4. It was windy on Friday.
5. It was sunny on Saturday.
6. It was cloudy on Sunday.
Pagina 28
1. Descrivi il tempo in base alle indicazioni delle
1. It was sunny yesterday.
2. It is windy today.
3. It will be cloudy tomorrow.
4. It was changeable yesterday.
5. It is raining today.
6. It will be foggy tomorrow.
7. It was cloudy yesterday.
8. It is sunny today.
9. It will be snowing tomorrow.
Pagina 29
Pagina 31
1. Questions.
1. Summer. 2. Because he can go to the seaside.
3. He can swim. 4. He can go skiing. 5. In Italy.
2. True/False.
1. Bob doesn’t like summer. It is too hot.
2. Swimming is Bob’s favourite sport.
3. Tom likes winter and snow very much.
4. Tom usually goes skiing in winter.
1. Modifica le seguenti frasi utilizzando per il futuro will.
1. Mr Sullivan will come home next month.
2. Mia will do her homework at four pm.
3. Bob will leave for Boston next week.
4. They will move to Brighton next year.
5. We will go to a pop concert tonight.
3. Matching.
1. I often go to the seaside. 2. It is my favourite sport.
3. but I can go skiing.
4. It is my favourite sport.
Pagina 30
1. Completa le frasi delle illustrazioni con la
parte restante che sceglierai fra le seguenti.
1. the weather is generally mild or warmer.
2. the weather is hot and often very hot.
3. the weather is usually mild or cool.
4. the weather is cold and often very cold.
2. Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio. Not now
but tomorrow.
1. No, he will go to Cardiff tomorrow.
2. No, I will go to London tomorrow.
3. No, she will leave tomorrow.
4. No, he will read this novel tomorrow.
5. No, we will go to Bath tomorrow.
6. No, they will be able to watch TV tomorrow.
Unit 5
4. Completa queste domande con how much e
con how many. Usa how much con i nomi singolari e how many con i plurali.
Pagina 34
1. How much. 2. How many. 3. How much.
4. How much. 5. How much. 6. How many.
1. Questions.
1. Anna bought some coffee.
2. She bought a small tin of Maxwell House.
3. She paid seventy-five pence.
4. She bought some apples.
5. She bought eight apples.
6. No, she did not.
5. Multiple choice. Completa le frasi con la parte finale.
2. Matching.
1. Completa le frasi inserendo correttamente some
oppure any. Usa some nelle frasi affermative e
nelle interrogative per ottenere qualcosa. Usa any
nelle frasi negative ed in quelle interrogative.
1. At the grocer’s Anna bought some coffee.
2. At the market Anna bought some apples.
3. But she didn’t buy any sugar, any tea.
4. But she didn’t buy any oranges, any bananas.
Pagina 35
1. Yes, I did.
2. At the grocer’s.
3. At the market.
4. No, I didn’t.
3. True/False.
1. Anna bought some sugar and tea.
2. She bought 5 apples and oranges.
3. Anna went shopping yesterday.
4. The girl did not buy any bananas.
1. Can I have some oranges, please?
2. Have you got any brothers, Ted?
3. Are there any books on my desk?
4. There are some boys in the room.
5. I would like some sugar, please.
6. Could I have some biscuits, Mum?
7. There isn’t any tea in the cup.
8. Has Tom Carter got any sisters?
2. Descrivi ciò che c’è e ciò che non c’è nel frigorifero secondo gli esempi dati.
2. There isn’t any coca cola.
3. There aren’t any puddings.
4. There isn’t any orange juice.
5. There aren’t any hot dogs.
6. There isn’t any mineral water.
8. There is some butter.
9. There is some cheese.
10. There are some hamburgers.
Q. How many apples did you buy?
A. Eight.
Pagina 38
1. Questions.
1. In the south-east of England.
2. Because it is a link between England and Europe.
3. On top of Castle Hill.
4. The Normans.
2. Matching.
3. Rispondi secondo l’esempio.
1. on the English Channel.
2. between Britain and Europe.
3. on the top of a hill.
4. became king of England in 1066.
1. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
2. Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
3. Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
4. Yes, have. No, I haven’t.
5. Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
4. Write questions and answere.
3. Ask Questions – Write questions for these
1. Has she got any friends? Yes, she has got a lot.
2. Has he got any cousins? Yes, he has got some.
3. Have they got any sisters? Yes, they have got one.
4. Have you got any relations? Yes, I live got a few.
1. does Jennifer live?
2. is Dover located?
3. can Jennifer see?
4. did the Normans build?
Pagina 39
Pagina 37
1. Completa le frasi con la parte restante che sceglierai fra le seguenti.
1. Questions.
1. She bought a pullover yesterday. 2. Yellow.
3. To the changing room. 4. Twenty pounds.
2. True/False.
1. Mrs Brown bought a pullover yesterday.
2. She did not like the jacket in the window.
3. There was no changing room in the shop.
4. The jacket in the window was expensive.
3. Matching.
1. Yes. Can you show me some pullovers, please?
2. A small size. I’m a 12 I think.
3. I would like a red one, please.
4. Where is the changing room, please?
4. Completa il seguente mini-dialogo con le battute elencate a destra. Q – question; A – answer.
Q. Did you go shopping yesterday?
A. Yes, I went to the market.
Q. What did you buy?
A. I bought some apples.
Q. Did you buy any vegetables?
A. No, I didn’t.
1. a book into English.
2. a new pair of jeans.
3. to that folk concert.
4. at home and watch TV.
2. Modifica le seguenti frasi secondo l’esempio dato.
1. William must not go to the cinema.
2. You must not watch TV now.
3. They must not talk all the time.
3. Would you like…? Yes, but I’d love …, too.
Svolgi l’esercizio secondo l’esempio.
1. Q. Would you like to visit Edinburgh?
A. Yes, but I’d love to visit Birmingham too.
2. Q. Would you like to buy these jeans?
A. Yes, but I’d love to buy that cardigan too.
3. Q. Would you like to eat a green salad?
A. Yes, but I’d like to eat some meat too.
4. Q. Would you like to drink a glass of milk?
A. Yes, but I’d like drink a cup of coffee too.
3. These sentences are wrong. Correct them.
Unit 6
1. Peter is not very well today.
2. He has got a temperature.
3. Tommy is going home with Peter who will give him
a lift on his bike.
Pagina 41
1. Questions.
1. To Baker Street.
2. A number 24 or a number 60.
3. Six or seven stops from here.
4. Six or seven stops from here.
5. The conductor.
2. Matching.
1. Baker Street today.
3. Without a ticket.
2. Which bus goes there.
4. The ticket to him
Pagina 42
1. Scrivi sotto ciascuna illustrazione la frase
esatta che troverai fra le seguenti.
1. The journey is long and tiring. Shall we travel by air
or train?
2. The window is open. Shall I close it, Mum?
3. The door is closed. Shall I open it, Mum?
4. I’ve got a temperature. Shall I stay in bed, doctor?
5. It’s bad weather. Shall we stay at home, Mum?
6. It’s raining. Shall I take the umbrella?
Pagina 43
1. Scrivi sotto ciascuna illustrazione la frase che
troverai qui.
