Italiano 1
OGGI IN ITALIA (9th ed.)
Professoressa Anania
There will be 5 (five) oral presentations worth 30 points each.
These presentations will be from Lezione Preliminare & 1 to Lezione 5.
They will be presented on the lesson day before the day of the corresponding exams.
All presentations are to be done in pairs (two students) or in three’s. Each student should
have at least five exchanges lasting about a minute in talking time in Italian.
As you perform the following dialogs, always greet each other first, with the customary
handshake where appropriate. Following are suggested topics. You may create other ones.
Lezione Preliminare & Lezione 1
Il Saluto - Greet and introduce one another, asking the state of health and telling each other
where you are from and what class you like. Exchange telephone numbers, where you’re
from, etc. Say good-bye. (Dialog could be in formal or familiar format, but make sure
you are consistent!)
Lezione 2 “Presentazioni” - Choose ONE of these:
1. La mia famiglia. Describe to each other your families. Include each person’s name and
age and three or four interesting facts about each family member. Use possessive
Domande personali: The following questions are suggested but are not limited to the
Studente #1 + Studente #2 respond to each other:
• Quanti anni hai?
• Lavori e studi?
• Quante classi hai?
• Quali sono?
• Abiti in una casa o un apparatmento?
• Abiti con la famiglia o da solo/sola?
• Hai un cane o un gatto?
• Ti piacciono gli animali?
Lezione 3 “Che cosa fai di bello?” – Choose ONE of these:
(Remember you are speaking in Italian for at least
one minute with a partner.)
1. La mia città. Prepare a dialog describing your city by asking each other
these questions:
• What is there? What is not there? (Cosa c’è? Cosa non c’è?)
• Are there hotels and restaurants or just homes (case) and schools?
• What public places are near your home/apartment?
2. Che cosa fai di solito il sabato e la domenica? Ask each other what you usually do
on Saturdays and Sundays. When answering use only verbs that you know.
Lezione 4 “Cosa prendono i signori?” – Choose ONE of these
three (3) topics:
1. Al bar italiano. (for three students)
You and a friend are at an outdoor caffè in Italy, and the waiter arrives to take your
order. Write a short dialogue in which you both greet the waiter and order something
to drink and to eat.
2. Il giorno preferito.
Studente #1 - Tell which day of the week you like best and five things
you normally do that day. Use -are and -ere verbs that you have learned.
Studente #2 - Tell which day of the week you like least and five things
you normally do that day. Use -are and -ere verbs that you have learned.
Lezione 4 – “Cosa prendono i signori?” Choose ONE of these three
topics (Cont’d):
3. Mi dispiace ma... Give excuses explaining why you cannot accept the
following invitations.
Studente #1 –
o Desideri andare alla discoteca domenica sera?
o Andiamo ad un concerto di musica rock sabato?
o Hai voglia di giocare a tennis con i miei amici domani mattina?
o Hai voglia di andare a vedere una mostra di fotografie venerdì?
Studente #2 o Desideri vedere un film italiano domani sera?
o Hai fame? Desideri andare alla pizzeria stasera?
o Andiamo al bar a prendere un cappuccino dopo le classi?
o Hai voglia di vedere un film sabato sera?
Lezione 5 “È Carnevale!” - At least one minute speakng in Italian
Create a dialog describing ONE of the following:
• your best male friend (il mio migliore amico) or
• your best female friend (la mia migliore amica) or
• your boyfriend (il mio ragazzo) or your girlfriend (la mia ragazza) or
• your husband (mio marito) or your wife (mia moglie)
Use the following beginning suggested questions as a guide, then add more:
1. Come si chiama questa persona?
2. Qual è la sua nazionalità?
3. Dove abita? Abita con te?
4. Quanti anni ha?
5. Da (For) quanti anni conosci (know) questa persona?
6. Tre aggettivi che descrivono questa persona.
7. Due cose che gli/le piace fare.
(Two extra points - bring regular or digital picture of the person – Cell phone images don’t count).

Oral Presentation Sheet PDF