detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
Transnational Youth Seminar
UTOPIA. The island that it will be
Applicant: Comune di Cagliari - Assessorato alle politiche giovanili
Applicant Address: Via Roma 145
Applicant Postal Code: 09124
Applicant Town: Cagliari
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
Living in an island means living in a place with fewer opportunities. That is why young people and policymakers from the islands Balearic, Corse, Malta, Sardinia and Kefalonia, debate sharing ideas and best
practices about the main issue “how to support creativity in young people resident the islands”, during the
seminar which lasts three days in September 2008 in the city of Cagliari.Par.cipants to the project are /0
young people from each island involved.The ac.vi.es comprises 0 stages:1) policy makers share best
prac.ces implemented in their own islands about suppor.ng young people and their crea.ve skills32)
policy makers and young people debate their needs and point of views about the best ways to support the
crea.vity of young people resident in the islands30) young people e4press their needs through crea.ve
wri.ng workshops. As in a crea.ve wri.ngworkshop, according to a prepared scheme of e4ercises, young
people play and learn writing about a imaginary island called Utopia where young people are the main
subject of policies.Utopia project aims:- to promote ac.ve ci.6enship and par.cipa.on of young
people3- to support 7uropean coopera.on in the youth 8eld3- to foster mutual understanding between
young people in different countries.Youth
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Cagliari
Granted amount: € 50.000,00
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detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
Giovani cittadini e decision makers per delle politiche giovanili partecipate
Applicant: Comune di Montebelluna
Applicant Address: Corso Mazzini 118
Applicant Postal Code: 31044
Applicant Town: Montebelluna
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
"Giovani cittadini e decision makers per delle politiche giovanili partecipate" è un progetto finali66ato alla
promo6ione della cittadinan6a attiva dei giovani nel loro territorio di residen6a, stimolando la loro
partecipa6ione alla vita della propria comunità, a partire dal confronto diretto con l'Amministra6ione
Comunale di Montebelluna, nella costru6ione delle politiche giovanili cittadine. L'obiettivo è di mettere in
connessione un gruppo di giovani con la classe politica per permettere il confronto reciproco e
l'individua6ione di alcuni nodi critici sui quali costruire poi delle a6ioni condivise. Concretamente si ipoti66a
di lavorare per steps partendo dalla costitu6ione di un gruppo di giovani (circa /5 giovani dai 17 ai 00 anni):
questo gruppo dovrà essere sufficientemente rappresentativo delle varie realtà giovanili presenti sul
territorio per garantire una pluralità di espressioni e punti di vista3 parallelamente si lavorerà per la
costitu6ione del gruppo dei referenti politici che si ipoti66a formato da 10 persone circa, rispettando in
modo propor6ionale gli esiti dell'ultima tornata elettorale a livello comunale. Questo gruppo sarà soggetto
attivo e si porrà in nego6ia6ione con il gruppo di giovani3 il progetto prevede infatti un confronto tra i due
gruppi attraverso alcune assemblee condotte in modo partecipativo attivo finali66ate all'emersione di nodi
critici condivisi rispetto alle politiche giovanili della città e al ruolo che i giovani possono giocare rispetto
alla crea6ione delle stesse. Da qui nasceranno delle ipotesi di percorsi di sviluppo (alcuni esempi possibili di
a6ione sono: consulta comunale dei giovani, mobilità giovanile, opportunità di scambio a livello europeo,
gruppi tematici rispetto al lavoro, casa, disagio giovanile) e quindi si implementeranno due o tre gruppi di
lavoro per elaborare proposte specifiche e reali66are le a6ioni, prevedendo sia in itinere che alla fine degli
steps di valuta6ione del processo e di riprogetta6ione3 I risultati del percorso verrano infine rielaborati e
diffusi su scala na6ionale attraverso un workshop finali66ato a condividere esperien6e e aprire nuove
partnership progettuali in merito alla cittadina6a attiva giovanile.
Venue Country: Italy
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Venue Town: Montebelluna
Granted amount: € 22.781,37
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detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
Di chi sono le poltiche giovanili?
