Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Trilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
FOERZA - the power of unity
Applicant Address: Via S. Antonio, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 20122
Applicant Town: MILANO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
This project - based on the concept of "learning by doing" - will involve three groups of youth leaders from
Slovak Republic, Malta and Italy. Starting from the reflection on the different methods each organisation
commonly uses in informal education, through a closer view on our cultures, methodologies and good
practices in the educational process, we will highlight the similarities and exploit the differences, in order to
stimulate the participants' interest and creativity and to create a mixed pattern of concrete experiences
they will be able to transfer to and use in their original contexts. Interaction will also help them to learn an
intercultural attitude in a multicultural context. In parallel, we intend to focus on European awareness
stimulating active participation, young people empowerment and their sense of responsibility as young
citizens. We'll try to explore together the opportunities offered by the Youth in Action Programme, in order
to help the participants to deepen their knwoledges about it and to be able to study and realize innovative
projects in the future.
Venue Country: Slovakia
Venue Town: Terchova
Granted amount: € 3.772,60
Pagina 2 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant Address: Piazza Libertà, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 28071
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
This project has the aim to make aware and encourage the youngsters to think about topics like the
environmental education, the sustainable development and the sport as an example of fundamental
values, like: tolerance, fair play, respect of the rules, fight against racism and xenophobia.Considering our
rural and landscaping reality and, at the same time, the huge industrial development of the northern
regions of Italy, we considered important to work with the youngsters about the concept of sustainable
development through activities connected with the preservation of the environment and with a direct
contact with the nature.The second mean topic of the exchange will be the sport, not only as an example
of the importance of the physical exercises, but as a pedagogical tool with a really strong educational and
aggrega8on worthiness.Is important to remember how this project is born from a twinning connected
with S. Giuliana, patron saint of both the partner city of the project, Borgolavezzaro and Santillana del Mar,
a reason that take an unquestioning value like the faith of the citizens of two cities so faraway but at the
same time so close because jointed by historical and religious bonds; for this reason during the exchange
we have organized a moment dedicated to the saint, in her spiritual and physical journey and to the
meaning of the faith and the spirituality.It's foreseen even the discovery of the Region where the
exchange will take place but the project will be mostly jointed to the practical learning and at the
intercultural exchange.
Venue Country: Italy
Granted amount: € 5.532,00
Pagina 3 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: ORSo Società Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Bobbio, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 10139
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
Time is one of the biggest richness that people have and that it is important to use it in the best possible
way. We are convinced that working and studying are not the only way to well engage time. To reach a
sort of personal balance we all need to have some "free time" to spend with our friends and loved people,
alone in our passions, relaxing and funny ac8vi8es.With this project we want to sensi8ze youngsters to
use their "free time" well, to help them to recognise the right values of this aspect of their life and we want
to guide them to discover how rich they are.This is an important work, first of all, as a preven8on of a
frequent youngster's uneasiness which could lead them to search any kind of way to escape from reality
and secondly as an help for them to grow up giving the necessary importance to themselves and to their
own needs.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Alba (CN)
Granted amount: € 24.300,20
Pagina 4 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Europeans Cultural Identities on stage
Applicant: Gruppo di Iniziativa Sociale Marameo onlus
Applicant Address: Via Sisto IV n° 81/83
Applicant Postal Code: 00167
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: <No theme specified>
Project Description:
This trilateral exchange (Italy, Portugal and Poland), it's the second step of a longer process started in
Portugal in september 2006. The partecipants will share their experience about active citizenship,
partecipation and their culturales identities in their territorial context. During the exchange they will have
the opportunity to face their prejudicies and stereotypes by a side and to build something together in order
to value these differences in a common project by another side. Ac8vi8es of the exchange are:exchanging the different ideas and experiences about the topic of the exchange: european ci8zenship,
different iden88es, peace educa8on... -Exchanging different kind of tools ac8ve ci8zenship-Realising
mee8ngs with local community and other young people, -Making an experimenta8on in the territory
where the exchange will run: young people will prepare and realise together a theatral performance
addressed to community
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Orvieto
Granted amount: € 15.656,80
Pagina 5 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Costruiamo un mondo di pace e comprensione
Applicant: I Salviani Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Salita San Berardino, 6
Applicant Postal Code: 85050
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Inter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
Il presente progetto di scambio culturale si realizzerà nel paese di Savoia di Lucania dal giorno 6 al giorno
16 Agosto 2007. Il numero totale dei partecipan8 è pari a 33 persone (inclusi gli animatori).I componen8
dei due sodalizi traJeranno insieme i seguen8 argomen8 : Discriminazione; razzismo, dialogo tra i popoli
e riflessione sulle religioni. Gli argomen8 verranno affronta8 e approfondi8 realizzando le seguen8 aLvità
: Giochi di gruppo; Incontri; Lavori di gruppo; Scambio di esperienze. I protagonis8 dello scambio sono
organizza8 in gruppi di lavoro ognuno con un compito definito. TuJe le aLvità verranno pubblicizzate sia
nel nostro centro abitato che nei paesi vicini. La stessa cosa verrà faJa con i risulta8 del progeJo.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Savoia di Lucania (Potenza)
Granted amount: € 8.628,00
Pagina 6 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
A Wave through Europe
Applicant: META Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Baracca, 22/A
Applicant Postal Code: 20052
Applicant Town: Monza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Lo scopo del progeJo è rendere i giovani consapevoli e coscien8 della loro ciJadinanza europea.Il
progetto vuole sviluppare il rispetto verso le altre culture e stimolare la partecipazione attiva nella vita
sociale dei ragazzi.Lo scambio sarà un "viaggio trans-culturale" dall'Italia al Portogallo e un'occasione di
apprendimento interculturale: i due gruppi di giovani presenteranno il loro patrimonio sociale, culturale,
storico e locale.Il tema scelto del progeJo è "L'Acqua", con riferimento ai diversi modi di u8lizzo e ai
recen8 e aJuali problemi ad essa lega8.Le aLvità di preparazione e di scambio verteranno sull'alternarsi
delle presentazioni dei due gruppi partecipan8 e su una riflessione congiunta sul tema Acqua:
e il bacino del Mediterraneo: storia, culture, lingue, religioni, tradizioni, commercio-Milano "ciJa
d'acqua": falde acquifere, navigli, l'an8ca rete di comunicazione fluviale-La Lombardia e il suo patrimonio
idrico-Il Portogallo e la sua storia legata al mare: le scoperte, la penisola di Peniche, le leggende, la
relazione tra la comunità e l'acqua-previsioni per il futuro: allarme effeJo serra e scioglimento dei
ghiacciai-l'acqua e l'energia: sprechi e consumi consapevoli
Venue Country: Portugal
Venue Town: Peniche
Granted amount: € 10.931,00
Pagina 7 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: Arciragazzi Vicenza Comitato Provinciale
Applicant Address: Via Cairoli, 65
Applicant Postal Code: 36100
Applicant Town: Vicenza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Il progetto mira a creare uno spazio di scambio all'interno del quale, attraverso tecniche teatrali, si
favorisca la discussione e il confronto dei partecipanti su temi che riguardano la loro realtà quotidiana e le
situazioni, a volte problema8che, che si trovano ad affrontare all'interno della società.Si creerà così la
possibilità di condividere valori e storie comuni, di discutere su punti di vista diversi per cercare di trovare,
insieme, un punto di vista che sia condiviso o per imparare ad accettare le diverse posizioni che verranno a
delinearsi nel corso delle discussioni.Le tema8che che i ragazzi decideranno di traJare e di meJere in
scena, tramite l'utilizzo del metodo del Teatro dell'Oppresso, per lo spettacolo finale, emergeranno proprio
da questo percorso di condivisione.La partecipazione, inoltre, sarà favorita da una costante verifica con i
ragazzi sul percorso che si sta seguendo, per capire se le attività rispondono ai loro bisogni, se è necessario
modificare in itinere alcuni aspetti del progetto. In questo modo verrà riconosciuto loro un ruolo
decisionale, sempre nel rispeJo del lavoro e delle considerazioni altrui.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Vicenza
Granted amount: € 17.472,48
Pagina 8 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Scopriamo L'europa attraverso l'arte
Applicant: Casa Betania ONLUS Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Farini, 45
Applicant Postal Code: 54031
Applicant Town: Carrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Ce projet d'échange de jeunes se pose l'objectif de faire connaître des groups de jeunes à travers de l'art.
La principal thématique, la participation des jeunes pou leur permettre de connaître les mécanisme de
participation qui peuvent trouver dans sons entourage. Connaître les association est fondamental pour
pouvoir par8ciper et avoir un point de départ pour changer la société.Donc le projet sou8en la
participation comme facteur de changement, cette activité va permettre aux participants d'échanges les
différentes expériences. L'éducation interculturel est en autre aspect très important du projet à travers de
l'art et de la sculpture pour permettre aux jeunes d'exprimer sa créativité, apprendre la valeur de la
diversité, de l'égalité et de la par8cipa8on.Les par8cipants vont réalise des laboratoires d'art plas8que et
de sculpture, ils vont prendre conscience du concept de citoyenneté européenne. Le projet va impliquer
des jeunes qui proviennent des secteurs plus défavorisé du peuple pour leurs donner les mêmes
opportunités de croissance.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Carrara
Granted amount: € 8.796,00
Pagina 9 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
ON TIP-TOE (in punta di piedi)
Applicant: Raissa Postinghel per conto del Gruppo Informale IN VOLO
Applicant Address: Via U.Silvestri, 52
Applicant Postal Code: 38027
Applicant Town: MALE'
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Protagonists of the project "On tip-toe" are two small groups of young people, in their first experience at
European level; they live in two small local communities in Europe and they have decided to know and
compare one another, making the most of cultural diversity and to become active and protagonist citizens
of Europe. The principal themes are: European awareness, Health and Gender equality. The youngsters are
protagonists and ac8ves in every step, indeed to plan the project, supported by the group leaders.The
main objec8ves are:-To steer and cul8vate the need and inclina8on for knowledge and comparison, of
habits and trends without prejudices, which oTen come from laziness and insufficient enterprise.-To
provide an opportunity of non-formal education to promote European awareness and citizenship, in
par8cular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union-To develop European values as human
rights, social inclusion and respect to others' cultures.-To involve not only the par8cipants of the project,
but other young people and local civil society too.-To contribute to developing quality support systems for
youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organisations regarding youth, promoting cooperation
and new possibili8es, aTer the end of this project.-To con8nuously evaluate the process and follow up on
ac8ons.-To provide clear promo8onal added value for young people involved in the project, for their local
civil society and for the Youth in Ac8on Programme.
Venue Country: Greece
Venue Town: Isle of Lipsi
Granted amount: € 4.374,50
Pagina 10 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Taking care of our Planet
Applicant: AGRADO Associazione
Applicant Address: VIA VILLA ALESSANDRI, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 50059
Applicant Town: VINCI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project "Taking care of our Planet " involve youngsters from three countries (Italy, Czech Republic and
Slovenia) in a process of environmental awareness. The youngsters (from 16 to 18 years old) will be hosted
for ten days (from 20th to 29th of August) in a suitable building for groups, with about 35 beds and a large
kitchen, many rooms and a green area outside. This building is located in Petroio, in the countryside of
Vinci, district of Florence, where Associazione Agrado works.Each day we will talk about an environmental
topic (climatic changes, pollution, and so on) using different instruments (videos, movies, computer) and
we will have creative workshops, games, simulations and role-playing about it, in order to pursuit a non
formal learning. We have planned also a visit to a local waste recycling plant to see how the things really
work but also a seaside excursion to spend a day in the nature and to take awareness about the
environmental situa8on of italian coasts.At the end of the camp we have planned a mee8ng with the
Major of Vinci and with the local town administration to show them the results of our camp on ecology in
order to spread out these results and this European dimension.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Vinci
Granted amount: € 9.660,00
Pagina 11 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Il topo di città e il topo di ... ?
Applicant: Residui Teatro Onlus Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Brancaleone, 51
Applicant Postal Code: 00176
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
We want the project "Il topo di città e il topo di…" to be an experience that investigates the reality of life
on the periphery of European cities, and one that tries to understand the problems of this life. This
experience will be laid out by young people from this periphery as it exists across the EU, and, in the form
of a documentary, they will explore specifically the suburbs of Rome. We want this project to be an
opportunity for young people to express their opinions on the surroundings of their daily lives. We are
convinced that a social improvement of these suburbs must start with the young people that were born
there - that they develop the social conscience needed to be pro-active citizens. That way, they can
participate in the improvement and transformation of our cities. During this project we will meet with
other partners we have known over the years on different levels, both nationally and internationally, who
have worked on the problems of the modern metropolis. The participants will develop, contemporaneous
to this artistic and exploratory work, an awareness of the potential in the edges of our cities, with its
immense historical 'baggage', composed of a continuous mix of various ethnicities, religions and cultures a mix that must be accompanied with a constant dialogue and confrontation.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 23.095,00
Pagina 12 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
La cucina tra cultura e intercultura
Applicant Address: Piazzale Paolucci De Calboli, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 47034
Applicant Town: Forlimpopoli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
In the frame of the twinning partnership between the municipality of Forlimpopoli and the municipality of
Villeneuve-Loubet (both are the native place of two very famous chefs, Pellegrino Artusi and Auguste
Escoffier) the Pro Loco of Forlimpopoli, together with Art Culture Loisirs, thought to present an exchange
project aimed to youngsters from these municipalities, on the theme of "cookery between culture and
interculture". Whi8n the "Artusiane Feast" that will took place in Forlimpopoli from 16 8ll 24 June 2007,
the youngsters will be involved in reflections on different themes like alimentary education, cookery as art
and culture, the risks of alcohol's abuse, the biological food stuffs...Furthermore they will make visits,
cooking workshops, physical and outdoor activities and they will think out an original recipe as a memory
of the exchange.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Forlimpopoli
Granted amount: € 4.524,00
Pagina 13 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Scambio culturale europeo attraverso la gastronomia locale di ciascun Paese
Applicant Address: Piazzale Paolucci De Calboli, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 47034
Applicant Town: Forlimpopoli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Dans le cadre de cette rencontre interculturelle, les jeunes européens, sensibilisés à leur même
appartenance communautaire, seront amenés à partager leurs connaissances et expériences culinaires en
choisissant et réalisant des receJes autour d'ingrédients communs aux deux pays. Ils élaboreront ensuite
un recueil de receJes illustré, qui sera rédigé en trois langues : Français, italien, anglais. La santé par la
bonne alimenta8on fera l'objet d'une réflexion par8culière qui viendra en introduc8on au recueil.
Venue Country: France
Venue Town: Villeneuve-Loubet
Granted amount: € 3.796,20
Pagina 14 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Inclusion through tradition
Applicant Address: VIA DEGASPERI, 34
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: TRENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The project "Inclusion through tradition" consists in a seven days long meeting, that will take place in
Rovereto at the end of august of 2007. the project will involve youths with mental disability, in order to
give them the chance to live experiences tipical to their age (trips, intercultural interaction ecc). The
methodology we will use is based on non formal education methods and will focuse on attention to
tradi8onal games of countries involved into project.Il progeJo "Integra8on through tradi8on" si
sostanzia in un incontro della durata di sette giorni che si terrà a Rovereto alla fine dell'agosto 2007. Si
rivolge a ragazzi con disabilità mentale e patologie simili, allo scopo di offrire loro l'opportunità di vivere
esperienze caratterizzanti per loro età (viaggi, contatti interculturali ecc). La metodologia adottata durante
lo scambio si basa sulla filosofia della educazione non - formale, e centrerà l'attenzione sui giochi come
espressione della cultura tradizionale dei paesi partecipan8.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rovereto
Granted amount: € 7.836,00
Pagina 15 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: GRAFFIO Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Sicilia, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 25033
Applicant Town: Cologne
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
"GINES & VALTROMPIA TOGETHER" è un progetto che si realizzerà alla fine del mese di luglio 2007 presso
la " Casa Vacanze Stallino " situata a Gardone Val Trompia - Brescia - Italia. Il progetto promuove il dialogo
interculturale, la riflessione e l'integrazione tra persone in difficoltà (ragazzi provenienti da famiglie
numerose) e persone disabili.I ragazzi avranno un'età compresa tra i 15 e i 20 anni e proverranno dalla
Spagna. Finalità principale è quella di contribuire alla creazione di una cultura del rispeJo della diversità.
La diversità è intesa prendendo in considerazione vari aspetti: culturale, geografica, di abilità, tempo libero,
storia, tradizione, ecc.Inoltre il progeJo intende:"Costruire una rete comunica8va/collabora8va di
struJure che offrono accessibilità e servizi a persone con diverse abilità in ambito Europeo. "Favorire la
partecipazione comunitaria/locale all'interno di programmi europei"Creare una prima forma di
protagonismo da parte di quei soggeL che normalmente sono esclusi dalla società.Il progeJo permeJe,
inoltre, l'accesso a servizi europei da parte di persone in difficoltà offrendo loro la possibilità di
sperimentarsi all'interno di un contesto di apprendimento non-formale.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Brescia
Granted amount: € 6.456,00
Pagina 16 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Wireless Europe
Applicant: IL GERMOGLIO Società Cooperativa Onlus
Applicant Address: Via A. Boito, 8
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
Title of our exchange is "Wireless Europe" (inclusion, participation and communication): we'd like to allow
young people - some of them from a less-privileged socioeconomic background - to explore similarities and
differences between their culture, to involve them in the discussion on the construction of the European
Union (throught concrete daily activities and workshops) and also to communicate their experience of
cooperation, inclusion and mutual understanding by a local Radio during the exchange, in order to
encouraging the participation of young people in the democratic life of Europe. They will be actively
envolved to present the results of their experience during a final exhibition, which is usually planned
together whith local authorities, in order to make this project and the results more visible and better
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 8.940,00
Pagina 17 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Signs of Hope
Applicant: LINK Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
This project tries to give migrant youngsters (Roma refugees in Germany and Albanian refugees in Italy) a
new hope, motivation and initiative to work for their own, better future. The "impossible" experience in
another country aims to open the mind of the youngsters, to let them discover their own abilities and
qualities and to let them send out a message of hope for diversity and human rights, based on their
experience. The group process and the development of social skills in a group are a very important
challenge and objective. With the tool of film and theatre the participants can reflect and express their
personal situation and hope / dreams. Even more they can develop artistic and technical abilities
concerning filming and acting for their own youth work in their own country. The intercultural encounter in
the exchange supports the youngsters with their daily-life question of "all different - all equal": tolerance,
diversity, intercultural differences and their future in their own local community and in Europe. The project
shall be continued by another exchange in Germany in order to give the Italian youngsters the same
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Altamura
Granted amount: € 7.212,00
Pagina 18 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Europe from an artist's view
Applicant: Progetto Zattera Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via de Cristoforis, 9
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: Varese
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The Project - EUROPE from an ATRIST'S VIEW - intends to contribute to the acknowledgment of the
importance of European cultural traditions in the youth education. For this purpose, a series of programs
and activities will take place including literature, theatre playing and folk dancing. These activities will allow
not only the identification of advantages and potentialities of European cultural traditions but also to
detect cultural situations and problems that occur in the participating countries -Italy, Lithuania, Hungary -,
in Europe and in the world in general. In this way the project intends to raise the collective awareness and
to promote traditions, literature, theatre playing, folk dancing and music of the participating countries and
in Europe, moreover, for promoting supported development.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Varese
Granted amount: € 7.980,00
Pagina 19 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Emotional Landscape
Applicant: Arteinscacco Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Morosone, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 13100
Applicant Town: Vercelli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The project which will be developed in September 2007 with four groups of participants, will be a way to
know and involve the really territory. The history of the urban territory is very important to search for an
identity. Every participating country will have to present a some photographs of urban spaces of its town.
The goal is to know, understand and change an uncomfortable urban reality with the help of many artistic
forms ( dances, theatre, visual arts, photograph). Events will be realized in a some squares of the town in
which, the reali8es/ the towns/ the European young people will be presented, with performance.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Vercelli
Granted amount: € 14.809,00
Pagina 20 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: DIAGONAL Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Don Rizzi, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: Trento
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
ALvità spor8ve acqua8che, nuoto, scalata, mountain bike, calcio e aLvità di conoscenza e valorizzazione
dell'ambiente. Queste le parole chiave per iden8ficare EUROPARK, il progeJo qui presentato.Il progeJo
vuole costituire una opportunità per giovanissimi (13-18 anni) di sei paesi: Francia, Polonia, Ungheria,
Malta, Grecia e l'Italia. L'idea è quella di trovarsi e realizzare un scambio culturale nell'ambito di un
soggiorno sportivo organizzato nella zona montana della valle di Peio in Trentino, zona montuosa sui 1400
metri. I giovani là scopriranno, guidati dai monitori e animatori qualificati, i seguenti sport: scalata, ciclismo
di montagna, passeggiate, aLvità acqua8che sul fiume Noce e altri sport.La zona prescelta per lo scambio
è di notevole interesse, in sé ma anche in quanto nel Trentino il rispetto del patrimonio naturale è un
valore molto importante, e soprattutto nella Val di Sole zona posta dentro per molta parte nel Parco
Nazionale dello Stelvio. Qui i giovani potranno apprezzare la ricchezza della flora e la fauna presente. Le
quattro associazioni partner metteranno in comune le proprie esperienze nella promozione e
valorizzazione dell'ambiente grazie alle aLvità spor8ve.Le serate tema8che, i giochi, i piccoli laboratori
saranno organizzati con la finalità di far si che i giovani ospiti e quelli che ospitano possano trovare una
occasione per scambiare informazioni e nozioni sulla ricchezza del patrimonio naturale e culturale dei
rispeLvi paesi. Ques8 momen8 favoriranno un contaJo più streJo tra i tre gruppi.Inoltre,
un'introduzione sull'economia ed il turismo locali permetterà di far capire meglio ai partecipanti il valore di
quella importante zona d'Europa costituita dalle Alpi, viste come momento di integrazione e scambio fra i
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cogolo
Granted amount: € 25.872,00
Pagina 21 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: Vedogiovane scarl
Applicant Address: Via dei Frassini, 16
Applicant Postal Code: 28021
Applicant Town: Borgomanero
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
Thirty girls and boys from six different European countries will meet in Macugnaga, a little village at the
footsteps of Monte Rosa. To know each other, to discover their different cultures, to think, discuss and
work about the meaning of the word "Diversity".The topic is about equal opportuni8es for all, so the
particpant will discuss about the meaning of this concept, starting from the divesity inside the exchange
group and then referig to diversity of gender, religion, individuality, age, color, sexsuality, illness, etnicity,
disability…They will think and discuss about what means giving equal opportuni8es to everyone, then
they will realize an exibi8on about this, to involve also the local community in the project.With this
project the participants will also understand that the European Union is really present in their lives and will
be more in their future.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Macugnaga
Granted amount: € 19.366,00
Pagina 22 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant Address: VIA FANELLI, 2
Applicant Postal Code: 47015
Applicant Town: MODIGLIANA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
Durante questo progetto di incontro e di integrazione tra giovani italiani e tedeschi, disabili e non, della
regione Emilia- Romagna e del Nordhessen, i partecipanti si occuperanno del tema "Essere straniero e
vivere insieme". Saranno realizzate attività educative e di cooperazione. I gruppi si faranno un'idea degli
aspetti della vita quotidiana caratteristici dei due Paesi partecipanti, prenderanno visione dei progetti e
delle attività riguardanti i giovani, l'integrazione e la cultura realizzati nella città di Kassel, in particolare
quelli che avranno luogo nel periodo dello scambio durante l'evento artistico-culturale "Documenta 12".
Durante il progetto di scambio basato sull'attività circense, i giovani elaboreranno una storia in cui sarà
descritto il passaggio da un sentimento di insicurezza a un sentimento di coraggio e fiducia, da una
situazione di limitazione a una di convivenza. Alla fine dell'incontro ci sarà uno spettacolo circense pubblico
nel quale sarà rappresentata la storia realizzata.
Venue Country: Germany
Venue Town: Kassel
Granted amount: € 4.385,40
Pagina 23 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Swimming in the light
Applicant: Unione Italiana Ciechi - Sezione provinciale di Macerata
Applicant Address: Via Lauro Rossi, 59
Applicant Postal Code: 62100
Applicant Town: Macerata
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The project, built from young people for young people, consists of a stay of 10 days in Apiro (Italy), where
the participants (blind, partially and sighted assistants) will participate in swimming pool activities, art
exploration, discussion forum about the most common problems around the visual disability in European
Union and will live many sensorial experiences to learn and to explore the world without the eyes. In the
project can take part yong people with visual disability and young assistents, becaus one of the project's
goals is to prevent that yong people without disability have an distorted and wrong idea of unsighted's
world. Moreover, participants can compare their personal daily life's experiences, as visual impaired
people, about mobility, employment, study, technological availability in their countries, kitchen activities
and eventual discrimina8ons.Fore more informa8on please visit www.amialaluna.it/sitl (Temporary
internet site of the project, build by young visual impaired thet will partecipate in this project).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Apiro
Granted amount: € 24.432,00
Pagina 24 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Rhythm and sport
Applicant: Asai Associazione Salesiana di Animazione Interculturale
Applicant Address: Via Sant'Anselmo 27/E
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The main aim of the project is to give a group of teens from various nationalities the chance to meet and
work together on the theme of music, dance and sport as universal languages which can overcome the
barriers of verbal communication and facilitate the contact and exchange between people from different
cultures. A group of youngsters from 18 to 28, which is living from a long time an intercultural experience
in the multiethnical area of San Salvario in Turin, in the ASAI association, thought, planned and wants to
carry out this experience of international exchange for a group of youngsters between 15 to 17 years old,
coming from 5 different countries of the European Community, immigrants and natives, to compare
similar realities, giving and receiving inputs and ideas, to think about intercultural communication and fight
against racism through reciprocal understanding, but also to promote the artistical and expressive talents
which youngsters already have and make them become a tool to communicate.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rivoli
Granted amount: € 21.074,00
Pagina 25 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: INCA ITALIA International Network for Culture and Arts in Italia Associazi
Applicant Address: Via Calandriello, 1 sc. C int.11
Applicant Postal Code: 82100
Applicant Town: BENEVENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
This project will be an exchange between European young people to reflect on the following themes:
immigration, social inclusion/exclusion and cultural diversities. We aim to share experiences and
knowledge at International level using animation in disadvantaged local contexts. We will use cultural tools
to make an intervention with and for marginalised young people that live similar conditions in different
contexts. Participants will explore through intercultural activities their differences and similarities,
analysing the concept of European Ci8zenship and its relevant connected issues in specific contexts. The
ac8vi8es will give the possibility to the par8cipants to share and create new prac8ces and plan how to
transfer these concepts. The project aims to involve a good number of Youth workers, Animators,
Trainers and tutors.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Benevento
Granted amount: € 15.278,00
Pagina 26 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: IDEALCOOP cooperativa sociale
Applicant Address: Via S.Stefano, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 56045
Applicant Town: POMARANCE (PI)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Ce projet s'inscrit dans la continuïté et la réciproque de l'échange de jeunes réalisé en juillet 2006. Ce
action correspond aux attentes et volontés des jeunes manisfestés lors des évaluations et des actions de
suivi. Les liens crés alors ont permis cette volonté de renouveler un échange dans lequel ils pourront
s'impliquer davantage afin d'accroitre leur conscience citoyenne européenne. Pour cela, le thème proposé
et retenu est : Communication et lutte contre les discrimanations. Les objectifs généraux sont: Favoriser
toutes les formes de communication verbale et non verbale, favoriser les apprentissages interculturels de
chaque pays avec leurs richesses respectives, Lutter contre les discriminations raciales et/ou sociales. Les
activités choisies permettront une progression pédagogique et une réelle implication quotidienne à toute
les phases du projet. Les actions réalisées avant/pendant/après l'échange favoriseront la valorisation de la
participation des jeunes.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Pomarance
Granted amount: € 5.724,00
Pagina 27 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Y.M.C.A. : Youth Media Communication Action II
Applicant: Pro Loco Apollosa Associazione
Applicant Address: Piazza Saponaro, 38
Applicant Postal Code: 82100
Applicant Town: Apollosa
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: <No theme specified>
Project Description:
After having hosted the finnish group here in Italy for the first part of the exchange, we are going to visit
our finnish friends. Our aim is to develop an intercultural awareness through activities concerning media
and communications, which are the closest means and themes to the youth reality. They give expression to
the youth world better than everything else and represent the future. So we will visit the finnish national
Tv , some local newspapers and radio offices and we will try to create a newspaper article. Moreover, the
main object of the exchange is to improve our social skills through amusing activities such as workshops,
musical entertainments and sightseeings. Our wish is also to discover the natural, historical and cultural
beuties of this so far and different land.
Venue Country: Finland
Granted amount: € 6.572,00
Pagina 28 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Applicant: UILDM Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare sez.Laziale Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Prospero Santacroce, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 00167
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The exchange is going to be a trilateral program (ITALIAN, POLISH and HUNGARIAN), with the participation
of young disabled people. Apart from their mentally and physical disabilities some of them have difficulties
connected to their socio-economical and geographical situa8on.We are going to spend a week together,
discussing on how disabled people can live in Europe and which strategies can be used to help those people
living independently. Also, our aim is to work on a document which will describe what the European
disabled youngsters need to have for their integration into the European Union and how they can
contribute to the idea of the EU. Moreover, we are going to highlight the way for these young people to
make their everyday life easier, creative and colourful, by organizing a lot of activities, like BOCCIA (ball
game for disabled) creative activities (making T-shirt, badges, postcard etc), Sound Bean (Ultrawave music
therapy),etc. Last but not least, we are focusing on geLng to know each other's culture. This is planned to
be achieved by organizing several international activities. Also, the host organisation will try to illustrate
values and specialties of the Hungarian culture to the sending groups (Spa-visiting, excursions, city
Venue Country: Hungary
Venue Town: Budapest
Granted amount: € 4.722,00
Pagina 29 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Cre-Active Participation
Applicant: Arciragazzi Firenze
Applicant Address: Via Gran Bretagna, 48
Applicant Postal Code: 50126
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The main aim of the project is to raise awareness among the participants about youth active participation,
and its strong link with citizenship and especially European Citizenship; aim of the project is as well to
foster young people participation in civil society at local and international level through intercultural
learning and outdoor experiential learning as powerfull tools to foster mutual understanding and overcome
difficul8es due to cultural and linguis8c barriers.Moreover, the exchange is designed to enable all the
participants to discuss and share opinions and experiences about issues relevant at european level such as
Equal Opportunities, Social Inclusion, Anti-racism, and Human Rights, giving the chance to explore the
concept of cultural diversity through crea8ve and outdoor ac8vi8es.Another aim of the project is to
promote and spread information about the Youth in Action Programme in all its actions, fostering young
people's participation in international activities, and in the follow-up and valorisation part of the project,
fostering the participants to act as multipliers with their peers of the newly gained knowledges and
experiences.Par8cipa8on of young people is being enabled as well during the concep8on and then during
the realiza8on of the project, as well as in its follow-up ac8vi8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cavo, Isola d'Elba
Granted amount: € 32.824,60
Pagina 30 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: Artemide Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Loc. S. Faustino, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 05018
Applicant Town: Orvieto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Il progeJo intende affrontare i problemi di disagio giovanile e dell'esclusione sociale.In tuL i gruppi
proposti si evidenziano casi di giovani che per scarse opportunità socioeconomiche e familiari si trovano in
situazioni di svantaggio. L' obieLvo principale è l'avvio di un processo di crescita individuale aJraverso la
condivisione di un'esperienza colleLva. Tramite la ges8one e la condivisione del percorso,le aLvità di
laboratorio, giochi di conoscenza e di ruolo incentrati sulla metodologia dell'educazione non formale, lo
scambio "PRATICHE DI FANTASIA...ESPLORANDO MONDI POSSIBILI"è una simulata di cittadinanza attiva ed
intende offrire ai partecipan8 nuovi strumen8 per far fronte ad alcuni aspeL del loro disagio.I ragazzi si
inseriranno in una struttura educativa pre-esistente apportando il loro contributo allo svolgimento delle
attività quotidiane d'altro canto, l'esperienza sarà per loro altamente formativa, in virtù dell'incontro con
culture diverse.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Orvieto Terni
Granted amount: € 14.753,00
Pagina 31 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Y&S! Youth & Safety
Applicant: Il corpo va in città Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Giovanni Verga, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Gender equality
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The Y&S - Youth & Safety project will analyse the main safety related issues regarding young people in
Europe. It will focus on two aspects in particular: road safety and personal safety. The first is strictly related
to youth cultures, including substance abuse (drugs and alcohol), while the second refers to how safety is
perceived in European ci8es and deals with the issues of micro-crime and immigra8on. OTen the feeling
of being unsafe prevails over the statistics, modifying this way the citizen's behaviour. Such changes are
experienced in particular by women. Starting from these issues and on the occasion of the European Year
of Equal Opportunities for All our association aims at promoting actions on the basis of initiatives and
projects developed in the past. The project will be centred on the binary idea of Security and Safety and
on its individual and social perception. During the exchange programme there will be several practical
activities and meetings. The participants will exchange views over their different experiences in their home
countries in order to identify "peer to peer" communication strategies on the issue of safety and some of
its specifics.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 21.783,00
Pagina 32 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
"LET'S GET MOVING!! Sport and life style in teenagers"
Applicant: UISP Unione Italiana Sport Per tutti Comitato provinciale di ferrara
Applicant Address: Via Giovanni Verga, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The "Let's get moving!" project aims at enhancing young people's awareness of the importance of a
healthy and active lifestyle through the promotion of motor activities which consider the socialisation
factor, the development of fun-centred activities and helping people to perceive themselves as active
subjects responsible for their own well being. The activities offered during the programme will give the
participants the opportunity of sharing experiences on topics such as food, smoking, psychoactive
substance use, alcohol, and will stimulate them to reflect on the role of motor activities and sports in
comparison with behaviours that put their health in danger. The practical proposals that young people will
receive will enable them to achieve a greater connection with their body, to rediscover its power of
expression and to perform motor activities which get them to know themselves and the others better and
have a positive influence over their health; on a theoretical level the participants will have the opportunity
of learning about structures and services which work in the field of teenage policies and, in particular, of
teenage discomfort prevention.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 18.234,00
Pagina 33 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: Circolo Merlino Ferrara
Applicant Address: Via Contrada della Rosa, 14
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The project, organized by Circolo Merlino Ferrara in cooperation with organization of Hungary, Estonia,
Bulgary, Portugal and Turkey, faces the theme of European Citizenship involving young people aged 15-18.
