CENTRO DI ECCELLENZA JEAN MONNET THEMILANBARASSOCIATION: DESTINATIONEXPO2015 UPCOMING EVENTS 8th MAY 2015 WINE, HERITAGE AND TERRITORY In collaboration with UGIVI (Unione dei Giuristi della Vite e del Vino - Association of the lawyers specialised in wine related issues), UIA (Union Internationale des Avocats), Jean Monnet Centre of the University of Milan and CRINT (Commission for International Relations of the Milan Bar Association) Aula Magna, Courthouse 1st‐2nd OCTOBER 2015 FOOD SECURITY UNDER SIEGE? FEED A PLANET HUNGRY OF ENERGY In collaboration with Jean Monnet Centre of the University of Milan and CRINT (Commission for International Relations of the Milan Bar Association) Aula Magna, Courthouse CENTRO DI ECCELLENZA JEAN MONNET AIJA@EXPO What's in my bowl? From producer to consumer, quality food for all PALAZZO TURATI, MILAN IBA CONFERENCE Global Entrepreneurship ‐ Legal and Structural Opportunities and Obstacles for Boosting Growth Companies MILAN 17th‐19th MAY AIJA SEMINAR 14th ‐ 15th MAY 14th ‐ 15th MAY INTERNATIONALEVENTSPATRONISED BYTHEMILANBARASSOCIATION DURINGEXPO IBA Half year Council PRAGUE