Via Brera, 28 - 20121 Milano ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI BRERA International Relations Ph. +39 Fax +39 [email protected] C.F.80094690155 Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance The Italian grading system is based on a maximum of 30 points with 18 as the lowest passing grade. 30 Cum Laude may also be awarded. ECTS GRADING SYSTEM TABLE GRADING SCALE PERCENTAGES CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGES 30 lode 9,03 % 100 30 29,08 70,92 29 12,18 58,74 28 18,22 40,52 27 12,44 28,08 26 8,27 19,81 25 4,05 15,76 24 3,04 12,72 23 1,03 11,69 22 0,89 10,8 21 0,58 10,22 20 0,57 9,65 19 0,11 9,54 18 0,51 0,51 Overall classification of the qualification The final grade is based on a scale of 0-110, with 66/110 as the lowest passing grade. To the highest grade of 110/110, ''Cum Laude'' may be added but only with the unanimous decision of the examining board. The final grade is based on the curriculum as well as the final test grade to which a maximum of 10 points can be assigned. ECTS FINAL GRADING SYSTEM TABLE GRADING SCALE PERCENTAGES CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGES 110 e lode 38,57 100 110 23 61,43 109 4,47 38,43 108 9,61 33,96 107 2,17 24,35 106 3,79 22,18 105 2,98 18,39 104 2,17 15,41 103 3,11 13,24 102 2,84 10,13 101 0,41 7,29 100 1,62 6,88 99 1,22 5,26 98 1,49 4,04 97 1,08 2,55 96 1,49 1,49