By means of workshops on the theme, the youths will discuss of the meaning of being nowadays citizenzs
from a local, national and European point of view. The project was born from the ideas and suggestions of
a group of students of secondary schools in Ferrara in which Circolo Merlin held workshops in 2006-2007
on the theme of ac8ve ci8zenship and youth par8cipa8on. The programme includes visits on the territory
and meetings in the main youth centres of Ferrara. The project has the local support of the Municipality of
Codigoro (Ferrara), one of the main centres of the Delta del Po Park, an important naturalistic area of
Northern Italy that lacks structures and events for young people.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 20.890,00
Pagina 34 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Educazione alla sostenibilità: una delle sfaccettature del diamante Europeo
Applicant: Davide Frè per conto del Gruppo Informale GreenHeads for Europe
Applicant Address: Via della Piantalonga, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 33080
Applicant Town: Fiume Veneto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Educa8on to the sustainability: one of the facets of the European Diamond1st step: prepara8on and
involvment of the participants in the project : aims, motivations,expectations, objectives, activites and
planning, ways of implementation and evaluation, follow up. Everything is shared with the partners and
we keep in touch, at the same 8me, by the news group.2nd step: implementa8on of the planned
ac8vi8es3rd step: one final evalua8on day is planned. The par8cipants, their parents, the people, the local
autorithies, the mass media will be invited. On this occasion we will give the CDRom of the exchange
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Fiume Veneto
Granted amount: € 32.268,95
Pagina 35 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Euro Image - Euro Imagination Europe as it is - Europe I would like
Applicant: Enzimistudio Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Buriasco, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 10135
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
"EuroImage", in other words Europe reflected in a multicultural mirror. This exchange is focused on a
practical approach to Europe. Our aim is to arise awarness towards the real meaning of Europe: a mix of
cultures, languages, religions, identities and much more. Video, photos, drama, painting will be the
instruments at disposal of the youngsters. They are asked to translate in images their idea of Europe.
Throughout the eyes of who has born European and who is working hard to become it. The methodology is
mainly centered on the participants resources. They can use their own language (not always made by
words) in order to discover that there's not just "one" European identity. Figurative Art in all its forms is the
right key to give voice to the participants' thoughts for sharing ideas and using the fantasy to create a
common image of the concept of Europe. Spend few days together in an international context will be, for
them, the best way to get in contact with different cultures and understand that behind differences it is
possible to find common ideas, values and hopes.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Torino
Granted amount: € 30.759,00
Pagina 36 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: Giovanna D'Ascenzi per conto del Gruppo Informale IPL International Per
Applicant Address: Via di Piedimonte, 6
Applicant Postal Code: 02021
Applicant Town: Borgorose
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
IPL (INTERNATIONAL PERFORMERS LAB) is a group comprised of young people between the ages of twenty
and twenty-five years old, and each member has an interest in performing in disused urban spaces. Our
interest in 're-appraising' disused spaces has brought us together as a group and inspired this project,
which has the following objec8ves:-Ar8s8c workshops (dance, theatre, video) open to local people as well
as par8cipants-Re-appraisal of disused communal space for cultural ac8vity-Final performance piece,
accessible and open to the local community-To make a video documentary, to help in re-producing the
experience in other contexts.During this mul8lateral exchange we will prepare a performance piece in a
disused prison in Arce, a small town in the province of Frosinone. The building has been abandoned for a
long time, but a few years ago the local government and local community organisations worked on the
building to restore it, in the hope of making it functional again for the inhabitants. In this project, using
cultural and artistic activities, we want to involve ourselves in this recovery process in order to spend our
free time in useful ways. For the organisation of the project, we are supported by an association local to
Arce, called 'Al Frantoio', that will help us to find material to realise the project and promote it in the area,
thanks to the great experience that this associa8on has acquired over the years.We believe that these
artistic, and playful, activities constitute a fundamental basis from which to explore relationships between
young people of different cultures, and the relationships that they develop with their surroundings and
neighbourhoods. With this activity we want to promote a culture of pro-active citizenship in young people
which they can then extend to their own communi8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Arce
Granted amount: € 23.842,00
Pagina 37 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: Diana Celestina per conto del Gruppo Informale LESANGELES
Applicant Address: Via Portici, 2
Applicant Postal Code: 28040
Applicant Town: Lesa (NO)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The exchange will take last for seven days. The first day will be dedicated to involving all the participants
and presen8ng our main theme, "Sport and Health".Each day will have its own topic, with different
ac8vi8es and moments of dialogue, debate, sensibilisa8on and informa8on.Making full use of what the
territory offers us, we will be able to practise canoeing, swimming, walking and camping, always bearing in
mind that our main theme is "Sport and Health",and we have also planned other activities relating to a
healthy diet, fondamental for youths of our age. The groups will all meet up toghether for an hour each
day to discuss and valuate the days' happenings. We will be organizing other activities for the evening, such
as a visit to the town of Arona and an intercultural evening, where the participants will be able to cook
typical local dishes relevant to the par8cipa8ng countries.The seventh day, before we say goodbye to our
guests, we will assess and valuate the final results of our exchange.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Lesa
Granted amount: € 6.372,00
Pagina 38 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Protezione dell'Ambiente: un investimento per il futuro
Applicant: Apieffe Agenzia per la Formazione
Applicant Address: C.so Turati, 43/ bis
Applicant Postal Code: 10128
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Health
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
This project has the aim to make aware and encourage the youngsters to think about topics like the
environmental education, the sustainable development and critical consumption that in the last years have
had always more importance at local, national and global level. The involvement of young people from 6
different countries will create a remarkable chance of comparison and of intercultural learning. The
exchange will develop with no formal learning activities, group activities, simulation and role playing
games, round table discussions and prac8cal workshops of dance, drama, video and cultural visits.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Torino
Granted amount: € 22.000,00
Pagina 39 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Discovering Youth Participation in the European Union
Applicant: Cesare Pavese Associazione
Applicant Address: Via C. Battisti, 69 c/o Eurodesk
Applicant Postal Code: 81100
Applicant Town: Caserta
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
I promotori del progetto sono un gruppo di giovani autoorganizzatisi in associazione che non hanno mai
partecipato ad altri programmi europei e si affacciano per la prima volta alla scoperta dell'europa per
formare il loro bagaglio di conoscenze ed integrarsi nel contesto europeo in cui vivono. L'obiettivo
principale è quello di fornire ai partecipanti gli strumenti per sviluppare riflessioni e considerazioni sulle
opportunità di crescita in una dimensione globale. Lo scambio mira a favorire la crescita individuale e di
gruppo attraverso i percorsi di educazione non formale che favoriscano la maturazione di una coscienza di
cittsadinanza attiva basata sull'accettazione delle diversità e il rifiuto di ogni forma di xenofobia.Lo scambio
avrà una durata di 9 giorni e coincvolgerà direttamente 40 giovani provenienti da Caserta e Praga. Questi
conviveranno in una struttura delle provincia di Caserta e affronteranno temtiche inerenti ola cittadinanza
attiva e lapartecipazione giovanile.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Caserta
Granted amount: € 11.004,00
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Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Hip Hop for Yourhope
Applicant: CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus
Applicant Address: Via Fortebraccio, 1/A
Applicant Postal Code: 00176
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
HIP HOP for Yourhope is a youth exchange project where dance is as an allegory of the European culture
construc8on's process. We will use tradi8onal music and dances from all par8cipa8ng countries as base
for an hip-hop choreography that shows how we can keep our own identity in a new common culture, and
what can be our role in this construc8on.This alterna8ve way of dealing with this topic will permit the
comfortable participation of disadvantaged people that are the main target group of this youth
exchange.We will have working groups on tradi8onal dance, hip-hop dance, mul8media (movie of the
exchange), workshops on iden8ty, culture, and European culture as well.At the end of the exchange,
participants will share their work in a performance that will be presented in a proper place (theatre,
auditorium) representing at the same time their own countries and European cultural diversities to an
external audience.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 26.463,00
Pagina 41 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
"Participation of youngster"
Applicant: ARSE Progetto Laboratorio Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Capraia, 54
Applicant Postal Code: 00139
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The Project "Partecipation of Youngsters" wants to realize an exchange of experiences among european
young groups on the concept of partecipation. Partecipation of youngsters to their local life, to the
community where they live, to European dimension. The project stimulates the awarness of active
citizenship in young people, helped them to understand their importance in the local but also european
community. Most of methodologies apllied in the exchange for different intercultural activities of learning
are not formal, for a better comunication among different languages groups, and will be used role's games,
psycological games or simulations. There will be workshops with local government, the 11th Municipality
of Rome and different associations that work for partecipation and international dialogue. Youngsters will
exchange different expamples of youth policies of each country, and will discovered similar problems and
different solution. During the exchange, the theme of partecipation will cross all activities: intercultural,
learning and also domestic. Young people will live an european experience that will encourage them to
partecipate more to local life in a european dimension of citizenship. All results of exchange will give back
to local community through pubblic workshops in each countries, and to european community through a
web site that will show results of european and intercultural experience like this.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 18.453,00
Pagina 42 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Youth for sustainable lifestyles"
Applicant: SCI Italia
Applicant Address: Via Cruto, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 00146
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Following the experience and the results of the past exchanges and seminars hold by SCI in "La città
dell'Utopia" this project aims at reinforcing the opportunities of active participation of youngsters and
children to the promotion of sustainable lifestyles, in particular addressing the issue of renewable energies.
The aim of the exchange, that will involve groups of young people from different European countries, will
be dedicated at comparing the different experiences and modalities of tackling the issue of renewable
energies, and at creating explicative panels and games for children. The first aim will be addressed through
workshops and peer to peer debates, that will stress on the common views and different pedagogical
means used to disseminate and create awareness in youth groups about environmental issue (with a
specific focus on renewable energies); the second through a creative workshop that will help the group to
produce panels and games that will be used in "La città dell'Utopia" and by the organisations of where the
participants work, in their activities with children.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 14.420,00
Pagina 43 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Gioventù in azione... per l'ambiente europeo
Applicant: IBO ITALIA Associazione Italiana Soci Costruttori
Applicant Address: VIA MONTEBELLO, 46/A
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The objective of this project is the promotion of the intercultural dialogue among youngsters coming from
Italy and Romania. These two countries have different cultures, histories and traditions, but are walking the
same path in the European Union, sharing values and principles. These values, that is solidarity, tolerance,
dialogue and active participation, will be perceptible and tangible during all the exchange's days, thanks to
the proposed activities and to the atmosphere of serenity and sharing, that we will create step by step.
The themes that will be at the base of the activities will be the social inclusion, the overcoming of social
and cultural barriers and the valorisa8on of the european dimension. The environment will represent an
important tool in order to reach the prefixed objectives and to make more accessible to the teenagers'
reality such vaste and abstract themes. We are strongly convinced that the aJen8on to the environment
entails those european values that we want to convey to the new generations, given that the environment
is a precious common good.
Venue Country: Italy
Granted amount: € 5.364,00
Pagina 44 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Incontro Ecologico
Applicant: CESVOL
Applicant Address: Via S. Penna, 104/106
Applicant Postal Code: 06074
Applicant Town: Perugia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
This project wants to give the possibility to disadvantaged youngsters to live an international experience
focused on environment. The environment, representing a common interest and value, is a very useful
theme to exchange and share knowledge and experience. Only by knowing and respecting the environment
young people can know and respect themselves.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Perugia
Granted amount: € 6.204,00
Pagina 45 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
"Kaleoidoscope of Youth " in Europe
Applicant: Comune di Budoia
Applicant Address: Piazza Umberto I, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 33070
Applicant Town: Budoia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Il Progetto vuole accogliere partecipanti da associazioni e partners incontrati nell'ambito di attività
internazionali come: Trobada 2005 a Barcellona e il corso a Viviers in Francia Marzo 2007, realizzare
concretamente con loro un'idea di progeJo. La zona dove si vuole realizzare l'accoglienza è all'interno del
Comune di Budoia, che non ha mai ospitato uno scambio multilaterale. Il gruppo di ragazzi coinvolti
durante l'anno collabora e partecipa alle attività aggregative proposte come Progetto Giovani della
Comunità Montana del Friuli Occidentale e per lo scambio ci sarà la collaborazione del Comune e della Pro
Loco per tuJe le aLvità e specifiche amministra8ve e logis8che. Il tema, legato al confronto dei giovani e
alla valorizzazione delle diverse realtà culturali, nasce da una sempre più forte presenza di realtà culturali
differen8 negli ul8mi anni e da un desiderio di apertura dei ragazzi verso altri coetanei. Nel progeJo, le
persone sono viste come un uno caleidoscopio - pezzi colorati che formano una varietà infinita di forme e
geometrie molto belle e vivaci. In quest'ottica ogni partner preparerà del materiale legato alla propria
cultura, alle proprie tradizioni e soprattutto alle diverse culture giovanili presenti in Europa, come i diversi
pezzi del caleidoscopio. L'idea è quella di realizzare dei mini video - par8 del caleidoscopio - nelle aLvità
di preparazione - che poi possono essere materiale di confronto e dibaLto durante lo scambio. Gli
argomenti dei laboratori durante lo scambio saranno scelti assieme ai ragazzi stessi - danze europee,
cultura del writing, musica, dibattiti e momenti riflessione su stereotipi, differenze di idee e linguaggi visivi
e corporei, vita dei giovani in Europa. "Laboratori interculturali" in cui saranno gli stessi ragazzi a trovare
le strategie di confronto e crescita - i leader svolgeranno funzioni di facilitatori - dove potranno cucinare
assieme, proporre danze, momenti d'arte, creatività, musica ecc In questo modo i piccoli pezzi del
caleidoscopio si assembleranno mano a mano. Ciascuno creerà un proprio caleidoscopio di colori, odori,
strumenti, emozioni per conoscersi, conoscere e far conoscere la propria cultura agli altri e arrivare
all'ul8mo giorno con un grande gruppo mul8culturale che realizzerà un caleidoscopio "vivente". Verrà
dato spazio a ciascuno attraverso momenti aperti in cui danze, musiche, proiezioni renderanno lo scambio
Pagina 46 di 261
coinvolgente per un apprendimento a 360° .Durante lo scambio verrà realizzata una giornata "aperta"
all'intera comunità con associazioni locali e regionali dove sarà possibile dare corpo al concetto del
caleidoscopio in Europa. "Coinvolgimento direJo dei Giovani: progeJazione, preparazione , video,
organizzazione delle aLvità"ALvità pra8che e laboratori: laboratori tema8ci "interculturali" lega8 alle
diversità arte, musica, danza, cucina"ALvità aggrega8ve e di confronto: incontri, proiezioni, focus-group,
momen8 aper8, momen8 conviviali"Momen8 aper8 di confronto e visibilità: serate tema8che e giornate
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Budoie
Granted amount: € 17.820,00
Pagina 47 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: CESV Centro Servizi per il Volontariato
Applicant Address: Via dei Mille, 6
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The project "Show me Your Photo" is a socio educative project aimed for 16 young immigrants that
actually lives in the Basque Country (North of Spain) and in the east periphery of Rome (Italy), 8 boys and 8
girls.The project consist in the development of conscience, of himself, of their own intercultural
competences and of their capacity in managing conflicts. The program will do this through group ac8vi8es
with the young people, starting from the photographies that the young people will make of the
surroundings in which they reside, during the exchange will take place an analysis of the reality from the
point of view of the young people, based on the photographic material, always with workshops, group
dynamics to promote the active participation of the youth in the activities. The youngster who will
par8cipate will be mul8pliers of the experiences they have made in their environment.The project is
divided in two parts in the first one, before the exchange, the participants will take photos of their
surrounding areas of Rome and Biscay (games, family, tradi8ons, friends, house,...)The second part is the
exchange in which, after developing group building dynamics, the participants will start team work with the
photographic material: they will show to the other group their cultural background and througth this we
will work to promote within them the European ci8zenship.
Venue Country: Spain
Venue Town: EUSKADI
Granted amount: € 3.210,00
Pagina 48 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Music & Food 2007
Applicant: Ente Camposampiero
Applicant Address: Via Antonelli, 307
Applicant Postal Code: 51100
Applicant Town: Pistoia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
An opportunity for young people to come together and learn about tuscany's art and culture expetially
about tradi8onal music.Give young par8cipants a chance of a cultural exchange allowing them to acquire
an European mind and to live beJer their daily life.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Pistoia
Granted amount: € 6.204,00
Pagina 49 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Alberto Spertino per il Gruppo Informale FUSILLI
Applicant Address: Via Gazo, 13
Applicant Postal Code: 14047
Applicant Town: Mombercelli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
We aim at sharing with other european peers our way to intend the "art" as a tool to express ourselves.
We want to focus our reflections about the "impossibility" to express: we feel that this society has
developed many ways to "avoid" people to get expressed, to openly show toughts, identites and cultures.
We'd like to work on these themes by practicing actively different ways to express and different ways to
"be blocked in our expression". In the first part we'll create a good clima of work, and we'll ask every
national group to offer to the others a day of artistic workshop, based on their own sector (music, painting,
theater and so on). In the second part of the work we'll try, by realising some simulations and rule games,
to experiment different situation of artistic censure. In the end we'll share feelings and opinions to see if
there are possible ways to avoid the "un-expression".
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Mombercelli d'Asti
Granted amount: € 16.306,00
Pagina 50 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
le vite possibili storie di felicità ricercata
Applicant: Viviana Bovino per il Gruppo Informale BACHI DA SETOLA
Applicant Address: VIA PARCO DEL LAURO, 38
Applicant Postal Code: 70044
Applicant Town: POLIGNANO A MARE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
"Le vita possibli_storie di felicità ricercata" is a project born from ideas and reflections developed during
the European exchange "La Fabbrica dei Raccon8", promoted by our informal group."Le vita
possibli_storie di felicità ricercata" means to focus its attention on two phenomena: immigration, and the
integra8on into the social fabric where the immigrants place themselves.We do not want this to become
research on the social conditions of immigrants, but rather a process of raising awareness in respect to the
difficulties immigrants meet, and an analysis to understand if we are in fact a part of this "hostile context"
or else can we facilitate a progressive inser8on into the new social fabric. We will collect stories of
emigration life, our informers will be the older generation, protagonists from the first emigration, as well as
from the immigrants present in the countries of origin of the partner groups of the project. During the
exchange we will compare the results of the research phase made in preparation of the plan, and we will
try to understand the differences between the processes of integra8on in a small village or a city.The
collected materials will be re-elaborated on during the exchange through: a theatre dance workshop
retelling and re-elabora8ng the life stories, finalising in a performance; a photography workshop that will
bring our photographs to realisa8on; a workshop on the techniques of shoo8ng and edi8ng film finalising
in the realisa8on of short which is able to convey visually the experiences of the immigrants. A workshop
on the ludic techniquesThe results of the exchange will be shown to the public over the last two
evenings of the project.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Polignano a mare( Bari)
Granted amount: € 25.574,00
Pagina 51 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: CISV Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato
Applicant Address: Corso Chieri, 121/6
Applicant Postal Code: 10132
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
Lo scambio coinvolgerà giovani con minori opportunità (migran8).The project "Sonika Web Exchange" is
an international exchange on the theme of the communication from young people to young people. At the
exchange will take part groups from Italy, Spain, Netherlands and Hungary. The ac8vi8es of the
international exchange will be centered on the Sonika Web Radio, a web radio managed by a group of
young people in Moncalieri. Workshop will be realized on the following themes: hardware of a web radio,
how to realize a radio broadcast, the web site of a radio, music and dj-ing. Therefore territory discovering
ac8vi8es will be on schedule, as well as par8es and intercultural evening.The exchange is expected to
involve young people with fewer opportuni8es (immigrants).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Carignano
Granted amount: € 14.152,00
Pagina 52 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Perspective european citizens through independence and job inclusion
Applicant: Associazione Italiana Persone Down
Applicant Address: V.le delle Milizie, 106
Applicant Postal Code: 00192
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The project is aimed at bringing together two groups of youngsters with Down syndrome, one from Italy
and another one from Austria. Born from a need expressed by the youths themeselves, it is designed to
improve the beneficiaries' skills in the field of social relationships and intercultural communication and to
deepen their ability to learn from one another, to explore differences and similarities with relation to
educa8onal paths, food habits and cultural paJerns.The core idea of the project consists in introducing
more in depth people with Down syndrome to the themes related to European awareness - treated in past
Youth projects carried out by AIPD - thanks to discussion sessions with their Austrian partners.Such an
issue will be faced up to through daily activities, performed in inclusive environments, that will involve and
further develop the youngsters'sense of independent living and autonomy, which are crucial to their path
towards an adult condi8on, hence to the long term improvement of their sense of European ci8zenship.A
pedagogical approach based on meaningful activities, in which the youngsters are protagonists within a
supported environment, will grant a special focus to the subject of "job inclusion" as working constitutes
an essen8al driver of being an adult.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: ROMA
Granted amount: € 6.432,00
Pagina 53 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Juggling in Rome
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project "Juggling in Rome" will be focused on the circensian arts, the theatre, the juggling and the
clownery; the main task is to demonstrate some alternatives ways of communications among young
people from different countries and cultures. We planned to analyse the social exclusion dynamics and to
find out some possible solutions through the non-conventional and alternative arts and creative expression
to find new manners to live actively the city and to interact with people speaking other languages or living
different socio-economical situa8ons through innova8ve non-formal educa8on tools.The par8cipant
involved in the exchange will learn to work in team respecting the tolerance's rules and they will discover
different cultures and ways of living, expressing their selves in the social community.The aims of the
project are: to use non verbal forms of communication, to discover different cultures and artistic
dimensions, to encourage alternative ways of communication, to show the youngster the respect of
cultural diversity, to find different possibility for youth to join non conventional art, to encourage the active
ci8zenship of the youngsters.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 20.304,00
Pagina 54 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
"Young eco-footprint "
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The aim of the exchange "Young eco-footprint" is to give the participants the opportunity to discuss about
global warming and environmental protection, starting from the "eco-footprint" concept, as a personal
engagement. The exchange will involve the youngsters in order to find common points of view and
concrete actions to be disseminated in their communities . The idea is to trigger a massive reflection on
sustainable life-styles.The project, hosted in a Didac8cal Farm managed by a coopera8ve of youngsters in
the northern countryside of Rome, will be implemented by discussions, investigations, alternative
proposals about the actual global situation and solutions could be taken individually and as communities,
workshops and visits on projects ac8ve in this field.During the exchange par8cipants will stay for ten days
in contact with the nature; they will be living following sustainable practices, like eating vegatarian and
organic food, studying ancient rural tecnichs compared with mainstream agricolture and following the
nature-based rythms of the daily life.The project will allow the par8cipants to aquire a new awarness
about the global and euroepean environmental situation starting from the analysis of official studies as the
most recent report on global warming and climate change.Moreover, one of the ac8vity proposed during
the study sessions will be the calculation of the ecological foot-print of each participant and of every
country involved by the exchange.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rieti
Granted amount: € 17.359,00
Pagina 55 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
New educational strategies against the bullying
Applicant: Civitas Solis Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Caprera, 28
Applicant Postal Code: 89044
Applicant Town: Locri
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
Multilateral youth exchange on the theme of the problem of bullying among young people today in
Europe. The project, promoted by a youth organisation based in Locri (a difficult area in the south of
Calabria), aims to develop a strategies on the theme in the local communities of the different partners .
The activity involve young people from 5 countries (Italy, France, Belgium,Greece, and Slovenia), who
experience various kinds of exclusion, and take place in Locride area in Calabria region.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Locri
Granted amount: € 19.736,00
Pagina 56 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
"Border Time - Time Border"
Applicant: Link Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The first bilateral youth exchange between both groups took place in July 07 in Italy focusing on the
development of trust and hope and creating two short movies. This project tackles the issues of borders:
We live in a time of deconstructing and constructing borders (politically, culturally, socially) which
especially young migrants have to face. On the other hand facing the past, strengthening our abilities in the
presence and dreaming about the future, gives us hope and inspira8on.This project tries to give migrant
youngsters (Roma refugees in Germany and Albanian immigrants in Italy) the possibility to discover their
own abilities and qualities and to let them send out a message of hope for diversity and human rights,
based on their experience. The group process and the development of social skills in a group are a very
important challenge and objective. With the tool of theatre, dance and film the participants can reflect and
express their personal situa8on and hope / dreams.
Venue Country: Germany
Venue Town: Berlino
Granted amount: € 6.960,00
Pagina 57 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Youngsters of 4 different countries meet around the theme of youth participation and inclusion in social
life.They will discuss about the possible ways for mul8plying ac8vi8es and projects on this issue and
increasing their quality.The 8tle refers to the two different topics the exchange will focus on: the first is
inclusion of diversity, and the second is the final product: a multilingual newspaper where they will write
their considerations and indications, so that they are not forgotten but become the fist input to give birth
to a concrete and visible par8cipa8on at their return. This should give par8cipants a first input to increase
their participation, both at a local and at a European level and launch the challenge: they promise to
practice their active citizenship through two different tools: art and culture and participation. Moreover
they promise to stay in contact and share experiences and best prac8ces.This ac8on moves from the large
scale project called JAMO (2006 - 3328 / 001 -001) and will therefore involve young people with fewer
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Mantova
Granted amount: € 26.004,00
Pagina 58 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Being disabled in Europe - International exchange for disabled young persons
Applicant: La Nuova Famiglia Onlus Fondazione
Applicant Address: Via Cesenatico, 60
Applicant Postal Code: 47042
Applicant Town: Cesenatico
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
We want to give young people with fewer opportunities (because of disabilities) access to the Youth in
Action Programme. Our project wants to offer young people with disabilities from different countries the
opportunity to meet and learn about each other’s cultures. The exchange will help to develop young
disabled people’s European citizenship, make them understand that they are participating in Europe’s
present and future. As a theme of mutual interest the young people plan to discuss the conditions of being
disabled in Sweden and Italy and the accessibility in the different societies. Because of the special needs of
the participants we plan a bilateral exchange with a little group (8 participants) travelling from our partner
organization Ale Kommun in Sweden to Cesenatico in Italy.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cesenatico
Granted amount: € 4.968,00
Pagina 59 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Let's Kick Discrimination Off
Applicant: Antonio Enrico Buonocore per conto del Gruppo Informale TuttInsieme
Applicant Address: c/o CEICC - Via Partenope, 36
Applicant Postal Code: 80121
Applicant Town: Napoli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The "Let's Kick Discrimination Off" is a "Youth in Action" project, thought and created according to the
Programme Action 1.1 by an Italian informal youth group (TuttInsieme-AllTogether). This project would
promote understanding and embracing diversity, especially regarding disabilities; in fact, we choose to try
to involve as participant mainly young disabled people and social workers in order to promote antidiscrimina8on ac8ons. Its ac8vi8es will be conducted within 10 (ten) days and will involve young people
(18-26 years old), from Turkey and Italy, respecting also gender balance, in order to realize an intercultural
exchange, in respect of the Youth in Action project's priorities. A few people beyond the age range may be
involved, because of some features of the project. This understanding will be brought to bear by many
activities, such as artistic workshops and/or social games, through no-formal and informal education
methods.The exchange will be held in Naples/Italy, and will involve about 24 par8cipants.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Napoli
Granted amount: € 5.108,00
Pagina 60 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant Address: Via Frascati, 328
Applicant Postal Code: 00040
Applicant Town: Rocca di Papa (RM)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The project exchange foresees the participation of 40 young people and 8 group leaders, belonging to
organizations and groups coming from various social backgrounds: Italy, Germany, Austria and Czech
Republic.The aim is to spur the young par8cipants to become protagonists of their own future and in the
building of Europe, assuming all the values of sharing (tolerance, equal opportunities, overcoming of any
kind of social exclusion…). The project wants to enrich the youth' capacity of dialoguing and interacting
with different cultures. We aim to help them to overcome the too-much-spread-about attitude of looking
at the "different from you" as a menace and not as an opportunity. In fact, together with uncertainty,
people oTen close in themselves, thus loosing the ability to take the responsibility upon them.Through
this exchange with groups of other European Countries, we would like to deepen the knowledge of the
most significant aspects of one's own and, at the same time, other people's culture, so as to appreciate the
beauty of variety. We want, in this way, let the youth be ready to face and, in case, to give their
contribution to the problems linked to relationship between peoples of different cultures, religions and
ethnic groups. This exchange will let them experience personally, "live", that the differences - that often
provoke xenophobia, racism, violence, intolerance - may instead be opportunities for a cultural, political
and social enrichment, also in view of the building of a Europe, united in the mul8plicity, that we wish.All
the proposed activities have a strong participating style and, also through the methods, direct their efforts
to reach the forecast aims. Some examples: a meeting with children coming from Africa and other
geographic areas; an internet connection among the 4 Countries of the exchange and the young people of
the organizations and groups remained in their cities, where they will promote a sportive day involving
children and youth of various cultures, and so on.The working methods are also very ac8ve and
comprehend: animation method, games, simulation, theatrical dramatization, dialogue within the groups,
panel discussions, projecting of future actions, constant verification and evaluation of what is being worked
out, avoiding as much as possible interven8on from the "stage".
Pagina 61 di 261
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Castelgandolfo
Granted amount: € 22.324,00
Pagina 62 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: Arrigo Luigi per conto del Gruppo informale ORATORIO DON BOSCO
Applicant Address: Vico Ponte, 36
Applicant Postal Code: 81016
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Au but recevoir la population active des jeunes en général, leur population européenne en particulier et
développer le sentiment d'appartenance à l'union européenne de la part des jeunes, l'oratoire "Don Bosco"
de Piedimonte Matese, collaboré avec la participation économique de l'Union Européenne et du
Gouvernement italien organise un échange entre deux groupes de la différente nationalité, pour pouvoir
faire entendre les propres garçons protagonistes du val.Il veut les faire redécouvrir les anciennes origines
de la propre entité géographique en outre, et des traditions aux activités culturelles, sportives et de
connaissance d'endroits qu'ils représentent le bagage formatif d'un Européen citoyen, introduit dans le
village global dans lequel les jeunes d'aujourd'hui se trouvent à vivre.La par8cipa8on à cet échange
interculturale représente une opportunité de croissance soit du point de vue moral qui spirituel. Pour celuici l'oratoire Don Bosco se rend garant du bon but du projet qui allons présenter avec nos amis du Centre
Jeune Tucuman 7 d'Alicante qui représentent une pierre milliaire appréciée en toute la ville d'Alicante mais
aussi dans la communauté en8ère Valenziana.
Venue Country: Spain
Granted amount: € 9.615,00
Pagina 63 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: Raissa Postinghel per conto del Gruppo Informale IN VOLO
Applicant Address: Via U.Silvestri, 52
Applicant Postal Code: 38027
Applicant Town: MALE'
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Inter-religious dialogue
Project Description:
"Another step forward" two small groups of young people, in their second experience at a European level;
they live in two small communities in Europe and they have begun to know and compare one another,
making the most of cultural diversity in order to become active protagonist citizens of Europe. The
principal themes are: European awareness, social inclusion and inter-religious dialogue. The youngsters are
protagonists and active in every step of the planning of the project and are supported by the group's
leaders.The main objec8ves are:-To steer and cul8vate the need and inclina8on for knowledge and
comparison, of habits and trends -To provide an opportunity of non-formal educa8on to promote
European awareness and ci8zenship, in par8cular in order to foster social cohesion in the European UnionTo develop European values as human rights, social inclusion and respect to others' cultures.-To involve
not only the par8cipants of the project, but other young people and local civil society too.-To
con8nuously evaluate the process and follow up on ac8ons.- To provide clear promo8onal added value
for young people involved in the project, for their local civil society and for the Youth in Action
Programme.The two group met each other last September at Lips isle, and they would like to improve
their personal and social knowledge about each other. That was their first experience at European level,
and this one is the first one, too; in fact, the "In volo" group has never given hospitality to a group in his
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Malè
Granted amount: € 7.740,00
Pagina 64 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: Paola Rossi per conto del Gruppo inf. FORMAMENTIS
Applicant Postal Code: 85100
Applicant Town: Potenza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project develop historic-cultarl patrimony's valorization like basis to build the new European society.