1. There is a bus-stop in front of the Post Office.
2. The woman is standing between Davis and Daniel.
3. There is a computer on the right of the teacher.
4. There is a TV set on the left of the girl.
5. Richard is sitting next to his girlfriends.
6. The toilets are at the and of the corridor.
7. There was a garden behind our old house.
8. The music shop is opposite the National Bank.
Pagina 44
1. These sentences are wrong. Correct them.
1. Susy is going to stay at school.
2. Susy wants to study English, history and geography.
3. History is more difficult than geography.
2. Questions.
1. He thinks he has got a temperature.
2. Dare un passaggio.
3. By four (o’clock).
Pagina 45
1. Modifica le frasi secondo l’esempio.
1. May we go to a concert tonight?
2. May I swich on the light?
3. May we swich off the light?
1. She should go to London by train.
2. She should study in the afternoon.
3. They should go to the mountains
1. Margaret is younger than her brother.
2. History is more difficult than geography.
2. Translate into english.
1. May I close the window?
2. May we go home now?
3. Meg is more intelligent than Ted.
4. Ted in kinder than William.
5. He should help his father.
6. You should study more.
7. Our work is easier.
8. Sal is taller than her sister.
Pagina 46
1. Quali espressioni inglesi useresti per dire.
1. Excuse me, sir.
2. Can you tell me the way to the museum?
3. How can I get there?
4. And is the museum near there?
5. Thank you very much.
1. Yes? What’s the problem?
2. Certainly. The museum is not far from here.
3. Go along this street and at the traffic lights turn left.
4. The museum is on the right side of the street.
5. Don’t mention it. It’s a pleasure.
Pagina 47
1. Fill in the balloons correctly.
A. I don’t know. I don’t live here./C. I’m sorry. I’m a
stranger here.
D. Go straight on. The Post Office is just after the crossroads.
H. There’s one a short walk, from the Post Office.
1. He is very well, thanks.
2. Fifty pounds.
3. A lot.
4. Four or five hours.
5. Once a week.
6. About two miles.
Unit 7
Pagina 49
1. Questions.
1. Meat.
2. Green salad.
3. Because she is on a diet.
4. In a pub.
Pagina 53
2. True/False.
1. Rosy had a hot dog and a potato salad.
2. She preferred potato salad to green salad.
3. Rosy is on a died and ate a hamburger.
4. She was thirsty, so she had a large coke.
Pagina 52
1. Questions.
1. Sugar and cakes.
2. Because they are fattening.
3. Twice a week.
4. For lunch.
5. Milk and cereal.
6. She runs and goes to the gym.
1. Questions.
1. Because she feels better.
2. A month ago.
3. One egg, a piece of toast and a cup of tea.
4. Green or tomato salad and one bowl of soup.
5. On Saturday.
6. She walks to school.
2. True/False.
1. Alice eats two cakes a day.
2. She eats some chocolates too.
3. She has tea without sugar.
4. Alice feels better now.
5. She often drinks beer or wine.
6. Alice exercises every day.
2. Completa ora queste frasi con:
1. How are your parents now? Are they very well?
2. How much did your yellow pullover cost?
3. How many books did they buy in London?
4. How long did your brother stay in America?
5. How far is Manchester from Birmingham?
6. How often do you go to the swimming pool?
3. Matching.
1. It’s about a mile.
2. A lot of money.
3. Five hours.
4. Three times a week.
5. Only four.
6. He doesn’t feel very well.
4. Traduci e accoppia queste battute.
1. How is your brother?
2. How much does this bike cost?
3. How many friends have you got in Bristol?
4. How long do you stay at school?
5. How often do you go to the cinema?
6. How far is Bath from here?
Pagina 54
Dear Alice,
I thank you for your letter.
I am on a diet too.
For breakfast I have milk and cereal.
For lunch I eat a steak and vegetables.
I eat a lot of fruit. I like fruit very much.
I never drink alcohol or tea with sugar.
For dinner I eat fish or meat and salad.
Write to me soon.
Lots of love.
Pagina 55
1. Completa il mini-dialogo inserendo correttamente le battute di Mary.
1. To the youth club.
2. Good idea. I like coffee very much.
3. Okay, Alan. Let’s go.
4. A black coffee, please.
5. No, thanks. Just a coffee.
Pagina 61
Unit 8
1. Completa le frasi con la parte residua che troverai fra le seguenti.
Pagina 58
1. my sister Meg was sleeping.
2. they were playing tennis.
3. I was playing the guitar.
4. He was going to the park.
5. you were watching T.V.
6. He was waiting for the bus.
1. Questions.
1. Football
2. Black and blue.
3. They did not play well.
4. Home
5. Next time.
Pagina 62
3. Matching.
1. Scegli la frase esatta e scrivila sotto la relativa
1. eleven players each.
2. the ball with their hands.
3. their feet and their heads.
4. a referee, arbitro in Italy.
5. the first-half and the second-half.
Pagina 59
1. Complete with mine, yours, his, hers, ours,
1. This is the girl who works in the pub.
2. The women who are reading come from China.
3. Here is the boy who knows our language.
4. You can see the cat which ate the fish.
5. I take a train which leaves at nine o’clock.
6. The men who are playing golf are from New Zealand.
1. yours. 2. his. 3. hers. 4. yours. 5. ours. 6. theirs.