Applicant: Il Sestante cooperativa sociale a r.l. ONLUS
Applicant Address: Viale Francia 2
Applicant Postal Code: 31100
Applicant Town: Treviso
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project "Di chi sono le politiche giovanili" (whose is youth policy?) wants to build a dialogue between
young people, policy-makers and responsible for youth policy. The main themes we want to discuss are the
7uropean citi6enship, democracy and youth policy as these themes are hardly linked to the european
elec.on of 200L. the involved area is Treviso's province, and the project is structured in phases, for L
months:1)start up mee.ng: young people, poli.cians and responsible for youth policy decide the main
themes that are important to discuss and young people build 5 work-groups.2)intermediate mee.ng:
young people organi6e and reali6e some little meetings about the theme they are studing in order to
discuss with e4perts or to propose solu.ons for problems they have. 0)Na.onal workshop mee.ng: this is
the main step, the national meeting3 in this moment for three days young people, politicians, e4perts for
youth policy will work together to decide or to propose some ideas for the future of youth policy. In this
mee.ng youth policy will be confronted with other poli.cs.All the risults will be put in a book that will be
made at the end of the project, and all the project is supported by a internet structure, on the website
www.ilsestante.eu. All the activities use participation method, with workshop where young people have
ci.6ens rights to decide and to govern poli.cs.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: provincia di Treviso
Granted amount: € 41.999,30
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detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
I.D.E.M.- Intecultural and Democracy in an European Milan
Applicant: CESES Centro Europa Scuola Educazione Società
Applicant Address: Via Pantano, 17
Applicant Postal Code: 20122
Applicant Town: MILANO
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
C7S7S wants to organi6e a 2 days meeting in which youth from different districts of Milan and different
cultural origins can meet, reflect and prove the importance of dialogue and reciprocal acquaintance in
democracy and to strengthen an active civil society in an 7uropean dimension. Moreover, meeting aims to
make them aware about what 7urope offers to youth and how 7U Youth policies are enforced at a regional
and local level, giving importance to youth du.es and rights.Through the contact with youth
organi6ations, associations and their operators in Milan, C7S7S will invite to the meeting, at least 15 boys
and girls up .ll 00, par.cipants from different backgrounds.The seminar will be divided in two parts: the first day fully dedicated to young, in which they will be encouraged, by e4perts trainers and through
interactive activities, to reflect about themselves, their own e4periences, their ideas, e4pectations with the
aim to write a "document" that will be submit to the Institution the day after. Moreover there will be a
specific introduction on democracy and its aspects, like non violent dialogue, human rights and citi6en
du.es.-during the second day, par.cipants (young and youth operators) will be introduced in 7uropean
world (institutions, ideas, etc) with a particular attention to the Youth policy and its employment in
regional and local conte4t. At the end, there will be a discussion during which the youth attendants will
present their document and discuss it with the ins.tu.on representa.ves.The 8nal output will be the
Youth Chart, discussed and reviewed with the institutions that will be spread among local and regional
youth organi6a.ons.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: MILANO
Granted amount: € 30.281,00
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detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
Meeting a Viterbo "Le sfide future dei giovani"
Applicant: LA TANA DEGLI ORCHI Associazione
Applicant Address: Via U. La Malfa, 24
Applicant Postal Code: 01019
Applicant Town: Vetralla
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The National Youth Meeting "The future challenges for the Youth" will take place in Viterbo, La6io, from the
2/th to the 2Lth of June, 200L. It will include three phases: 2 days of preparatory mee.ng, the main
meeting itself lasting 5 days (counting 60 young participants mainly from the area of Viterbo), and an
evalua.on-follow up 8nal mee.ng of another 2 days. The mee.ng aims to s.mulate and encourage
reflection and discussion on the topics: participation in democracy, structured dialogue, intercultural
dialogue. The concept of the meeting involves a wide mi4ture of methods designed to introduce each topic
in a different way, but the main structure will allow the participants to live out an e4perience of structured
dialogue, each day including small group works to produce proposal documents, plenary sessions, and a
variety of tools based on techniques of non formal educa.on. The mee.ng will also include mee.ngs with
the local politicians responsible for youth policies, an input on Democracy based on formal education
(provided by the University of Viterbo), together with artistic and recreational activities in the frame of the
big cultural and historical event "Ludika 12/0", realised every year in Viterbo in June. The mee.ng will end
(hopefully) with the approval of a "Viterbo Manifesto", about the perception of the challenges for the
future seen from the point of view of the young people living in this area.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: VIterbo
Granted amount: € 29.161,00
Pagina 7 di 10
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
Dialogando sul futuro
Applicant: Fondazione Mario Moderni
Applicant Address: Via Aquileia, 8
Applicant Postal Code: 00198
Applicant Town: Roma
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project "Talking about the future" was promoted by a group of young people with
differente4periences of ac.ve par.cipa.on, with the support of the Mario Moderni Founda.on. The
objec.veof the project is to par.cipate in the new cycle of structured dialogue through the organi6a.on
of ana.onal seminar. During the seminar 100 young people from different ci.es and Italian regions
willdiscuss the new coopera.on framework in youth policy, that the 7uropean Commission should
takeduring the spring of 200L.The implementa.on of the na.onal seminar will be preceded by the
comparisons and debatesorgani6ed in at least 5 different regions of Italy by local associa.ons, informal
groups, youth councils.The 8ndings locally will be discussed during the na.onal seminar to be held in
Rome in July 200Land will be sent to the 7uropean Commission as feedback before the adop.on of the
newcoopera.on framework in Youth Policy scheduled for the end of 200L.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Roma
Granted amount: € 27.719,50
Pagina 8 di 10
detailed_2008.[Project Type]:
Type of Activity:
Project Reference Number:
Project Title:
Action 5, Meetings of young people
National Youth Seminar
Giovani, cittadinanza e lavoro. Un confronto interculturale
Applicant: Paralleli - Istituto Euromediterraneo del Nord Ovest
Applicant Address: Via La Salle, 17
Applicant Postal Code: 10152
Applicant Town: Torino
Applicant Country: Italy
First Theme:
Second Theme:
Project Description:
The project was broth to life by the need of the international youth belonging to the young immigrant
workers part of the so called "second generation", people which Paralleli Institute has met over the last
year, to find spaces and moments of encounter with the young Italian workers so that they could share and
e4change information about the continuously changing world of jobs, about their day-to-day work
situation and about the constant struggle to embrace the social life with their jobs. With this purpose, five
groups each of twenty young people, Italian and immigrates, aged between 18 and 00, will be created in
Turin with the help of various associations that work in this field. The groups will use informal methods
combining moments of narration and dialogue with moments of learning and understanding of the social
and economical differences between them. The objec.ves are: to encourage the encounter of different
points of view, of different aspirations, of common reflections3 the elaboration at the end of the project of
concrete proposals by the young working Italian and immigrates3 to contribute, through these encounters,
in this moment of tension in our country, to the overcoming of stereotypes and prejudgments, racism and
4enophobia. The duration of the project will be of nine months and it will be concluded with a public,
national seminary at which institutions, associations and e4perts of national and 7uropean youth policies
will take part and in which the results of the working groups will be presented.
Venue Country: Italy
Venue Town: Torino
Granted amount: € 35.790,80
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7nd of report.
Compendium 2008 rev 1.0
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