The program foresees:1)Murales: pain8ng about the history of our countries;2) Quiz game: Do we know
really Europe?3)Sense's room: learning without lingering over appearances;4) Middle evalua8on: To
build a bridge, degree of coopara8on;5)Role-play: astronaut;6)Teather: an important historical event
about Europan Union;7) Visit the Federico II's castles;8) Final evalua8on: the cobweb, comparison
different opinions to remove prejudices and stereotypes.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Potenza
Granted amount: € 7.644,00
Pagina 65 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: ARCI N A Comitato Provinciale Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 14/16
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Each partner will realise a preparatory work in its country (or region) before the exchange. It will consists in
to collect documenta8on, informa8on and experiences on two main topics:"ac8vi8es to support
sustainable development and good examples in the framework of youth active participation /
ci8zenship;"prac8cal realisa8on of the workshops (ideas and material in according with the workshops
itself).The documenta8on produced by each partner will be compared and examined during the exchange
in a plenary working session and used during the workshops.All the main aspects of the prepara8on will
be discussed and shared among all the partners during an advance planning visit (7th - 10th March
2008).Realiza8on (5th - 14th May 2008):"Ice breaker and presenta8on games to help the rela8onship
among par8cipants;"Organisa8on of a plenary session to share and to compare different contexts and
experiences;"Organisa8on of intercultural evenings in order to promote the knowledge of different
cultures and fight prejudices and stereotypes;"three prac8cal workshops within the framework both of
youth active participation and sustainable development (communication campaign, inclusion and growth
for young people, working methods and good practices) to let young people cooperate together, develope
concrete experiences and tools to feel part of an European process and create awareness/communication
products;"Field Visits and mee8ngs;"realisa8on of a concrete final product (Booklet).Moreover
partners will prepare, in a plenary session, a "Bank of proposals" for future common
projects.Evalua8onEvery day evalua8on mee8ngs will be realised among leaders.Plenary evalua8ons
will be 2: Intermediate: during this mee8ng, correc8ons will be applied if par8cipants have any cri8ques,
sugges8ons or par8cular needs; Final: during this mee8ng the whole exchange development will be
evaluated, aiming to understand if the exchange satisfied the expectations of participants. Furthermore, in
the final evalua8on, the real opportunity of a future project will be verified
Venue Country: Italy
Pagina 66 di 261
Venue Town: Vasto
Granted amount: € 27.250,00
Pagina 67 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Smash the Mirror
Applicant: Joint Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Giovanola 25/C
Applicant Postal Code: 20142
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project "Smash the Mirror" will gather together in Bareggio 32 participants from 5 different countries
to develop the themes of stereotypes and European ci8zenship.The project aims at including young
people with different backgrounds and let them reflect upon European citizenship and influence played by
culture on their aLtude toward diversity. Therefore a wide range of ac8vi8es will take place, such as nonformal learning activities, games, role-plays, debates and art workshops in order to meet different learning
styles. The project's idea comes from young people living in Bareggio, who are members of the
association Joint. While developing the idea, we found support from the local Municipality as well as the
local youth workers. After talks with both the responsible persons of the local youth project "360°" and of
the Social Services we decided to partly include in the project some different groups of citizens of Bareggio;
the graffiti writers (leading a workshop for the participants), the group of drop-out youngsters that will
organize a dj-set welcome party, and the inhabitants of a suburb (cascina Figina) that will invite participants
to taste typical Italian dishes.These efforts shall contribute to ensure visibility within the local
communities as well as the involvement of young people who wouldn't participate otherwise in such a
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Bareggio (MI)
Granted amount: € 22.408,00
Pagina 68 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: Link Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
The project will gather together 30 young people from 5 different countries. All the groups will be mixed
including 2 disabled participants. The whole group will run different activities with the aim of increasing
self-esteem and acceptance of disability and every kind of diversity. The main tool to be used will be
outdoor and circus activities. Thanks to jugglery, street animation, face painting and other activities,
par8cipants will build a common performance which will be shown to the local community.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Altamura
Granted amount: € 25.254,00
Pagina 69 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: LUX in FABULA Associazione
Applicant Address: Rampe dei Cappuccini, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 80078
Applicant Town: POZZUOLI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The idea comes from same experiences had in our cultural association and it aims at achieving didactic
instruments, in order to broach present issues whose protagonists are European young people. The
matters of intolerance and racism are very present subjects and they are especially in our cultural
associa8on strongly feel about.This is one of the many reasons which spur us to carry out this
plan.Trough various expressive techniques, regarding theatrical, photographic and pictorial language (play
games included) we want to spur young people to reflect upon the importance of having a social
awareness, based on principles of equality, tolerance and respect of the difference.The real aims of this
cultural exchange are to prevent various types of intolerance and breach of the laws in our territory and to
develop the sense of solidarity, in addi8on to an European awareness.This will be possible thanks to the
organiza8on of ar8s8c workshops and the crea8on of places of aggrega8on.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Pozzuoli
Granted amount: € 24.074,00
Pagina 70 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: CEMEA del Mezzogiorno onlus
Applicant Address: Via Fortebraccio, 1/A
Applicant Postal Code: 00176
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
EcoArt is a youth exchange project aimed to transform a public open space, nearby 3 high schools and 2
youth centres, nowadays not accessible to neighbourhood. The open space has a relevant environmental
importance: first of all it is placed in a location that has been dedicated to art expression and youth
participation in Rome, la Rampa. Being the only open space in a grey, high buildings quarter it can be a key
point for socializa8on and crossbording between genera8ons. We will repair benches, tables, sport
facili8es and we will plant new flowers and trees.We will use recycling materials and objects such tyres,
iron, wood, carton, plastic in partnership with the Municipality of Rome and its Environmental Agency
(AMA), in order to produce artistic sculptures that will accompany people in enjoying their promenades in
the new space.We will propose different workshops dedicated to gardening and arts through recycling
materials in order to allowed young participants to mark with their original style this space, respecting at
the same 8me environment and its social role. Environment together with art expression are a concrete
act of youth par8cipa8on, opportuni8es for a new concept of sustainable development in a urban context.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 22.329,00
Pagina 71 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Three colours - white, red, green
Applicant: GIOSEF - Giovani Senza Frontiere - Caserta
Applicant Address: Via Battisti, 69
Applicant Postal Code: 81100
Applicant Town: Caserta
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project will be three-side exchange between polish, italian and hungarian youth. Its aim is to integrate
and get to know our cultures and habits by means of the cinema. Each country's job is to introduce the
most cultic, important and characteristic works of native cinematography, which being watched jointly by
participants of exchange will become a base for discussion on stereotypes, habits, culture and given
country's history. Films will be watched with english subtitles to help with understanding their plots possible vaguenesses will be explained in further discussions. Apart of screenings, we will organize, under
the supervision of specialists, film, photo and acting art workshops, which will help with creating exchange
diary film as a summing up of our daily actions. We would like also to organize theme trips, visits in places
associated with cinema and meetings with people engaged in this field. Photo exhibition, where our
nearest surroundings will be invited, and screeing our directed diary film will be a crowning of the
Venue Country: Poland
Venue Town: Piekary Slaskie
Granted amount: € 3.396,00
Pagina 72 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: Viale Dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B/2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project is a youth exchange planned and thought directly by a group of young people of Itri in the
province of Latina (Lazio), who participated to other international activities organized by AFSAI. They want
to be actively involved in the projecting phase as well as for the implementation and management of this
ac8vity.The exchange foresees the par8cipa8on of 15 young people of Itri and 15 young people of
Castuera (placed in a disadvantaged region of Spain - Estremadura). It aims to the following objec8ves:-to
educate to the sustainable development, showing and proposing new concrete solutions to current
environmental problems;-to create a s8mula8ng mul8cultural environement where all the young
students can learn more on the topic sharing their different points of views; -
to set up new
connections between the partners and all the people involved in the project to rise possibilities of putting
together new ac8vies in the Youth field;-to produce a video-documentary (recorded by the same
par8cvipants) on the experience in order to rise pubblic opinion awareness on these issues.The themes
that the exchange will deal with are a lot, e.g.: the governments policy towards natural parks and "blue
oasis"; the issue of recycling and the bio-constructions; the importance of voluntary service and the civil
society as tools for the environmental prevention and safeguard; an historical excursus on the causes of
the origins for the present local problems.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Itri (LT)
Granted amount: € 8.028,00
Pagina 73 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Una culla per l'umanità europea
Applicant: S.V.E.P. - Servizio Volontariato Emilia di Piacenza
Applicant Address: via Capra 14 c
Applicant Postal Code: 29100
Applicant Town: Piacenza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
Project idea is born from a long experience of the voluntary organizations taking care of disabled young
people and operating in different provinces in Emilia Romagna, with the involvement of their family and
volunteers, about the topics of the social inclusion, equal opportunities and valorisation of the diversities.
Project's general purpose is to diffuse the culture of the acceptance in Europe. Specific aim is to allow two
groups of disabled young people, belonging to different Country, with common passion for theatre, to
meet.The plan foresees the planning of three laboratories that will come ac8vated during the exchange
and that will directly involve disabled young people and their volunteers; the final product of the exchange
will be one multicultural theatrical performance, centred on the specific topic: the spread of the culture of
the acceptance in Europe. It will come realized a wide dissemination of project's outcomes: the main
output will be a DVD (in Italian and Czech, with subtitles in the basic parts) of documentation of the carried
out activity, that will be of use, on one side, to show the activities realized with the project and, from the
other side, to inform and to promote best prac8ces also through a public event.
Venue Country: Czech Republic
Venue Town: Praga
Granted amount: € 3.986,00
Pagina 74 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
"Wor(l)ds of Europe"
Applicant: Vacirca Fiorella Aurora per conto del Gruppo Scambi Internazionali centr
Applicant Address: Via Parini, 21
Applicant Postal Code: 15100
Applicant Town: Alessandria
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Our project is aimed at organizing a meeting of six European countries from the 16th to the 26th June
2008, in Alessandria. The young participants will take part in workshops of theatre, music, dance,
scenography and video documentation, and they will perform a final artistic show open to the citizens of
our town. In each workshop the young people will compare their different cultures and will share common
objectives. In this way they foster solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding between young people in
different countries.Our project involves 2 youngsters from foreign communi8es with problema8cal
integration, 1 youngster with disability and 2 youngsters with social and economic difficulties; for these
youngs the international exchange is a defining moment for social cohesion and it is a situation where
young people can be protagonist in social reality.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Alessandria
Granted amount: € 24.208,00
Pagina 75 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Trilateral exchange
Applicant: SUBURBIA Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Sottofiume Boncellino 83/a
Applicant Postal Code: 48012
Applicant Town: Bagnacavallo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project is focused on music seen as a means of aggregation, educational, cultural and social exchange.
The varied aspects of the project may also help understand which role music plays in Italy, Turkey, Belgium
and Poland as well as how music becomes a shared experience where the youngsters are free to express
their ideas and their common values.The project major goal is one of developing European and
culturalself-awareness as a means of growth and positive coexistence, contaminationand creativity.
Getting together, playing, sharing and getting the most out of one's own techniques and experiences
increase the idea of primary prevention, that is the ability of feeling at ease with oneself and the others.
Music becomes agreat means of aggrega8on and growth
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Bagnacavallo
Granted amount: € 6.300,00
Pagina 76 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
The Intercultural Farm
Applicant: Accademia Europea di Firenze
Applicant Address: Via S.Egidio, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 50122
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The youth exchange, as expressed in the title, aims to give the young people the opportunity to meet and
discuss about how the mo8va8on plays a key-role in the youth par8cipa8on and ac8ve ci8zenship. The
participants, coming from realities with less opportunities, will have the chance to experience also how
much an international exchange can give them a stronger motivation in being active and participative in
their local community.Young people are supposed to discuss about the importance of the mo8va8on in
the participation process, to elaborate proposals in which to foresee an active role also of the youth
leaders in their local community or even just of the young people and institutions around them (friends,
school, associa8ons).So the mul8lateral exchange will also give the youngsters the chance to share
experiences, activities and ideas on the topic of the intercultural learning and European citizenship.
Moreover, the organizations taking part in the exchange will try to collaborate on a follw-up project
involving a larger number of young people.With this project, we will try to involve also the local
population since the preparation, in order to have a real intercultural exchange, at local, international and
inter-genera8onal level.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Scarlino (GR)
Granted amount: € 12.254,00
Pagina 77 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: THE BRIDGE Associazione
Applicant Address: Via San Leonardo, 33
Applicant Postal Code: 09038
Applicant Town: Serramanna
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project is divided in three parts: the first one is dedicated to draw the attention of the young
participants on the topic of Global Warming; an explanation of energy production and its effect on the
climate, will be given together with an explanation of the good and bad sights of the newest alternative
energy production system. During the second part, the participants will be working on their understanding
of the problem and will work on simulation games related to the energy and active participation topic.
During the third part, the participants will define a concrete project to be worked as follow-up of the
exchange. In the aftermath of the event, the young people will work on this project in their own countries.
Showing to their local and European fellows that being active in hard issues is possible and more that that,
is forseseenable.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Siurgus Donigala (Cagliari)
Granted amount: € 32.920,00
Pagina 78 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
PLAN-T YOUR FUTURE: environment, resources and future
Applicant: Eurotrain Associazione
Applicant Address: Via S.Egidio, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 50122
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project came out from an idea of a group of italian young people during the development of some
activities in the frame of a large-scale project named Crossroad (Eurotrain and other partners of this
exchange are involved in it) and was developed in co-opera8on with the other partners.The project is a
multilateral youth exchange to be held in Firenze (Toscana) in April 2008. We are interested in working on
environment and sustainable developement aiming at how we (as individuals and families) can act in
concrete to reduce consuptiom, to promote recycling, to raise awareness on respect of environment and
on our impact on it.For this exchange we will develop some ac8vi8es to raise awareness on these theme
and involve local communities before, during and after the exchange. We will develop the project partly in
the city of Firenze, part in the countryside to see the differences between the two scenarios and how we
can have an impact in different social and geographical context. The participants to the exchage are young
people aged 18-25 from Italy, France, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia and Greece.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Firenze e San Pancrazio - Bucine (AR)
Granted amount: € 23.853,00
Pagina 79 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Type of Activity:
Multilateral exchange
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Riscoprire la campagna: giovani e sviluppo sostenibile in Europa
Applicant: SCI Italia
Applicant Address: Via Cruto, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 00146
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
Aim of the project is the social inclusion and reintegration of youngsters coming from
differentdisadvantaged background, by means of their involvement in a project of environmental
educa8onand informa8on. The project will take place inside the Natural Reserve “Pizzo Cane, Pizzo Trigna
eGroJa Mazzamuto”, in co-opera8on with the managing body: the Regional Environmental Guard
ofSicily.The whole ac8on will be addressed to the socializa8on among the youngsters involved, by
differentac8vi8es related to the preserva8on and the valorisa8on of the Reserve. All the youngsters will
beindeed involved in leisure ac8vi8es but also in different small ac8ons (such as pain8ng signs for
thevisitors) which will play a fundamental role in term of non-formal educa8on.The project will see the
full involvement of youngsters coming from disadvantaged background. TheItalian group, for instance,
will be selected in co-opera8on with USSM (the Office for social servicesfor youth) managed by the
Ministry of Jus8ce and in charge of the project of social rehabilita8on ofyoung offenders. Similar ac8ons
have already been run during last six years with a very posi8veevalua8on.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Trabia
Granted amount: € 18.880,00
Pagina 80 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Exchanges application
Bilateral exchange
Libertà, legalità e Cittadinanza
Applicant: Patchanka Associazione
Applicant Address: Piazza Caselli, 19
Applicant Postal Code: 10023
Applicant Town: Chieri
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The principal aim of the project "Liberty, Legality and Citizenship" is to put into contact two different
Youngsters' Associations which have lots of interests in common: Mais Cidadania Association and
Patchanka Association. Both Organizations were created to be a point of reference for youngsters of the
community where they take place, to join people and to givea cultural offer in the neighbourhoods they
operate. The participans to this exchange will be youngsters (18 - 27) that collaborate directly with the
Associations as volunteers. The objective is to share our experiences as ssociations and as youngsters
engaged in social projects, anomation of children, training about citizenship and activitieswith and for the
community; we'll analize differences and analogies and try to teach and learn each others new
methodologies and have suggestions for next experiences to applicate each one on his territory. Moreover
this exchange can be the first step for a future development of an European Network between Youngsters'
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Chieri
Granted amount: € 4.968,00
Pagina 81 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Youth in action!
Applicant: Stefania Macchioni per conto del Gruppo Informale Youth for Democracy
Applicant Address: C/O Ass. Going to Europe - Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41100
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The Youth initiative will see an informal group of young people, born in the "Youth Forum" (YF) of Modena,
realize a video of promotion of the value, sanctioned and recognised at a European level, of the youth
active participation to the life of the local citizens, as an example and stimulus for a wider and conscious
European citizenship. The video will show what a "Youth Forum" is, which are its aims and which methods
it uses, with a special emphasis on the potentialities this instrument has to spread the value of citizenship
and of the youth ac8ve par8cipa8on. For this aim, the shots will be done by the par8cipants of the Youth
Initiative during meetings with the YFs of Modena, Sassuolo and Rovigo, in their own cities. Therefore, the
group of the participants to the Youth Initiative will take part to the events and to the confrontation and
exchange moments among the said three YF, during which will be stimulated discussions about existing
realities at a European level of listening and involvement of youngsters (Youth Summit and European Youth
Forum). Furthermore, to the realisa8on of the video, there will be organised public ini8a8ves and other
ones more specific (in high schools, in universities, in informal groups and for associations) to show this
video and to discuss about the youth active participation, starting from the experiences of the YFs involved
in the project and arriving to the determination of the best instruments that youngsters have to participate
to their territory and to make their voice listened. These initiatives will aim to involve new youngsters to
the ac8vi8es of the YFs.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Modena
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 82 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Paola Maritati per conto del Gruppo Informale ASAL Associazione Studen
Applicant Address: Via Giuseppe Risi, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 73048
Applicant Town: Nardò
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project, proposed by an informal group of students of the Fine Arts Academy of Lecce, faces the
condition of desease and emargination experienced by a group of young prisoner mothers detained in
Borgo S. Nicola prison in Lecce, through artistic and cultural workshop activities and using working
methodologies based on the personal and emo8onal involvement of the par8cipantsThe objec8ve is to
start a dialogue between inside and outside, between the personal sphere and public sphere, with the aim
to improve the cultural and civil growth of the involved subjects and going beyond the discrimination
towards the women.The results of the project are the crea8on of a theatre show to be presented publicly,
the realiza8on of a short movie, the publishing of a photo book and a journal about the ac8vi8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Lecce
Granted amount: € 9.000,00
Pagina 83 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Cultural Hunting
Applicant: L'Isola di Arturo Società Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Via di Casellina, 57/f
Applicant Postal Code: 50018
Applicant Town: Scandicci
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Creare nell'area metropolitana di Scandicci un gruppo di giovani operatori culturali (culturalhunter) in
grado di avere capacità organizzative e di curateria di eventi culturali ed artistici transnazionali e di divenire
punto di riferimento ciJadino per le 8pologie di mobilità europea ar8s8ca con modalità low cost.Il gruppo
che avrà la sua sede operativa c/o il Centro culturale giovanile GingerZone, di cui potrà usufruire spazi,
strumentazione ed utenze dovrà progressivamente divenire punto di riferimento per giovani viaggiatori
fornendo loro indirizzi, itinerari e riferimenti culturali nelle capitali e città europee. Il progetto pone i
giovani del gruppo di fronte a concrete responsabilità organizzative, rafforzando le loro competenze
apprese nei contesti formali ed informali e al contempo li aiuterà ad individuare i contorni di giovane
impresa culturale a dimensione europea. Saranno accompagnati (GingerZone e Istituzione Cultura) verso la
ricerca di finanziamenti pubblici e privati in modo da strutturare la loro idea verso un operazione di
mercato, di sussidarietà e di sostenibilità permanente.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Scandicci
Granted amount: € 8.800,00
Pagina 84 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Alessandro Santucci per conto del Gruppo Informale Zero Gravity Toilet
Applicant Address: Via delle Isole Curzolane, 75
Applicant Postal Code: 00141
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The main goal of this informal group of young people is to work as a collective of artists and musicians,
confronting themselves with the different necessary steps for realizing an album: artistic genesis (writing
the music, rehearsing, always working as a group and not as individual artists, exchanging personal
knowledge, instruments, etc); production, recording, mixing (setting up a suitable recording room, going
into technical details, recording and post-production of an album still working all together); distribution
(prin8ng the album, seLng up a promo8on, a press agency, contac8ng radios, journalists, etc).In the
meantime, the professional and artistic path would also bring up educational means for every person
partecipating to the project: deeper skills in the discographic business (production, promotion and
distribution of an album as a product); deeper technical skills (instruments, music, sound engineering);
knowledge of personal skills and potentialities for personal careers, facing with a professional environment
on every level, and facing the rest of the group political and social challenges concerning the creation of a
Europe based on people and not only on profits. The project will develop new partenerships with
foundations operating europe-wide, universities and local politics, and it will set up seminars and meetings
on copyright/copyleft and about the evolution of the meaning of authorship nowadays. Thus, the project
will involve representants from music labels and music professionals, to give a wider viewing angle to the
project as well as a a cross-thematic approach. In the follow-up phase of networking, a key step in the
project, the cross-thematic approach would be the means for achieving a transnational exchange of
experiences, resources, tes8monies.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rome
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 85 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Paolo Delli Carri per conto del Gruppo Informale Vivi Giovane
Applicant Address: Viale Candelaro, c/o Casa del Giovane-Emmaus
Applicant Postal Code: 71100
Applicant Town: Foggia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The project springs from the necessity to offer to the locale community, poor in informations and
coordination points, concrete opportunities of orientation in the world of work, free time and permanent
learning; organized and set in network by the same young operative group "VIVI_GIOVANE". The network
will be suitable to the current means of communications, formal and informal, used by the young people
(web-site, e mail, videoclip, video-box, etc.) mainly aimed at overcoming the social outcasting of degrading
suburbs and villages. The protagonists of the interven8on will be four boys and girls forming the group
"VIVI-Giovane", belonging to disadvantaged social classes, because of risk quarters, few opportunities in
leisure 8me, familiar conflicts and scholas8c problems.The first beneficiaries will be informal groups of
young people living in suburbs and far from centre areas, around the city of Foggia (Arpinova, Incoronata,
Cervaro, Diaz, Segezia).The point of view of the project, from the choice of partners to the logis8c seLngs
of activities, intend to privilege the immediate contact with community, young people (peer education)
and social active agencies (associations of the areas of uneasy, marginality; pubblic istitutions; religious and
laical movements of young aggrega8ons; migra8on).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Foggia
Granted amount: € 8.500,00
Pagina 86 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
NEL VENTRE DEL SERPENTE La città-Corviale in un'esperienza teatrale di prog
Applicant: Michele Rispoli per conto del Gruppo Informale CANC
Applicant Address: Viale della Primavera, 27
Applicant Postal Code: 00172
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The Project "Nel ventre del Serpente" disembarks in Corviale, an edifice on the periphery of Rome. It is
better known as the " Serpentone", a district in itself, and over the years it is proof of a failure in urban
planning because of the difficulty of the inhabitants to relate to its public spaces, which have been left to
decay. Our project starts with the idea of realising a workshop of theatrical scenes with the inhabitants that
will really grow from the spaces of Corviale, the objective being to stimulate the community to discover a
new dialogue with the space through theatre. Starting with an analysis of social and collective problems,
the inhabitants are encouraged to search for a solution, using theatre, which can be adopted in real life.
We hope, moreover, that the project becomes a reproducible model for any city or community, taking off
from the idea that "places that are today considered a waste of space and time might one day become
spheres of social, cultural and playful interaction" (Stalker).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 7.500,00
Pagina 87 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application
Transnational Youth Initiative
Applicant: Les Bas Bleu Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Savelli, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 35129
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The European Young Illustrators Network is a project aimed to establish a multicultural network among
young illustrators in order to stimulate a reflection on the emerging European society and to foster mutual
understanding between young people. These objec8ves will be achieved by: a) crea8ng a Web portal for
young illustrators; b) realizing a 14-day illustration exhibition in Padua; c) publishing an illustrated book on
the themes of the exhibi8on; d) par8cipa8ng in Paris illustra8on fair. Illustra8on is a minor art which
develops its contents and forms in different ways, varying from country to country. Due to this peculiarity
it features socie8es cultural backgrounds with their own tradi8ons, according to each sensibility.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Padova
Granted amount: € 12.849,00
Pagina 88 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Ivan Talarico per conto del Gruppo Informale FREQUENZE MODULATE
Applicant Address: Viale della Venezia Giulia, 137 int.10
Applicant Postal Code: 00177
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
Il progetto uburedio ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di una radio indipendente sul web, la cui creazione e
programmazione sia gestita da giovani con l'interesse di creare una rete virtuale di diffusione di contenuti
indipenden8 (teatro/video/musica). AJraverso la possibilità di diffusione della web radio (che può
facilmente essere inserita nel sito di qualsiasi associazione aderente) si vuole sopperire alla mancanza di
coesione tra gruppi e alla disponibilità degli spazi reali in questo 8po di inizia8ve.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 5.000,00
Pagina 89 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Gianfranco Chiappini per conto del Gruppo Informale Quelli che…la valle!
Applicant Address: C/o Comunità Montana Valchiusella, Via Provinciale 10
Applicant Postal Code: 10010
Applicant Town: Alice Superiore
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project is aimed to give the opportunity to the young people of Valchiusella to meet, proving them
cultural and educational environment The group will meet in a space given by the municipalities of the
valley and it will rapresent the place where activities will be developed . All the initiatives will be open to all
the young people of the community.The ini8a8ved will be addressed to the discovering of the culture and
of the tradition of Valchiusella, a community where such events are still rare. The group will inform
regulary the ins8tu8on in order to establish with them a dialogue on the theme of youth polices.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Alice Superiore
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 90 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Alessandro Pieralli per conto del Gruppo di fatto "ARAXE"
Applicant Address: C/o APS YARD Via Monte Rosa, 84
Applicant Postal Code: 20149
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
Il progetto vuole affrontare le problematiche dell'esclusione sociale, della discriminazione, del razzismo e
della xenofobia vissuti e subiti dalle comunità ROM, che da anni si insediano nelle città europee ignorati
come fantasmi, soprattutto focalizzando l'attenzione sulla città di Milano e sulla sua provincia. Per
analizzare questi aspetti il gruppo si è posto come metodo quello di approfondire la conoscenza della
situazione dei ROM, sia ripercorrendo la storia delle varie migrazioni nomadi, sia seguendo lo sviluppo della
cultura e infine osservando le loro condizioni attuali in relazione all'inserimento nella società. Dopo una
prima fase di preparazione formativa del gruppo, inizierà una fase più operativa nella quale intediamo
entrare in contatto diretto con i membri delle diverse comunità ROM e con gli operatori che lavorano con
loro. Questi momenti mirano a scoprire le motivazioni e le esperienze dirette di emarginazione di tutti i
componenti delle comunità di etnia ROM, approfondendo in questo modo l'aspetto dei diritti a loro
riconosciuti e allo stesso tempo negati. A questo proposito vogliamo entrare nel merito dell'espansione dei
diritti per le famiglie ROM di provenienza romena, nell'ottica dell'allargamento dell'Unione Europea alla
Romania. Dopo aver accumulato così numerose conoscenze ed esperienze, intendiamo raccoglierle in un
libro, integrato da foto e contribu8 audiovisivi. Il prodoJo finale del progeJo verrà presentato con la
costruzione di un evento conclusivo.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Milano
Granted amount: € 9.500,00
Pagina 91 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Carmine Basile per conto del Gruppo Informale ClaX
Applicant Address: c/o D'Eramo -Via Teodoro Mayer, 23 - int. B.18
Applicant Postal Code: 00177
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
Il progetto Gattaro mira alla realizzazione di un film docu - fiction , all'interno del VI municipio della città di
Roma, che sia punto di incontro (e di sfogo) di giovani appartenenti alla realtà di una delle pereferie
svantaggiate della Capitale: il quartiere del prenestino. Sia i giovani appartenenti al gruppo informale ClaX,
infatti, che i soggetti che prenderanno parte alla docu-fiction come protagonisti delle storie raccontata,
vivono all'interno della zona circoscriJa nel VI municipio di Roma.Il lavoro di docu-fic8on ruoterà aJorno
alla figura, molto radicata nella cultura capitolina, del/della gattaro/a. La figura di un giovane "gattaro"
ventenne, studente universitario fuori sede, anch'egli domiciliato in zona prenestina, che si prende cura di
alcuni gatti in zona e di una piccola colonia all'interno dell'Università "La Sapienza", farà da collante
narrativo al nostro lavoro video che mira a prendere il largo cercando di dare altri particolari scorci della
vita di una delle più popolate periferie romane, aiutata, nelle digressioni, da alcuni momen8 fic8on.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 7.500,00
Pagina 92 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Marialaura Ferrandino per conto del Gruppo Informale Le Iene di Kalimer
Applicant Address: Via Fondobosso n.20
Applicant Postal Code: 80077
Applicant Town: Ischia (Na)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
We are a group of young people who met for the first time as participants in a project for facing problems
in alimentation of young people. Together we took part in artistic and music workshops. What we aim to
do now is to multiply our experience to the young people of ischia (the island where we live) using peer
education, sport and outdoor activities.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ischia (NA)
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 93 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: YARD APS
Applicant Address: Via Monte Rosa, 84
Applicant Postal Code: 20149
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF SUMMARY The project involves as main actors teenagers "in proba8on" o
allocated in protect community (art.22) : Young people hosted by Casa Sherwood/Sherwood Home
(Sherwood Social Cooperative a.r.l. Onlus) and young people from YARD social promotion association
together will build the project developing the project's ac8vi8es.Freedom web radio project will develop
into 10 months of activities after whose it will possible to verify if the project's objectives and goals are
fully reached and realized.All ac8vi8es will take place in Casa Sherwood community located in
Cooperativa sociale Sherwood a.r.l. Onlus headquarter in San Colombano al Lambro, south of the city of
Milan.ACTIVITIES :1.Approach to radio communica8on (radio technician + radio speaker).2.Installa8on
of a basical radio studio usefull to create and trasmit web radio formats.3.Preapara8on of a radio format,
radio transmission (format directoring + speaking ).4.N.10 mee8ngs on "FARE
COMUNICAZIONE/CREATING COMMUNICATION".5.Produc8on of N. 20 radio formats/transmission (60
min. Each).OBJECTIVES: 1.Spreading and transmission of new languages as those linked to informa8on's
new technologies.2.Sharing of professional abili8es and skills connected with "crea8ng and doing radio"
knowledge.3.Coopera8on among actors for the realiza8on of a collec8ve enterprise.4.Elabora8ng
communicative abilities linked to "doing radio" and the use of communication technologies as instruments
usare strumen8 usefull for dialogue and rela8ons among different people, experiences, worlds.The
young group of people from APS YARD is composed by boys and girls aged between 15 and 25 years old.
They will experiment theirselves as not-formal facilitators with the objective to transmit and share the
project's various steps. They will take ac8on in the follow different roles :1.Audio's Technician (mainly
referent for the installa8on of the radio's studio}.2.Radio's Director (mainly referent for the direc8on in a
radio trasmission and a radio format).3.Radio's Speaker (mainly referent for the cultural media8on among
the different actors involved in the project and for italian language assistance).4.Radio's Speaker (mainly
referent for the forma8on concerned "crea8ng radio" and more in general "crea8ng communica8on").