2. Say in another way.
1. ours. 2. his. 3. theirs. 4. hers. 5. yours. 6. yours.
1. Do you know the man who wrote the letter?
2. He is the mechanic who repaired our car.
3. The bus which is arriving isn’t a green bus.
4. I met the girls who work in your father’s office.
5. We can see the books which are on the table.
6. Mr Brown has a cat which eats twice a day.
7. I don’t know the boys who live with James.
8. Where is the dog which sleeps on the sofa?
Pagina 60
1. Questions.
1. A car crash.
2. Just now.
3. Home.
4. Two children.
5. Yes, he was looking at a girl.
2. True/False.
1. When the car accident happened
Bill was at home.
2. Bill was shocked because he could
not go home.
3. The boy saw that a Volvo crashed
into a Morris.
4. The driver of the Volvo was distracted.
5. He was driving his Volvo very carefully.
2. Completa le frasi inserendo il pronome relativo who per le persone e which per gli animali
e le cose.
Pagina 63
1. Look at the picture and use these phrases.
1. The woman was waiting for the bus.
2. The man was reading a newspaper.
3. The boy was eating a sandwich.
4. The girl was making a phone call.
5. I was drinking a cup of tea.
4. Whose motorbike is it?
It is my brother’s bike.
5. Whose lorry is it?
It is Mr Sander’s lorry.
Unit 9
Pagina 66
1. Questions.
1. From a mechanic. It was a present from his grandfather.
2. The mechanic.
3. A crash helmet
4. 50 km per hour.
2. True/False.
1. Mike bought his scooter with his money.
2. The mechanic taught him to drive his scooter. 3. Mike’s scooter is difficult to ride.
3. Mike must wear a crash helmet when
he rides his scooter.
3. Completa le frasi con must o needn’t. Usa
must – è necessario che, bisogna che; needn’t –
non occorre, non è necessario
1. You must go to the chemist’s and buy this medicine.
2. You needn’t go to the baker’s. We have enough bread.
3. You needn’t go to the greengrocer’s. We have plenty of fruit.
4. You must go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of milk.
4. Inserisci correttamente have to oppure had to.
1. Bob had to study hard yesterday.
2. They have to work hard this year.
3. You have to write some cards now.
4. I had to take a taxi last night.
5. Matching.
1. to ride.
2. his scooter.
3. per hour.
4. he rides his scooter.
5. compulsory.
Pagina 68
1. Questions.
1. In Paris.
2. To see an old friend and the city.
3. Two weeks.
4. Samuel’s invitation.
5. Next week.
6. In Streatham.
7. She hasn’t decided yet.
2. Fill in the blanks. Completa queste frasi con le
parole sotto elencate.
1. Cindy went to Paris to see a friend.
2. She stayed in Paris for two weeks.
3. Next week is his cousin’s birthday.
4. She has just received Samuel’s invitation.
Pagina 69
1. Modifica le seguenti frasi secondo l’esempio.
1. Has he ever been to Germany?
2. Has she ever been to France?
3. Have you ever been to Leeds?
4. Have they ever been to Spain?
2. Translate into English.
1. I have been with them.
2. I have never been to London.
3. Lauren has been with you.
4. He has never been to Rome.
5. Richard has been with me.
6. They have never been to N. Y.
7. They have been with us.
Pagina 67
1. Completa le frasi sotto ciascuna foto, come
1. Whose moped is it?
It is Jessica’s moped.
2. Whose car is it?
It is Mr Kelly’s car.
3. Whose van is it?
It is my uncle’s van.
3. Volgi queste frasi al passato prossimo. Tieni presente che i verbi regolari formano il participio
passato aggiungendo –ed, mentre i verbi irregolari hanno voci proprie. Vedi elenco che segue.
1. has had
3. have taken
2. has always left
4. have always paid
1. has always arrived
3. has never stopped
2. have helped
4. have often travelled
Pagina 70
Pagina 71
1. Guided summary – Riassunto guidato.
A lot of Italian people are interested in studying
English in England. Of course you can study English
in Italy, but the best way to improve your English is
to attend a course where the language is spoken. Here
you have the opportunity to speak and listen to the
language outside school.
