The most significant of all Christian
practices is that of hospitality. Whenever
Christ speaks of welcoming Him or of
acknowledging, welcoming, accepting the
stranger, “the little ones”, the one who is
most different than ourselves. The path
that winds towards the heavenly kingdom is
paved with hospitality and generosity. It’s not an easy road. The
cross borne by humanity is a heavy one, but it’s burden is
lightened by an outward and generous gaze towards the other as
Christ taught us.
Happy Birthday Canada!
Today (July 1st) is Canada Day.
Happy Feast
Day to everyone.
Monday, July 2nd
Please note that we will have 9:00 a.m. Mass on
and the office will be closed.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the 2012 ShareLife
Parish Campaign. To date, we have raised $38,730.90, that will
be distributed to Sharelife’s 34 agencies! We thank everyone
who has already given their support. Anyone still wishing
to do so, please bring your donation to church anytime
until July 31, 2012. Our goal for the year is $40,000! Let us
do our best to reach it!
St. Clare’s 100th Anniversary
As you know, on August 11, 2013, our parish will celebrate its
100th Anniversary! We invite you to come & get involved in the
planning events that will lead up to that special day! Tell your
friends and former parishioners about this important celebration;
they can contact us at [email protected] or call the
rectory office to be informed of future events. And...we need a
volunteer Web Designer to help design the 100th anniversary
section of our website. Add to your portfolio, and be part of an
exciting team!
e-mail [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE: Festivities will begin with the celebration
of the “TRANSITUS OF ST. CLARE” on Friday evening,
August 10th, at 7:30 p.m. On SATURDAY, AUGUST 11,
FEAST OF ST. CLARE, we open the one year preparation to
the Centenary with a solemn Mass at 5:00 p.m. From 6 to
8 p.m. join us for fun and festivities on the church
grounds: free BBQ, pizza, corn on the cob, pop, water,
coffee, etc. Bring your friends and neighbours, let us
begin to look forward to the celebration of 100 Years of
Faith at St. Clare’s.
Meeting for Next Year’s
First Communions & Confirmation
If you have children currently in Grades 1 or 7 and you wish for
them to be prepared for the Sacraments next year, please attend
an important Information Meeting on Thursday, July 5th at 7:30
p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Next Friday, July 6 , First Friday of the month,
Mass at 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Eucharistic Adoration 6 to 7
p.m. Confessions, 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m. with
Benediction at 7:00 p.m.
As we bid “farewell” to Fr. Carlos, praying for his new beginnings
at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. We WELCOME FR. OSCAR as our
new associate here at St. Clare’s and at St. Nicholas. Fr. J. Oscar
Nlandu Bayekula has been serving the Archdiocese of Toronto
since October of last year. Father comes to us with great
experience in his studies and pastoral practice. Fr. Oscar is a
Scripture scholar, with specialization in the Old Testament. He has
studied in Rome and served as a missionary priest for a number of
years in the Philippines. Father Oscar is a member of a religious
community by the name of “Congregation of the Immaculate
Heart of Mary” (CICM). Welcome, Fr. Oscar. May God bless your
stay among us, and may the Lord bless us through your ministry
here in our midst.
New Beginnings
Tuesday, July 10 , at 7:30 p.m. in the meeting room.
All are welcome.
Considering Becoming Catholic?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) names the process by
which interested persons gradually become members of the Catholic
Church. The RCIA is for:
1. Unbaptized Adults
2. Unbaptized Children of Catechetical Age (7 years and older)
3. Baptized but Uncatechized Adults and Children of Catechetical
Age (Catholic or Non-Catholic) Preparing for Confirmation and
4. Baptized Christian (Non-Catholic) Candidates for Reception in the
Full Communion of the Catholic Church.
For more information, please call Mary Benincasa
wishing to work with you. As we approach the 100 years’
anniversary of our church, and thank God for the many blessings
of the past, we also look forward to the years to come as we
continue to build on the foundation of the generations who have
preceded us. An important meeting will take place for
young people interested in discussing the role of youth,
the possibility of youth groups etc., on TUESDAY, JULY
10th, beginning with PIZZA DINNER at 6 p.m. in the church
hall. Students who next year will be in grade 7, all the way to
grade 12, along with young adults and adults interested in helping
out, are WELCOME. Come bring ideas, suggestions, willingness to
Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Quebec
Please join us – we still have a few spots! Leaving
Tuesday, July 24th and returning on Friday, July 27 p.m. in the
evening. Please call the office for further information.
Pilgrimage to Martyr’s Shrine Midland
Monday, August 6th. We will be leaving St. Clare’s Church at 8:00
a.m. and will be back in Toronto by 7:00 p.m. that evening.