Pagina 94 di 261
Note: In this project, fundamental role to be rappresented by from young of the HOUSE SHERWOOD
COMUNITY (www.casasherwood.it) : Young held some juvenile prison of Milan at the end of trouble and
subjects prisoners in condition of to enter the alternate and available measure to test concretely the
connection of accompaniment. Minor, Italians and migrating, in "Put to the test" or with placing in
community (art. 22).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: LAMBRINIA di Chignolo Po (PV)
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 95 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Cristina Mazzei per conto del Gruppo Informale GLI AMICI DI CASA DIETR
Applicant Address: Via Tosi, 30
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: Asti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Our project wants to promote the cooperation between two groups of young people already existing on
our territory; the two informal group have in common the same desire to share their experience in the
artistic field. Why we want to do it? We want give the possibility to these groups to know each others, to
confront themselves and to realize something together, for them, for the community in which they live,
and for other youngsters of the district "Praia" (we called "the Astesan Bronx"). They are disadvanteged,
and far from all the opportunities for free time, cultural events, places for meeting.. But also we want to
make something with and for the youngsters in Mombercelli. We are planning to create together an artistic
event, based on our 2 passions: music and theatre.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: ASTI
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 96 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
"Senza Fine" - Storia di due donne
Applicant: Enzimistudio Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Buriasco, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 10135
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
"2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All" has inspired this project dedicated to significant topics
as: gender mainstream (focused on female dimension), sex discrimination (in the homosexual dimension)
and tolerance, solidarity values. Through out the realisation of a film - titled "Senza Fine" - it will be
developed the story of a female homosexual couple to the taking with juridical obstacles, prejudice,
illness, difficulty of communication etc. The provocative intent of this project is to arise awareness around
social topic through a double task: one closely connected to an educational aim, finalized to the diffusion of
the movie at Local, Regional and National level. The second, more focused on the acquisition of specific
skills: technical (linked to the realization of the movie and finalized to give professional opportunity to the
young participants); management (concerning all the aspects of the project: logistic, human resources;
promotion of the project etc.). We strongly consider this project as a first step for a future cooperation
between local/national structures and youngsters, engaged into the media field: a persuasive mean to
diffuse social thematic.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Torino
Granted amount: € 11.000,00
Pagina 97 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application
Transnational Youth Initiative
"Salta le barriere" - "Jump the Barriers"
Applicant: Artedanzae20 Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Manfredini, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 20145
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
"Jump the barriers" is a networking group ini8a8ve ac8vity between Greece and Italy. The aim of the
project is, first of all, the communica8on and coopera8on between the two groups and the personal and
cultural expressiveness and development of all the par8cipants through the arts, exploring the same
theme: Equal Opportunities, not only as equality between genders,but as well as overcoming of
ideological, religious, ethnic, cultural barriers that obstruct to every human beeing the full and legittime
realisa8on as a person and the full development of poten8als and aLtudes in the society where lives.The
project, also, will include the realiza8on of a common event in Milano for the presenta8on of the crea8ve
process of each group, in associa8on with original aural and visual elements. Lastly, the evalua8on of the
project through the experience of the par8cipants, and the gathering and transfer of the gained
knowledge, conclusions and experiences to other people, through a dvd, audio cd, printed informa8on
and photographs, will be the most important ac8vi8es of the program. The planning and the realiza8on
of the program will be exclusively organised and completed by the par8cipants and friends of the two
groups.This is a second part to implement the first networking realized already in Greece with the
realization of an event in march 2007, to continue the colllaboration, realize the same impact in Italy and
more of all to involve new youngsters.The aim of this project is to realize a performance using dance and
video art,including a photo exhibition as an interactive performance realized with the combination of
materials prepared from each group and a work on improvisation done together during the week of
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Milano
Pagina 98 di 261
Granted amount: € 9.640,00
Pagina 99 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Porte Aperte
Applicant: Judo Club Sassuolo ASD
Applicant Address: Via Rometta, 106
Applicant Postal Code: 41049
Applicant Town: Sassuolo (MO)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
An italian youth group of four between boys and girls aged 18-30 organizes a recycling taskforce. This
youth group lives in a very problematic district of the city where young people are living on the street and
have no social life nor interac8on what so ever, other than deliquency. The area, aka Quar8ere Braida,
has been often mentioned last year by local and national newspapers and tv news because of the dramatic
situation there and the difficult life conditions people undergo. Quartiere Braida is characterized by a large
number of extra EU ci8zens, therefore social inclusion and discrimina8on are a massive issue.A.S.D. Judo
Club Sassuolo provides the venue for workshops about the theme of recycling. The theme will be
developed throught practical activities that will teach the participants to use household waste material to
make things and to play games. This is a nice way to give a chance to boys and girls of a different cultural
and religious group to interact with the locals and to find a way to social inclusion in order to facilitate
intercultural dialogue. As a matter of fact the project addresses to a minority group of citizens who are
finding it rather hard to be included in local social life and live in a very disadvantaged condition with fewer
opportuni8es, where danger oTen occurs as well.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Sassuolo (MO)
Granted amount: € 8.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Alieni a Ponte Mammolo
Applicant: Massimiliano Di Carlo per conto del Gruppo Informale Cinema Station
Applicant Address: Viale Marx, 199
Applicant Postal Code: 00137
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
"Alieni a Ponte mammolo" ("Aliens in Ponte mammolo)" is a project conceived for a youth group
interested to work together for the social and cultural development of a depressed area: the quarter
"Ponte Mammolo", site in the outskirts of Rome. Many of the participants comes from crunch situations
tied to drugs-problem, racquet, social discomfort and rejection, familiar troubles, etc. The pivot of our idea
concern on the realization of a "mockumentary", a fake documentary able to freeze the hard fact of the
place and the social dynamics that happen in, using the strong leverage of irony, sarcasm and other
mediatic weapons. We chose the "alien invasion" metaphor to describe the sense of alienation that we
feel living in this area. The aliens are the youth guys that have no chance as well as the immigrant that have
few possibility to integrate themselves.. each person that lives here seems like an alien!We want to
realize this project spliLng up the work in 3 steps:-PREPARATION-REALIZATION-DIFFUSION OF THE
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Stracci della memoria
Applicant: PanicArte Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via di Sadurano, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 40060
Applicant Town: Pianoro (Bologna)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Rags of memory is a theatrical project addressed to young artists and citizens of the territory which has the
aim to promote, through art's forms and innovative creativity, principles of tolerance and social equality
and to spread values like the peace and the social solidarity. The project is based on the task that a better
historical knowledge of the traditions of the territory of belonging or in which a person live or work allows
to young people to understand their own role and their own European cultural roots. In fact, the theme of
the project will be an historical-artistic research on the second world war, whose the territory still
conserves a strong memory in some places (like the path of the gothic line and the park of Montesole) and
that represents a common worry for the European society, the worry of the war and of the social and racial
discriminations. The work of research and documentation will be led by the young artists in contact with
the more mature generations, establishing in this way a strong connection with the whole community.
Besides there will be the participation of very young people through steps of the project in there will be
demonstrations of theatrical work in which they could participate led by the group and the coach.
Following a cultural process that from the bottom will develop to the top, it will be conduce also a research
on the literature and on the European artists that faced the same themes at an international level to
establish a connection between the memory of the territory and the European historical-artistic memory.
This thing will allow to understand the principle of the identity of the European social values like the
tolerance, the peace and the social equality. In particular, the authors of the European classic tradition
together with the witnesses and the experiences lived by the citizens of the territory will be taken in
consideration. Then, the documentary stuff will be re-elaborated in an artistic way through the visual arts
(videos, photos, etc.) and the performing arts (theatre, dance, electronic music) by the group supported by
experts who will also train the participants, to create a theatrical event, characterized by the innovative
sign, and divided in three parts. This event will be represented in some places of the territory, in which the
memory of the war is still well conserved, but also in national and European theatres and festivals.
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Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Pianoro (BO)
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
FRAGILE - Teatro diversamente abile
Applicant: Tam Teatromusica Soc Coop
Applicant Address: Via XX Settembre, 28
Applicant Postal Code: 35122
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
PROJECTA team of 8 youth, 6 of them differently able and also actors of the group Teatro&Handicap,
proposes a path of theatrical labs and the realization of a performance in order to make public opinion, and
moreover the youth, aware of the problem represented by the equality of rights and the defence of ''frail
agents''. The performance aim is attesting the reception of diversity as a way of human
society.STEPSDecember 2007 - Supplying of a quality-ques8onnaire to the students aJending the
theatrical activities of Liceo Cornaro,Liceo Fermi, Istituto Gramsci, focused on the theme of frailty and the
percep8on of people differently able in their society.Analysis of results to set up a list of star8ng points
and key-topics to work on during the theatrical path.January/April 2008 - Art and Diversity: mee8ngs and
theatrical labs with differently able youth and students.The theatrical labs provide common working days
for the youth of Teatro&handicap and attending students. The 6 differently able actors and the students
will share theatrical practices and artistic improvisations on key-topics related to the theme of
frailty.May /July 2008 - Accomplishment and presenta8on of the performance ''frail''. Differently able
actors, after the meeting and the comparison with students on the theme of ''frailties'' will work on the
realization of a performance that attests the path and the experiences lived together. A translation into an
artistic language of frailty expressions and differences of human being. The play will be presented at least
for 3 repeat performances in June, during the "deGenerazioni Festival" and in this site, it will be organized a
day dedicated to the theme of integration of differently able people, also in the job field through
experiences and cultural activities. There will be invited, besides the students attending labs, also social and
poli8cs agents interested on the maJer, and medias.The search of responsive agents with whom start
related paths, a coopera8ve net, is one of the most important goals of the project.August/November
2008 - Evalua8onPar8cularly meaningful will be the path realized with high schools; thanks to teachers'
supportit will be collected impressions and feelings of the students, aTer the performance and the
mee8ngs with actors.Valoriza8on and Follow UpThe informa8ve and promo8ng campaign of the whole
Pagina 104 di 261
project will be radial developed, using specific means of information, to involve the higher and
differen8ated number of agents.The whole project will be documented through the use of mul8media
and papery supports. It will be spread out with different means to reach the widest number of people.It
will be realized as follow:- a dvd summing-up the phases of the project- a publica8on and a cd rom
containing pictures and texts (about labs, any different phases of the scenic writing, analysis and
elabora8on of the ques8onnaire results etc..)- internet, making a dedicated sec8on into the site of TAM
teatromusica (www.tamteatromusica.it) and specific updating of the project into the web sites of the
involved agents.The awaring ac8on in this way is double: the ar8s8c-emo8ve ac8on raised by the
performance, and on the other hand, the following analysis and elaboration produced by the video/papery
support offered to the public.The working group:Melissa De San8s - coordina8on and
organiza8onAlessandro Mar8nello - (youth par8cipant to Ac8on3 + Networking - Crossborder
cooperation "..per un futuro amico - i ponti del dialogo") theatre technical management and video,
coaching assistance.Andreina Bori, Gianluca Raffaele, Giorgio Dal Corso, Marco Tramontana, Miriam
Sech - actors Teatro&Handicap, labs leadersJuri Roverato - differently able dancer, danceability labs
leaderCoaching: M.Cinzia Zanellato e Mirko Artuso
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: PADOVA
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Il giornale dei giovani di Ostia
Applicant: Serena Principia per il Gruppo Informale Giovani di Ostia
Applicant Address: Via Capo Bonifati, 25
Applicant Postal Code: 00122
Applicant Town: ROMA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project is a cultural and educational structure with an important function of pretion of young
discomfort.The journal gives the possibility to use forma8ve projects for the youthful educa8onThe
objects are: the development of youth personality, the creation of relationships between young people
and the local structures, the realization of cultural and artistic workshops. The main activity is a young
paper.The idea to realize a journalism ac8vity represents an educa8onal methodology with the
opportunity of aggregation, reflection, relationship, considering actual themes, connected to young
interests and themes about the European community, like his history, population functions, and his
ins8tu8ons The main objec8ve of journalism ac8vity is to create a space for young communica8on, a
territorial analysis to involve young people in the social reality.The journalism ac8vity wants to s8mulate
young people to have a stronger responsibility and public-spirit.The journal represents the result of
discussions and research, an active and participating observation on field, and stimulate the greater sense
of active citizenship through the discussion of social and cultural themes and the observation about the
resources of territory.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: ROMA
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application
Transnational Youth Initiative
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Cambiamenti Urbani
Applicant: COSSET Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Vico del Serriglio, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 16124
Applicant Town: Genova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
Prevediamo di realizzare un prodotto audiovisivo sul rapporto fra le dinamiche di modifica del territorio
urbano in Europa e le conseguenze di queste a livello sociale e culturale. L'aLvità coinvolgerà quaJro
gruppi di giovani in quattro nazioni europee (Italia Francia, Germania e Slovenia). I gruppi hanno una
conoscenza tecnica di base degli strumenti audiovisivi e hanno caratteristica di "urbanità" simile
(sull'utilizzo informale degli spazi pubblici, sul tema degli sport di strada, della musica autoprodotta ecc.).
Nella raccolta di immagini, interviste e quant'altro saranno supportate da tecnici professionisti ed
educatori. Il prodotto auspicato è un documentario che raccolga e strutturi l'idea. La costruzione del
documentario verrà accompagnata da un continuo scambio fra i quattro gruppi, e da una fase di
elaborazione colleLva di un prodoJo finale comune. Le metodologie impiegate saranno documentate
anch'esse, e prodoJo finale e conclusioni sull'aLvità saranno diffuse a livello locale ed europeo.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Genova
Granted amount: € 12.476,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Fabio Ara per conto del Gruppo Informale Marmado
Applicant Address: Via Rockfeller, 67
Applicant Postal Code: 07041
Applicant Town: Alghero
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
"Tumbaros" is a project created for a group of young people that live in Sardegna (Italy) who wantwork
together on a reserch about the carnival's tradi8ons in their region.In par8cular, the project is set to help
learning how to work in team and make a good research,both theore8cally and pra8cally.Young people
in Sardegna lives a very cri8cal situa8on because they stay in a place with specifichabits, tradi8ons, uses
and customs, where it's very difficult to combine the development of thecontemporary world with the
sardinian people's own lifestyle. So we want to help them to accept,study and understand the importance
of their past, to find a way to balance the modernity of aneuropean dimension with their unique cultural
iden8ty.We decided to study the Carnival Celebra8on because it is an important tradi8on of all the
areasand, moreover, because the celebra8on's mood is different from all the others italian
tradi8ons.The final aim of the project is to realize a video documentary as a research on the
carnival'scelebra8on and the possibility for it to survive in a future world, as a tradi8on.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Alghero
Granted amount: € 7.500,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
"Tales from hidden migration"
Applicant: CESIE Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Gorizia, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 90133
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The project, "Tales from hidden migration", has been written in order to fight against racism and
discrimina8on by apprecia8ng cultural diversity and the promo8on of intercultural dialogue.The idea of
the project was born from the awareness that in the city centre of Palermo, where we develop most of our
projects, there is a great distance between migrants and other people from the local community. This
situation is caused by stereotyping and misunderstandings which come mainly from the lack of
communica8on and understanding between the two groups. This project will achieve two objec8ves:
social inclusion of the migrant community into the local community and an improvement in the situation of
young women from the migrant community. "Tales from hidden migration" consists of the creation of a
book which will collect stories from migrant women who live in Palermo and who come from different
countries and diverse cultures. In this way, we will be able to promote an intercultural understanding by
giving the opportunity to express to a group often far away from the public sphere and in some ways
'invisible' to the public eye. This book will be written in Italian and translated into English and French in
order to ensure that the stories collected reach many people. In addition, it will be dramatised by local
street artists (the group will be gender balanced and will involve equal participation of migrant and local
popula8on), so as to communicate these young women's stories to the local community.The youth group
that will realise this project "Tales from hidden migration" is made up of people from CE.S.I.E who come
from local and migrant communities. This gives us the chance to develop an intercultural dialogue within
the group itself and to overcome social and cultural barriers.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Palermo
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The idea of this project is promoting youth participation by fostering some alternative communication
channels, through which youngsters can crea8vely express their ideas and proposals. The protagonists will
be a group of youngsters and their coach, attending the "rehearsal room" at the Youth Centre of Virgilio
(Mantova). Their objective is developing their initiative and responsibility, by managing directly the
"rehearsal room" where different groups can practise and prepare their art /music/ dance
performances.This place will be the backbone for the organisa8on of some ar8s8c and cultural workshops
and events, conceived, planned and supervised by the young people for other youngsters and the whole
community, where young people can make their voice heard.Finally, since this ac8on moves from the
large scale project called JAMO (2006 - 3328 / 001 -001) we aim at involving youngsters with fewer
opportunities, with cultural, social, economic and family difficulties, who can take the chance for
expressing themselves through the most fiLngways.The coach will monitor the group, support their
ideas, support the group in the contact with the Municipality, which owns the "rehearsal room", and
guarantee the involvement of minors and disadvantaged par8cipants.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Bagnolo S. Vito
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Artiingiro Un sistema territoriale per la creatività giovanile
Applicant: Artemista Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via Castello, 4/I
Applicant Postal Code: 27010
Applicant Town: Spessa
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The idea of Arti in Giro comes from the experience started in 2006 with the UE financed project "Teatro
Hip Hop", bearing in mind its excellent results and thinking of new solutions. The aim of the project is to
involve many villages of two districts around Pavia (Pavese and Oltrepò) in the development of artistic
activities addressed to young people which will be held in differents places, but reachable by every
participant through a system of transport predisposed on purpose. Our strategy is to create a network,
which allows young people from different villages to draw together and to be integrated with the whole
community. The activities, as the title underlines, will be linked to different arts (theatre, music, break
dance, dance, visual arts, video and juggle) and chosen by the participants. There will be different groups,
in different places, but always in touch with one another. There will be a period of preparation, in wich
we'll meet young people of each village involved and we'll create the groups and the period of workshop,
that will end with final products, such as performances, cds, dvds, exhibitions, ecc. Participants will be the
direct authors of everything, with the help of the art operetors, in order to create autonomous planning,
culturals and artistic skills all over the territory. The products will be diffused over the local territory and in
other villages of Region Lombardia. This will allow us to make exchanges with similar youth initiatives. The
project will be supported by many municipalities, at present 18, but they could increase in number, since
we are waiting for other 20 municipalities decisions.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Spessa (PV)
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 111 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Denise Marcellini per conto del Gruppo Informale INFOSHOCK
Applicant Address: Via Dei Reti, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The use of drugs is continuously increasing among young people and it makes necessary a development of
a new kind of strategy that can intervene in a context that is always changing. The aim of this project is to
spread information about drugs different effects and to assist young people having difficult relation with
these substances. We think that, through prevention, we can give young people necessary tools to
understand and to limit risks due to drug use. The strength of this project is that it is fully managed by
young, so that we will be able to have an informal approach that will allow us to reach easily people of our
same age and to give them informa8on and knowledge useful to save their health.New ways of using
drugs show a contemporary assumption of different psychotropic substances: being part of the young
world will make us able to understand and to work with greater aJen8on on these new ways.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 112 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
U Consulu tradizione popolare salentina sul rito funebre
Applicant: Carangelo Mirko per conto del Gruppo Informale Idra Uxentum
Applicant Address: Via Enrico Fermi, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 73059
Applicant Town: Ugento (Lecce)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
Il progetto di docu-fiction "U Consulu, tradizione popolare sul rito funebre" propone uno studio
approfondito, documentato e ricreato sull'usanza del rito funebre in alcune zone del sud Italia, durante i tre
giorni di lutto. Il lavoro di docu-fiction ruoterà attorno ad un rituale, la morte di una persona cara, dove
l'organizzazione del rito, le piagnone, il digiunodiurno, il corteo accompagnato dalla banda locale e il
cenone di tutti i parenti e amici più intimi, saranno il nostro centro d'interesse primario. Inoltre, per
completare la ricostruzione dell'evento verranno ricreate situazioni analoghe attraverso fedeli ricostruzioni
da parte di ragazzi-aJori. L'idea è nata da un gruppo informale di giovani, "Idra Uxentum", che,
girovagando per i vari paesini pugliesi in cerca di nuove emozioni, hanno deciso di far rinascere con i pochi
mezzi a disposizioni le proprie tradizioni culturali. Vivendo in un luogo dove le attività invernali sono
assenti, si è deciso di raccontare come la gente di un tempo cercava nelle proprie tradizioni una
giustificazione di vita, e magari di trovare un riscontro o raffrontare le proprie, con simili tradizioni Europee.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ugento (Lecce)
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Alessandra Costa per I Lunatici Gruppo Informale
Applicant Address: Piazza Martiri della Libertà
Applicant Postal Code: 12063
Applicant Town: Dogliani
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The goal of the project is to promote youth activity and creativity, enhancing young people skills and giving
visibility their ideas.Another aim the project has, is to include encounters between the various cultures
and na8onali8es that belong to the territory. Young people's favourite languages and means of
communication such as music and multimedia (video making, blogs, music composition for video
soundtrack) will be privileged in achieving this goal.The ac8vi8es will include video making lessons
(people will attend specific seminars), events organisation (live concerts, seminars and lectures given by
experts), video edi8ng and broadcas8ng finalized to a dvd crea8on.There will be ac8ve involvement of
participants in the organization and management of meetings, the advertising of activities and events,
encounters with local communi8es and contacts with experts and musicians.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Dogliani
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Lavori in Corso Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Traversa di Via Romana, 54
Applicant Postal Code: 06126
Applicant Town: Perugia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
We are going to make and shoo8ng some video episodes about Europe. We will create a micro-shoo8ng
film studio to make different interview and creative videos about the theme of the project (making
scenographies, pannels, etc.).We will talk and make a confronta8on about our feeling of Europe through
the process of the wri8ng a screen play We are going to use and organize our video and photographic
documentation about more then 10 years of youth projects to involve different youngsters of our local
community in a commune project.We are going to check some of our simbolic objects from Europe to use
and film them into the videos.We will contact other people that in the past were in the associa8on for
youth project, to make a confronta8on. We will conctact the people and the friends from Europe to have
new different videos. We will organize with the local ins8tu8ons some events to comunicate to other
yougsters our work in this project.We will make different copies of dvd to project and give to schools,
youth centers and associa8ons. We will organize different events with the partecipa8on of young people
and teachers to tell them our personal experience about Europe, interculture and tollerance with european
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: PERUGIA
Granted amount: € 7.500,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: Massimo Incampo per conto del Gruppo informale Passi in Avanti
Applicant Address: Viale Regina Margherita, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The initiative wants point out the problem of the architectural barriers in the City of Altamura,that it
represents a serious obstacle to mobility of person on wheelchair. At the same time the project wants to
make aware local authority and whole community,given that these person cann't be indipendent and
freely move as well through streets,sidewalks,public places and shops where the mobility is limited or even
worse.After a census of streets and places, to check their general accessibility, the disabled people will
know the possibility where and how they can move.The initiative foresees, in fact, the creation of a map of
the central zone and the principal public structures of the city in which accessibility will come, through
some activities of photo and video, verified and subsequently trought on distinguishing three different
colors, to mean the degree with which it is possible to enter of it and enjoy the place in matter. To end
project, the map and the other realized activities, will be introduced to the locl authorities and the whole
community in a public lecture. The map and the DVD realized will be distributed therefore.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Altamura
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
I giovani per l'Acquacheta, l'Acquacheta per i giovani
Applicant: Abbraccio Verde Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Via G. Marconi, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 47010
Applicant Town: Portico-San Benedetto (FC)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
Our project aims to the enhancement of the rural territory of the "Comunità Montana Acquacheta"
through activities promoted and carried out by our group of young people interested in fostering social
inclusion of other young people, in par8cular of those with less opportuni8es.Our group intends to
analyse our territory from a historical-social-environmental point of view and to collect information about
places and facilities (youth hotels, houses of voluntary associations, sport places, paths, theatres, cinemas,
etc…) of particular interest for young people (also those with disabilities) and youth associations.
Moreover, we plan to improve our historical and cultural knowledge through the collection of old people's
stories, traditional songs, dances and games, as well as to promote those places relevant for the historical
memory. With the collected informa8on we will create a brochure and a website, in order to enhance our
rural area not only to the local young people and youth associations but also, with the dissemination
activities, to those living in the European areas twinned with Comunità Montana Acquacheta and the
municipali8es of Forlì-Cesena Province.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Portico e San Benedetto (FC)
Granted amount: € 9.400,00
Pagina 117 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application
Transnational Youth Initiative
le noble art de périphérie
Applicant: Mariateresa Bovino per conto del Gruppo Informale MUNIA
Applicant Address: VIA GIUSEPPE DALLA VEDOVA, 64
Applicant Postal Code: 00176
Applicant Town: ROMA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Il progetto "Le noble art de périphérie" consiste nella realizzazione di un documentario e di un reportage
fotografico sul mondo della boxe di periferia. Non la boxe dei grandi nomi, dei grandi giri economici ma di
ragazzi e ragazze che si avvicinano e praticano questo sport. Raccontare e autoraccontare la periferia di
due grandi città, Roma e Parigi attraverso la boxe praticata dai giovani.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: ROMA
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 118 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Oltre i confini nuovi orizzonti: da Partinico all'Europa!
Applicant Address: Via Piave, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 90047
Applicant Town: PARTINICO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
"Oltre i confini nuovi orizzonti: da Partinico all'Europa!" c'est un projet qui embrasse un vaste champ
d'intérêt: la citoyenneté européenne, la condition juvénile, l'interculturalité, la sauvegarde de
l'environnement. Les objec8fs que nous nous proposons d'aJeindre sont: sensibilisa8on de la
communauté au respect de l'environnement, acquisition du sentiment d'appartenance a l'Europe,
connaissance des différentes cultures européennes pour abattre des stéréotypes et des préjugés envers
l'autre.Du moment que ce projet est adressé surtout aux jeunes, les ac8vités au programme favoriseront
les méthodes de l'apprentissage non formel, ceux-ci comprendront la musique, l'animation théâtrale,
plusieurs laboratoires créa8fs et la rédac8on d'un pe8t journal.Un autre point clé de notre projet est celui
de mettre au courant les jeunes des possibilités d'enrichissement culturel que l'Union Européenne leur
offre; à ce but aussi on prévoit créer, à la fin du projet, un site Internet qui rassemble et met à disposition
de tout le monde les fruits de nos expériences.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Partinico (PA)
Granted amount: € 7.100,00
Pagina 119 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant: VENEZIACOMIX Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: c/o Emanuele Tenderini, Cannaregio 3194/A
Applicant Postal Code: 30121
Applicant Town: Venezia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
U8liser la bande dessinée comme instrument de communica8on, d'interac8on et d'intégra8onCe projet
prévoit l'analyse phénoménologique, mais également l'étude de planches et de courteshistoires illustrées,
dans le but d'examiner l'impact social que le media bande dessinée a sur leterritoire, au niveau local
d'abord, au niveau européen ensuite.Nous souhaitons u8liser la bande dessinée comme un instrument de
communica8on et de créa8vitéun instrument qui, consciemment, a jusqu'ici assimilé les préjudices
sociaux puis les a réélaborésdans le but de promouvoir l'intégra8on des jeunes handicapés avec d'autres
personnes de leur âge.L'étude phénoménologique pour apprendre le poten8el communica8f, la créa8vité
pour élaborer unehistoire illustrée qui puisse raconter le handicap, l'intégra8on et l'interac8on entre le
groupe de travail"technique" et le groupe des jeunes handicapés.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Mestre
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 120 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Nwolc. Clown allo specchio
Applicant: Elena Fresch per conto del Gruppo Informale NANIROSSI
Applicant Address: Piazza Roma 11
Applicant Postal Code: 33070
Applicant Town: Brugnera - Pn
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
We are the Nanirossi, a small street theatre and outdoor circus group. We are ex students of the Scuola di
Cirko directed by Paolo Stratta in Grugliasco (Torino). The members of the group are linked by the passion
for popular outdoor performances - that we creates ourselves - often working passing the hat. We work all
over Italy as buskers but also collaborating with important national theatres. Now our main interest is to
make our group bigger, involving other young people with similar aims but different backgrounds in a more
ambitious project: the idea is to go in front of the audience using the power of communication of a
comic/clown show to say something more important about the message. With other 4 young artists we
want to create a show about the theme of "Diversity" to be performed in the streets and squares of Italy
and hopefully in some theatres. We deeply want the audience to make some reflections in a funny way as
we learnt from one of our big masters as Leo Bassi: a show without words for an international public that
could talk about important values through the art of irony and smiling.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Grugliasco
Granted amount: € 7.000,00
Pagina 121 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Orizzonti di Aggregazione Sociale Intercomunale (O.A.S.I.)
Applicant: Cantieri Sociali Lauriedd Associazione Culturale
Applicant Address: Via G. Pascoli 2
Applicant Postal Code: 72018
Applicant Town: San Michele Salentino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Il Progetto O.A.S.I. ( Orizzonti di Aggregazione Sociale Intercomunale ) si pone come obiettivo il
coinvolgimento attivo dei giovani in processi di cittadinanza attiva, finalizzati al miglioramento della qualità
della vita all'interno delle loro comunità. L'attivazione di tali processi sarà successiva alla realizzazione di
una inchiesta, gestita dai giovani partecipanti al progetto, sugli stili di vita giovanili nei loro territori.
Dall'analisi dei risultati si articoleranno le forme di educazione non formale partecipate, per stimolare le
capacità e potenzialità espressive e creative giovanili, in diverse forme artistiche: la danza, il teatro, la
musica e la produzione di cortometraggi. I paesi coinvolti sono tre: San Michele Salentino, San Vito dei
Normanni e Francavilla Fontana, tutti in provincia di Brindisi. Questi, presentano una continuità geograficoterritoriale, culturale e socio-economica con scenari simili anche per quanto riguarda il disagio giovanile Il
carattere intercomunale del progetto mira, attraverso il lavoro di rete, a connettere intorno a temi
condivisi i gruppi di giovani partecipanti per elaborare insieme strategie di azione locale atte ad incidere
sulle politiche giovanili dei territori coinvolti. Dando vita così alla Rete O.A.S.I, per portare avanti nel tempo
gli obiettivi del progetto.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: San Michele Salentino
Granted amount: € 8.500,00
Pagina 122 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Il Vecchio e il Mare
Applicant: Donatello Della Pepa per conto del Gruppo Informale I Gozzi
Applicant Address: C.da Noce, 82
Applicant Postal Code: 84060
Applicant Town: Perdifumo (SA)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
Il progetto "Il vecchio e il mare" è finalizzato alla realizzazione di un film documentario - fiction, che sia
testimonianza visiva, e sintesi, delle ricerche compiute dal gruppo "I Gozzi" , atte a riscoprire un rapporto
con la natura e con l'ambiente ormai praticamente scomparso nella cultura contemporanea. Priorità del
gruppo è la creazione di un luogo di confronto, per i giovani di una realtà, quella cilentana, priva di
iniziative valide di aggregazione e che si trova da tempo ormai in una situazione di disagio sociale ed
economico. I giovani sono quindi chiamati a partecipare attivamente al progetto non solo nella fase di
realizzazione del film ma anche durante la preparazione, l'organizzazione logistica e, quindi, l'evento
crea8vo.Sfondo della ricerca sarà Acciaroli, piccolo paese sul mare in cui, si dice (ma non ci sono
certezze), Ernest Hemingway trovò l'ispirazione per il suo capolavoro, appunto "Il vecchio e il mare". Il
lavoro si svilupperà attorno alla alla figura di un vecchio pescatore, unico testimone ancora in vita del
passaggio di Hemingway nel Cilento. Attraverso i suoi racconti il gruppo cercerà di ricostruire il rapporto
che legò lo scrittore premio Nobel con i luoghi e le storie di pescatori isolati dal resto del mondo negli anni
'40-'50. Proprio da questo partirà una ricerca sul rapporto tra uomo e natura in contrasto con l'abusivismo
edilizio e il turismo d'assalto che sta lacerando la costa cilentana. Alcuni inserti di fiction sulla vita di
Emingwey ad Acciaroli faranno da collante narrativo al nostro lavoro video che cercherà di fornire
par8colari scorci della vita dei pescatori e del loro rapporto con il mare.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Perdifumo (SA)
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 123 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Applicant Address: c/o Comune Grottolella - Piazza Municipio
Applicant Postal Code: 83010
Applicant Town: GROTTOLELLA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme:
Project Description:
"Skenè" rises from an idea of young people of the Forum Giovanile of Grottolella, with a passion for the
history and popular traditions proud of his own origins and desirous to make everyone taste the
memorable events of an old tradic8on.Young people will be protagonist in this project, 30% of that will be
etnic minorities and group of young not social included. The aim was to create an open creativity space
where young people - could meet each other to promote greater cohesion and a greater social integration
in the Grottolella community. At the end, young people will be protagonist in a "mise en scène". The
activities aim to build a strong relationship between participants to improve their awareness about
European roots, cultural differences and common perspec8ves.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Grottolella (Avellino)
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 124 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
“Libriamoci! - book crossing a Settimo”
Applicant: Romaniello Daisy per conto del Gruppo Inf. Zona a traffico illimitato
Applicant Address: Via Gottardo, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 10036
Applicant Town: Settimo Torinese
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Il progetto mira a diffondere e a far circolare l’interesse per la lettura e la letteratura italiana
einternazionale, sensibilizzando i fruitori sulla propria ciJadinanza europea e s8molando
lapartecipazione aLva dei residen8 del Comune aJraverso l’inizia8va “Libriamoci! - book crossing
aSeLmo”. Gli strumen8 u8lizza8 per promuovere la “cultura” del book crossing, saranno, oltre aicanali
convenzionali quali il materiale promozionale cartaceo, anche la creazione di un bloglinkabile dal sito del
Comune, principalmente indirizzato ai giovani, ma fruibile e di libero u8lizzo datuJa la ciJadinanza.