There are language school all over Britain. they
provide accommodation.
2. Questions.
1. A lot.
2. In summer
3. Because they do not have to go to school.
4. Outside school.
5. With a local family.
6. All over Britain.
1. Questions.
Pagina 73
1. Questions.
2. For two nights.
5. No, it isn’t.
Joe: Hi! I’m Joe Clift. What’s your name?
You: Mario Fontana.
Joe: Where are you from? What’s your nationality?
You: I am from Bergamo. I am Italian.
Joe: And … what’s your home town?
You: Bergamo.
Joe: In what part of Italy is it located?
You: In northern Italy.
Joe: I’m staying in a hostel. Where do you live?
You: I am staying with a family.
Joe: What do you do? Why are you here?
You: I am a student. I am here to improve my English.
Joe: Why do you want to learn English?
You: Because it is important for my working life.
Joe: That’s a good reason. What are your hobbies?
You: I like music.
Joe: I must go now. It was nice to meet you. Bye.
You: Goodbye. I hope I can see you again.
Pagina 75
Unit 10
1. A single.
4. 25 pounds.
1. Immagina di essere Mario Fontana e rispondi
alle domande di Joe, un ragazzo che hai appena incontrato.
3. With a bath.
6. From 8 to 9.
Pagina 74
1. Modifica le seguenti frasi secondo l’esempio.
1. You: Good morning.
The rec.: Good morning, could help you?
2. You: I’d like a room.
The rec.: A single or a double room?
3. You: A single with private bath.
The rec.: For how many nights?
4. You: Just for one night.
The rec.: What’s your name and nationality?
5. You: How much is the room?
The rec.: Twenty-five pounds.
6. You: Is breakfast included?
The rec.: Yes, breakfast is served from 8 to 9.
1. In England there are double-decker buses.
2. It is an underground, it has 11 lines.
3. By coach or by train.
4. Yes, they are.
2. True/False.
1. The Underground is faster than most
London buses.
2. There is one standard fare on London buses.
3. From the top of a bus you can get a
wonderful view.
4. Passengers could smoke downstairs too.
Pagina 77
1. Questions.
1. to London.
2. in Brighton.
3. a ticket to London.
4. a single.
2. True/False.
1. John Fox is going to Brighton now.
2. John Fox bought a return ticket.
3. The Intercity is leaving at (13:15).
4. This train takes about an hour to get
to London.
3. Modifica le seguenti frasi.
1. May we read this book?
2. May we have a coffee?
3. May I drink wine?
1. She may like coffee.
2. He may prefer to leave.
3. They may drink only tea.
4. Translate.
1. We might arrive late.
2. Ted might leave tomorrow.
3. Meg might live in Bath.
5. Completa inserendo less o fewer. Usa fewer
con i nomi plurali.
1. They drink less wine than the boys.
2. Pat reads fewer books than her sister.
3. They worked fewer hours than that man.
4. That train takes less than two hours.
Pagina 78
1. Put the sentences below in the correct order
to complete the dialogue. Completa il dialogo
con le battute sotto riportate.
Can I help you?
There is a local train?
At half past twelve
Five pounds fifty pence.
Have a good journey.
2. Translate into English.
1. What time does the next train to London leave?
2. There is an Intercity at 12 o’clock sharp.
3. What time does it arrive in London?
4. It should arrive at a quarter past one.
5. How much is a first class ticket?
6. A single is …….
Pagina 79
1. A policeman is talking to a driver stopped at
the border. Fill in the ballons correctly using
the following answers.
1. I’m French. I live near Lyon.
2. Pierre Claude Martin.
3. I’m a tourist. I’m here on holiday.
4. At the Park Hotel in the Lake District.
5. Probably one week. It depends on the weather.
6. To Scotland and then back home.
Unit 1
...................................................................................................... 3
Unit 2
...................................................................................................... 4
Unit 3
...................................................................................................... 5
Unit 4
...................................................................................................... 6
Unit 5
...................................................................................................... 7
Unit 6
...................................................................................................... 9
Unit 7
.................................................................................................... 10
Unit 8
.................................................................................................... 11
Unit 9
.................................................................................................... 12
Unit 10
.................................................................................................... 13
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