Tickets are $35 each and may be purchased in the parish office
during the week from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Are you often available during the day? If so, please consider
helping us out in this important ministry. For more information,
please give us a call at the office or speak with Fr. Vito.
Saturday, June 30
5:00 – In Thanksgiving
Sunday, July 1
9:00 – Frank & Frances Pajk
10:30 – Pina Calabrese Marino, Elvira Maio, Giovanni Leone,
Vincenzo, Isabella e Francesco Marchionna, Vincenza
Rizzuto, Antonio Monardo e Elisabetta Nesci
12:00 – Salvatore Mammoliti
Monday, July 2
9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant
Tuesday, July 3
9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant
Wednesday, July 4
9:00 – Fernando da Silva
Thursday, July 5
9:00 – Intentions of the Celebrant
Friday, July 6
9:00 – Frank & Frances Pajk & deceased friends, relatives &
benefactors of the family
2:00 – WEDDING – Domenico Gratta & Khrystyna Myha
5:30 – Gervasio Griesi
6:00 – 7:00 – HOLY HOUR
Saturday, July 7
9:00 – Wilfredo & Andrew Culaba
5:0 – Rosa Adamo
There is a promise of Marriage between:
Robert Giovinazzo & Helena Andrade
BENVENUTO, PADRE OSCAR. Le nostre comunita’ di
Santa Chiara e San Nicola, danno il benvenuto a P. Oscar,
nuovo cappellano nelle nostre comunita’. Padre Oscar ha
studiato a Roma, dove ha appreso molto bene la lingua
italiana. P. Oscar ha reso il suo servizio per tanti anni nelle
isole filippine. I suoi studi in Sacra Scrittura gli hanno
procurato una conoscenza unica nel Vecchio Testamento.
Padre Oscar e’ membro di una comunita’ missionaria
MARIA. E’ con gioia che lo accogliamo in mezzo a noi.
Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno gia’ contribuito alla
campagna parrocchiale di ShareLife 2012. Attraverso la
vostra generosità, stiamo aiutando le agenzie di
ShareLife a contnuare il prezioso lavoro che svolgono per
i poveri e gli emarginati. Si apre una porta a nuove
opportunità per le migliaia di persone vulnerabili in
mezzo a noi. Finora abbiamo raccolto $38,730.90. Chi
non ha ancora avuto modo di presentare la
propria offerta, potra’ farlo entro la fine di luglio,
domenicale. Cerchiamo insiere di raggiungere la
cifra desiderata, di $ 40,000.00. Ogni nostro
sforzo, sara’ benedetto dal Signore.
Buon Compleanno Canada! Oggi, 1
luglio è Canada Day. Lunedì, 2 luglio ci sarà
la Messa delle 9 a.m. e l’ufficio sarà chiuso.
Il 6 luglio è primo Venerdì. Avremo le Messe alle 9 a.m.
e alle 5:30 p.m. Dalle 6 alle 7 p.m., vi sarà un’ora di
esposizione del SS. Sacramento, con meditazione,
confessioni e preghiere in silenzio a favore delle
Vocazioni sacerdotali e religiose. Si concluderà con la
benedizione eucaristica.
Siete disponibili durante il giorno? Se potete e desiderate servire
la vostra parrocchia in questo modo, chiamate l’ufficio o parlate
con Padre Vito. Abbiamo bisogno di voi!
Radio Maria
Domenica prossima, 8 luglio, la S. Messa delle 10:30 a.m. della
nostra Chiesa, verrà trasmessa da Radio Maria e potrà essere
ascoltata in rete (con le radioline in Toronto) e in utto il mondo,
con l’Internet www.radiomariacanada.org.
Pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa
Dal 22 Agosto al 3 Settembre, con possibilita’ di rimanere in
Italia, o anticipare la visita in Italia. Per prenotazioni rivolgersi a
Terry Di Credico (905-851-1512).
Il prossimo Incontro Biblico avrà luogo lunedì, 9 luglio
alle 2:00 p.m. nella saletta delle adunanze.
Pellegrinaggio al Santuario dei
Martiri a Midland
Andremo in pellegrinaggio al Santuario dei Martiri a
Midland, lunedì, 6 agosto. Si parte dalla chiesa alle 8
a.m. con ritorno a Toronto per le 7 p.m. Il prezzo dei
biglietti è $35 e possono essere prelevati in ufficio
durante la settimana, dalle 9 a.m. alle 5 p.m.
Pellegrinaggio ai Santuari di Quebec
Dal 22 al 27 luglio. Ci sono ancora posti disponibili,
telefonateci in ufficio per ulteriori informazioni.

St. Clare`s 100th Anniversary