L’obieLvo di tale mezzo è la creazione di una comunità virtuale di leJori e lapromozione del programma
Gioventù in Azione. Il progeJo prevede la realizzazione di inizia8ve incollaborazione con realtà già
esisten8 sul territorio quali la Biblioteca Civica, l’Informagiovani e laCasa dei Popoli, servizio comunale che
si occupa di cooperazione internazionale e di educazioneallo sviluppo, cui sono aderen8 25 associazioni di
volontariato. Oltre ad un evento di lancio delBook Crossing, verranno realizzate due incontri tema8ci che
affronteranno trasversalmente laconduzione giovanile nella leJeratura italiana, europea e internazionale
ed un evento di piazzafinale durante il quale verranno scambia8 i libri raccol8 nei mesi preceden8 presso
il punto diraccolta stabile sito all’Informagiovani.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Settimo Torinese
Granted amount: € 7.450,00
Pagina 125 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Rappresentazione al limite
Applicant: Beatrice Sarosiek per conto del Gruppo Informale Altre Lenti
Applicant Address: c/o Gorini - San Marco 2608/A
Applicant Postal Code: 30124
Applicant Town: Venezia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
Il progetto "Rappresentazione al Limite" è proposto dal gruppo "Altre Lenti", formato da giovani di diverse
provenienze e competenze residenti nel territorio Veneto. Il tema del progetto è l'indagine dello
stereotipo della figura dello "zingaro", attraverso uno studio approfondito delle realtà rom e sinti presenti
in diverse città venete. Esso prevede una ricerca teorica, attraverso libri, riviste, documentari, ma anche la
conoscenza diretta di queste comunità, che verranno coinvolte attivamente utilizzando strumenti come la
fotografia e il teatro che permettano a loro di esprimersi e autodefinirsi e a noi di avere un punto di vista
diverso e non banale. L'obiettivo è quello di elaborare il materiale raccolto e realizzare uno spettacolo
teatrale, un libro fotografico e una mostra, sfruttando le diverse competenze dei giovani partecipanti al
progetto. "Rappresentazione al Limite" si propone di utilizzare la cultura come mezzo privilegiato per il
superamento dei pregiudizi che portano al razzismo e all'emarginazione sociale, valorizzando la ricchezza
culturale di queste comunità diffuse in tutta Europa da generazioni. Fondamentale è la possibilità data a
giovani registi, drammaturghi, attori, costumisti, scenografi, fotografi e grafici di riappropiarsi di uno spazio
culturale troppo spesso precluso alle nuove generazioni, permettendo così lo sviluppo di una cittadinanza
aLva e consapevole.The main theme of the project is the role of the "Gipsy" in our immagina8on. The
project wants to research about the sterotypes on gipsy people. It is composed by a period of research
which lasts three months and then, the production of three art espressions: an exposition, a book and a
theatre show. The research is to be done not by conventional ways like interview or reportage but with
ac8vi8es and games made by arts, theatre and photography.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Venezia
Granted amount: € 10.000,00
Pagina 126 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application
National Youth Initiative
Voci che contano
Applicant: Faccin Miriam per conto del Gruppo Inf. VolontariaMENTE
Applicant Address: Via XI Settembre, 9
Applicant Postal Code: 28887
Applicant Town: Omegna
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
Il progetto è l'espressione della volontà di un gruppo di giovani, accomunati dal fatto di aver recentemente
vissuto esperienze di volontariato estremamente positive ed arricchenti, che, dopo aver sperimentato in
prima persona il valore che questo tipo di esperienza può rivestire nel percorso di sviluppo personale; di
ricerca e costruzione della propria dimensione sociale e lavorativa, decide di fare qualcosa per promuovere
e diffondere la cultura del volontariato nei giovani del proprio territorio. In questo quadro gli strumen8 di
intervento individua8 sono molteplici ed agiscono su diversi ordini di finalità:1)sensibilizzare i giovani al
volontariato 2)far nascere nei giovani la voglia di aLvarsi individualmente o colleLvamente per
realizzare azioni solidaris8che e di ciJadinanza aLva3)fornire ai giovani gli strumen8 necessari per
individuare la formula di volontariato più vicina alle sensibilità personali, nonché per accedere alla formula
prescelta 4)dare visibilità alle esperienze posi8ve di volontariato giovanile5)creare momen8 e strumen8
di connessione tra giovani volontari attivi in diversi contesti sul nostro territorio, per promuovere un senso
di appartenza ad un gruppo allargato, unito dalla condivisione di finalità e valori. Gli strumen8 di
intervento individuati nel perseguimento delle finalità sopra descritte rientrano nell'ambito
dell'informazione/comunicazione e della creazione di re8 tra mondo giovanile e aJori locali.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Omegna
Granted amount: € 4.800,00
Pagina 127 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Type of Activity:
Democracy project
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Un Ponte ai Diritti: culture giovanili e cittadinanza attiva a Ponte di Nona
Applicant: Data Coop Cooperativa Sociale arl
Applicant Address: Via delle Canapiglie, 112
Applicant Postal Code: 00169
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project is aimed to promote active citizenship in order to foster social cohesion in a peripheric quartier
of Rome, Ponte di Nona, which presents an high risk of social conflicts. Disadvantaged youngsters will be
actively involved and trained through Université du Citoyen's partecipative methodologies to assume an
ac8ve role inside their comunity of appartenence.Target group will be formed of 24 youngsters coming
from Italy and France:12 italians of Ponte di Nona12 frenchs of two different contexts
Venue Country: <Unknown/Not Sure>
Venue Town: Marsiglia - Roma
Granted amount: € 24.000,00
Pagina 128 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Type of Activity:
Democracy project
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Young observers on the city scene: participative processes and healthy life st
Applicant: Il corpo va in città Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Giovanni Verga, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The main focus of the project is the young people participation. This general subject has been divided into
two main fields: involvement of young people in policies concerning urban liveability (participative town
planning, services for young people) and in enhancing health through physical and outdoor activities (How
to improve the young people's awareness of active life styles). The connection between the two fields is
represented by global of policies aimed at planning or re-planning public spaces which can facilitate the
different expression of the body and at projecting low threshold services which can promote active
living.The method of the project is based on the exchange of experiences between the partners which
have a relevant background on this fields. The two pillars will be represented by two seminars which will be
carried out in the two countries. During the first seminar the participants will prepare, helped by experts,
common tools to investigate the two contexts; afterwards they will apply the tools in their countries;
during the second seminar they will present the results of the surveys and build the follow up of the
project. During the follow up the results will be compared with other EU countries. The feedback from
them will allow to produce the guidelines useful for other countries and for developing further
projects.The objec8ves of the project are: to define models and criteria of involvement of young people in
the above mentioned fields; to establish a permanent net between several partners to improve the
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara e Portomaggiore
Granted amount: € 27.500,00
Pagina 129 di 261
Project Type:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Type of Activity:
Democracy project
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Take Action! A European ABC to Youth Participation
Applicant Address: PIAZZA SANTA BRIGIDA 17
Applicant Postal Code: 16126
Applicant Town: GENOVA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project aims at recognising and supporting youth participation activities, projects and initiatives
developed at local and regional level in the partner countries, by creating stronger bounds between the
three main actors of youth participation: young people, associations - civil society in general - and public
bodies, according to the principles of representative democracy. The project also aims at encouraging
young people to discover and use par8cipa8on opportuni8es at local, regional and interna8onal level. The
main ac8vi8es to be developed within the project are:"Local prepara8on of the project ac8vi8es and
mee8ngs;"Mee8ngs with all 4 partners allowing the pooling of ideas, experiences and methodologies
from projects or activities at local, regional, national or international level, in order to improve young
people's par8cipa8on;"Ac8vi8es aimed at developing a networking at both local and European
level;"Exchange ideas and good prac8ces and elaborate a youth-friendly guide to par8cipa8on and
ci8zenship with various parts regarding both the local and the European level;"In Italy, ac8vi8es
promoting the involvement of young people in the Local Youth Councils of the Municipality of Genoa and,
in Romania, ac8vi8es promo8ng the involvement of young people in the Local Youth Councils;"Mee8ngs
between young people and representatives of the 4 partners in order to put the basis and improve public
dialogue;"Valorisa8on of results and follow-up measures. The project is developed by two countries
(Italy and Romania), and, within the partnership, there are 2 youth associations and 2 local public bodies.
The theme of the project being youth participation and citizenship, the theoretical guidelines of the project
are: the Council of Europe "Revised Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life"
(2003) is the European Commission's "White Book: New Impulse for European Youth" (2001).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Genova
Pagina 130 di 261
Granted amount: € 20.618,40
Pagina 131 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Democracy project
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
This project aims at promoting active participation in public life among youngsters, included those with
fewer opportuni8es.It will start from groups formed by young people from five different territories, 4 in
the Province of Mantova and 1 in the province of the Hérault, namely in Montpellier, that will be involved
through different steps (networking, research, planning, and community animation) different territories
will be involved.More and more youngsters and at the representa8ves of their municipali8es will be
contacted, in order to share and design activities to open new channels between young people and public
ins8tu8ons at different levels. We foresee the implementa8on of mee8ngs, training, conferences and
workshops, through which participants can improve their knowledge and awareness about the
mechanisms of representative democracy, and experience various ways they can be active in civil life and
in decision-making processes.In June 2008 Italian and French groups will meet in Brussels, during the
European Youth Week, in order to share experiences and exchange best practices, and give each other
inputs for implemen8ng local ac8ons.This ac8on moves from the large scale project called JAMO (2006 3328 / 001 -001) and will therefore involve young people with fewer opportuni8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Mantova, Montpellier, Bruxelles
Granted amount: € 23.666,96
Pagina 132 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Democracy project
Youth partecipation in decision making process as basis of active citizenship
Applicant: Civitas Solis Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Caprera, 28
Applicant Postal Code: 89044
Applicant Town: Locri
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
This initiative, involving associations, youth organisations and local authority in the Locride area of the
Calabria region (one of the most underdeveloped and difficult territories in south of Italy) aims at
bolstering the participation of young people in the mechanisms of a representative democracy through the
experimentation of new ways of participation with the use of advanced methodologies of group
work.The project includes both the shared input of experiences of youth par8cipa8on in local
community life as well as the exchange of example of european good practices situated in France and
Spain.The pilot project, las8ng ten months, also means to contribute to the educa8onal and forma8on
process of the young people, giving them the opportunity to make a real comparison with various
European contexts.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Locri
Granted amount: € 24.970,00
Pagina 133 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 1, Youth Democracy Projects application
Democracy project
Applicant: Regione Lombardia - Direzione Generale Giovani, Sport, Promozione Attiv
Applicant Address: Via Rosellini, 17
Applicant Postal Code: 20124
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project, lead by the Region of Lombardy, aims at strengthening the participation of young people to
the decision-making processes implemented by the municipalities participating in the project (Cremona
(IT), Monza (IT), Söderhamn (SE), Lubjana (SI)). This will be done by focusing on the "outreach" phase of the
local participatory processes - in order to raise young people's participation - and on maintaining the
constant participation of young people to them during the whole process (continuous participation). The
project will design and test a methodology and a set of tools enabling the active involvement of young
people in the local participatory processes, through the commitment of already experienced young people
acting as "ambassadors"/facilitators among their peers. The method will be designed at European level by
young people themselves, with the support of the youth workers, through the organisation of an European
informal learning workshop. The same type of workshop will be replicated at local level, in order to involve
new "ambassadors" and to define a specific local action plan aiming at outreaching young people. Once
tested, the methodology and the toolbox could be used in each partner country as well as disseminated in
Europe, thanks to Guidelines which will be produced and disseminated in the framework of the project.
The project is based on the concepts of "empowerment", "informal learning" and "capacity building"
addressed to young people who already have a previous experience in participatory processes. Such an
approach will help them to feel more self-confident in order to act as "ambassadors" among their peers. A
special attention will be paid to the definition of methods enabling the involvement of young people with
fewer opportuni8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Milano,Cremona,Monza,Lubiana,Söderhamn
Granted amount: € 25.000,00
Pagina 134 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA IMRE NAGY 32
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: MANTOVA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This applica8on is ment to ask for two volunteer who will be inserted in two different projects:"A …
different crea8vity" (2005-IT-99) and "AnimmAc8on" (2005-IT-91)The project "A … different crea8vity"
deals with disabled adults, and has got the main aim of developing and broadening the moments and
occasions when our users can better express their potentialities, feelings and emotions through different
and alternative communicative channels, such as art, body expression or graphics. Therefore European
Volunteers, coming from a different background and speaking a different language could stimulate the
disabled people of our centres and encourage them in ac8va8ng alterna8ve communica8ve channels.The
project "AnimAction" The volunteer will work in activities in the frame of the Social Promotion sector, in
par8cular the socio-cultural area:- Socio-anima8on projects (fes8vals, exhibi8ons and events)Orienta8on and informa8on (Youth Informa8on desks, school and voca8onal guidance)- Interna8onal
Ac8vi8es, Promo8on of voluntarism and coopera8on
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 15.970,00
Pagina 135 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The project STEPS INTO SPECIAL OLYMPICS is certain to meet the enthusiasm of ANFFAS guests who love to
move and to go out. In this frame, sport is seen as a game but also as a great way to get in touch with other
young people. We aim to train some guests so that they can compete in Special Olympics competitions in
Friuli and out of the region at National level, we aim to take them to football and basket matches, other
sport competitions…the sport activities are gymnastic, bowls, dance ability plus some recreational
activities. By participating in ANFFAS activities people develop more respect for and understanding of the
disable people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to understand the vulnerability of
this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.358,00
Pagina 136 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Congregazione Terz'Ordine Francescano di San Carlo
Applicant Address: Via Senni, 61
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Town: Scarperia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project "SLIDING DOORS" wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of
voluntary service in our home, where fourteen disable people live in this moment. Our residents need a
continuative assistance; only some of them has a good autonomy in the basic functions. About twenty
operators who take turn in the 24 hours assist them. These people suffer from deficit of organic, psychic
and cognitive nature but all of them have good potential, which our operators work daily on, with
educa8onal, recrea8onal and physiotherapist interven8ons. The volunteer will give support to the staff
in the daily practice of developing the autonomies of our residents: with laboratories, leisure activities and
physiotherapist practice. They will favor the contact and the exchange among multicultural diversity in the
practice with handicap; and they will create around our residents a climate suitable for socialization
star8ng from the presence of young people mo8vated in working with them.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.665,00
Pagina 137 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Giovani Europei in Servizio alla Domus Pascoli( Animation and support to Fon
Applicant: Pro Natura Cesena Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Felice Orsini, 23
Applicant Postal Code: 47023
Applicant Town: Cesena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project takes place in a Protect House for elderly people and have the aim to offer the opportunity, to
young and elderly people, different for age and culture, to meet each others and to promote a best
knowledge and comprehension between different generations. In this way we can break the wall of
lonelyness and distance with the world that surround the elderly people and at the same time we can
contribute to build, inside young people, a culture of respect and care for the others.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.140,50
Pagina 138 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
"Conservation & monitoring in the Dadia Forest Reserve"
Applicant: Europe Direct of the Province of Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Arcivescovado, 42
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The proposed project plans a series of activities within the framework of a central strategy, ultimately
aimed at the protection of the very important habitat of the National Park of Dadia-Soufli-Lefkimi and
surrounding areas. Securing the long term protection legislation of the area, acquiring important scientific
knowledge for better conservation and empowering the local community to take-up a more active role in
conservation and development are the key objectives of the project. The volunteer will add an essential
value to the completion of these objectives, participating in tasks directly related to the previous
objectives, such as the status assessment of Black Vulture movements or the organization of
environmental festivals for the local community. In this way, the project offers also a satisfactory
integration of the volunteer in their new environment, through that kind of celebrations but also through
Greek lessons.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.590,00
Pagina 139 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Discovering the roots of a new culture
Applicant: CESIE Onlus Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
Applicant Address: Via B. Leto, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 90040
Applicant Town: Trappeto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme:
Project Description:
This project has two primary aims:1.to give the volunteer the opportunity to par8cipate in local cultural
ac8vi8es which promote inclusion and youth par8cipa8on;2.to allow the volunteer to develop a coherent
understanding of Tunisia and Tunisian culture and promoting an awareness of Europe and European
iden8ty in the local community with youth and children.During the 9 months in Sousse, the volunteer will
be occupied in the local activities with children and youth and projects organised by AJMEC, whilst also
crea8ng a personal project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.290,00
Pagina 140 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Interculturality and people
Applicant: CESIE Onlus Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
Applicant Address: Via B. Leto, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 90040
Applicant Town: Trappeto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Nancy's EVS project has as main aims the development of an intercultural awareness in the local
community through the par8cipa8on to the different local ac8vi8es CE.S.I.E is involved in. Moreover,
Nancy will work for the development of a Youth in Action project in the EuroMediterranean area, giving
her the opportunity to develop her knowledge on this youth instrument and to make other young people
from the EuroMediterranean area part of her project (indirectly).We hope that through the par8cipa8on
to the diffenet activities Nancy will acquire new skills at a professional level, but also at an intercultural,
personal, human and social level.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.185,00
Pagina 141 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Elimian Survey 2005-IT-61
Applicant: Archeoclub d'Italia - Campobello di Licata
Applicant Address: Via Trieste, 1 c/o Centro Polivalente
Applicant Postal Code: 92023
Applicant Town: Campobello di Licata AG
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The EVS project wants to exploit and to promote activities (already done and planned in the future) of the
KALAT centre of Campobello di Licata through a continuous and intense campaign about the programm's
activities and about all the historical, archeological and natural resources of the territory. Particularly, the
EVS volunteers will contribute to develop and to promote the archaeological activities and to register
museum's activities menaged of the hosting organization.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 12.854,00
Pagina 142 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Equal opportunities in Rome and beyond
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
This project aim at fostering the equal opportunities of local disadvantaged local communities, youngster
and children in the area of Rome and its neighborough, sustaining the activities of two different
organization of the civil society and linking them in order to promote common and more widespread
ac8ons.The first associa8on is set in Rome in a house family were are hosted up to 7 orphan and
abandoned children between 6 and 10 years of age of both sexes. The institutional objective of the
activities here carried out is to guarantee a service of temporary assistance while waiting for the conditions
to occur to find an adoptive or foster family to the childrens and to foster their opportunity to live a
completly normal life.Farfa River Didac8cal Farm is instead a coopera8ve who developes its ac8ons in the
rural district of Sabina. The area, has a lack of population because of its nature of a mountain community,
and should need a sustainable philosophy in the maintenance of the environment and the organization of
inicia8ves directed to sustain equal opportuni8es for all its inhabitants.The idea sustaining the whole
project, is that for the local communities both of the urban and the rural areas should be important to
identify and promote common strategies to develop their future, independently on the family and social
condi8ons, in order to find a way to sustain equal opportuni8es for all.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 23.865,00
Pagina 143 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Interculturality and people
Applicant: CESIE Onlus Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
Applicant Address: Via B. Leto, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 90040
Applicant Town: Trappeto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Marta's project has the main aim the participation in the local community through the development and
participation in diverse activities and groups. This way Marta will not only develop her own intercultural
competencies but also will take this interculturality in the quarters and schools of Palermo. Another aim is
that of giving Marta the possibility to know the Youth in Action Programme and develop an idea of her own
through this tool of active citizenship for youth. We expect that through the participation in the diverse
activities and through the social contact with people of Palermo Marta develops new skills at professional,
human, personal and social levels.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.885,00
Pagina 144 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Intercultural summer in Youth Centre Villa Elba
Applicant: UILDM Unione Italiana Lotta alla Distrofia Muscolare sez.Laziale Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Prospero Santacroce, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 00167
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The project involves a young man who suffers from a form of spas8c paralysis (tetraparesis). The project
foresee different kind of ac8vi8es in which the volunteer will be involved: -work with mul8media, thus
taking pictures and videos of the international camps organised by the hosting organization and then make
movies/powerpoint presenta8ons;-defining and realising free 8me ac8vi8es for the youngsters
par8cipa8ng to the summer camps, together with the personnel of the host organiza8on. More ac8vi8es
will be defined depending on the volunteer's wills and wishes.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.914,00
Pagina 145 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Interculturality and people
Applicant: CESIE Onlus Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo
Applicant Address: Via B. Leto, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 90040
Applicant Town: Trappeto
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Gizem's project has the main aim the participation in the local community through the development and
participation in diverse activities and groups. This way Gizem will not only develop her intercultural
competencies but also will take this interculturality in the quarters of Palermo. Another aim is that of giving
Gizem the possibility to know the Youth in Action Programme and develop an idea of her own through this
tool of active citizenship for youth. We expect that through the participation in the diverse activities and
through the social contact with people of Palermo Gizem develops new skills at professional, human,
personal and social levels.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 3.755,00
Pagina 146 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
By participating in ANFFAS activities young people develop more respect for and understanding of the
disable people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to understand the vulnerability of
this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life. Through this process usually the
EVS volunteers realize how much they can contribute to other people's lives and that they can make a
difference just being there.We enjoy the benefit of a mixed group of young people where both can offer
and gain skills and both can learn from one another in a safe supportive environment where contribution
and mutual co-operation (of young people with different ability levels & backgrounds) are considered a key
element to personal development and success of the project.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.005,90
Pagina 147 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: IBO ITALIA Associazione Italiana Soci Costruttori
Applicant Address: VIA MONTEBELLO, 46/A
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
This project raises from IBO Italy commitment in voluntary activities adressed to youth. Our aim is to offer
to young people non-formal learning possibilities in a context of international solidarity. The choice to
coordinate hosting social projects is not accidental, since we would like to offer to young people an
opportunity of living deep moments of sharing, exchange and solidarity at international level. Our aim is,
first of all, to let them grow and mature as a person but also as an European citizen. All activities which are
part of this project offer to European volunteers the opportunity to live in a community engaged in social
work. Through sharing of daily life with qualified operators, assisted people and other volunteers, young
Europeans can experience and understand what "solidarity" and "tolerance" really mean. This project
would like to involve young people in voluntary activities which develop knowledge and respect of
otherness and a sense of responsability towards important social problems which are not only Italian but
European ones. The link among all activities of this project is that they are strong development and forming
possibilities, precious moments to create a culture made of broad-mindedness, exchange and mutual
respect, which is able to destroy barriers and prejudices. We believe that young people must learn more
and more the value of solidarity between nations and people, so to create a shared and more cohesive
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 57.118,25
Pagina 148 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
To the South - East suburbians of Milan: working with Youth"
Applicant: Grado 16 - Officine dell'Autopromozione soc. coop. sociale a r.l.
Applicant Address: Via Angera, 3
Applicant Postal Code: 20125
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Volunteers will be involved in a network of activities for youth in the hinterland of Milan and particularly in
Opera municipality, where an integrated system of youth interventions is run by our professional staff
since 7 years. Here they will have the chance to experience team work and different kinds of youth
projects, giving their help to professional staff members and local volunteers in the Youth Centre, in the
Youth Information Centre, in the Street Education Project, in scholastic support activities, in cultural events
management and in the Internet Café. With their presence they will contribute to widen the orizons of the
youngsters and the local community, to open minds and stimulate the grouth of interest for who is
different. They will have the chance and will be supported to develop a personal project during their stay in
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 16.570,00
Pagina 149 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
P.E.R: un ponte per l'Europa
Applicant: Vedogiovane Asti SCS
Applicant Address: Via Cavour, 68
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: Asti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The project aims at offering the volunteer an occasion to learn culture and to engage themselves to know
and understand our national, local and working culture, which could eventually become an advantage for
his/her curriculum as well. The volunteer can contribute to stimulate the host-community through EVS
thinking about its importance and its possibility of utilization, by promoting the European Pogramms.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 10.200,00
Pagina 150 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: Viale Dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B/2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The Rifugio Carlo Alberto hosts and supports 80 non-self sufficient elders and also several people affected
by Alzhaimer. The carried ac8vi8es aim to slow down the illness, support the elders in their daily lives
and stimulate their learning process. The activities in which the volunteer will be involved are the
following:==>SoT gym==>Cooking==>Personal
care==>Crea8vity==>Workshops==>Gardening==>Assisted bath==>Handy craTsThe volunteer will
support the staff in the organization and realization of such activities, sharing his culture with the hosts. In
this intercultural context, the volunteer will be able to acquire new skills and to build up a familiar
atmosphere.The EVS volunteer will esclusively be involved in the ac8vi8es that correspond to the
raccomandation of the European Commission in the field of European Voluntary Service and will also be
accompanied by the social operators that work in the centre.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 10.440,00
Pagina 151 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Traffic rules awareness 2006-GR-28
Applicant: Cesvov Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: VIALE S.ANTONIO, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The program will analyze the citizen's driving behavior, the movement difficulties people with special needs
are facing and the necessity of the introduction for driving behavior lessons in the educational system. The
volunteers will be in direct contact with youngsters from local schools and universities by taking part in
educa8onal and informa8ve ac8vi8es. In coopera8on with local bodies it will be created a specialized
traffic awareness park for children and youngsters while until the completion of the park the necessary
educa8onal ac8vi8es will be conducted in the traffic awareness park which already exists. The program
results, according to studies that have already taken place will be direct and clearer in the first years of
application and more specific in the sections of public awareness, accident reduction and the traffic
facilita8on for people with special needs.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.425,00
Pagina 152 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Arci Comitato Territoriale di Catania
Applicant Address: P.zza Carlo Alberto 47
Applicant Postal Code: 95129
Applicant Town: Catania
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
Arci Catania is a social promotion organisation active in the field of social inclusion and culture. The
volunteers will deal with the projet Medi-action which include activities in the sector of immigration and
diversity (i.e. linguistic support, legal support, vocational guidance) , in the active citizenship and legality
sector (workshop and educational activities with young people) international sector (an information desk
about European Youth mobility projects planning and implementation of youth exchanges and
international training activities).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 16.090,00
Pagina 153 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Parrocchia dei Santi Faustino e Giovita Centro Giovanile 2000
Applicant Address: VIA TAGLIATA N° 2
Applicant Postal Code: 25032
Applicant Town: Chiari (Brescia)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
To have a european volunteer in our organisation means a motivation to come to know better different
cultures both for local, italian volunteers and for children, adolescents. A young girl who choose to
dedicate few month of her life for an experience of a voluntary service in a european country, gives
significant example of devotion, opening, acceptance; which can be an interesting opportunity to discuss
about volontary service, acceptance and open mind
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 12.840,00
Pagina 154 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: INCO Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Vintler, 22 c/o OEW
Applicant Postal Code: 39042
Applicant Town: Bressanone
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Health
Second Theme:
Project Description:
This projects consists in the participation of three volunteers in the animation sector of different nursery
homes for elders in Bolzano, Italy. With this project we would like to give the opportunity to young people
to favour the intercultural exchange and the sense of solidarity. We invite them to participate actively at
the construc8on of our society and to give a liJle contribu8on to reduce social discrimina8on.This
projects consists in the following three ac8vi8es:Ac8vity 1: The volunteers Merethe Kris8ansen will do
her EVS in the elderly home Villa Serena.Ac8vity 2: The volunteer Chris8anne Moij will be integrated in
Villa Armonia.Ac8vity 3: The volunteer Sarah-Natascha Fischer will do the ac8vi8es of her project in Casa
Don Bosco. Villa Armonia hosts 82, ,Casa Don Bosco hosts 111 and Villa Serena 76 self-sufficent or
par8ally self-sufficent elders.The services at these nursery homes for elders are, for example: o hotel
services (food, lodging, room cleaning, clothes washing) o services of nursing, care and hygiene o
recrea8onal service o health assistance o speech pathology o PhysiotherapyThe volunteers will
support mainly the entertainment sector of the nursing homes, assisting the social workers and trying to
give a young smile and a feeling of internationality to the guests. Seen the very positive experiences we
made this year with our European volunteers who are doing their projects in these nursery homes in
Bolzano, we are convinced that even with this project our volunteers can contribute actively to enrich the
quality of life at the house bringing new energy, mo8va8on and new ideas to the host organiza8on. In
particularly, they will be involved in the animation sector (organization of cultural and recreational
activities such as going for a walk, organizing some birthday parties, making some cakes together with the
elderly, reading newspapers etc.). Every volunteer will have the opportunity to do one or more personal
projects, such as the organization of handicraft workshops, game sessions, presentations of the own
country etc.
Venue Country:
Pagina 155 di 261
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 25.715,00
Pagina 156 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
"Riding for disabled people: an experience with horses and people"
Applicant: Associazione "Anche noi a cavallo"
Applicant Address: Via Mantova, 22
Applicant Postal Code: 33080
Applicant Town: Porcia (PN)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
Working for a year at the riding school for disabled people "Anche noi a cavallo" will offer the European
volunteer an important experience and opportunity of personal development, learning about different
kinds of people, handicaps, different cultures and ways of life in a stimulating and young surrounding in the
middle of nature.Riding for disabled people has the very par8cular characteris8c of working with "living
instruments": the horses. This makes it a very rich and motivating activity for both the disabled rider and
his/her helper. This is why many different people find their "place" in this kind of organisation where it is
possible to interact and to develop one's personal capacities and interests. This motivates both the
volunteer and the organisa8on
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.796,50
Pagina 157 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant Address: VIA COL DI LANA, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 22100
Applicant Town: COMO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
We host EVS volunteers since 2002 and we noticed that the presence of a foreign volunteer offers us an
additional value in our activities, favouring and developing knowledge of other European realities,
stimulating our staff and our volunteers to open to new ideas and new cultures, also reinforcing bonds
inside our structure, increasing an involvement of young volunteers in our activities.The main aim of this
project is promoting voluntary activities among young people with a special attention to European
awareness and active citizenship, thus implementing a project in which young people may freely express
their capacities in terms of solidarity and spirit of enterprise. Another aim is to support and help our
associations of volunteers in raising Eureopean Awareness, knowing more about Eu functioning and history.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 16.935,00
Pagina 158 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Dandolo, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: Forlì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The Fondazione Opera Don Pippo consider the hosting of European Volunteers a invaluable opportunity to
create a multicultural environment for disabled people. For this reason we try to host more than one
volunteer coming from different countries as each of them has a specific cultural background that is surely
enriching. The volunteer in particular will do her EVS both in the social-rehabilitative daily centre and
residential centre which offer different services aimed at improving the personal autonomy of the users
(mainly women affected by psycho-physical deficits) and at developing labour and rehabilitative abilities to
foster their reintegration in society. The project implies the participation of the volunteer to different
activities which regards mainly the different creative workshops (leather, ceramics, etc) and the moments
of music therapy, motor rehabilitation, psychomotricity, pet-therapy, and gardening (during the summer
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.085,00
Pagina 159 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Responsible tourism network multilingual platform
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The volunteer will collaborate in the project "Viaggiare i Balcani" which has the main objective of creating
an on-line community of workers of responsible tourism in the Balkan countries, through a multilingual and
multimedia platform to create common resources and knowledges and to support tourist promotion of the
area.The main objec8ves of this collabora8on are:1.The establishment of a network of workers with the
ac8ve involvement of the local communi8es (public and private sector and civil society);2.The crea8on of
series of routes and tourist offers proposed by the local realities involved at the national and regional level
(South-East Europe);3.The iden8fica8on of the needs of educa8onal trainings and of the development of
formatives activities aimed to achieve qualitative standards that are the same between the different
workers;4.Studying the development of a scheme of the funding to start tourist micro-ac8vi8es.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.065,00
Pagina 160 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Window on Europe
Applicant: Tempo Libero - Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/Bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
consciousness and let the students understand the opportunities that the European Union can offer in
order to remove stereotypes and xenephobic attitudes; to create a moment of intergenerational and
intercultural exchange among young people of different countries, and favour the meeting and the
knowledge of different cultures; to give the volunteer the possibility to experiment in her life an experience
that makes her grow up emotionally and psychologically and maturate; to stimulate young people and the
local community to volunteering.The volunteer will dedicate most of her 8me in ac8vi8es in a school
located in Tirano and called "Istituto Pinchetti", which she will be able to implement and develop with new
sugges8ons, ideas, indica8ons in accordance to her skills, aLtudes and background. The main ac8vi8es of
the volunteer will be: linguistic intercultural workshop, help desk, exchange project, youth corner, sport
ac8vi8es, mul8media technology project, crea8ve project.The project will last 10 months, from
25/09/2007 to 25/07/2008.It involves 1 volunteer, 1 sending organiza8on and 1 host organiza8on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.620,00
Pagina 161 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
volontari per l'europa: la mobilità atraverso i giovani
Applicant: Euroform RFS
Applicant Address: PIAZZA DELLA LIBERTA', 40
Applicant Postal Code: 87036
Applicant Town: RENDE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
The project, trough the participation of the young volunteer into activities implemented by Euroform, aims
to facilitate the integration and enrolment of the youngsters of Cosenza Province, especially for the
unemployed ones, into the mobility and orientation programmes proposed by the Association. Activities
which wil be carried out by the new selected volunteer practically are the continuation of what have been
implemented by the current volunteer who have arrived to Euroform last July. To specify, the inten8on
is to develop and to implement the programme of sensitisation about EU politics and opportunities offered
to youngsters who are in less privileged position (having geographical, social, economical, cultural and
employment difficulties). The sensitisation campaign which involves local actors as well as the Cosenza
Province, the Calabria University, some Municipalities, the NGO and some Public Schools of the province,
will be implemented from May, 2007, and due to the importance of the “Youth for Europe” programme in
the project, it would be really important to have as a testimony a young foreign volunteer. Thus, the
intention is to get involved the volunteer leting him to play an active role and in the meanwhile to offer
and to inform the Youths of the Region about the possibilities and to spread awareness through meetings,
conventions in order to be informed on topics mentioned above which are necessary for the integration of
youngsters .
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 11.033,00
Pagina 162 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Legambiente Ecopolis
Applicant Address: Via Berthollet, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The main aim of the project is to involve young European volunteers and young local people as
protagonists of a change in life-styles towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable styles of
life.Since the project will take place in a mul8-ethnic district and in the suburbs of the city of Torino, in
Northwestern Italy, its main themes will be those of urban ecology and youth integration: urban transport,
waste and recycling, pollution, environmental education and sustainability, urban development, social
integra8on through environmental educa8on.We want to change the way people move, buy, use energy
and water, live, focusing on a local (district) level. To achieve this goal the EVS volunteers, after proper
training, will be involved in the planning as well as in the practical realization of different actions (all part of
the same EVS activity): from energy saving programs in the city's blocks of flats to environmental education
activities in schools, from the monitoring and improvement of bike routes to waste reduction
projects.The EVS volunteers will be as well given the opportunity to plan and start thei own projects and,
after the end of their volunteering experience they will be encouraged and assisted in developing their own
follow-up ac8vity either in Torino or in their home country.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 18.753,00
Pagina 163 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
2003-AT-25 Child care group Amerlinghaus
Applicant: Europe Direct - Info Point Europa - Comune di Trieste
Applicant Address: Via della Procureria, 2/a
Applicant Postal Code: 34121
Applicant Town: Trieste
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The Amerlinghaus is a centre for culture and communication, in which several intiatives have their basis.
The Amerlinghaus exists since 1978, and hosts more then 50 NGO's, initiatives and selfhelp-groups, that are
working on cultural, social and poli8cal issues. One of these Ini8a8ves is the KindergartenThe
Kindergruppe Amerlinghaus is a child care group for nursery pupils, carried (organized, implemented and
financed) by their parents and three teachers. The maximum number of children in the groups is 12. Like all
children´s groups, the Amerlinghaus is organized in an equal and democratic way and tries its very best to
educate children in that sense. The philosophy of the Kindergruppe is that the children can discover their
own plan of life and develop their talents in a natural and playful way. Both parents and teachers are
willing to take over responsibility for the Kindergarten, help with cleaning and cooking an well as the
accompanying of the excursions. All decisions concerning the Kindergruppe are taken on the monthly
parents' mee8ngs.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.840,00
Pagina 164 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Euromed Carrefour Sicilia
Applicant Address: Via Villafranca, 50
Applicant Postal Code: 90133
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The main important objective of the project is to inform young people about European Union, the
European citizenship and the possibilities offered by Youth Programme, putting a special emphasis on the
diversity of the European cultures and the importance to create a "flow" of contact and exchanges
between them in order to evitate, by the mutual knowledge and respect, racism and intolerance.In order
to achieve this objective, expert promoters carry out a series of meetings (generally from 5 to 8) with
groups of students in which they give them information about European Union and about the different
European cultures showing differences and analogies and using innovative and interactive methodologies
and tools (recrea8onal didac8cs, TIC, audiovisual, par8cipa8ve ac8vi8es, research/ac8on).The
participation of the European Volunteers in this activity is very important for the student because give
them the opportunity to have a direct "voice" from another culture and, sometimes, the opportunity to
meet for the first time a person coming from another country and for the promoters groups because
introduces the mul8cultural element in the working group. The target group of project is composed of
several (about 40 each year) groups of students of 12-14 years old and their teachers (one or two for each
group). Each year the project affords some specific matters (enlargement, environement, equal
opportunities, human rigths, and so on) and at the end in a big happening that involve about 2500-3000
people, every group of students have the opportunity to "report" their experience by a show inpirated to
the matters afforded during the development of the project and prepared with the experts and the
volunteers.On the other hand the volonteers will par8cipate in mee8ng organized in schools or other
palces where young people meet each others in order to present their experience of EVS and the concrete
possibility for all the young European to use this opportunity.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 165 di 261
Granted amount: € 19.300,00
Pagina 166 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Re-establishing connections
Applicant: Europe Direct of the Province of Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Arcivescovado, 42
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
This project aims to develop cooperation between different ethnicities living in Macedonia, with the help
and support of a volunteer from another country. The volunteer will conduct regularly workshops for the
local youth about the culture and language of her country and through these workshops will try to create
possibilities for local Macedonian and Albanian youth to contact between each other. With these activities
the volunteer and a local team from the host organization will work to prevent school segregation
according to the language of study, thus promoting tolerance and cooperation. These are the same goals
for the other activities that the volunteer will make during the EVS. This activities will be related to
supporting the local youth council in the town of Kumanovo and the cross border youth council mainly
through making activities about active citizenship and tolerance among the young people. The project itself
is a great learning opportunity for the volunteer to discover the current situation in a divided society. Also
the local youth will have a chance to discuss about the European values with someone that comes from a
different are from their own, but also a chance to promote changes (especially in the area of nondiscrimination and tolerance).
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.750,00
Pagina 167 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Carrick YMCA (youth in action)
Applicant: Europe Direct of the Province of Chieti
Applicant Address: Via Arcivescovado, 42
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Post conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
PAKT - Parents & kids together: the volunteer works with children in the after schools club, preparing and
helping with arts and crafts, sports, computer club, fun italian classes. He/she works with toddlers and
small babies when their parents take part in classes such as adult literacy or paren8ng skills.AREA 51: the
volunteer works with young people aged 11-18 from socially disadvantaged backgrounds in a youth café in
order to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere interacting with young people. The volunteer also
assists the staff in the personal development courses and, with the global citizenship, helps classes that we
deliever in local secondary schools.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.470,00
Pagina 168 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Stranaidea società cooperativa sociale
Applicant Address: Via Veronesi 202
Applicant Postal Code: 10148
Applicant Town: TORINO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
1. YOUTH CENTER TAURUS PROJECT: The 2 volunteers hosted in Taurus center will have a role of coparticipation in the initiatives carried out by the youngsters, trying to facilitate the creation and the
implementation of their ideas, being like the bridge with the youth workers and the local ressources. The
volunteers will have also a role of collaborators of the staff in the management of the events and the
spaces of their interest: music rooms, internet point, concerts and perfomances stage, skaters area,
bar.2. SERVICES FOR DISABLE PEOPLE: Throughout the mean of socialisa8on, the 2 volunteers can
discover a different world rich of inputs, knowing the field of social care and showing their capacities to
valorize. The projects proposal is to include volunteers in different educational services helping the
cooperative to offer more opportunities of amusement and well - being to the persons we support. The
general objectives of the project are: the knowledge of the social cooperation and health care sectors, the
sharing of relational and educational experience, integration with the target group and the staff; theorical
and practical training to know their capacities, the others and the environment; experiment and
development of their competences; offer an active participation in the activities for disable people, to
facilitate their social abili8es and autonomy recover in a prospec8ve for social inclusion.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 30.240,00
Pagina 169 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Ragazzi in azione! Assistenza sociale in un'associazione di pubblica assistenza
Applicant: SOS MALNATE - Associazione Volontaria Onlus
Applicant Address: Via I Maggio, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 21046
Applicant Town: Malnate
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The mains themes of the project are: health (more specifically through social and assistance activities) and
active participation of young people around themes of European level. The volunteer will participate in the
association's inner life: she will contribute to its activities as well as to the development of news ideas and
activities (personal project). The activities include: transport services for elderly and disabled people, help
in our association's ambulatory, activities to promote the rights of European citizens (in particular the right
to health), promotion among young people of healthy ways of life, through outdoor activities and sports.
The volunteer will have the opportunity to implement the life of the association with her own personal
project. Through all these activities, the project aims at promoting young people's active citizenship,
stimulating their thinking about European themes and values, creating opportunities of non-formal and
informal learning.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.350,00
Pagina 170 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
SVE in APRE 2005-IT-120
Applicant: Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della Provincia di Padova
Applicant Address: Via dei Colli 4
Applicant Postal Code: 35143
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
APRE is a voluntary No-profit organisation. It is registered in the Regional Register of Voluntary
Organisations and it follows objectives of social solidarity with intention to help and support socially weak
people and those in great need.In par8cular, "Casa di Maria" (The House of Maria) offers support and
hospitality to young and adult women coming from difficult situations; abandoned; imprisoned; without
fixed abode; with psychological, actual economic and/or social difficulties; with light physical handicaps,
with chronic pathologies or invalid, with drug dependence.Our organisa8on wishes to open itself to the
European Voluntary Service because we really believe in the importance and the beauty of an exchange of
experiences, especially the intercultural ones: we believe that for the guests of "Casa di Maria" is really
important to meet and stay with people coming from different cultural backgrounds. We think that the
programme we are presenting here could be a stimulus for a young person, a foreigner as well, interested
to live the experience of hos8ng and accompaniament of those who need it.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.135,00
Pagina 171 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The main idea of the project is the possibility for the volunteer to experience during the evs the use of art
in the social contest, to use it in practical way to create a contact between the artistic movement and the
city of Belgrade and trough it to involve the youngster.The volunteer will in this way acquire in informal
way more competences, experiences and abilities and will bring and disseminate it in the sending local
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.830,00
Pagina 172 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Intercultural learning and mobility for young people
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The involvement of a volunteer in Xena's activities contributes to increase the possibilities of an active
intercultural exchange. The volunteer brings elements from his/her own culture and country of origin and
exchanges them either with the association and with the young people of the local community which
he/she will be in contact with. This has a great importance to Xena, as the aim of all the activities that we
promote is to encourage and implement the exchange among different cultures, at an international but
also at a local level.For the volunteer this is an important opportunity to grow up and to get a training in
the field of youth work and international activities. He/she can compare his/herself to young people from
Italy, Europe and other countries (Asia or South America)and share his/her own experiences and
opinions/points of view and get to know those of other people.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.355,00
Pagina 173 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
International relationships in the province of Padova 2007-IT-40
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The main aims of the project are to offer the volunteer the opportunity to make a life experience abroad in
order to learn and enrich him/herself and to promote the intercultural exchange between the volunteer
and the local community.The volunteer may bring an important contribu8on to the host organisa8on
especially in terms of new ideas and perspectives . He/she will be involved in the daily activities of the
office related to citizen information, contacts with international partners and the organisation of cultural
events.The tasks of the volunteer will be distributed among the various ac8vi8es of the Communica8on
Sector (International Relations, Public Relations, Europe Direct Office and Press Office). Usually, a major
weight will be given to work in the International Relations Office, in order to allow the volunteer to best
express his/her knowledge and background in that he/she is coming from a foreign country. The tasks will
however be redefined with the volunteer according to his/her major and minor interests and studies.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.905,00
Pagina 174 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The idea to host European Volunteers was born from the need to get young people from Dolo and the
surroundings in contact with young people from different countries: in fact, differently from youngsters
from Padova or Venezia, they don't oTen have that opportunity.In hos8ng EVS volunteers we hope to
give them a wider vision of the European reality and the possibility to meet other ways of living and other
cultures too.There are three levels in this project beside gaining an important life experience and
opportunity of personal growth, the volunteers can develop new competences through this EVS and work
in the voluntary sector with young people, as they are interested in this sector.For Associazione il Por8co,
in which there are also Italian volunteers and young people doing their civil service, hosting an
interna8onal volunteer would bring an extra value. The volunteer's ideas and points of view would
increase the intercultural dimension of the organiza8on.They will bring new ideas for the anima8on and
will work together with the guests and youngsters that attend the rehearsal room and the organization in
general.Speaking about the third level of the project, the one concerning the local community, we believe
that their presence will give intercultural dimension to Dolo, will help the youngsters of that area to open
themselves to a more international reality and also to get more information about the existing mobility
possibili8es and about Youth in Ac8on Programme.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 19.620,00
Pagina 175 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della Provincia di Padova
Applicant Address: Via dei Colli 4
Applicant Postal Code: 35143
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The Association Amici di Nuovo Villaggio was born in 1999 following the experiences carried out by some
volunteers that supported the ac8vi8es for immigrants of the coopera8ve Nuovo Villaggio in Padua.The
aim of the Association is to pursue the global welfare of the local community, from the human promotion
to the social integration between Italians and immigrants, through the management of its own projects and
the support of the organizations that help people with social exclusion risk. In our opinion, hosting of a
volunteer from another country offers an important opportunity both to the association as to the
volunteer himself / herself. For our association it is an opinion that goes with its activities and the
objectives it wishes to active. Having in mind the typology of the associations activities, it can be easily
seen that the presence of a foreign volunteer in the working group is considered an important resource.
Moreover since there are lots of initiatives towards the foreign citizens, the presence of a multinational
working group is considered to be of a great important. Our experience of hosting Italian volunteers and
Leonardo da Vinci participants have a positive outcome and have motivated the association to get engaged
in projects of hosting European volunteers: we believe that hosting a volunteer from another country is
valuable for increasing the intercultural dimension of the activities since the volunteer introduces a
different point of view, different competences and cultural background.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.640,00
Pagina 176 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Io non ho paura 2005-It-121
Applicant: Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della Provincia di Padova
Applicant Address: Via dei Colli 4
Applicant Postal Code: 35143
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The overall objective of welcoming a volunteer at the Mimosa Association is to promote concrete forms of
active citizenship, qualifying and helping the volunteers to manage real integration processes of minor
foreigners not accompanied, able to ac8vely involve the en8re local communityLivia will be involved in all
the Mimosa's activity to have a complete overwiew of it and after it will choose in wich of it will involve
herself more deeply in rela8on with her interest, skills and aims.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.990,00
Pagina 177 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: INCO Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Vintler, 22 c/o OEW
Applicant Postal Code: 39042
Applicant Town: Bressanone
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The volunteers will be part of the EVS project "Volontari@mente" which takes place at the Villaggio SOS of
Vicenza; they will be integrated mainly in the projects "Mamma con bambino" and "Semiresidenziale".
"Mamma con bambino" is both an educational and residential project aiming to host pregnant women and
mothers of children aged between 0 and 6 years having personal or familiar problems or living in
conditions of psico-social discomfort. The main objective of this project is to accompany the mothers in
order to make them feel able and strong to educate their children on their own. The project "Accoglienza
Semi-Residenziale" is a daily center for children and teenagers of the primary and the secondary school
whose families are confronted with different kinds of problems. The center where the children can spend
the afternoon is structured both to offer the children a familiar environment of peace and satisfaction and
to further the children in their physical and psychological growth. During the afternoon, the children get an
individual educa8onal support and they can par8cipate in different free-8me ac8vi8es.With this project
we would like to offer an added value for the education and the support of the children. Our volunteers
will support the staff in the organization of the daily work, having meal with the children, accompanying
them from school to the Villaggio etc. But the main task of the volunteers is the organization of
recreational, ludic, free-time and intercultural activities for the children of "Mamma con bambino" and of
the project "Semiresidenziale"; from time to time they will be asked to organize outdoor-activities and
activities in the field of environmental education for the children and young people of the traditional sos
houses during the weekends. These ac8vi8es shall be carried out together with local youth groups .One
important aim of this project is the intercultural communication and sensitiveness; through the living and
working together of people of different cultural backgrounds and carrying out specific activities about
intercultura communication we hope to reduce prejudices, to further the respect for diversity and a
peaceful living together
Pagina 178 di 261
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 20.490,00
Pagina 179 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
GIOVANI IN GIRO: educazione informale e animazione di strada
Applicant: Pro Natura Cesena Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Felice Orsini, 23
Applicant Postal Code: 47023
Applicant Town: Cesena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme:
Project Description:
This project takes shape as an educational service, with an informal character, whose main objectives are
to encourage the growth of young people and adolescents and to prevent the young discomfort through
activities that take place in aggregation centers or directly in the street. The aggregation center is a place
where the adolescents can be protagonists of their own times and spaces, where they can stay together
spontaneusly and build significative relationship, improving the communication, using services such as
internet point, place where listen to the music, the machine to set up videos….The constant presence of
professional animators garantees that this positive experience could help them to grow up. The other
activity, the street animation, instead, is addressed to adolescent's informal group in places where they
meet each other spontaneusly and has the aim to facilitate significative relationship that carry out in
cultural project such as festival, sports competition, creation of videos, comic strip and so on.The
metologycal barycenter of both these activities is the relationship and every activity is built around this
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.039,80
Pagina 180 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
our EUROPE''
Applicant: Accademia Psicologia Applicata Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Principe di Villafranca
Applicant Postal Code: 90141
Applicant Town: Palermo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
This project intends to offer the possibility to have an experience with the Sicilians youths. Fundamental
objective of such project is to spread in the Sicilian territory the knowledge of the European Commission's
youth politics and to fully live the European awareness, supporting the activities of the team of the A.P.A.'s
Interna8onal Area.The volunteer will be inserted inside mul8cultural team; he/she will have involved in
training and information activities with the Sicilians youths, with a logic of healthy cultural comparison.
Anyway single volunteer will be entrust with specific activities on the base of their attitudes and
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 8.320,00
Pagina 181 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Strengthening the civil society in Moldova
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The objective of this bilateral EVS project is to develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young
people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union and East European country, to
enhance youth mobility in Italy, offering mobility and voluntary service opportunities in project dealing
human rights protec8on in Moldova. The Italy- Moldova bilateral project treated in this applica8on is
exchange project that enables 2 young volunteers from Italy to be engaged in voluntary service project in
Moldova. The young volunteers will be engaged in a project in an organization dealing with the protection
of human rights and strengthening the civil society, offering a rich sample of civil society where
volunteerism will definitely bring an added value to the local communi8es.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 15.390,00
Pagina 182 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Europe Direct - Info Point Europa - Comune di Trieste
Applicant Address: Via della Procureria, 2/a
Applicant Postal Code: 34121
Applicant Town: Trieste
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
D.A.K.E.B. is the cultural-educational and technical organization of the municipality of Vocha. It organizes
complete social, environmental and cultural activities and programs. One of these initiatives is the project
"Let's play together in the Kindergarten of Vocha".The kindergarten's aims to synthesize the best
practices from a range of national educational systems, balanced by its own multicultural experience to
create a day care and learning environment of excellence for children in the age range 2-5 years. It's
important to spread in the children and in the volunteers the European awareness.The philosophy of the
kindergarten is achieve intercultural learning through play and non formal education. The learning
experience is developed with several workshops that the children can take part in such as handcraft,
painting lessons, non-formal learning in the matter of tastes (sweet, salty, bitter and sour), theatrical
games, moreover excursions, trips, ecc.The volunteers will par8cipate also in the work of the Informa8on
office in Vrachati, which provides information about the Youth in action Program. The volunteers with the
staff will give information about the Youth in Action Program and they will make the voluntary service
more aJrac8ve for the Greek youngsters giving a concrete example with their par8cipa8on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.190,00
Pagina 183 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Giovani per l'interculturalità
Applicant: Comune di Padova - Ufficio Progetto Giovani
Applicant Address: Vicolo Ponte Molino, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 35137
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Thanks to this project we propose to give the young volunteer an opportunity of training and personal
growing, in order to acquire the intercultural competencies and of European knowledge. The activities led
the volunteer to meet the users of the office Progetto Giovani, moreover the young people of Padova
between 15 and 30 years old and some special social target like old people, children and disabled people.
The direct contact with young local people will be during the organisation of the activities (fairs, festivals,
meetings in the colleges, intercultural evenings, etc.) where the volunteer will help thanks to his personal
cultural background. The activities developed in the social field will make the volunteer learn the
interven8ons that the council administra8on prepares for the ci8zens who need more social aJen8on.In
order to reach this aim, the volunteer will join the staff of the "Animazione" area and the one of the Civil
Service. Their duties will be chosen on the bases of the single volunteer's interest, personal experience and
capability. The ac8vi8es in the Civil Service area involve mainly the aTer school of the children of the
primary schools, the company of seniors during recreate moments and the transport of disabled people. In
the animation area the volunteer will propose creative workshops and linguistic courses an will deal with
the information desk for young people. The volunteer will join the staff during the development of the
projects of Fuoribend, a network of emerging young musician of Padova, the volunteer will also take part in
the organiza8on of the events, giving in this way an important contribu8on during the work in team.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 13.420,00
Pagina 184 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Art and culture
Project Description:
This project consists in a group EVS activity allowing 13 volunteers to take part collectively in a voluntary
activity in 5 different host organisations at local level, working in the cultural field (at Associazione
Filofestival, EIRef 2007-IT-72) and in the field of social inclusion (immigrants and disadvantaged youngsters
at cooperativa Alce Nero EIRef 2007-IT-78 and at cooperativa Mosaico EIRef 2007-IT-73, disabled people at
cooperativa Agorà EIRef 2007-IT-75 and cooperativa La Quercia EIReference 2007-IT-77, homeless and
deprived women at associazione Abramo EIRef 2007-IT-76). Coopera8va Alce Nero will be responsible for
the coordination of the project with all sending and hosting organisations involved, and for the distribution
of the grant between the project partners in line with their responsibilities. Alce Nero will support the
above mentioned organisations during the whole process, from the recruitment and selection phase,
through the welcoming and introductory steps, during the training and supervision along with the
implementa8on of the ac8vi8es, to the final evalua8on procedures. Alce Nero will ensure a group
character for both the learning processes and the service, for the benefit of the community, and also a
common thematic approach and regular contacts among the volunteers, in order to increase the impact,
accessibility, effec8veness and visibility of EVS even further.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 122.220,00
Pagina 185 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus
Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 46100
Applicant Town: Mantova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Development cooperation
Project Description:
The aim of this project is to support the organization of some non-profit festivals which are raising cultural
and social issues. The project connects different events in Russia with. A series of ethnical musical festivals
will be organized: "Sound Diving" (Voronezh area), "Empty Hills" (Moscow area), Ustuu-Huree (Tuva
region), with one guiding thread, the promo8on of mul8culturalism and the respect of other cultures.The
host organization needs a volunteer to bring the European views and values about concerned topics such
as: environment, saving cultural heritage, minorities' policy, xenophobia etc. His presence will also
contribute in presenting voluntary work as a way to express solidarity and to show an open-minded way to
collabora8on.His contribu8on will implement the interna8onal dimension, through different tasks: a
technical support in setting stages, decorations, musical equipment, building groups to clean the area of
festival, as well as organizing workshops on intercultural issues, and implementing the activities promotion
through the web-site and visual materials.Questo progeJo individuale, prevede il coinvolgimento di 1
volontario nella programmazione e realizzazione di alcuni festival musicali etnici ed eventi culturali in
Russia.Alcune di queste aLvità si svolgeranno in diverse regioni della Russia.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.900,00
Pagina 186 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: ATLHA Onlus (Associazione Tempo Libero Handicappati)
Applicant Address: Via Cascina Bellaria, 90
Applicant Postal Code: 20151
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The objective of the project is to work with disabled people, from 16 to 45 years old, with mental and
physical disability not heavy, through many kinds of free time activities: youth exchanges, holidays,
cultural, artistic and physical activities, lodging community, week-ends excursion. Moreover, the volunteer
will participate in different other activities in parallel: following a language's course in an Italian school for
foreigners, collaborating in planning and realizing all the activities of the association, helping the staff in the
different laboratories and in the diary tasks.Questo progeJo individuale, prevede il coinvolgimento di
una volontaria ungherese nella realizzazione delle attività proprie di Atlha - Cascina Bellaria: sostegno ad
adulti affetti da disabilità non grave (sia mentale che fisica), attraverso molteplici attività di tipo culturale,
ricrea8vo, ar8s8co e fisico.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.589,80
Pagina 187 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Environmental awareness, Promotion of sustainable development & Eco-tou
Applicant: A.P.I.C - Associazione Programmi Iniziative Comunitarie
Applicant Address: Via G.B. Ricci 6/a
Applicant Postal Code: 35131
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The project takes place in the youth and environmental center of Kryoneri run by the NGO Filoxenia.It has
the aim to promote environment protection and local development . The project involves the cooperation
with the parent's association of Kryoneri and with the kindergarden, primary and secondary school of
Kryoneri.The ac8vi8es developed will be mainly: - crea8ng environmental educa8on material (video,
leaflet, games), - realise free 8me ac8vi8es and environmental workshops with children and
youthQuesto progeJo individuale, prevede il coinvolgimento di un volontario italiano nella realizzazione
delle attività proprie di Filoxenia (Grecia). Gli scopi specifici attengono alla protezione ambientale,
all'astronomia e allo sviluppo locale.Le aLvità riguarderanno principalmente la realizzazione di di
materiale educativo su tematiche ambientalistiche, animazione, tempo libero e workshops con bambini e
giovani, e ooperazione con l'Osservatorio nella promozione di attività legate all'astronomia.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.290,00
Pagina 188 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
"Active Citizenship against Indifference!"
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: V.le dei Colli Portuensi 345 - B2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The project aims at developping a better understanding and a concrete context for the Active Citizenship,
through the inclusion of 2 young foreign volunteers in communities involved in the social field. The
volunteers will be working in 2 different communities, one hosts disabled people and offer several different
activites and the other one hosts refugees and homeless and inplies several ways of active Help. Through
this evs project we want to raise the awreness of being european and at the same time to be actively
involved in such social activies, helping disadvantaged people and create new opportunities in the hosting
project, can bring toward the volunteers and the involved part a stronger idea of citizenship, as europen
and as human being.We also would like to connect these 2 projects with other local volunteers who will be
gradually involved in some activities in order to reach a common goal and at the sime time to strenght the
intercultural dimension of the project.Both organiza8on are our partner, we discussed a lot about
creating this possibility for the volunteers and we all are going to monitoring the project it self and making
some reports in order to have a first step toward the active citienship evs experience. This report will be
also used for future volunteers who would like to follow the same goals.Also our general and main aims
are:- GeLng to know each others' culture through the coopera8on between the volunteer and the local
projects and communi8es- Broaden the par8cipants' view about the differences and similari8es between
Italy and the volunteers' countries. - Approach a common understanding which creates interna8onal
solidarity - Providing experiences that will encourage interna8onal and intercultural understanding;Helping participants to become aware of the issues and problems existing in the local and national
community in order to beJer understand worldwide socio-economic-poli8cal issues and problems; Encouraging commitment to act on these understandings, both during the exchange experience and
beyond.- act on an8-discrimina8on and support to minori8es, which are in this case disabled, homeless
and refugees/immigrants. Experience the problems they face and learn how this is dealt with in different
countries and in Europe in general. Questo progeJo di Sve individuale, prevede il coinvolgimento di due
Pagina 189 di 261
volontari (PT e GR), nell'ambito delle attività proprie delle associazioni Villa Maria (principalmente con
disabili) e Volontarius (con minori, rifugiati e senza tetto) - con il coordinamento di Afsai. Entrambe le
associazioni sono state recentemente accreditate. Il progeJo ha come scopo principale quello di
sviluppare ed approfondire il concetto di cittadinanza attiva attraverso delle attività prettamente sociali,
con l'ulteriore obiettivo di creare una sorta di network specifico sulla tematica della Cittadinanza attiva,
dotato di un proprio sito, newsleJer, ecc...
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 20.550,00
Pagina 190 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant Address: VIA TIRO A SEGNO 3/A
Applicant Postal Code: 33170
Applicant Town: PORDENONE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
By participating in ANFFAS activities young people develop more respect for and understanding of the
disable people life and gain an insight into their problems. They begin to understand the vulnerability of
this target group as well as the impact of their activities on their daily life. Through this process usually the
EVS volunteers realize how much they can contribute to other people's lives and that they can make a
difference just being there.We enjoy the benefit of a mixed group of young people where both can offer
and gain skills and both can learn from one another in a safe supportive environment where contribution
and mutual co-operation (of young people with different ability levels & backgrounds) are considered a key
element to personal development and success of the project.Questo progeJo di Sve individuale,
prevede il coinvolgimento di due volontari provenienti dalla Spagna e dalla Svezia, nell'ambito delle attività
proprie di ANFFAS Pordenone con adul8 affeL da disabilità sia fisica che mentale.Il partenariato con la
Svezia non è ammissibile formalmente, in quanto il preliminary non è conforme all'originale.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.893,00
Pagina 191 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Dandolo, 18
Applicant Postal Code: 47100
Applicant Town: Forlì
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
This project aims at promoting solidarity and tolerance among young volunteers by involving them in
different activities with disabled people. The three host organizations run daily and residential centres for
people with physical and mental disabilities who live in a protected environment and who can gain new
inputs and awareness through the contact with young European volunteers. The volunteers, on the other
hand, can have the possibility to acquire new competences and skills in the social sector but also to test
themselves in a different cultural environment and in the relation with other young people (both Italians
and Europeans). In par8cular, they will be involved in the following ac8vi8es (but not exclusively)"2007-IT12: organizing leisure moments aimed at developing users and volunteers personal hobbies (gardening,
sewing, painting, etc..) and specific abilities in creating objects to use during everyday life (manual
workshops). "2005-IT-41: improving the personal autonomy of the disabled people by developing their
abilities through creative workshops (leather, ceramics, etc), motor rehabilitation, psychomotricity, pettherapy, and gardening (during the summer season). "2006-IT-40: planning of sociable moments such as
parties or meetings; participation in the annual theatrical performance of the centre (in all or some of its
steps) and support to the staff in the management of the creative workshops (carpentry, leather, etc).
Questo progetto di Sve individuale, prevede il coinvolgimento di tre volontari (FI - LV - HU) nella
realizzazione delle attività proprie di altrettante associazioni italiane di accoglienza: Fondazione Opera Don
Pippo, L'Accoglienza e Il Cammino. Gli scopi generali aJengono alla promozione della solidarietà e della
tolleranza attraverso la realizzazione di diverse tipologie di attività con i disabili.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Pagina 192 di 261
Granted amount: € 24.455,00
Pagina 193 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
2007-IT-53 ACSV - Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato
Applicant: A.CSV - Associazione dei Centri di Servizio per il Volontariato delle Provin
Applicant Address: Via Monte Ariolo, 10/12
Applicant Postal Code: 28100
Applicant Town: Novara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The volunteers will be involved in various small projects they will choose together with the tutor; they will
support those activities that aim at spreading voluntary work in the community and at involving young
people. CVS organizes a lot of events and activities in cooperation with the voluntary associations of the
town; therefore the EVS volunteers will learn a lot about net working and project planning: they will infact
follow all steps of the process that transforms an idea into a project. Furthermore the volunteers will
acquire knowledge about organizing and planning events promoting solidarity. They will also have the
chance to experiment and learn how to work in a team and in cooperation with socially disadvantaged
people. The volunteers will participate to the organization and implementation of some events and
activities aiming at involving the local community and young people in voluntary work.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 10.260,00
Pagina 194 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
interCulturally CreaCtive
Applicant: Comune di Trento -Progetto Politiche Giovanili
Applicant Address: via roma, 56
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: Trento
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Volunteers will be involved in group activities carried on by the Youth Policies Project of Trento
Municipality targe8ng children and youth of the city.The three Cs of "interCulturally CreaC8ve" stand for
Cultures, Creativity and aCtive Citizenship. The mail aim of "interCulturally CreaCtive" is promoting active
citizenship of both evs volunteers, who will be asked to be (cre)active on project activities in favor of
children and youth, and in the end of the local community, and youth of Trento, through the example of
the experience of hosted EVS volunteers. Project will also have a specific focus on intercultural dialogue,
which will not become concrete into only one specific activity, but will be the leitmotiv connecting all the
proposed, projected and carried on ac8vi8es.Among the many ac8vi8es areas of the Youth Policies
Project, EVS volunteers will be mostly involved in:"work with children and kids within the Centri
Giocastudiamo and "A piedi sicuri" project frameworks (5 volunteers), also using creative tools (handicraft,
music, theatre…) and sports;"Centro Musica ac8vi8es (2 volunteers), with a specific focus on the
organiza8on and realiza8on of concerts and small events;"promo8on of Intercultural Dialogue, in
particular through information on youth international voluntarism as tools for intercultural learning,
mutual understanding, ac8ve ci8zenships (5 volunteers).EVS volunteers work will be "melted" with the
efforts of Italian Civil Service volunteers: a mixed and diverse group of volunteers on their long term service
has proved in our past experiences to be a great added value for the EVS project, favoring European
volunteers integration into the local community and their better understanding of Italian and regional
cultural values, favoring intercultural dialogue among the work group members, favoring creativity and the
development and realization of volunteers personal or group projects. EVS volunteers together with the
Italian volunteers will always be supporting paid staff activities and will be guided in their experiences by
staff.AJen8on to specific training and to monitoring and coordina8ng mee8ngs will also guarantee
constant feedbacks in volunteers and host organization learning processes, adequate support on project
ac8vi8es, and the chance to adjust them to volunteers' needs, wishes, and proposals.
Pagina 195 di 261
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 22.240,00
Pagina 196 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant Address: PIAZZA DEL COMUNE 8
Applicant Postal Code: 26100
Applicant Town: CREMONA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The main theme of the project is ART, intended not only as an expressive opportunity, but also as a non
formal learning tool and a concrete opportunity for youth participation in decision making
processes.Workplaces of volunteers will be the circuit of "AJraversarte" and the "Centro Musica Il
Cascinetto". Each volunteer will refer to a specific workplace and professional team and will be employed
in specific activities. However common activities and exchange of workplace are foreseen for a more
complete training of the volunteers.The AJraversarte volunteer will be involved in theatre and youth
expressiveness projects, taking care of the planning, realisa8on and final evalua8on phases.The foreseen
activities in Centro Musica consist in events and workshops in which music and youngsters are
protagonists.All the volunteers will cooperate in draTing youth projects and promo8ng the knowledge
and the use of Youth in Action Programme in general, and EVS in particular, amongst students, young
groups and youth workers.Training and daily support will be assured by the professionals who manage the
activities, through specific meetings and active participation in the coordination teams. If the Italian
Na8onal Agency organises training course the volunteers will par8cipate.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 19.310,00
Pagina 197 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Ragazzi in azione! Assistenza sociale in un'associazione di pubblica assistenza
Applicant: Cesvov - Centro di Servizi per il Volontariato della provincia di Varese
Applicant Address: Via Brambilla, 15
Applicant Postal Code: 21100
Applicant Town: VARESE
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project aims at the active participation of a young European volunteer in a public assistance
association. The volunteer will be fully integrated in SOS Malnate's activities and social life. The main
activity will be to support the team of SOS'volunteers and staff that takes care of transport services. The
volunteer will help to transport elderly and disabled people to and from hospitals, rehabilitation centers,
etc. These services are carried out in ambulance, car or special means of transport adapted to the
necessities of disabled people. The volunteer will also participate in the organisation of the association's
promotional events. These are events in which the associations meets the local community, tries to
stimulate team spirit and solidarity values. Other activities will include office work and support for
organization of the Campo Scuola of SOS Malnate (a training camp for volunteers who are active in the civil
protection and health fields). The volunteer will also develop her own personal project, with SOS Malnate's
full support.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.350,00
Pagina 198 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
European Volunteers for Community Change
Applicant Address: VIA DELLE ORFANE 22
Applicant Postal Code: 10122
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
The project aims at the promotion of volunteerring through international voluntary workcamps. The
voluntary workcamp is a unique platform for youth inclusion, intercultural understanding and community
building. The tradition behind the concept is hundred years long and every year thousands of young people
participate in voluntary workcamps worldwide. The volunteer in our project will participate in preparation
of voluntary workcamps, work-camp leading and promotion of volunteering in Croatia. It will give the
volunteer the opportunity to learn and work in a diverse and stimulating environment and to get to know
the exciting Croatian reality.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.160,00
Pagina 199 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Congregazione Terz'Ordine Francescano di San Carlo
Applicant Address: Via Senni, 61
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Town: Scarperia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project "SLIDING DOORS" wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of
voluntary service in our home, where fourteen disabled people live in this moment. Our residents need a
continuative assistance; only some of them has a good autonomy in the basic functions. About twenty
operators who take turn in the 24 hours assist them. These people suffer from deficit of organic, psychic
and cognitive nature but all of them have good potential, which our operators work daily on, with
educa8onal, recrea8onal and physiotherapist interven8ons. The volunteer will give support to the staff
in the daily practice of developing the autonomies of our residents: with laboratories, leisure activities and
physiotherapist practice. He/she will favor the contact and the exchange among multicultural diversity in
the practice with handicap; and he/she will create around our residents a climate suitable for socialization
star8ng from the presence of young people mo8vated in working with them.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 7.655,00
Pagina 200 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: Congregazione Terz'Ordine Francescano di San Carlo
Applicant Address: Via Senni, 61
Applicant Postal Code: 50038
Applicant Town: Scarperia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The project "SLIDING DOORS" wants to give to young volunteers the possibility to do an experience of
voluntary service in our home, where fourteen disabled people live in this moment. Our residents need a
continuative assistance; only some of them has a good autonomy in the basic functions. About twenty
operators who take turn in the 24 hours assist them. These people suffer from deficit of organic, psychic
and cognitive nature but all of them have good potential, which our operators work daily on, with
educa8onal, recrea8onal and physiotherapist interven8ons. The volunteer will give support to the staff
in the daily practice of developing the autonomies of our residents: with laboratories, leisure activities and
physiotherapist practice. He/she will favor the contact and the exchange among multicultural diversity in
the practice with handicap; and he/she will create around our residents a climate suitable for socialization
star8ng from the presence of young people mo8vated in working with them.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 9.680,00
Pagina 201 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: European awareness
Project Description:
This project aims at developing European awareness and intercultural dialogue amongst youngsters
through a wide range of ac8vi8es. The project wants also to build a gradual path for the volunteer's
learning process in order to enable him to gain knowledge and skills to develop his own ideas into concrete
projects.The EVS volunteer will be involved in many ac8vi8es that will contribute to the development of
his sense of European citizenship and capacity to build relationships with people from different social,
cultural and economic backgrounds. During the period of the EVS project, he will always be involved in
staff meetings and he will join the members of the association in meetings with schools and in local public
events to promote the Youth in Action Programme and other mobility opportunities for young people.
Furthermore, he will be involved in the organisation of a photography course about the European Union
fundamental values.Finally, he will ac8vely par8cipate in the organisa8on of the youth exchanges during
the summer. He will help the members of Going to Europe to face all the technicalities associated with the
youth exchanges, both sending and hos8ng ones.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.210,00
Pagina 202 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Youth Education - Solution for European Environmental Sustainability
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The main idea of the project "Youth Education - Solution for European Environmental Sustainability " is
raising the environmental awareness among youth and other ci8zens in the town of Novi Sad. Serbia is a
country which still doesn't have developed law legislatives for restraining many environmental problems
and unfortunately, even those that exist are not respected in many cases. Lately some organizations
started actively dealing with this issue and pressing Government to make country strategy but this is still on
an inadequate level. Also, citizens are mostly not aware that these problems have the great influence for
nature and society we live and that by small effort from their side they can contribute in a great way to
protec8on of European environment.During past years our organiza8on has made a great effort in
environmental education of youth about themes such are waste recycling management and producing and
using renewable sources of energy. Participation from an EVS volunteer, interested to join us in our efforts,
will give additional value for developing this idea. Thought intercultural dialogue she/he will contribute by
comparing the state in his/her country and Serbia, spreading the good solutions, giving the "live examples"
and in this way contribute to the better education of the citizens and more successful solvment of
environmental problems in our country.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.910,00
Pagina 203 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Young Volunteers, active citizenship and European integration
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
Youth Centre Livno finds hosting of foreign volunteers as one of our most important features. Volunteers
have always brought to us new idea, energy, support and friendship. Youth Centre Livno is active not only
on local, but also on SEEregional and European level. As most of our activities are international and involve
people from all over the world, we believe that is important to have an international team. We also want
to give space to interested youth from other countries to explore themselves, explore their ideas and
possibili8es and learn and experience how to make them real.The EVS volunteer will work with local
volunteers to set up one workshop a month for young people. She will take part in the organisation and
implementation of about five workcamps in different parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She will be involved
in organising monthly events in the local community were the organisation will promote volunteering.
Volunteer will assist the members of the Youth Center Livno in every day ac8vi8es.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.905,00
Pagina 204 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: Co-operativa "Kara Bobowski"
Applicant Address: Via F.Fanelli 2
Applicant Postal Code: 47015
Applicant Town: Modigliana (FO)
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
The main aim of this Group evs project is to give help to some activities runned in the rural area of the
Comunità Montana Acquacheta, where the hosting organisation involved in the project has its seat. These
ac8vi8es are aimed to children with and without disease/handicap and to youngsters. Hos8ng 10
european volunteers coming from four different Countries we would like to give an intercultural and fresh
tribute to this activities and, expecially, we would like to give the users of these activities (children and
youngsters) the opportunity to know more about other culture, to feel more "european" and to find new
opportuni8es to learn and grow up even if they live in a rather isolated area. On the other hand we would
like to offer the volunteers involved a positive intercultural experience and we aspect they acquire skills
and competences that can be useful for their future.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 46.780,00
Pagina 205 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
"European Growin' People"
Applicant: LINK
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The main goal of the project is to promote active participation of young generations through promotion of
non formal and intercultural education. This project aims to reach the general objective by implementing
two main activities: promotion of youth mobility in Europe and the implementation of intercultural and
non formal ac8vi8es among youth.Hos8ng volunteers is a concrete example of the meaning of common
Europe and can be a model for local young people who approach these topics with fear and diffidence.
The volunteers will play an important role in the daily work of the organization while working together with
different actors of the local community. The project aims to involve young people in European non formal
educa8on programmes such as EVS and youth exchanges.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 10.530,00
Pagina 206 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: LINK Associazione culturale
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The main project theme is the social inclusion of young people with less opportuni8es. The project
intends to promote the active participation, the education to the respect of differences, the affirmation of
equal opportunities for all, favoring the struggle to the discriminations through the use of arts and sport. It
intends to set paths of inclusion through the implementation, at local level, of artistic laboratories and
sport ac8vi8es aimed for mixed groups of young people.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 26.920,00
Pagina 207 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Ciak, Azione: Giovani protagonisti
Applicant: Legambiente Volontariato Ecopolis Torino Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Berthollet, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 10125
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The main aim of the project, which originates from the network Yepp - Youth Empowerment Partnership
Programme (www.yepp.it), of which the two host organisations are members, is to foster youth
protagonism and active citizenship through the involvement of young European volunteers from different
sending countries and young local people in activities aiming at developing the local community and
enhancing the urban environment with an intercultural approach.The project's ac8vi8es will have two
main focuses: Environment and urban regenera8on: valorisa8on and enhancement of the areas of Parco
Michelotti, former site of the zoological garden of Torino now undergoing a regeneration process to meet
environmental, educational and recreational purposes, and of Mirafiori Sud, industrial suburb of the city of
Torino where the Yepp programme has been ac8ve since the autumn 2002. Media and Communica8on:
exploitation of the potential of multimedia and information technologies and arts as a mean of youth
empowerment and for the valorisation of the local community development actions and educational
ac8vi8es undertaken by the young volunteers. The EVS volunteers will be therefore involved in workshops
and activities together with young people and kids from the local youth centres and schools with a variety
of tasks, from outdoor activities in parks to the production of multimedia contents; they will as well be
given the opportunity to plan and start their own projects and, after the end of their volunteering
experience they will be encouraged and assisted in developing their own follow-up activity either in Torino
or in their home country.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 37.410,00
Pagina 208 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
2007-IT-06 Legambiente circolo di Prato
Applicant: Legambiente Circolo di Prato
Applicant Address: Via A. Rossellino, 11
Applicant Postal Code: 59100
Applicant Town: Prato
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Urban/Rural development
Second Theme: Environment
Project Description:
The Project of Legambiente Circolo di Prato deals with wardship of nature and environmental
development. Most of the activities which involve the EVS volunteers are linked to the management of
Riserva naturale Acquerino Cantagallo.The project consists in:-Hostelling in Rifugio Le Cave: This mountain
shelter is in the hearth of Riserva Naturale Acquerino Cantagallo and it can be reached by feet in 45
minutes. Rifugio le Cave is attended by a lot of excursionists: here also take place activities concerning
Voluntary workcamps and environmental Labs for schools-Working on pathways: from Rifugio Le Cave a
lot of trekking pathways lead to the different points of Riserva. The EVS volunteers should help
Legambiente's staff and the Mountain Community of Val Bisenzio to clean and keep the pathways
func8onal, they should also provide some physical ac8vi8es like fire preven8on and firewood.Management of Visitor Centre in Cantagallo: Inside Community of Cantagallo Legambiente Circolo di Prato
manage the Visitor Centre. The EVS Volunteers should help local staff in the activities of environmental
educa8on which involves every years a lot of schools.-Ac8vi8es with horses: In the last months
Legambiente Circolo di Prato has started a collaboration with professionists in the health care of horses
which are designated to Horse- therapy. The EVS volunteers helps these professionists in cleaning horses
and also in leading children or disable people in horse-therapy.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 19.445,00
Pagina 209 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The aim of the project is to improve the youngsters' knowledge and access to the volunteering
opportuni8es, specifically through YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME. The main aims of the project will
be:oto raise the awareness around the volunteering ac8vi8es both in Italy and abroad through media,
schools, universi8es; oto support the local ini8a8ves of groups of youngsters aimed at the personal and
social development;oto soustain the organiza8on of workcamps and youth exchanges to be realized in
Italy and abroad;
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 19.162,00
Pagina 210 di 261
Project Type:
Action 2, EVS application
Type of Activity:
Individual and Group EVS
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Minorities
Second Theme: Urban/Rural development
Project Description:
This project aim at fostering the equal opportunities of youngster and children in different areas of our
country, set in the centre and in the south of Italy, sustaining the activities of three different organizations
of the civil society.The first associa8on, ARPJ TETTO is set in Rome in a house family were are hosted up
to 7 orphan and abandoned children between 6 and 10 years of age of both sexes. The institutional
objec8ve is to offer to disadvantaged children the chance to have a normal life and family.FARFA RIVER
DIDACTICAL FARM is a cooperative who developes its actions in the rural district of Sabina. The area, has a
lack of population because of its nature of a mountain community, and should need a sustainable
philosophy in the maintenance of the environment and the organization of iniciatives directed to sustain
equal opportuni8es for all its inhabitants.The associa8on GIOVANINSIEME foster the youngsters' mobility
and the European Voluntary Service as way to acquire non formal education.Their activities aim at create
meetings opportunities between the European volunteers and youngsters living in S.Giovanni Galermo
district, a strongly disadvantaged quarter of Catania in which the chances for children and youngsters are
quite unfair.The idea sustaining the whole project is to sustain equal opportuni8es for young and children,
offering the chance to European volunteers to fight against social exclusion in three different areas in Italy.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 36.725,00
Pagina 211 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Group EVS
Social rehabilitation of children with cancer diagnosis in Russia
Applicant: Stranaidea società cooperativa sociale
Applicant Address: Via Paolo Veronese 202
Applicant Postal Code: 10148
Applicant Town: TORINO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Health
Project Description:
The general aim of the activity is the social rehabilitation of children with cancer diagnosis spending a long
time in a cancer hospital in Nizhniy Novgorod. Children live in a hospital 3-24 months and the only world
around them is medicine and parents who visit them once a week. There is no activities organized for them
excluding school educational program, again, realized on the base of the hospital. The volunteers will be
asked to make workshops on the development creativity (creation of Art studio together with Russian Art
specialists), common activities with children (making school home exercises, reading books, playing games,
watching TV), organize of "virtual travels" for children (virtual excursions all around the world), take
personal care about children during their rehabilitation after medical procedures, organizing of common
activities for children and their parents. Volunteers will be also involved into organizing of promotion
campaigns for the Blood bank, because blood is extremely necessary for cancer children, and giving blood
is not very popular in Russia.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 11.880,00
Pagina 212 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
P.E.R: un ponte per l'Europa
Applicant Address: VIA CAVOUR 68
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: ASTI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The project aims at offering the volunteers an occasion to learn our culture and to engage themselves to
know and understand our national, local and working culture, which could eventually become an
advantage for his/her curriculum as well. The volunteers will work in the field of youth policies and youth
work in general, by helping us in the management of youth information centres, youth international
project, evs and mobility promotion, intercultural education and web information for youngsters. The
volunteer can contribute to stimulate the host-community through EVS thinking about its importance and
its possibility of utilisation, by promoting the European Pogramms.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.017,00
Pagina 213 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
creACTive's Model of United Nations - Learning and Growing Together
Applicant: TDM 2000
Applicant Address: Via Sant'Andrea, 11
Applicant Postal Code: 09129
Applicant Town: Cagliari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Anti-discrimination
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
"creACTive's Model of United Nations - Learning and Growing Together" is an EVS project that is based on
an on going project of the hosting organization, implemented on local and national level in Macedonia. This
national project is developed under the name "creACTive's Model of United Nations" and it involves young
people around the country into process of non-formal education; aiming at promotion of youth
par8cipa8on and ac8ve ci8zenship of young people.The work of the EVS volunteer will be to assist the
development of this project as a whole. Nevertheless, the volunteer will not be a project assistant. Her job
will be rather dynamic and creative and will offer the possibility to the volunteer to include new elements
in the project and to ini8ate different ac8vi8es, par8cularly in interna8onal context.The project ac8vi8es
will last for six months. During this time, the volunteer will be based in the capital of Macedonia - Skopje,
but will implement her activities in a number of other cities around the country. The volunteer will work in
the offices of the hosting organization, and will be constantly supported in her activities by the team
responsible for this na8onal project, as well as by the sending organiza8on.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.080,00
Pagina 214 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
EVS in CSI Yerevan
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Post conflict/post-disaster rehabilitation
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The Youth Program at Civil Society Institute aims to involve young Armenians within the processes of civil
society. Its goal is to encourage the future generation to become active members of society, so that they
may feel like they are involved and can ini8ate changes for themselves.The young volunteer will be
involved in different kinds of activities with youngster related with Human rights, peace building, conflict
resolu8on and democra8c ac8ve ci8zenship. A very important part of the project will be for the volunteer
to share informa8on about Youth in Ac8on Programme among the local community in Yerevan.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 6.780,00
Pagina 215 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Association of parents and friends of persons with special needs (2007-SI-36)
Applicant: XENA
Applicant Address: Via Citolo da Perugia 35
Applicant Postal Code: 35100
Applicant Town: Padova
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
Sunce association believe that hosting an EVS volunteer with motivation to work with young people with
special needs will make a significant contribution to the work of the association in developing new
activities as well as improving existing ones. The reason for choosing an EVS volunteer rather than local
volunteer is to add an international dimension to the work of organization and provide our volunteers and
staff with contact with their peers from EU and the way of working with persons with special needs in EU
countries. Sunce would also look forward to exchanging experiences in work with persons with special
needs in other EU countries.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 4.647,50
Pagina 216 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 2, EVS application
Individual EVS
Applicant: YAP - Youth Action for Peace Italy
Applicant Address: Via Marco Dino Rossi, 12/c
Applicant Postal Code: 00173
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Gender equality
Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities
Project Description:
The Haven project has several locations across the city of Wolverhampton and EVS volunteers will be
expected to work at any one of the locations. The Haven runs 4 hostels which can accommodate 46
families escaping Domestic Violence and homelessness. In addition, we support around 70 families per year
who are living in the community of Wolverhampton. The Volunteer will be helping to deliver support
services to women and children who have experienced domestic violence and/ or homelessness in the City
of Wolverhampton. The Volunteer will also be encouraged to deliver a range of activities to the client
group based upon their own skills, passions and interests.Training will be delivered to the EVS volunteers
including induction to the organisation and covering relevant policies and procedures the volunteer will be
expected to adhere to whilst on placement with The Haven. Full support and supervision will be offererred
to the Volunteer via our Volunteer mentor.The role of the Volunteer will either be decided according to
the requests of the Volunteer and information received during the recruitment process and the needs of
the organisation. Examples of roles carried out by the Volunteers are: Hostel Based Volunteer, Floating
Support Volunteer, Children's Services Volunteer, Resettlement Volunteer. We would also like to
encourage the Volunteers to use their personal interests (e.g. sports and leisure) to help facilitate in house
ac8vi8es for our client group.
Venue Country:
Venue Town:
Granted amount: € 5.440,00
Pagina 217 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Training Course: "STOP THE BULLY"
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: Viale Dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B/2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
The project will enable participants to learn how youth work and non-formal education can help to
promote the inclusion of national and social minorities in the school community. It will also provide a
forum to discuss ways of reintegrating young offenders into society. Youth workers (as well as young
teachers) from different countries and cultures will share their diverse experiences and ideas on how to
deal with bullying at school. They will be encouraged to establish co-operation between non-governmental
organisations and schools to organise youngsters' leisure time, integrate all minority groups in the school
community and encourage gifted young people to continue education at university level. Finally, they will
also develop ways to help students to speak out about bullying and discuss how the problem should be
presented in the media.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rome
Granted amount: € 26.250,00
Pagina 218 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
C'ERA UNA VOLTA - Once Upon a Time
Applicant: EquaMente Associazione Culturale e di Solidarietà
Applicant Address: Via Fratelli Vasco, 6/b
Applicant Postal Code: 10124
Applicant Town: TORINO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
"Once Upon a Time" is youth exchange about fairytales, what they are saying about us as human beings
and which our needs, values, habits, stereotypes, symbols are incorporated in. We shall use fairytales as a
medium for understanding common cultural heritage and tool to explore our past and present in a magic
and safety framework. We want to discover what young people feel as a true and have to say about
Europe, relationships between its citizens and important historical happenings. Fairytales will act as a
mirror of a real life and ourselves. The project aims developing participants' knowledge about the
European cultural heritage and raising awareness about stereotypes, exploring the connection between
stereotypes and prejudices given in fairytales with the ones in the real world. The working methodologies
during the exchange will be workshops (improvisation, storytelling, costume and makeup design)
discussions and field excursion. Countries involved in: Italy, Serbia, FYR Macedonia and Belgium.
Venue Country: FYRO Macedonia
Venue Town: Struga
Granted amount: € 18.273,00
Pagina 219 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Linkage: A Bridge Across Europe to learn Difference and Act Differently
Applicant: Arciragazzi Ferrara
Applicant Address: Via Contrada della Rosa, 14
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The aim of the project, by means of workshops and activities on the theme, is to improve the social
inclusion and intercultural learning within the European youths. Mutual understanding, the willingness to
cooperate and to know better each other is at the base of a wider Europe. It will be of outmost importance
to favour the knowledge of other culture, ideas respecting the human rights and the democratic
process.It is foreseen to enhance the intercultural integra8on and the rela8onship within youths coming
from different realities, stressing the importance to create a multicultural civil society. The activities will be
realized following the principle of the participation and participants integration. There will be moments of
discussion, informal activities, simulation of intercultural learning, conflict resolution example, as well as
transferring of best prac8ces.The ac8vi8es will propose mee8ng with experts, workshops on the theme,
visits to the city of Ferrara, socializing ac8vi8es and intercultural par8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 20.582,00
Pagina 220 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Feasibility visit
EUROMEDia Youth in Action
Applicant: Eurotrain
Applicant Address: Via S. Egidio, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 50122
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
"EUROMEDia youth action" is a project of Feasibility Visit that wants to bring together partners from
Europe and South-East mediteranean area in order to put in common, check and define aims and
objectives, common values, future plans and visions so that to explore the possibility to set up Action 1
and/or Action 4 (youth exchanges, youth initiatives - training for youth workers, social workers and
decision makers). The partnership started since many years between some of the partners, but the group
never worked all together.This project is aimed to start a coopera8on in youth work between the 7
organisations that deal with youth, media in cultural/social centres, promoting common values, non formal
education tools, transnational work spirit and youth programmes' information in order to reach those
young people acting for participation at local level mainly through media, who have not considered yet or
have not got in touch 8ll now with EuroMed dimension. The project we would like to build together is
coming as a result of different practices of the partners, involved at local level in projects reguarding local
participation through the use of media, of information and dealing with structures that permit young
people and youth workers to meet and build ac8vi8es, ideas, project together.The aim is that of reaching
the grass root level, in the cities, villages, neighbourhoods, etc so that making the accessibility to the
Euromed dimension really possible. Involving small local youth organisations or informal youth that are
often active actors of change in their local community, ads an important step to become multipliers in their
local reality of the values at the base of that dimen8on. The Feasibility Visit, promoted by Eurotrain and
Cospe (Italy), YOPA (Hungary), Cic Bata (Spain), A Step Away (Lebanon), Palestinian Youth Union
(Palestina), Community developement Association of Abu al Nomros (Egypt) see the participation of 4
more young persons (aged 20-25) involved in local youth organisations from each country (aparto of Italy)
for a total of 12 par8cipants, and want to be the star8ng point of all this process.
Venue Country: Italy
Pagina 221 di 261
Venue Town: Firenze
Granted amount: € 6.068,00
Pagina 222 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: ORSo Società Cooperativa Sociale
Applicant Address: Via Bobbio, 1
Applicant Postal Code: 10139
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Project Description:
Theme of this exchange will be rites and customs in different countries. We think that is possible to
understand better the others knowing ritual passages that characterize people's life in their society.
Talking of rites help to talk about religion, tradi8on and values typical of a specific culture. In fact, rites
and customs could be considered mirrors of the society's roots because express the symbolic link through
people of a same group.So rites and costumes as a symbol of culture and as a way to meet deeply the
diversity with fun and curiosity.Through this theme, in par8cular, we would like to go deeper into the
inter-religious dialogue, giving youngsters the opportunity to compare religions and to reflect on the
importance of tolerance and mutual understanding. A the same 8me, we also would like to improve the
youngsters awareness of being part of a bigger project that involves each one of them: European Union
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Alba
Granted amount: € 29.239,86
Pagina 223 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
L I N K Strumenti e metodi di rete per lo sviluppo di scambi giovanili
Applicant: DIAGONAL Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Don Rizzi, 7
Applicant Postal Code: 38100
Applicant Town: Trento
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Regional cooperation
Project Description:
In questo seminario si intendono affrontare i nodi relativi alla gestione della partnership da un punto di
vista organizzativo (raccolta delle informazioni e della documentazione, definizione del progetto di
scambio, elaborazione delle attività, negoziazione degli strumenti, modalità e valutazioni, ecc.) e
relazionale (l'ospitalità, i momenti di crisi, le difficoltà linguistiche, etc.), in vista di una più corretta ed
adeguata gestione della collaborazione tra enti, associazioni, organizzazioni, persone che si occupano di
poli8che giovanili. Il seminario vuole offrire informazioni sulle procedure e sugli strumen8 necessari ad un
Animatore e ad un rsponsabil di associazione per gestire la partnership ed incentivare le proprie
competenze interne. Des8natari e partecipan8 saranno responsabili o rappresentan8 di re8 di
associazioni giovanili, (sia a livello territoriale che nazionale) dei paesi programma e dei paesi partners
dell'Est europeo e del Caucaso, con i quali si avvierà una riflessione sul modo di operare insieme in rete e
delle varie problematiche che attraversano la creazione, gestione, analisi e sviluppo dei diversi partenariati
all'interno del nuovo Programma Gioventù in Azione. In tal senso, il progetto si propone di aumentare
l'efficacia delle relazioni e reti accrescendo la consapevolezza in chi vi si impegna, delle potenzialità insite
nell'uso delle stesse.La metodologia u8lizzata sarà aperta ma guidata: da un lato si creeranno le condizioni
per dare modo ai partecipanti di mostrare e vedere le proprie e altrui esperienze - dirette od indirette - in
materia. Da un altro lato, si cercherà di definire con loro una metodologia comune, in vista di un possibile
progeJo a largo raggio che si verrà proposto ai partners.Il Seminario ricade soJo le priorità di
ricomposizione e ricostruzione dopo il conflitto, diritti delle minoranze, dialogo interetnico e interreligioso
e cooperazione regionale.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Peio
Granted amount: € 24.500,00
Pagina 224 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Youth, Peace and the Media
Applicant: AFSAI
Applicant Address: Viale Dei Colli Portuensi, 345 B/2
Applicant Postal Code: 00151
Applicant Town: Rome
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Post-conflict resolution and reconstruction
Project Description:
The Project aims to educate, support and motivate young people to build and consolidate Peace in
Europe. 40 young people from Program and EECA region's countries will learn how reflect Peace and raise
awareness of Cultural Diversity by using two main tools: photography and newspaper. As well as, they will
have the possibility to exchange opinions and ideas about intercultural learning, intercultural dialogue and
Venue Country: Azerbaijan
Venue Town: Baku
Granted amount: € 29.966,00
Pagina 225 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Applicant: LUNARIA
Applicant Address: Via Buonarroti, 39
Applicant Postal Code: 00185
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Project Description:
Often European suburbs don't allow youngsters to live the spaces at the best and leave them in alienating
and excluding condi8ons.The par8cipants of the exchange, coming from four European outskirts contexts,
will exchange their experiences of urban spaces and learn to work in an intercultural team, discovering
different cultures and ways of living.We would like to support youngsters in discovering their expecta8ons
and their way to live the city and its history, through arts in par8cular comics.The youngsters involved
should analyze their backgrounds and experiences in the suburb spaces and in the daily life. We believe
that make young people able to create a Urban Comic will be useful to compare local and global dinamics,
keeping attention to the problems connected with disadvantaged situations of some outskirts, often
shared by European youngsters coming from the metropolis.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 17.628,00
Pagina 226 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Artisanship and handwork in rural areas. An European heritage
Applicant: Servizio Civile Internazionale
Applicant Address: VIA CRUTO 43
Applicant Postal Code: 00149
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Heritage and environmental protection
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The project aims to create posi8ve rela8ons between youngsters coming from disadvantagedbackgrounds
and to promote a network of different bodies working for inter-cultural rela8ons andunderstanding
together with environmental awareness and heritage protec8on.By means of different ac8vi8es
(workshops, games, mee8ng with local workers using tradi8onalmethod of building) related to the
recovery of an hold mountain shelter in the countryside close toPalermo, all the par8cipants will be
mo8vated to respect the historical-cultural heritage and to becameactors of its improvement.This will
lead all the par8cipants toward a personal growth, the development of a civic conscience andtherefore
the feeling of belonging to a community with a posi8ve impact in their personal path towarda social
rehabilitation or inclusion.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Palermo
Granted amount: € 22.923,00
Pagina 227 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Youth Exchanges application
Multilateral exchange
Apprendere dalla natura:un insegnamento per il dialogo interculturale.Learn
Applicant Address: C.so Imbriani, 119/B
Applicant Postal Code: 70059
Applicant Town: TRANI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Second Theme: Post-conflict resolution and reconstruction
Project Description:
Legambiente Trani and the partners coming from Slovenia Lebanon and Israel, are going to have a meeting
about some environmental problem as a moment of intercultural forma8on.In the awareness that the
environmental thematic are a planetary problem, in particular way we will analyze the aspects of the
urban degrade in Europe and in the Mediterranean area and the effects on the rural systems. The
comparison on this problem, also through techniques of communication, will have a both goal as a
moment of exchange of good practices and as a way of knowledge each others. A way that comparing
different experiences and approach to the environment in the different cultures, taking example from the
spontaneity of the natural systems will indicate a technique of perception and listening of the other, at the
same way sharing experiences will to bring in own countries of origin. Through the constant employment
of techniques of communication will be an immediate amalgam among all the participants and also with
the local population, fully involved in such project. Intent of the project is not only allow the youth groups
to compare the mutual experiences, but also come into contact with the social realities (rural and urban)
through a direct perception with own senses, analyzing analogies and differences of the different social
and cultural systems.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: TRani (BA)
Granted amount: € 14.914,00
Pagina 228 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Applicant: MATE Associazione di promozione sociale
Applicant Address: Via S.C. de Lellis,136
Applicant Postal Code: 66100
Applicant Town: Chieti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Post-conflict resolution and reconstruction
Second Theme: Heritage and environmental protection
Project Description:
The main objective of this project is to give the capacity to the participants to be leaders and to manage
"Youth in Action" projects in order to develop personal, collective, cultural, environmental and aggregative
growth within the subject of Sustainable Development Primary target groups of the project are group
leaders and youth workers who want to learn about or develop their skills in order to promote and launch
new quality projects under the framework of the Youth in Action Programme on the topic of the
Sustainable Development in order to involve and aware the young people they are working with in their
local environment. Preparatory work will be realized by par8cipants on collec8ng good examples of local
experiences of linking Youth in Action projects and Sustainable Development topic and identifying first
future projects possibili8es.During the training will be realized icebreaker dynamics, an associa8on fair,
working sessions on Non Formal Education, Intercultural Learning, Sustainable Development, combination
of Non Formal Education - Intercultural Learning - Sustainable Development, Evaluations, a presentation of
the Youth in Action Programme, 3 working sessions using the OTM (Open Training Methodology), four
working sessions on future projects, intercultural evening, open public spaces, final evaluations. Reflection
groups will be realized every day in order to check together with participants the ongoing of the project.
Non formal educa8on will be the methodology used.In the follow up par8cipants will concretely apply the
methodologies acquired both at local level and in the international projects that will come out during the
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Chieti
Granted amount: € 29.495,00
Pagina 229 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Partnership-Building activity
Applicant Address: C.so Imbriani, 119/B
Applicant Postal Code: 70059
Applicant Town: TRANI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Fight against racism and xenophobia
Second Theme: Inter-ethnic and inter-religious dialogue
Project Description:
Legambiente and its partner groups - which are really operative and motivated in their respective local
realities - are aimed at developing well-established synergies, by promoting activities connected to the
Youth in Action program and the - European year of Intercultural dialogue.The main purpose is to analyze
young participants'common and different ethnical and religious rootsthrough of the three monotheist
religions and the prospective of dialog in the mediterranean area, over any ideological and instrumental
prejudice. A collective analysis would allow us detecting different and common roots, setting off a breaking
barriers dialogue. To assure an efficient intercultural mediation, the whole project will be carried out with
the help of international trainers and experts and by means of ecological communication, non-violent
resolution of conflicts, and the theatre-games.The participation of Palestinian minority group and MiddleEast groups will be crucial to make - in a geo-political way - the necessity of inter-ethnic dialogue and a
concrete regional cooperation.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Monopoli (BA)
Granted amount: € 14.300,00
Pagina 230 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Partnership-Building activity
Mediterranean Partnerships Market
Applicant: MOSAICO Onlus
Applicant Address: Via San Biagio dei Librai, 121
Applicant Postal Code: 80134
Applicant Town: Napoli
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Minorities
Project Description:
Mediterranean Partnerships Market, is a occasion for organizations and youth workers of the
Mediterranean area for a contact and a mutual knowledge, for a comparison of the pedagogic and
methodological approaches in the work with youth disadvantged people. It's a moment of exchange that
will mark the point of departure for the development of collaborations to youth projects among countries
of the Mediterranean. It's a mee8ng between "men in charge", for to compare philosophies and finali8es
of youth workers in the Mediterranean area, and themes and contents of the proposals introduced by the
organiza8ons par8cipants self. It's a Mediterranean "market" of professional exchanges and a search of
new organisa8ons with a really interest to share interna8onal projects.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Napoli
Granted amount: € 22.109,00
Pagina 231 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
YMDN- Seminar Youth-Migration-Develoment Nexus Seminar
Applicant Address: VIA S. SPIRIDIONE 5/a
Applicant Postal Code: 60100
Applicant Town: ANCONA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: Fight against racism and xenophobia
Project Description:
The main objective of this seminar is to promote our cooperation with associations that work on migration,
but also to share our expertise with the ones that are not directly involved on this issue. We have made a
wide selection of partners with whom we have already worked on various of projects but also partners that
we haven't worked with yet. This way we have the opportunity to make new partners and evolve the issue
of migration to a higher level, including new perspectives, ideas and a various experience. We aim at a
quite diverse target group. We aim to include different types of organizations; organizations that work
either with first and second-generation migrants or with refugees. Our priority however would be to
discuss about the young second-generation migrants living Italy and try to develop project ideas that would
have the aim to shed some light on their situation and influence governing bodies of higher institutions
within the EU to work towards imroving their rights.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ancona
Granted amount: € 20.464,00
Pagina 232 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 3, Training and networking application, 1-7
Job shadowing project
European days activities
Applicant Address: Via degli Adelardi, 4
Applicant Postal Code: 41109
Applicant Town: Modena
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Strengthening civil society, citizenship and democracy
Second Theme: European awareness
Project Description:
First of all, this project wants to create an opportunity for the newly formed association Mozaik to develop
its own activities in the field of youth activities and mainly projects and activities in the framework of the
Youth in Ac8on Programme and European events. This Job Shadowing will be done by the President of the
association as a moment of learning and confronting. Thanks to the experience in youth projects and youth
active participation activities that the Association Going to Europe has, the experience that he will do could
be an opportunity to develop and improve his knowledge on these issues. He will be involved in the
activities that the association will run in the period of the job shadowing, days that will be among the most
lively from the European point of view. In fact, he will be involved in the first steps of the organisation of
the youth exchanges and in the organisa8on of the Europe Day of 9th May. Second, this project will be
the occasion to strengthen the relationship between the two involved associations, in order to develop a
good partnership for future projects. Third, since he will have the opportunity to be involved in formal
meetings with the local authorities with which the hosting organisation has many conventions and
contacts, he will have the picture of the steps we do in order to maintain good and stable relationship with
the local authori8es
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Modena
Granted amount: € 1.052,00
Pagina 233 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Without words…dealing with the communication in the Youth Exchanges
Applicant: Federazione Italiana dei CEMEA
Applicant Address: Via Argentina Altobelli 32
Applicant Postal Code: 00177
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
This Training Course wants to support the development of an effective communication between groups
during the first days of a Youth Exchange.In our experience, this is one of the most cri8cal but also
important topics during a Youth Exchanges: in fact during the first 2/3 days the youngsters have difficulties
in establish, also, a simple communication with the others (a new group speaking a foreign language with
different "culture"). It's a very difficult and sensi8ve moment, especially when the "working language" is
not so well know by the majority of the group: it could became a crisis element for the success of the
activities. In fact, the young people could have very different mastery level of the "working language",
depending by the educational system of the belonging countries, their previous experiences, their social
background, etc. The wish to increase the participation of youngsters with few opportunities has to be
accompanied by increasing quality in the prepara8on of youth leaders.So, what we can do? What does it
means to use non verbal communication strategies in an international and intercultural context? Without
words will focus on potential youth leaders, improving their skills in non verbal communication in order to
facilitate communica8on dynamics during a youth exchange.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Rome
Granted amount: € 24.599,00
Pagina 234 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Feasibility visit
(Ex) Changing
Applicant Address: Viale Repubblica, 25
Applicant Postal Code: 27058
Applicant Town: Voghera
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Disability
Project Description:
Il progetto intende realizzare uno scambio con operatori di altri paesi europei per confrontare buone prassi
nell'ambito dell'animazione giovanile. In particolare verrà confrontato un modello di "Animazione
ambientale" per i giovani già sperimentato in Italia dalla nostra Fondazione da almeno dieci anni con altre
modalità operative nei paesi partners, Belgio, Francia, Lussemburgo e Finlandia. L'apporto della
Fondazione italiana offre l'esperienza del laboratorio residenziale sulla comunicazione e relazione per
sensibilizzare i giovani al riconoscimento e utilizzo delle proprie abilità relazionali nel gruppo dei pari. Il
laboratorio è lo spazio protetto dove attraverso giochi, attività espressive e sportive all'aperto,
psicomotricità e animazione ambientale i giovani imparano a confrontarsi con l'ambiente, fisico-naturale e
relazionale. L'obiettivo è costruire un' educazione alla sostenibilità non solo ambientale, ma anche
relazionale. L'azione prevede un confronto sulle metodologie e l'osservazione partecipata di un'esperienza
con i giovani. Si prevede inoltre il confronto per la definizione e progettazione di azioni di scambio con
giovani dei paesi rappresentati sul tema dell'ambiente ,( ipotesi luglio 2008) dell'educazione attraverso lo
sport e le attività all'aperto ( orienteering e pony games) e infine lo studio di fattibilità di uno scambio per
un gruppo di giovani disabili nella logica dell'inclusione sociale.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Voghera (PV)
Granted amount: € 2.025,00
Pagina 235 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
EUROPEANDO Europe, Youth and Volunteering
Applicant Address: Via Spalto San Marco, 37/bis
Applicant Postal Code: 25121
Applicant Town: Brescia
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
As general objec8ves the present project is aimed at:-Focus on the importance of the valorisa8on of the
outcomes of EVS projects;-Iden8fy methodologies of valorisa8on;-Comply to "Youth in Ac8on" pillars
which put great emphasis on the development of the valorisa8on of the outcomes.Expected outcome:Create common methodologies of valorisa8on.Par8cipants:10 par8cipants from 5 countries.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Brescia
Granted amount: € 5.330,00
Pagina 236 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Applicant: AEGEE-Bari
Applicant Address: C/O Europe Direct , via G. Petroni 19A
Applicant Postal Code: 70125
Applicant Town: Bari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Disability
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
This project is a Training Course and it's first objective is to farther the organization of other events, such as
exchanges and others European Projects, especially those which could be financed by the Youth in Action
Programme. The training course will help young people who want to be more capable of a project
implementation and development, giving them the basic abilities for a successful projects, such as project
designing, budget drafting, website implementation, etc. Special care will be taken of such cases like
par8cipa8on of disables to an event. Big emphasis will also be given to the youth in ac8on program
application: participants will be taught about how to design an example of youth in action -action1project, and how to fill in the rela8ve applica8on form. Beside this mail theme, there will be others
implemented, concerning European Integration, European values, equal opportunities, human rights and
democracy, respect for other cultures.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Bari
Granted amount: € 17.725,00
Pagina 237 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Applicant: LINK
Applicant Address: Via Silvio Pellico, 10
Applicant Postal Code: 70022
Applicant Town: Altamura
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information
Project Description:
The project proposes an international training course on the themes of diversity and the fight against
racism. It aims to analyse these phenomenon and provide tools for intervention using audiovisual to
implement the process of social inclusion that gives value to cultural diversities for a future of mutual
understanding. The project also aims to develop sustainable innovative activities at international level to
support local projects, facilitate inclusive opportunities for young people, an enable capacity the
capabilities of professional youth workers using the audiovisual to reach marginalized youth. The core of
the training will be the active participation based on experiential learning thanks to the concrete action in
collaboration with a local correctional youth centre.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Altamura
Granted amount: € 25.585,00
Pagina 238 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Study visit
Applicant Address: Viale Michelangelo 2200
Applicant Postal Code: 90100
Applicant Town: PALERMO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The idea to realize a study visit dealing on the theme of "youth participation" , is a consequence of a very
long route pursued from several years, from Arciragazzi Regional Association, on a local , regional and on
a national level. The project we want to realize will have the aim to put together young social workers
coming from different European realities, which will work together with our youth worker coming from
different cities of our region where Arciragazzi exist. During these days the group will compare the
methodology and the tools that they use during their daily work with young peoples. During the project,
we will have the opportunity to use the coloured ludobus of Arciragazzi in the way that all the group will
travel around all Sicily and will meet in their different contexts , Arciragazzi associations of Trapani,
Catania and Siracusa, together with other organizations involved on youth participation and active
citizenship topic . During these meetings , the group, using a non formal setting of working, will discuss and
will share their ideas about differences and similarity of youth policies in different European cities, and will
try to disseminate the result of the study visit organizing a youth exchange on the same topic.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: PALERMO
Granted amount: € 7.670,00
Pagina 239 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Job shadowing project
Applicant Address: Via Marchesan, 4/d
Applicant Postal Code: 31100
Applicant Town: Treviso
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Insieme Si Può Società Cooperativa Sociale is a Social Co-operative that works in the social field, such as
educational activities, people assistance, information, communication, especially addressed to young
people and so on. It runs many Youth Centres of Treviso and other Municipalities around the city and in the
Veneto Region, too. It manages 2 Eurodesk Relays, too, for the dissemination on a local level of
information/opportunities promoted by the European Union and the Council of Europe in the youth field.
This objective is fulfilled through different working methods and strategies implemented by the national
networks and relays involved in the European network. The participation in this Action would enable both
participants and the hosting structure to experience a useful exchange of working methods and
competencies, and develop cooperation opportunities between local partners of different countries.
Participants in the project are Operators responsible for Eurodesk information on a local level working for
youth informa8on bodies (youth centres, guidance services, etc.)
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Treviso e provincia
Granted amount: € 830,00
Pagina 240 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Partnership-Building activity
MOYC - More Opportunities for Young Citizens
Applicant Address: CORSO GARIBALDI, 143
Applicant Postal Code: 84122
Applicant Town: SALERNO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Il progetto mira alla costruzione di un solido partenariato attarverso il quale dar vita ad azioni volte al
coinvolgimento di giovani con minori opportunità in percorsi di educazione non formale e progetti di
mobilità internazionale e tesi a: sviluppare la solidarietà, promuovere la tolleranza nelle giovani generazioni
e favorire la coesione nell'UE. La reciproca conoscenza e lo scambio di esperienze, oltre ad essere un
sicuro arricchimento per i partecipanti, rappresentano il punto di partenza da cui si svilupperanno
programmi di azione a medio e lungo termine tra le organizzazioni partner che moltiplicheranno gli effetti
attesi del progetto. Tali attività saranno monitorate nel follow-up previsto dal progetto e utilizzate quale
item di valutazione dello stesso.This project endeavors to contrive a solid partnership for the purpose of
conceiving actions designed to involve young people with less opportunities into informal educational
schemes and international employment assignments intended to develop solidarity, foster tolerance in
young genera8ons and promote cohesion within the European Union.Mutual know-how and experien8al
exchanges, besides being assured assets to all participants, represent short- and long-term plans of action
between partner organiza8ons which will augment the expected effects of the project. Such ac8ons will
be monitored in a follow-up scheduled within this agenda to be used as benchmarks for assessing the
project itself.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cava de' Tirreni (SA)
Granted amount: € 16.092,00
Pagina 241 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Job shadowing project
DRUM BUN (Buon Viaggio)
Applicant Address: VIA BONOMELLI 79/81
Applicant Postal Code: 26100
Applicant Town: CREMONA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The present project is intended to favour the exchange of good educational practices and the acquisition of
new abilities through the observation and activities of work - sharing made by a young Romanian social
worker inside some services run by the Italian social workers of the Nazareth Social Co-opera8ve.The idea
underlying the present project is the firm belief that non-formal education, that is the exchange of
experiences through non-didactic methodologies, can constitute an effective strategy to learn new
methods of social work concerning minors.The ac8vity of observa8on of working situa8ons will take place
inside three services: the day-time centre of infant neuropsychiatry, "Giona" community for nonaccompanied foreign minors, as a juvenile category liable to disadvantage and lesser opportunities, and the
Social Service for Minors with Families of Cremona Town Council.The exchange experience will make it
possible to star a favourable course to build up a long-term partnership with Romanian societies, in order
to develop new projects within "Youth in ac8on" programme.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cremona
Granted amount: € 1.235,00
Pagina 242 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Partnership-Building activity
"A bridge to Europe" Young people and European Awareness
Applicant: Centro di Servizio per il Volontariato della provincia dell'Aquila
Applicant Address: Via di Vigliano,17
Applicant Postal Code: 67100
Applicant Town: L'Aquila
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
The main aim of the seminar is to promote contacts between participants from different Countries in order
to s8mulate the development of youth exchange projects among these organisa8ons as well as to:"to
facilitate the process of finding partners for future projects between partners that are working with young
people,"to provide opportuni8es for learning about each other's reali8es and exchange experiences in
youth work,"to acquire new skills for organising and implemen8ng youth exchanges,"to develop ideas
for new youth exchange projects.The program will be designed to support the partecipants in developing
and planning Networking projects to be implemented after the course, including the following
themes:"YOUTH IN ACTION program and Networking. Informa8on about the YOUTH in ac8on program,
par8cularly the criteria and concrete examples of Networking projects. "Contact making. The
partecipants will get to know each other projects and organisations and will share previous experiences
and good prac8ces at local or European level."Project management. The partecipants will reflect on
current needs in their local community. They will define concrete project ideas. First steps of the
project."Teamwork. Working in interna8onal teams: decision-making process, division of tasks,
coopera8on between the partner groups. "Intercultural experience. The partecipants will experience
intercultural awareness: values, stereotypes, prejudices, relation between cultures, international project
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Calascio (AQ)
Granted amount: € 13.582,70
Pagina 243 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Diversity as resource - Theatre as a tool for Equal Opportunities
Applicant: Associazione di rete "INCA ITALIA" International Network for Culture and
Applicant Address: Via Calandriello, 1 sc c int 11
Applicant Postal Code: 82100
Applicant Town: BENEVENTO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Gender equality
Project Description:
The project intends to support youth workers by offering them the opportunity to participate in activities
and workshops in which they can improve their skills and awareness of themes such as European
ci8zenship, Equal Opportuni8es and cultural diversity at interna8onal level.This Training Course will invite
participation from different Countries, the participants will get a very good overview of methods and
opportuni8es which they can use in their local contexts. This project will analyse the importance of the
concept of Citizenship and its relevant connected issues, inequalities and injustices in specific contexts.
The activities will give the possibility to the participants to share and create new practices and plan how to
transfer these concepts. Non formal education will be used through the whole activity. The project aims to
involve a good number of Youth workers, Animators and Young People.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Lugnano in Teverina
Granted amount: € 20.140,00
Pagina 244 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Feasibility visit
Applicant: Regione Lombardia - Direzione Generale Giovani, Sport, Promozione Attiv
Applicant Address: Via Rosellini, 17
Applicant Postal Code: 20124
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
L'objet de la Visite de faisabilité, prévue en Lombardie en octobre 2007, est d'adopter une méthodologie
de travail commune et d'approfondire le thème de la participation des jeunes à la vie publique, afin de
présenter un projet européen "Jeunes et démocratie" le 1er novembre 2007. La visite, qui se déroulera
durant 4 journées et sera organisée par la Région Lombardie, prévoit la participation de la Ville et du Forum
Jeunesse Environnement de Cremona, de la Ville de Lubjana et de l'association " Šotorovci " (Slovène), du
Conseil municipal de la Jeunesse de Göteborg et de l'association " Ungdomens Nykterhetsförbund (UNF) "
(Suède). Le programme de travail prévoit des moments d'échanges informels entre les partenaires et
l'intervention de deux experts, en matière de processus participatifs, et de projets européens. Il est en
outre prévu un témoignage d'une ville italienne ayant déjà développé avec succès des pratiques de
participation auprès de la citoyenneté locale, comme exemple concret auquel s'inspirer. Des visites seront
effectuées auprès du siège de la Commission européenne à Milan, et auprès des territoires italiens
partenaires (Milan, Cremona). La visite permettra aux partenaires de renforcer la coopération entre
institutions et associations de jeunesse/groupes informels, afin d'établir une méthodologie d'intervention
commune, de définir les modalités de collabora8on et l'organisa8on du futur projet 1.3.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Milano
Granted amount: € 4.550,00
Pagina 245 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Partnership-Building activity
Step by Step to Youth Participation "Step by Step" verso la partecipazione gi
Applicant Address: PIAZZA SANTA BRIGIDA 17
Applicant Postal Code: 16126
Applicant Town: GENOVA
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The project aims at bringing together different youth associations and youth groups from 6 European
countries in order to exchanges practices in the filed of youth work generally, ad in the field of youth
participation and citizenship, particularly, to develop a common knowledge of the other partners and a
common knowledge regarding the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme; finally, the project aims at putting the
basis of a sustainable partnership between the participant associations and groups in order to develop
common projects in the frame of the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme.The project includes different steps,
as follows: "prepara8on in each single par8cipant country consis8ng mainly by an analysis of the project
resources for future partnership and specific features, needs and problems to be addressed in the youth
field generally, with par8cular aJen8on to youth par8cipa8on and ci8zenship;"the ac8vity/mee8ng with
all partner consisting in a 7 day meeting during which different aspects will be tackled: knowledge between
partners, analysis of the new YOUTH IN ACTION Programmes, analysis of youth participation and
citizenship state of art in every country and competences of associations/groups in addressing it,
elaboration of projects proposals in the frame of the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme, other resources to be
analysed, creation of a bank of ideas to be developed and used as a tool of follow-up and impact of the
project at local level in each of the partner countries;"diffusion of the results of the mee8ng in each
partner country, development at local level of the bank of ideas and promotion of the new project ideas
emerged during the mee8ng. As far as methodology is concerned, we will use the non-formal
methodology and its relative tools, mainly referring to the T-Kits of the UE-COE Partnership and other
manuals (COMPASS) and resources (especially, SALTO-YOUTH).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Genova
Granted amount: € 9.340,00
Pagina 246 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
MEET EUROPE - for Networking!
Applicant: IBO ITALIA Associazione Italiana Soci Costruttori
Applicant Address: VIA MONTEBELLO, 46/A
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
In line with the European directions, the project aims to strengthen the sense of European awareness by
reinforcing the net of IBO associations, widespread all over Europe, as for Youth in Action programme. The
starting point will be the activity of youth volunteering as common element that links the associations.
Then we'll develop new possibilities of collaboration as for Youth in Action Programme. IBO Italy, thanks to
the ten-year experience in EVS, will guarantee the transfer of the "know-how" to subjects who are
completely new to these items. A special regard will be given to East Europe countries (Poland, Romania)
which still don't have a concrete capability of dealing with European programmes, and to minorities, as one
of the participants is a Roma association. The goal is to guarantee the same capability of applying for Youth
in Ac8on programme. We will adopt two measures: a seminar in Italy that will host all the people in
charge for Youth Programme in each European seat to stimulate an exchange of good practices; a job
shadowing visit between Italy and Romania in order to let the two associations, IBO Italy and Rom pentru
Rom,share and exchange their prac8ce experiences in the field of youth volunteering ac8vi8es.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 5.750,00
Pagina 247 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
Outdoor for social inclusion
Applicant Address: VIA GRADINI PONTI ROSSI, 5
Applicant Postal Code: 80141
Applicant Town: NAPOLI
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Social inclusion
Project Description:
Over the past years we have noticed how outdoor activities have produced the best results.
youngsters have always lived such experiences with enthusiasm and learnt to live together, cooperate and
include the others and themselves in a proficuous way. Therefore we have decided to put together a pool
of trainers and support staff with many years of experience to guarantee quality and results. We aim at
covering most outdoor activites which our associations offer in order to train youth leaders, animators and
youth workers to improve the quality of their numerous Youth in Action projects . Then they will cascade
and spread the results of this training course implementing them in their present and future activities.
Finally, this training course is meant to be a pilot project as we wish to extend skills and abilities acquired to
other associations we are in contact with throughout other projects so that hundreds of youngsters might
benefit from it..
Venue Country: Italy
Granted amount: € 14.860,00
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Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Learning to learn
Applicant: PAME AMBRO onlus
Applicant Address: Via Anita Garibaldi 15
Applicant Postal Code: 89063
Applicant Town: Melito di Porto Salvo
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Other
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Il seminario "Learning to learn" ha l'obiettivo di far incontrare operatori e ricercatori nell'ambito
dell'educazione formale e non formale per guardare allo sviluppo dell'apprendimento permanente dal
punto di vista di colui che apprende.Mol8 adul8 si trovano di fronte una sfida grandissima quando gli
viene detto di pianificare e gestire il loro apprendimento perché non sono stati educati a questo in quanto
nell'educazione formale i contenuti e i modi dell'imparare sono pianificati da altri e pertanto questo
cambio di impostazione non risulta per niente naturale ne' automa8co.Imparare ad imparare si è imposto
all'ordine del giorno ma rimane la domanda di come attuarlo, di qual è l'impatto nelle diverse attività
dell'educazione non formale. Queste sono le domande principali che il seminario affronterà.Questo
seminario fa parte di una serie di attività legate al tema del riconoscimento dell'apprendimento non
formale, Self-Directed Learning e Imparare ad imparare su cui la rete europea UNIQUE (United for
Innovation and Quality in Education; una rete che riunisce ricercatori, formatori ed educatori attivi nel
campo dell'educazione non formale) sta lavorando già da tempo e i cui soci (organizzazioni) sono partner in
questo progetto. Il progetto prevede di fornire un contributo di qualità nello sviluppo di questo tema
specialmente nell'ambito del programma "Giovani in Azione".
Venue Country: Italy
Granted amount: € 15.800,00
Pagina 249 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Child protection and safety guidelines for youth exchanges organisation
Applicant: Stranaidea società cooperativa sociale
Applicant Address: Via Veronesi 202
Applicant Postal Code: 10148
Applicant Town: TORINO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
The seminar aims to help all the participants to prepare and develop youth exchanges projects with young
people from 13 to 17 years old, in particular by providing assistance in the development of the Action 1.1
of the Youth in Action Programme, support for partner-finding, a platform for discussion around child
safety and protec8on.The ac8vi8es will be focused on the preven8on approach in par8cular, facing this
new age range included by the new Programme, exploring the cultural differences about the topic of child
safety and protection and the specific needs of young people with less opportunities. The activities will
enable participants to identify and exchange good practice and transfer of knowledge, compare different
approaches and strategies and exchange experience in the youth work.The Country Guide about Risk and
Young person protection in the EU will be presented, anylised and shared, together with the Good practice
Guide within the Youth Programme on child protection and safety. The participants will have the
opportunity to reflect about this documents, learn the other countries rules about this topic and update
this guides with the new age range of the Youth in Action Programme, giving their contribute to the
improvement of the projects quality and to the spreading of these useful documents around Europe.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Torino
Granted amount: € 14.134,50
Pagina 250 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Applicant: Accademia Europea di Firenze
Applicant Address: Via S.Egidio, 12
Applicant Postal Code: 50122
Applicant Town: Firenze
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
During a project visit in Lisboa, the president of Accademia europea di Firenze, the Portuguese colleagues
and also the director of Oneco (ES) had the chance to reflect on the importance of sharing a "code" of best
practices in the frame of EU exchanges and mobility activities for young people in order to develop quality
projects. The group, joined by the austrian organisation, is interested in dealing with Youth in Action
programme, so that to have the opportunity to use their experiences and competences, acquired especially
in the frame of mobilty programme, to actions and projects mainly dedicated to Intercultural learning and
Youth par8cipa8on.This project is an opportunity for the 4 organisa8ons to share their experiences and
their competences in order to promote intercultural activities and European citizenship at local and
European level with young people. The seminar will last 4 working days + 2 travel daysEach partner will
participate with 4 persons (3 tutors/youth workers, educators, coaches and one responible of youth
sector).The partners involved are: Accademia europea di Firenze (IT) Oneco (ES), Euroyouth (PT),
Amadeus (AU).
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Firenze
Granted amount: € 9.595,00
Pagina 251 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Feasibility visit
"Step by Step"
Applicant: Joint
Applicant Address: Via Giovanola 25
Applicant Postal Code: 20142
Applicant Town: Milano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The aim of the project is to bring together partners, with whom we've either already worked with or
partners with whom we've been in contact with for a while but have never had the time to meet and
discuss with, to talk about future projects to implement in particular in Italy, but also in the countries of the
partners of the project. The objective is to apply at least for four projects within the solar year with these
partners. For this reason we believe that this visit should stimulate the cooperation between the partners
and create a strong group that can work together in the future.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Mommio Castello, Comune di Massarosa, Lu
Granted amount: € 7.805,00
Pagina 252 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Making Learning Visible:the recognition of non formal education and the intr
Applicant: Civitas Solis Associazione
Applicant Address: Via Caprera, 28
Applicant Postal Code: 89044
Applicant Town: Locri
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme:
Project Description:
Multilater seminar aims to explore the concept and the importance of recognition of non formal learning in
the youth field and to prepare youth workers and organisations for the implementation of the Youthpass.
Participants in this project, which will take place in Calabria region, organized by an organisation with vast
experience in the field, will consist of youth leaders, youth workers, youth officers and others in local and
national governmental structures, from 10 countries. During the seminar the participants will compare
viewpoints about informal education today in Europe related the set of key competences for lifelong
learning, and to share opinions about the introduc8on of Youthpass in "Youth in ac8on" projects.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Locri
Granted amount: € 18.228,00
Pagina 253 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Local intercultural activities with young people. Sharing of best practises
Applicant: Affabulazione
Applicant Address: Piazza M.V. Agrippa 7h
Applicant Postal Code: 00121
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The seminar aims at bringing together European organisations working at community level both with
immigrants and local young people. The objective is to understand how specific and strategic intercultural
activities can foster intercultural dialogue and prevent racist behaviours amongst the youth. To this end
there will be a sharing of good practises and a detailed analysis of the different social contexts to facilitate
comparisons and foster methodological exchanges.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ostia Lido di Roma
Granted amount: € 8.838,00
Pagina 254 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
make it FrEE
Applicant: Francesca Maraldi per conto del G.I. Giovani Lunatici
Applicant Address: Via Giardini s.n.c.
Applicant Postal Code: 89047
Applicant Town: Roccella Jonica
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Art and culture
Second Theme: Other
Project Description:
Training course "make it FrEE" is focused on development and innovation of using of nonformal education
methods and intercultural learning methods withing international projects in the frame of the programme
Youth in action. Furthermore this training course also offers the space for establishment of new network
and cooperation for future international youth projects. The general objectives are to develop, rise the
quality, improve, innovate, make more creative and implement nonformal education with intercultural
learning in all the projects realized by NGO working in the youth field, youth workers and young people. All
the activities lead to selfdevelopment of the participants on the proffesional side and also the personal
one. In the session dedicated to the programme Youth in action all the participants will get completed
information about this educational programme of European Union - structure, priorities, objectvies, types
of projects, applicants, application forms, budget etc.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Siderno
Granted amount: € 14.229,00
Pagina 255 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Steps towards Youthpass
Applicant: Vedogiovane scarl
Applicant Address: Via dei Frassini, 16
Applicant Postal Code: 28021
Applicant Town: Borgomanero
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: European awareness
Second Theme: Youth policies
Project Description:
Youthpass is a new development within the YOUTH Programme and is part of a concerted effort across
Europe in the field of non-formal learning. Naturally it will take time to put all the support mechanisms in
place to ensure that all concerned can make the most of this opportunity. It's a very complex tool, if you
will use the assessment by key competences. REP have experienced some ac8vi8es in interna8onal and
local level for better understand how to use Youthpass: our opinion is that we need more time and more
ideas for developing useful tools and methodologies for it. The International Seminar on Youthpass is a
step on this work. We would like to organize a 3 days of sharing experience, crea8ng tools, seLng up
coherent methodologies for the Youthpass best use. Aims:a. to share experiences and ideas on
recogni8on in non formal learningb. to share methodologies on evalua8on using Youthpass and the key
competencesc. to share handable tools for youth workers, tutor and trainers for assessment on
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Borgomanero (Novara)
Granted amount: € 10.818,00
Pagina 256 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
Training course
RAINBOW: Let's put together the colors of different cultures through social i
Applicant: Arciragazzi Ferrara
Applicant Address: Via Contrada della Rosa, 14
Applicant Postal Code: 44100
Applicant Town: Ferrara
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Social inclusion
Second Theme: Anti-discrimination
Project Description:
The aim of the project Rainbow is to analyse the importance and to improve the intercultural knowledge of
the participants through activities, workshops and discussions. The result of these discussions and
workshops will be compared with the concrete intercultural actions developed in each participant's local
level; so it will be an important part of the project to analyse Ferrara's intercultural situations and to learn
and share best prac8ces of integra8on for the en8re dura8on of the project.In par8cular, we will
collaborate with the Centre of services for immigration of the Municipality of Ferrara and the hosting
centre for asylum seekers and refugees of the municipality, visiting the structures of these centres,
organizing meetings and discussions with social workers, asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. These
experiences will be compared with the different local and national realities of the participants, to define
common strategies of social inclusion on an intercultural base.
the principles of non formal educa8on and ac8ve par8cipa8on.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Ferrara
Granted amount: € 23.670,00
Pagina 257 di 261
All of the ac8vi8es will follow
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 4, Training and networking application, 1-7
T.I.C. - Towards the Ideal Civilisation
Applicant: Associazione Culturale Marasma
Applicant Address: Via del Ponte 105
Applicant Postal Code: 61032
Applicant Town: Fano
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme: Youth policies
Second Theme:
Project Description:
il seminario intende approfondire, attraverso un lavoro da svolgere assieme ai partner coinvolti, il tema
dell'educazione e della socializzazione dei giovani alla cittadinanza attiva e al rispetto dei valori democratici
europei. Questo tema, nel corso del III meeting sulle politiche giovanili realizzato in Urbino lo scorso
maggio, è apparso essere un elemento importante per facilitare la partecipazione consapevole e
democratica dei giovani alla vita sociale e politica delle proprie comunità locali e, in senso più allargato,
dell'Unione Europea. Il Seminario cercherà inoltre di evidenziare e valorizzare l'importante funzione che le
associazioni possono esercitare nell'ambito delle esperienze di educazione non formale e, a questo
riguardo, verranno presentate buone pratiche che, in qualche maniera, possono essere replicate in altri
contes8 o trovare un loro sviluppo aJraverso l'avvio di collaborazioni su un piano internazionale.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Urbino
Granted amount: € 13.057,00
Pagina 258 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
VOCI CHE CONTANO: esperienze di partecipazione giovanile a confronto
Applicant: Vedogiovane Asti Soc. Coop. Soc.
Applicant Address: Via Roero, 43
Applicant Postal Code: 14100
Applicant Town: Asti
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
Voci che contano aims at giving to youngsters, youth workers and public institutions the opportunity to
reflect about the meaning of "youth participation", by sharing concrete experiences, best practices,
working methods, and possible approaches for the structured dialogue between youngsters and
ins8tu8ons.We plan 3 levels of work:1.young par8cipants: working spaces for sharing the experience of
"being active" in their local communities and the possible ways of "promoting youth participation" and
"social inclusion" for young foreigners 2.youth leaders: working spaces for comparing different
approaches and methods of work related to "youth participation", in order to develop a new common
concept of "par8cipa8on"3.Representa8ves of local authori8es: an open space where it will possible for
our participants to present the results of the seminar and to find with them a sustainable path for
promo8ng concretely the par8cipa8on of youth.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: TORINO
Granted amount: € 28.046,00
Pagina 259 di 261
Project Type:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
Transnational Youth Seminar
Social Inclusion Policies in Economically Disadvantaged Areas
Applicant: I.RE.FORR Istituto per la Formazione e la Ricerca
Applicant Address: Contrada Malvaccaro snc
Applicant Postal Code: 85100
Applicant Town: Potenza
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project I.Re.Forr has designed within the framework of the Youth programme ac8on 5.1 dealswith
the policies aimed at the social inclusion of youth in economic disadvantaged areas. Apreliminary analysis
has turned out that these areas are facing some specific problems that areasking for personalized
solu8ons. Therefore the project is aimed at exchanging several goodprac8ces at European level about the
social inclusion policies regarding youth in rural andeconomically disadvantaged areas by means of a
seminar that will deal with specific problems thatthese areas are facing:• Knowledge of youth condi8ons
in rural areas• Analysis of the problems that youth are facing in rural areas that are related to the labour
market• Knowledge of the public policies at local and European level in order to favour youngsters’
socialinclusion.In order to carry out this seminar, a geographically well spread partnership was formed
by 8 youthorganiza8ons that will be represented by 4 persons. They will all par8cipate in the prepara8on,
theorganisa8on and evalua8on of the seminar between different youth actors (youth authori8es,
youthins8tu8ons and youth) that will last 5 days (travelling days excluded).The seminar is aimed at
promo8ng the structured dialogue between youth, youth organiza8ons andthe people responsible for the
youth policies at European level and wants to give youngsters theopportunity to par8cipate ac8vely in
themes that are affec8ng them in the first place by introduc8ngdifferent par8cpa8on methods as work
groups, workshop, plenary session and round tablediscussions. That way Europe will be become a more
touchable and visible reality for each youngsterand organiza8on belonging to the civil society instead of
an abstract reality.The project will have an overall dura8on of 5 months and the ac8vi8es will last from
the 3rd of Juneun8l the 7th of June 2008.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Potenza
Granted amount: € 27.477,60
Pagina 260 di 261
End of report.
Compendium 2008 rev 1.0
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